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由于长期以来我国国土及地矿行业所采用GIS软件主要是MapGIS 6.x,为了面向其他领域提供GIS空间数据共享,需要将大量MapGIS格式数据向ArcGIS格式数据转换。通过对MapGIS与ArcGIS两种数据格式的分析,提出了基于Map2Shp的转换方式。通过这种转换方式可以完整的保存MapGIS数据中的地理信息、属性以及要素特征。再通过匹配两种数据的颜色库和符号库,经过在ArcGIS中的渲染,从而实现从MapGIS到ArcGIS完整的制图表达。  相似文献   

云南省土地利用现状数据主要为MapGIS格式,少量县市采用MapInfo软件建库,为了统一管理,提高现有国土资源数据的利用和信息化水平,需要将现有数据转换为ArcGIS格式.通过探讨数据共享模式,结合开发的"云南省国土资源厅数据转换系统",详细论述了土地利用现状数据转换的过程以及质量检查的结果,对转换中存在的问题进行了探讨并给出了合理化的建议,供相关部门参考.  相似文献   

ArcGIS与MapGIS在土地利用规划制图中的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:探讨ArcGIS与MapGIS软件在土地利用总体规划图编制中的制图功能特点,以期发挥各自优势,减少工作量,提高土地利用规划图编制效率。研究方法:基于土地利用总体规划专题图件的制图实践,从数据管理、数据编辑、智能标注、制图表达、图框制作、符号库支持等方面比较、分析、总结上述两个软件在土地利用规划制图中的优势与不足。研究结果:(1)ArcGIS在高级智能标注、制图表达等功能模块上具有显著优势,但在图框制作、符号库支持等方面需要改进;(2)MapGIS在图框制作、符号库支持方面能较好地符合土地利用规划制图规范,但应当增加高级智能标注、制图表达等功能以减少工作量。研究结论:合理运用ArcGIS和MapGIS软件的功能模块,并在实际工作中进行适当开发、结合使用,是提高土地利用规划图编制效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

矿产预测评价基础数据的入库策略探讨与实现   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
矿产数据具有反复使用、长期利用的价值,是国家的宝贵财富,十分有必要把矿产数据入库进行统一管理并探讨数据入库中遇到的问题。在论述矿产预测评价基础数据建设重要性的基础上,结合数据的完整性、属性精度、逻辑一致性、空间精度、时间精度等检查内容,把数据检查分为基本数据检查和详细数据检查两大部分,划分出数据详细检查的层次,明确各层次的检查内容并提供解决办法;解决数据装载中数据预处理和文件格式转化的难题,最后借助ArcGIS和MapGIS实现技术开发。  相似文献   

基于MapGIS土地勘测定界中分类面积统计的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的:研究数字制图软件和GIS软件的结合,提高绘制土地勘测定界图和统计土地分类面积的效率。研究方法:以宿州市埇桥区项目区P为研究对象,利用数字制图软件CASS和GIS软件MapGIS,研究通过数据转换、空间分析和属性管理实现GIS软件与数字制图软件的结合以及统计土地分类面积。研究结论:利用MapGIS可以轻松地实现土地分类面积的统计,且能很好地管理属性数据,值得推广。  相似文献   

地物光谱数据是遥感技术之基础资料,是建立地面数据和遥感数据关系的桥梁;在对遥感机理和地物光谱理论深入理解的基础上,用回归分析思想探讨遥感影像光谱与实测相应地物光谱的耦合程度,两者的相关系数ρ=0.8689,相关性较好,因此可以将经过大气校正后的影像光谱值代替实测地物的光谱值进行相关的分析。  相似文献   

[目的]以高分1号(GF-1)融合2m卫星遥感影像为基础数据源,结合土地利用现状数据、高分多源遥感影像和地面样方等数据,对冬小麦分类提取中存在的面积误差问题进行研究和分析。[方法]文章以河南省永城市为研究区,在冬小麦提取结果聚类处理基础上,基于线性地物缓冲区数据,采用GIS空间运算实现线性地物面积扣除,接着分析了样方数据和土地利用现状数据再扣除零星地物面积比例上的差异,并采用样方零星地物平均扣除系数对全市各乡镇耕地与非耕地中冬小麦提取面积进行了相关统计和误差分析。[结果]永城市冬小麦最终解译面积11. 29万hm~2,其中线性地物和零星地物扣除面积分别为6 613. 08hm~2和3 875. 22hm~2,占研究区冬小麦解译面积的5. 86%和3. 32%,与统计上报数据相比,其处理前后误差由14. 12%降低至4. 41%,有效地提高冬小麦提取面积精度。[结论]误差来源分析与修正对冬小麦解译面积核算精度具有重要影响,该研究为县级区域尺度下冬小麦面积提取核算提供了思路和借鉴。  相似文献   

土方量的计算是土地整治项目规划设计的重要内容之一,准确快速地计算土方量对开展规划设计、控制总投资及分配资金具有重要意义,直接关系到土地整治项目的科学性和投资预算的合理性。本文以新建县流湖乡新塘村屈家垄里土地开发项目为例,分别应用ArcGIS和南方CASS技术进行土方量的计算,并对这两种方法进行了分析比较。通过分析得出,虽然ArcGIS计算土方量的精度比CASS计算的结果高,但是对基础数据的要求也高,CASS软件尽管精度略低,但是运行简单、快速。  相似文献   

喀斯特地区复杂地表形态导致地面调查可深入性差、精度不高,遥感则作为该区有效监测与研究人类活动对土地利用(LUCC)方式与利用程度影响的主要手段。文章利用ALOS多光谱数据与Terra SARX的数据进行融合,讨论了HH极化微波后向散射数据用于改善多光谱遥感数据LUCC分类的精度,并比较了不同融合方法对地物识别。结果表明:2种数据之间的融合充分利用了多光谱的光谱信息与HH极化数据丰富的结构与纹理的特征,增强了不同地物之间的光谱差异,提高地物可分性;PC法融合、IHS法融合分类精度较单独使用ALOS多光谱数据分类精度分别提高了8%与13%,而且由于HH极化对植被含水量的敏感性,提高了"插花"分布的旱地与草地、林地等由植被覆盖的土地利用类型的区分精度。通过该研究探讨了HH极化数据与多光谱数据融合在地表信息提取中的应用,拓展了遥感数据在喀斯特地区土地利用领域应用的范围。  相似文献   

本文通过对浙江省十个土地更新调查完成县(市、区)的成果实例,分析了零星地物的调查和变更方法以及对土地更新调查结果的面积影响。认为,试图采用零星地物的调查来提高耕地面积的精度是不现实的,建议在二次土地调查中不再对小于最小上图面积的零星地物进行调查。  相似文献   

万&emsp    李&emsp    应&emsp   《中国土地科学》2013,27(1):72-77
研究目的:针对地籍时空数据库中不同时期的宗地数据无法判断其变化类型的问题,探索研究一种能够准确检测出不同时期宗地发生的变化信息并进一步进行数据挖掘的方法。研究方法:对地籍时空数据库中的宗地数据采用增量信息提取算法提取出不同时期宗地数据之间的增量信息,并通过模式识别分析出其各种变化类型;通过ArcGIS二次开发设计一个变化检测系统,自动完成其检测过程。研究结果:通过该变化检测系统检测出的两个时期之间的宗地变化信息准确无误。研究结论:通过ArcGIS二次开发地籍数据库变化检测系统,能够准确提取宗地数据的变化数据,通过分析宗地的变化信息并进一步进行数据挖掘,对地理国情监测与土地利用决策有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Identifying the processes in the cadastre enables understanding the principles on which the cadastre works. Processes in cadastre define the way how the cadastre manages information and what are the prerequisites for the data to be stored in the appropriate data structure. In order to explicitly specify cadastral procedures and workflows to support their automatization, we developed a process model for Serbian cadastre. The main reason for developing the process model is to ensure the framework which will provide possible integration and interoperability with other systems outside traditional cadastral system and between cadastral subsystems themselves. The process model is based on hierarchical decomposition of two basic groups of processes: processes for changing cadastral data and processes for displaying cadastral data. Each group of processes is further decomposed step by step until the workflow of a single process is shown. The developed process model is an abstract model, i.e. it is independent of the implementation. However, in order to instantiate such process model, it is necessary to provide binding of the abstract process model to its underlying implementation. Cadastral registration of spatial units may be beneficial for activities that relay on land administration, such as taxation, spatial planning, obtaining a building permit or legalization of buildings. This relation to the processes under jurisdiction of other organizations justifies the use of cadastral process model and its implementation into SOA environment. Traditionally, cadastral processes include alphanumeric data and 2D spatial data on cadastral maps that contain 2D borders of parcels and buildings. However, recent advancements in 3D technology bring the opportunity to enhance such processes with 3D information. In particular, the aim is to extend current 2D process model to support data maintenance and transactions in the upgrade towards 3D cadastre. Therefore, these 3D data supported workflows are introduced to the process model. For the processes that include 3D information the choice has to be made which specifications will be used and how representations of 3D spatial units will be resolved. In this paper, we first develop an abstract process model of Serbian cadastre. After that, we extend the process model to include 3D information, discuss the options for using the encodings of 3D spatial units (legal spaces) and select buildingSMART openBIM IFC standard for this purpose.  相似文献   

[目的]土地利用规划和城市规划的用地地块,在实际使用过程中,都会不同程度与规划用途产生差异,如何把握规划的实施程度是土地管理中的一个重要问题。[方法]在大数据时代的背景下,通过对网络大数据可以真实地反映城市地块的真实使用状况。研究采用OSM(Open Street Map),对研究区进行城市地块的划分,形成街区尺度的城市地块。采用POI(Point of Interest)数据,建立了POI分类与城市用地分类的映射关系,计算了不同类型的POI数据的频数密度和类型比例,形成基于POI的城市地块用地类型识别方法,对研究区的城市地块进行土地利用现状识别。识别结果与第二次土地调查分类结果进行对比,验证方法的可行性。[结果]从泸州市的实证结果看,基于POI数据的城市地块识别结果与基于地籍数据的城市地块识别结果存在很大的差别。地籍数据主要是表针城市地块中不同实体的土地利用状况,两种数据采集的标准和表达的意义都不同,因此造成结果存在较大的差异性。[结论]研究认为,POI点有准确的空间位置信息和丰富的属性信息,主要是表征城市地块中不同实体的真实使用状况,可以较准确地判定快速发展的城市进程中的城市用地类型,能较为真实反映城市地块的现实使用状况,但也要注意POI数据在实际应用中存在的缺陷和不足。  相似文献   

In the information era, cities are connected by data networks and, therefore, solutions to urban problems have been supported by Information and Communication Technologies, which provide the interaction between government and citizens. Thus, information plays a crucial role in Smart Cities, enabling the smart governance, under the precepts of good governance, highlighting the participation and transparency. In addition, Geoinformation turns the Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre into a decision support informational source that is of great relevance in the context of Smart Governance. Based on this context, the present study investigates the geotechnology scenario applied by the governments of the Brazilian capitals, observing the availability of Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre on the Internet and considering the Geoinformation, Transparency and Collaborative participation aspects. In this sense, this paper proposes an exploratory research, with quantitative and qualitative analyzes. In the first stage, it was identified the cities that offer access to territorial information via the Internet, i.e., quantifying cities with active geoportals. Next, the second step qualifies the geoportals of cities according to their existence and access to certain information. The types of information selected for the survey, considered the evolution of the Cadastre, observing three aspects: (i) cadastral information; (ii) thematic information; and (iii) collaborative interface. The results showed that just over half of the capitals keep active geoportals and almost 1/3 of the capitals make available on the Internet a Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre. In terms of Transparency, it was noted that open access data is still lower than non-available or restricted access data. Moreover, the aspect of Collaborative participation is meaningless. Analyzing the results, it can be noted the need to improve both the availability of data and open access to information regarding the aspects of Multipurpose Territorial Cadastre in the geoportals, mainly the cadastral information. These actions could promote the transparency and collaborative participation that, consequently, will improve the effectiveness of smart governance in the Brazilian capitals.  相似文献   

Food quality ratings can be used for product differentiation and strategic marketing. This article develops a differentiation measure based on the cross‐entropy of two distributions for speciality coffees. It examines whether quality ratings achieve their objectives for speciality coffee supply chains. The estimation, using e‐auctions data, indicates that the quality rating is more informative in the Cup of Excellence (CofE) relative to the Q auction. To determine significance, a statistical test for comparing the information measure across different e‐auctions and segments of the quality rating was developed. The significant difference between the two auctions is not a surprise as the auctions trade coffee lots of different volumes and the quality evaluation is more important in the case of the CofE, with its jury of renowned coffee experts. The total cross‐entropy measure of product differentiation shows that the 100‐point quality rating does not carry the same information content and meaning in the two different e‐auctions and their respective supply chains. The cross‐entropy measure of product differentiation is shown to be a good indicator of the information and the value created throughout the speciality food supply chain.  相似文献   

对建立县级土地利用现状数据库的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在建立土地利用现状信息系统之前,对数据库设计和数据质量要有明确的要求,掌握各项技术标推和规程,使资料收集和处理、数据采集、数据建库、成果输出等工作目标明确,避免诸多失误。  相似文献   

[目的]精准扶贫是国策,电商扶贫是方法~([1]);国贫县是我国农业农村电商的重要组成部分,深入了解其发展状况对扶贫攻坚是非常必要的。[方法]文章基于惠农大数据,对整体贫困县内农业电商发展概况、参与电商人群属性、电商经营水平进行解析,分析了农业电商对贫困县脱贫的作用;从整体贫困县和"三区三州"内贫困县的农业电商发展程度,分析了贫困县开展农业电商与生产环境、优势品种和产业发展之间的关系。[结果]2016年以来的互联网农产品供应、采购与交易数据表明:(1)贫困县开展农业电商的覆盖面与整体县基本处在同一水平,(2)贫困县参与农业电商的累计增长率更快,(3)贫困县用户参与农业电商的程度在国家级和省级层面是不同的,(4)贫困县参与农业电商以种养农产品的年轻人较多。[结论]贫困县内的农业电商经营发展水平表明:贫困县的产业扶贫要因地施策,要找准优势产业,要优先扶助有一定规模的产业。  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between maize productivity and plot size in Zambia. It offers a unique empirical approach. First, it focuses on maize, which is the major crop on small and medium size farms in Zambia, but also accounts for the endogenous determination of the size of the plot devoted to maize. Previous studies have used total farm size or harvested area. Second, it corrects for selectivity in maize cultivation. Third, it controls for differences in land quality and weather conditions across districts. Finally, it offers a structural interpretation of the above framework by modeling farm decisions as a sequential, two‐stage process, in which land is first allocated to the different crops based on the information set of the farmers at the time of planting, and the yield is affected by subsequent application of inputs, the quantities of which may depend on additional information that is revealed after planting. We use this recursive structure and the differences in the information sets over time to identify the model. The results show that the endogeneity of plot size is very important in this analysis. When considering plot size as an exogenous explanatory variable, we find a monotonic positive relationship between the yield of maize and plot size, indicating that economies of scale are dominant throughout the plot size distribution. However, when we correct for the endogeneity of plot size, we find that the inverse relationship dominates the economies of scale in all plots up to 3 ha, which constitute 86% of our sample. These results suggest that market imperfections should be targeted by any policy aimed at increasing maize productivity in Zambia.  相似文献   

Underground space is being considered as a sustainable development resource, especially in heavily urbanized areas such as Seoul, in Korea. However, regarding 3D underground property, uncertainties and gaps exist between cadastral system and real property registration system. In Korea, cadastral system is able to deal with only 2D surface parcel, on the contrary, real property registration system is able to register and manage legal status of 3D underground properties. The mismatch between these two systems causes various types of problems for underground properties such as a vertical boundary disputes between aboveground and underground ownerships, administrative confusion and dual-compensation problems for new underground construction, reconstruction and haphazard development for underground space due to the lack of systematic registration procedure. In order to overcome these problems, this research proposes a 3D underground cadastral data model, which is associated and integrated with classes in ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) developed by the Technical Committee 211 of the International Organization for Standardization. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model comprises two packages: 3D underground parcel package, and 3D underground surveying and mapping package. It would support a better service for land administration by providing reliable and accurate spatial information on 3D underground property. In order to validate the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model, the prototype is developed and implemented in real-world situation for the first time. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model can register various types of 3D underground properties including architectures such as shopping mall, public walkway, parking lot, and etc., and civil infrastructures such as subway, road, water supply, sewage, common utility tunnel, and etc. The results show that the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model could be applicable for other information system such as land valuation and taxation system, urban planning system, construction and facility management system.  相似文献   

DNA profile information has begun appearing in purebred bull auction catalogs; however, the value of this information is as of yet unknown. This study uses data from actual bull sales at a test station and combines it with stated‐preference survey data to determine the value of the DNA profile information. Consistent with previous research, we find that expected progeny differences (EPDs), test performance, and ultrasound information significantly influence bull‐buyers’ willingness‐to‐pay. The newer DNA profile information, however, was unrelated to buyers’ preferences. Methodologically, we find statistically significant differences (but highly correlated willingness‐to‐pay values) across the stated and revealed preference data sources.  相似文献   

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