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开展系列化服务促进甜菊发展──东台市八里乡甜菊协会的调查史桂群,于长江甜菊是我国70年代从国外引进的一种菊科多年生植物,有"糖王"之称。江苏省东台市八里乡东方村有255户种植,面积达1000多亩,已成为远近闻名的甜菊种植专业村。1987年初东方村成立...  相似文献   

甜菊──待开发的新糖源当今世界对糖的需求量激增,产量增加率远远赶不上需求量的增加。我国原糖亦是产不足需,价格大有上涨趋势。经研究发现,甜菊富含糖,是需要扩大开发的新糖源。甜菊茎叶含有的糖甙甜度相当于蔗糖的150—300倍。用它制成的药剂,对心脏病、肥...  相似文献   

德国食品协会的一份营养调查报告指出,德国人吃得太多,太油腻而且过甜。南美地区生长着一种植物——甜菊,其甜度超过蔗糖250倍,但热量又很低。在亚洲市场甜菊已经普遍替代蔗糖。欧洲市场目前也对这种植物产生了兴趣。  相似文献   

正生氰糖苷又称氰苷,是一类含有氰基的氨基酸衍生物,属于植物的次生代谢产物。含有生氰糖苷的木薯是重要粮食作物。木薯中的生氰糖苷主要为亚麻苦苷和百脉根苷,其与木薯中β-葡萄糖苷酶接触后,会被降解成氢氰酸,引起机体中毒。生氰糖苷是木薯产品最关键的安全指标之一。CAC制定了关于降低木薯和木薯产品中氢氰酸的操作规范《CAC/RCP73-2013》,而目前国内木薯产品的减控技术规程仍然空缺。针对木薯生氰糖苷的潜在危害性,在前期的风险评估研究基础上,提出了木薯生氰糖苷风险防控建议,为实际生产提供指导依据。  相似文献   

今年是一个不折不扣的体育年,饮料行业无论是否取得奥运的赞助资格,他们都力图在市场上取得最大的市场影响力。正是由于有奥运的存在,今年的饮料大战来得特别早,同样竞争也会更激烈。碳酸饮料、茶饮料、瓶装水、果汁饮料、凉茶、功能饮料等都早已各自划分了势力范围。而两乐和统一、康师傅这四家饮料还是占据了饮料行业头四把交椅,他们之间的明争暗斗也是今年饮料行业最大的看点。前段时间饮料行业经历了一次“不约而同”的集体提价。对于此次提价,厂商的解释是成本上升之故。  相似文献   

最近,有媒体指植物饮料将会是饮料市场的新增长点。走进超市和便利店,会发觉当眼处的很多饮料都打上了植物饮料的标志,包括凉茶。甚至连一向是碳酸饮料巨头之一的百事可乐,都推出了植物饮料“草本乐”。植物饮料是不是真有这么神奇,能成为今年饮料市场上的新亮点?  相似文献   

主要探讨了以鸡油菌为原料,利用鸡油菌孢子液体深层发酵,获得菌丝体与发酵液的混合液。通过单因素试验及多因素多水平的正交试验确定出饮料的最佳配方,制作鸡油菌孢子发酵型饮料。对鸡油菌孢子发酵型饮料进行了感官质量的评定,结果表明:发酵120 h时发酵液的感官最好,多糖含量最高,发酵饮料的因素影响主次顺序为发酵液>稳定剂>柠檬酸>白砂糖,发酵饮料的配方以46%的发酵液、0.22%的柠檬酸、0.18%的稳定剂(CMC-Na)、7.5%的白砂糖时制得的发酵饮料品质最佳。  相似文献   

随着近年来公众对健康养生关注度的提高,植物蛋白饮料的市场份额迅速增加。本文分析了植物蛋白饮料的市场现状,并对植物蛋白饮料行业的发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

茶饮料、奶饮料、水果饮料……如今各饮料品牌为了迎合不同消费者的口味也在不断更新产品种类,仅水果饮料一类花样就不少。除了一些常见水果之外,以前不多见的水果也开始走进饮料家族,蓝莓就是其中一员。但记者近日走访了解到,市面上销售的各种蓝莓饮料价格差异很大.最高的竟相差几十倍。业内人士表示,原料不同是导致价格差异的最大原因。  相似文献   

几年前,“红牛”打着解困、驱乏的功能牌,被爱蹦爱跳的年轻人和忙于工作的白领阶层“宠”了一回。随后,脉动、激活、维C鲜橙多、“他+她”营养素水等功能饮料相继问世。时下,以“王老吉”、“苗条淑女动心饮料”为代表的一批功能性饮料,或宣称“去火”,或标榜“瘦身”,搅热了今夏饮料市场。  相似文献   

柑橘中含有丰富的柑橘黄酮,且一般以糖基化苷的形式存在,其中黄烷酮的含量最多。从植物中提取的柑橘黄酮是纯天然物质,其中含有多种有效成分,本文就其抗氧化、抑菌、抗炎、抗癌及预防心血管疾病等功效进行了论述。  相似文献   

A future agricultural research agenda for Pakistan and its provinces was developed as part of the national master agricultural research plan (NMARP) under the Government of Pakistan, World Bank agricultural research project II (ARP-II). The current research agenda mainly keeps pace with maintenance research and little contribution is being made to increase the productivity above maintenance levels for most crop and livestock commodities. Thus, the present Pakistan agricultural research system cannot contribute in any substantial or efficient way to the narrowing of Pakistan's projected food deficit anticipated in the next 15 years. A major thrust of the ARP-II project was identifying a new research agenda with agricultural research priority setting as the basis. An ex ante economic surplus priority setting analysis at the national level was undertaken for selected agricultural commodities as part of the priority setting process. Three eparate research funding scenarios were analyzed: (1) Scenario I: an ex ante analysis using the present research commodity funding levels and present research management level for each year over the next five years, (2) Scenario II: an ex ante analysis using double the present funding level for each year over the next 5 years with a higher research management level than at present, and (3) Scenario III; an ex ante analysis at an ‘optimally’ funded level with a higher research management level. An efficiency index (NPV divided by the present value of research expenditure) was used for the priority ranking of commodities. A framework for using the information generated by the ex ante economic surplus method is presented. The results of the analysis proved to be useful as baseline information for researchers and research managers to assess the overall budget commitment required for agricultural research in Pakistan and for identifying an overall research strategy at the national level.  相似文献   

我国提出实施创新驱动发展战略以来,科研事业的发展势头良好,科研项目管理也成为科技创新的一项重要工作内容。本文阐述了科研项目管理工作的概念及重要性,分析了科研项目管理工作对科研项目管理人员以及科研机构的要求,指出了科研项目管理工作中存在的问题,并给出了若干建议。  相似文献   

Analysts of agricultural research policy in the United States of America have claimed that the overall level of public investment in agricultural research is less than what would be socially optimal, that the present composition of public research investment is excessively myopic in that too little basic research is performed relative to the level of applied research, and that the allocation of research resources among commodities is inconsistent with economic efficiency. A non-linear optimal growth model of the U.S. economy was developed to analyse these propositions. Strong support was found for the claim that the overall level of investment has been inadequate. No support was found for the contention that basic research has been relatively underfunded compared to applied research. Weak support was found for the view that crop research has suffered from more acute underfunding than has livestock research.  相似文献   

Agricultural commodity research has very site-specific productivity impacts. Crucial determinants of the magnitude and distribution of research benefits include agroecological conditions for technology generation and adoption, as well as commodity market-structure. This paper presents a process for ex-ante research evaluation which accounts for these factors with a dynamic, spatial multi-market model. Simulation results based on sorghum research in Kenya demonstrate that potential research benefits can vary dramatically research program research target zones. In Kenya, however, population-induced demand growth not technological development will have the greatest influence on future sorghum markets.  相似文献   

Proper evaluation of the impact of agricultural research requires data on how much has been spent to achieve its desired effects on productivity, efficiency and environmental quality. However, official statistics on aggregate volumes of research expenditure, at both European and national levels, are intermittently available and most data collected for private research are not fully compatible with data for public research. This study in 20 European countries in 2014 defines the different concepts at international level, and assesses coverage across countries, using secondary data and key informant interviews. Coverage is unequal by country and type of measure, the lowest coverage being for agriculture as a socioeconomic objective. We depict recent trends in public agricultural research, which differ by country. We then formulate three policy options and recommendations for their implementation to improve the monitoring of agricultural research investment in Europe: 1) make compulsory in the EU statistical system the collection of statistics on agricultural research expenditure using the same metrics for all sectors of performance; 2) develop a specific survey in the Commission to obtain data directly from research organisations; 3) prepare annual reviews of agricultural research expenditures at Member State level, including both quantitative and qualitative information on agricultural research activities.  相似文献   

国内外森林旅游理论研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
首先对森林旅游在国内外的理论研究概况、研究内容进行了总结;然后在对国内外主要相关文献进行收集和研究的基础上,发现国内外森林旅游理论研究兴趣主要集中于森林旅游的价值评估、森林旅游的环境影响与森林旅游管理3个方面,并就这3个主题分别介绍了其研究历程、研究方法、各阶段成果及其最新进展。同时,对研究中所显现出来的一些局限性进行了归纳分析。  相似文献   

农户耕地流转意愿及驱动力研究进展及展望   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
通过对农户耕地流转意愿及驱动力研究,对于调动农户耕地流转具有积极的意义。该文在对农户耕地流转的意愿及驱动力研究现状综述的基础上,展望了进一步研究的趋势:融入新农村建设和和谐社会建设的整体之中,农户耕地流转意愿与驱动力的关键影响因素的研究将会进一步深入,实证研究将是农户耕地流转意愿与驱动力的主流研究方法,时间序列的跟踪调研会应得到重视。  相似文献   

以中国知识基础设施工程(CNKI)数据库为数据源,通过Note Express软件,分别从文献发表时间及数量、文献类型、研究人员、研究机构、刊登期刊以及关键词6个方面对我国森林公园文化建设领域的相关文献进行统计。结果表明:(1)2013年以后,我国森林公园文化建设研究进入快速发展时期,但2018年研究成果较少;(2)规划院和高校是森林公园文化建设的主要研究机构,林业类期刊对森林公园文化建设研究关注度最高,但森林公园文化建设研究亟需与其他学科融合;(3)生态文化、森林文化、地域文化是森林公园文化建设的研究热点,研究方向比较陈旧。针对以上研究结果,提出了强化研究;加强交流、兼收并蓄和结合时代推进创新的建议。  相似文献   

While the public sector has historically played a very significant role in the direct provision of agricultural research, the appropriate role of government in the future is no longer apparent in a world with intellectual property rights (IPRs) and a concentrated privatized biotech research industry. This study develops a search/imperfect competition framework to examine the public role. The analysis shows that private firms have inadequate incentives to invest in research for varietal improvement relative to the social optimum even with completely enforceable IPRs. A government subsidy on research output can efficiently increase the amount of applied research to the socially optimal point. Government subsidy of the research cost can have the same effect on research and development expenditure. Expanding direct applied public research increases social welfare but cannot achieve a social optimum, as it reduces the already limited incentives for private firms to invest. Finally, in situations where basic research is underprovided, government should address these market failures as part of an optimal research policy. Overall, the analysis suggests that there is a role for public support of applied research, but this role is no longer direct public involvement in applied research where IPRs are well established.  相似文献   

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