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对安徽省无为县、庐江县、埇桥区和潜山县821户农户家庭宅基地利用、宅基地退出与补偿意愿调研结果进行分析。结果表明:(1)不同地区的被调查农户宅基地退出意愿差异明显,经济发展水平相对较高的地区的农户更愿意退出宅基地。(2)针对愿意退出宅基地的农户而言,大多希望通过退出现有宅基地来改善目前的居住生活条件,获得相应的福利政策,同时考虑到为了避免宅基地常年闲置而愿意退出宅基地;而针对不愿意退出宅基地的农户而言,则对宅基地有感情、担心退出后家庭住房得不到保障、相关经济补偿不合理,同时预计农村土地未来有升值潜力而不愿意退出。(3)绝大多数农户对选择退出宅基地后是否进城十分谨慎,很多农民即使选择退出宅基地也不愿意进城。鉴于上述结论,提出了以下政策建议:实施多元化的宅基地退出补偿方式、确定合理的宅基地退出补偿标准、建立农村宅基地退出的配套政策保障机制和合理安排农村宅基地退出时序。  相似文献   

北京市农村居民点整理时空配置综合评价   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
研究目的:探讨农村居民点整理与城市发展的时空配置,为大都市区农村居民点的规划、整合提供依据。研究方法:构建居民点用地的综合限制程度评价系统和居民点用地发展压力评价系统,利用多因素加乘复合算法和对比分析法评价居民点用地空间稳定程度。研究结果:北京市稳定、相对稳定和不稳定的农村居民点用地分别占全区居民点面积的26.23%、33.89%、39.88%,结合各区县功能定位对居民点整理在空间上做了布局规划,针对不同目标对居民点整理做了时序探讨,可为居民点整理的时空配置提供参考。研究结论:研究发达地区居民点整理的时空配置具有积极意义。  相似文献   

Over the past centuries, cities have undergone major transformations that led to global urbanization. One of the phenomena emerging from urbanization is urban sprawl, defined as the uncontrolled spread of cities into undeveloped areas. The decrease in housing prices and commuting costs as well as the failure to internalize the real costs associated with natural land, led to households moving-out into the urban fringe – resulting in fragmented, low-density residential development patterns that has multiple negative impacts. Awareness for this problem has fed the need for the implementation of effective policies against urban residential sprawl – a subject that has received considerable attention in literature, albeit little attention has been given to economic incentive instruments. Hence, the objective of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of different economic instruments in steering urban residential sprawl – assessing property taxes, land taxes and public transport subsidies. To this end, the Sustainable Urbanizing Landscape Development (SULD) model is used and adapted, and a case study is provided for the medium-sized City of Aveiro in central Portugal. Results show that a flat property tax and a public transport subsidy for low and middle-income households are the most efficient instruments, leading to a decrease in urban residential area, living space and housing quantity as well as an increase in real estate values. On the other hand, a land tax results in insignificant changes in urban residential development patterns.  相似文献   

广东省佛冈县城乡居民点空间格局优化研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:为县级土地利用总体规划修编和农村居民点规划、整合提供依据。研究方法:根据影响居民点空间布局因素的限制程度,应用ArcGIS各功能,结合相关分析、统计分析等编制城乡居民点用地综合限制等级图;从土地规划需要和佛冈县实际情况出发,将佛冈县划分为5类可转为居民点用地的优先等级区;应用城乡居民点用地优先等级区,结合人口和人均用地状况,对居民点空间格局进行优化。研究结果:确定了佛冈县2020年各镇城乡居民点空间格局优化方案。研究结论:佛冈县2020年各镇用地扩展方式和途径不尽相同;各地区在编制和应用居民点综合限制等级图时,可根据当地的实际情况确定各限制因子及其权重。  相似文献   

中国省会城市紧凑程度综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究目的:基于“紧凑城市”的理念,利用城市建设用地、城市居住用地及工业 — 商业 — 交通用地、人口密度和城市密度4组变量揭示近10年来中国城市土地利用和人口增长态势,并以城市密度的形式对省会城市之间的土地利用和人口发展进行比较分析。研究方法:文献资料法、实证分析法。研究结果:中国省会城市建设用地、居住用地、工业 — 商业 — 交通用地扩张速度惊人,中国省会城市基本上处于工业导向型城市发展阶段。省会城市建设用地人口密度、城市居住人口密度呈下降趋势,城市用地增长速度快于城市人口增长速度。研究结论:结合城市建设用地和城市人口密度,可以将中国省会城市按照特性分为三类,但城市紧凑程度的多样性可能与很多因素相关,未来的研究需要引入更多的变量。  相似文献   

Although previous studies on property value effects of land use policies have focused primarily on agricultural properties and on residential properties in close proximity to preserved areas, this paper examines for the effect on rural residential property values within the preserved area. This effect is examined in the context of Ontario's Greenbelt legislation, which prohibits urban development of rural land within a large area around the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). This preserved area includes not only agricultural properties but also a substantial amount of rural residential properties due to proximity to the GTA. With the amenity value that rural residential properties derive from the surrounding rural landscape, the imposed development restrictions that permanently preserve this open space are anticipated to increase the values of these properties. This expectation is confirmed by the results of a hedonic approach, which indicate a positive effect on the values of rural residential properties within the Greenbelt's boundary. This effect is found to be greater for properties with more surrounding open space and those that are relatively closer to the GTA. These results also provide an estimate of the property value impact of converting all surrounding developable open space to permanently preserved open space.  相似文献   

[目的]以我国台湾省台中市为研究对象,利用多源统计数据,对其2011—2015年土地产权变化及土地利用变化进行分析,以揭示台中市几年来土地产权变化和土地利用变化的主要特征。[方法]文章主要采用描述性分析和统计分析方法。[结果](1)2011—2014年台中市共计增加登记土地产权面积621 hm2,公私共有产权土地面积先减少后增加,至2014年达到643hm2。(2)已登记非都市土地总面积,从2011年起处于先减少、后增加的趋势,特别是2014年已登记非都市土地总面积增加较多,相对于2013年增加了1.4196万hm2。(3)都市发展区中的住宅用地、商业用地、文教用地、特定专用区的面积皆有增长,而工业用地、公共设施用地、其他区的面积有所下降;非都市发展区中的保护区面积比较稳定,而农业区、风景区和河川区的面积处在调整的状态。[结论](1)台中市私有土地面积占比处于下降趋势,但整体不是非常明显;土地所有制包括公有、私有和公私共有等多种形式完全可以共存;东南亚人取得的土地所有权数量在总体上增减变化不大;(2)台中市都市发展区用地虽有增长但增幅较小,而都市区土地、非都市区土地内部的用途竞争导致了各类用地功能区的面积此消彼长;土地所有制对城市用地扩展没有构成制约,即土地所有制不是城市发展的分歧所在;(3)非都市土地转换为都市土地,不仅取决于各类土地竞租能力的差异,还取决于都市发展计划与土地使用分区管制,土地用途转换应以经济高质量发展与居民社会福利增进为目标。最后,提出完善土地权利结构体系,增加公有土地面积占比来保障社会公共福利等政策建议。  相似文献   

The article analyses the social processes introduced by globalization into agrarian production systems. In particular, it explores how capital installs a new agriculture that generates an urban fringe in rural localities. We claim that the expansion of agricultural frontiers is also associated with the rise of new actors, residential changes and transformations in labour markets. The objective is to study the transformation that takes place in the agrarian social structure of a marginal agricultural area. It shows how this transformation leads to new residential behaviour that redefines the local relational system and to a transition from a “peasant” way of life to an urban‐type through the logic of the expulsion of the peasant population and the logic of agribusiness.  相似文献   

The accelerated rural hollowing driven by vast and increasing out-migration of rural labors under urban–rural dual-track system has imposed huge obstacles on improving land use efficiency and coordinating urban–rural development in China. Taking Dancheng County in Henan Province as an example, this paper analyzes the status quo of rural hollowing and discusses two typical rural residential land consolidation and allocation (RRLCA) practices in traditional agricultural areas (TAAs) of China. The results show that, Dancheng experienced rapid rural hollowing characterized as the hollowing of rural industries, infrastructure, and residential population and settlements. However, Dancheng has considerable potential and the necessity of RRLCA, for the model-based estimation shows that the potential of increasing farmland by carrying out RRLCA was about 5649 ha. The two community-based RRLCA practices show positive effects on the improvement of local living conditions, increment of farmland area and development of rural industries. Their experiences, including self-organized rural planning, democratic decision-making, and endogenous institutional innovation may benefit future RRLCA. Overall, it indicates that promoting community-based RRLCA scientifically according to local conditions could provide an integrated platform for increasing farmland area, developing modern agriculture, promoting new countryside construction, and thus revitalize hollowed villages. On considering the limitations and obstacles of current initiatives, suggestions for future RRLCA in rural China have been put forward.  相似文献   

济南市历城区位于城乡、山地平原交界带,农村居民点用地影响因素多,特殊性强.以历城区土地利用现状图(1996年)、历城区第二次土地利用现状调查图(2008年)为依据,应用MAPGIS软件对1996-2008年农村居民点用地的扩展演变进行了定量分析.结果表明:研究期内,历城区农村居民点用地总面积呈增加趋势,全区共增加了34...  相似文献   

[目的]通过对我国县域农村居民点空间重构相关研究进展进行综述,剖析当前研究中可能存在的不足,探讨该研究领域未来可能的发展方向,以期丰富我国县域农村居民点空间重构的理论与实证研究。[方法]文章采用文献回顾及归纳分析法,从县域农村居民点空间分布及其演变特征、农村居民点空间重构思路与方法、农村居民点空间重构模式与策略等三方面对该领域的研究进行综述与讨论。[结果]当前我国县域农村居民点空间重构研究内容不断丰富,但由于农村居民点空间重构是一个涉及自然、社会和经济等多方面的复杂系统,县域层面相关研究还不成体系;不同地貌类型县域农村居民点空间重构对比研究不足,对"三块地"改革、精准扶贫、乡村振兴等社会经济转型背景下的农村居民点空间重构模式与策略研究仍有欠缺,研究结果之间也相对独立,缺乏整合集成。[结论]今后应加强不同区域县域农村居民点空间重构研究的对比分析,探索不同发展阶段和背景下的县域农村居民点空间重构模式与策略,开展跨学科、多元化的综合性研究是该领域未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

研究目的:以南京市为例,探索城市住宅地价影响因素及其边际作用空间变化性及各因素边际作用大小空间分布状况,为城市土地科学管理提供帮助。研究方法:地理加权回归模型(GWR)。研究结果:(1)地铁站点、商业网点、水景观、绿地公园对住宅地均价的边际影响能力的空间变化性强,高等学校、医院等其他因素边际作用的空间变化性较弱;(2)容积率住宅地价边际增值能力高于其他因素,各因素在具体不同地块上边际作用能力高低不同。研究结论: GWR模型可以改进传统空间回归方法,可对城市地价影响因素边际价格作用空间变化性进行良好的估计;住宅土地价格对快速交通、商服条件及自然景观因素较为敏感,反映主城区人们对住宅便捷性及休憩性呈强偏好;容积率边际增值能力空间变化弱与土地的住宅性用途有关,但容积率始终是边际增值能力最高的因素; GIS良好的输出图像可视化技术能够指导相关部门调控具体地块的主要规划因素,促进城市土地科学管理。  相似文献   

研究目的:基于2000 — 2006年面板数据,分析省会城市居住地价的差异、主要影响因子及其影响程度。研究方法:混合OLS估计方法、固定效应模型和随机效应模型。研究结果:(1)中国省会城市居住地价存在明显的时空差异,2005年及以后地价增长明显,且东部地区地价与中、西部地区的差距进一步拉大;(2)将城市间居住地价的影响因素分为全国宏观经济因素、区域整体差异因素和城市个体因素三个层面,并基于引致需求理论,构建更具实效性的城市居住地价影响因子体系;(3)建成区面积、城市人均GDP、国际旅游收入、2004年8月31日之后土地供应方式的重大转变(正向关系)和房地产开发投资(负向关系)对居住地价有显著影响。研究结论:面板数据模型是中国城市间地价问题定量分析的一个有效工具。  相似文献   

Theoretical urban policy literature predicts the likelihood of free riding in the management of common goods such as forested open space; such outcome is often characterized as a Prisoner's Dilemma game. Numerous cases exist in which neighboring jurisdictions cooperate to maintain public goods, challenging the expected results, yet theoretical explanations of these cases have not been fully developed. In this paper, we use an agent-based model to explore how underlying micro-behaviors affect the payoffs obtained by two neighboring municipalities in a hypothetical exurban area. Payoffs are measured in terms of regional forested space and of local tax revenue at the end of the agent-based simulations; the municipalities affect these payoffs through their choice of residential zoning policies and the spillover effect between the neighboring jurisdictions. Zoning restrictions influence the conversion of farmland into residential subdivisions of different types, and consequently the location of heterogeneous residential households in the region. Developers and residents respond to the changing landscape characteristics, thus establishing a feedback between early and future land-use patterns. The structure of the simulated payoffs is analyzed using standard game theory. Our analysis shows that a variety of games, in addition to Prisoner's Dilemma, can emerge between the neighboring jurisdictions. Other games encourage coordination or subsidization, offering some explanations for the unexpected observations. The game realized in any given context depends on the initial characteristics of the landscape, the value given to the objectives each township seeks to maximize, and the income distribution of the population.  相似文献   

浙江农民宅基地退出模式调研与思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
浙江丽水等地通过旧村改造、移民下山,海宁等地通过“两新”建设等积极推动农民宅基地退出和置换。农民拆除原有宅基地,可以按统一规划在原址重建、异地重建新房,也可以选择入住统一建设的公寓房,到县或镇购买经济适用房,或者直接获得现金补偿。但宅基地退出存在4个两难:整村推进还是零星搬迁?先拆后建还是先建后拆?节约指标留在村里还是卖到城里?旧宅基地是复垦为耕地还是因地制宜?规范有序引导农民宅基地退出的建议:一是因地制宜,赋予农民多样化选择的权利;二是整体谋划,分步推进农民宅基地退出;三是严格控制,规范节余指标的使用和收益分配;四是加强监管,维护农村土地管理秩序。  相似文献   

In Brazil, the introduction of a national urban mobility policy occurred only in 2012. In this context, the federal government has provided hundreds of millions in investment to improve mobility conditions in urban areas. The main financial institution responsible for analyzing and monitoring developments of this nature considers the following criteria for project assessment: cost, environmental licensing, compatibility, and functionality. However, a project’s contribution to sustainable urban mobility is not taken into account. Thus, the work reported herein aimed to develop a method to assess the sustainability of urban mobility projects. This involved indicator selection, and the development of a tool based on sustainability indicators for project assessment. In addition, an Urban Mobility Project Sustainability Index (UMPSI) was proposed to summarize the assessment, which was tested in five urban mobility projects funded in the Curitiba Metropolitan Region (RMC), presented in a companion paper. Environmental, social, and economic aspects of project design and implementation are considered in the assessment. The proposed method consists of 17 sustainability indicators, grouped according to their connection with environmental, social, and economic aspects. Addition of the proposed method to the contracting and monitoring processes of future urban mobility projects supports the sustainable development of the urban landscape.  相似文献   

China's urbanization has resulted in significant changes in both agricultural land and agricultural land use. However, there is limited understanding about the relationship between the two primary changes occurring to China's agricultural land – the urban expansion on agricultural land and agricultural land use intensity. The goal of this paper is to understand this relationship in China using panel econometric methods. Our results show that urban expansion is associated with a decline in agricultural land use intensity. The area of cultivated land per capita, a measurement about land scarcity, is negatively correlated with agricultural land use intensity. We also find that GDP in the industrial sector negatively affects agricultural land use intensity. GDP per capita and agricultural investments both positively contribute to the intensification of agricultural land use. Our results, together with the links between urbanization, agricultural land, and agricultural production imply that agricultural land expansion is highly likely with continued urban expansion and that pressures on the country's natural land resources will remain high in the future.  相似文献   

在对桓仁县农村居民点用地现状评价的基础上,结合区域自然、社会和经济条件,采用极值法、层次分析法和成对比较法建立居民点用地潜力评价体系,得出各指标权重,将其与标准化指标的乘积作为综合评分,对该县2000—2008年间的居民点用地情况进行评价,得出各个乡镇居民点用地的理论潜力和现实潜力。结果表明,研究期间桓仁县的居民点用地理论潜力和实际潜力均较大,其农村居民点用地整理任务比较艰巨,鉴于此提出了加强该地区居民点用地管理的建议。  相似文献   

研究目的:以集体成员在土地改革时确权的宅基地所有权无偿转移给集体对集体积累的贡献为依据,确定宅基地资格权,阐明此权的财产属性,对其产权市场交易改革实践进行理论总结,推进《农村宅基地使用条例》公正立法和保障农民带财产进城。研究方法:历史和规范分析法,实地调查法。研究结果:当前学界多偏于宅基地资格权的身份属性和无偿取得的特性,而漠视有偿退出和复耕换地票式资格权入市及产权置换。未来,宅基地使用条例应确认:宅基地资格权的身份属性为其物权属性所吸纳;可登记;可转让,转让期满可收回;可继承;转让使用可约定共享、出典和续期。研究结论:剔除了身份和保障功能的宅基地资格权,才能最终真正成为可自由交易、市场化的财产权,建立城乡一体、产权平等的房地产市场。  相似文献   

研究目的:针对国内在旅游用地集约利用评价方面研究的不足,定量测度武汉市风景土地利用集约状态,探讨城市风景区土地管控对策,为风景区土地管理提供决策依据与参考。研究方法:GIS方法与AHP评价方法。研究结果:武汉市东湖风景区土地集约度为0.4466,处于不集约的状态。研究结论:针对武汉东湖风景区不集约现象必须从几个方面着手,包括划定城市风景区土地综合功能区;加快整合与迁并,推行风景区改造规划;提高城市景区建设项目准入门槛。  相似文献   

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