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会计准则变迁的自组织演化机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来的制度变迁研究,日趋倾向于利用自组织理论探讨。本文将会计准则视为一种制度,将会计准则制定看作是一种制度安排,并将会计准则变迁纳入制度变迁的理论框架中进行研究。本文运用自组织理论,阐述了会计准则变迁的自组织本质,并从会计准则变迁自组织演化的前提、动力、演化诱因和演化路径四个方面,分析了会计准则变迁自组织演化机理,试图为会计准则变迁研究开辟一条新的途径。  相似文献   

随着对会计制度准则的变迁研究的日益深入,发现会计准则的变迁日趋于自组织化理论的探讨方式。在这种探讨理论中将会计准则视为是一种严密的制度,同时将会计准则的制定与制度安排等价。所以便可以将会计准则的变迁放到会计制度变迁的框架中进行研究。在本文中利用自组织化理论分析会计准则制度的变迁的本质,并且对会计自组织化演变从四个方面进行分析,阐述了演化的前提、推动力、诱因和路径,希望可以为会计准则演化研究提供一种新思路。  相似文献   

在新制度经济学中,科斯的交易费用理论是最为重要的基础性概念,是分析制度起源和变迁的基本工具。在新制度经济学的企业理论中,交易费用的节约得到了特别的强调。可以说企业存在的原因之一就是相对市场调节机制而言,更能够节约经济活动中的交易费用。制度变迁的基本动因是对新的盈利机会的追求。相对经济发展来说,制度变迁具有一定程度的滞后性。之所以如此,是因为制度的变迁具有较高的成本。只有当变迁的收益足够大,这种变迁才能实现。当新会计准则出台之后,从企业层面上看,执行具体会计准则的企业不再执行《企业会计制度》与《金融企业会计制度》,这意味着这两项制度将逐步退出中国企业会计核算的历史舞台。因此在企业层面上来说,我国的会计规范体系将由企业会计准则与《小企业会计制度》构成。基于科斯的交易费用理论分析,笔者认为在新会计准则体系中保留原有的《小企业会计制度》,是对我国新会计准则体系的有益补充,不仅有利于降低小企业会计活动的交易费用,而且还有利于降低新会计准则制定、实施的交易费用,增强新会计准则体系的经济效用。  相似文献   

在新制度经济学中,科斯的交易费用理论是最为重要的基础性概念,是分析制度起源和变迁的基本工具。在新制度经济学的企业理论中,交易费用的节约得到了特别的强调。可以说企业存在的原因之一就是相对市场调节机制而言,更能够节约经济活动中的交易费用。制度变迁的基本动因是对新的盈利机会的追求。相对经济发展来说,制度变迁具有一定程度的滞后性。之所以如此,是因为制度的变迁具有较高的成本。只有当变迁的收益足够大,这种变迁才能实现。当新会计准则出台之后,从企业层面上看,执行具体会计准则的企业不再执行《企业会计制度》与《金融企业会计制度》,这意味着这两项制度将逐步退出中国企业会计核算的历史舞台。因此在企业层面上来说,我国的会计规范体系将由企业会计准则与《小企业会计制度》构成。基于科斯的交易费用理论分析,笔者认为在新会计准则体系中保留原有的《小企业会计制度》,是对我国新会计准则体系的有益补充,不仅有利于降低小企业会计活动的交易费用,而且还有利于降低新会计准则制定、实施的交易费用,增强新会计准则体系的经济效用。  相似文献   

会计准则全球化从总体上讲是一种降低交易费用的制度安排。在经济全球化进程中,国际贸易迅速发展,资本全球流动,而会计作为一种通用的国际商用语言,会计准则全球化是必然趋势。本文试用制度变迁理论分析会计准则全球化以及我国如何面对会计准则全球化的未来。  相似文献   

黄维  胡瑞丽 《金卡工程》2009,13(2):151-152
会计准则是关于会计活动或会计行为的规则,因而也是一种制度.本文回顾了我国会计准则变迁的四个阶段,并在此基础上从变迁本质、变迁动因、变迁方式及变迁过程等方面对我国会计准则的变迁进行新制度经济学的研究分析.最后,结合以上研究分析得出了对我国会计准则变迁的启示,这也为我国会计准则体系的发展带来政策启示.  相似文献   

为进一步推动会计准则研究 ,克服以往就会计论会计的传统研究方法 ,近年来 ,学术界大胆引进、借鉴西方经济学理论开展对会计准则的研究 ,取得了可喜的成果。90年代以来 ,西方经济学中占主流地位的是微观经济学 ,而其中最引人注目的则是新制度经济学。新制度经济学兴起于70年代 ,其理论主要包括经济人假设、交易费用概念、制度和制度实施、制度变迁等内容。近年来 ,会计学者在将西方新制度经济学应用于我国会计准则建设方面作了不少可贵的探索。我们认为 ,运用新制度经济学的理论来理解会计准则的制定及其形成过程 ,比单纯描述会计规范会…  相似文献   

肖舟 《金融论坛》2013,(5):73-79
本文基于博弈理论,以中国工商银行的信贷制度变迁为案例,分析中国信贷制度的变迁。中国的信贷制度经历了从计划信贷到市场信贷变迁的过程,它是以国家主导的强制性制度变迁为主线展开的。尽管新制度由国家设计和供给,但是信贷制度变迁是通过多种力量互动博弈的方式完成的。在国家主导的制度变迁过程中,信贷制度属于金融制度、银行制度的"次级制度",商业银行通过细化制度、组织变革、技术进步等途径,在与国家、企业的博弈过程中持续地推进了信贷制度创新。实践证明,这种制度变迁模式在中国的体制内是有效率的。  相似文献   

资产负债观与收入费用观比较研究:美国的经验与启示   总被引:44,自引:0,他引:44  
本文对资产负债观与收入费用观理论进行了深入的比较研究,介绍了美国会计准则发展过程中资产负债观与收入费用观取向变迁的经验历程,分析了二者具体内涵和特征的差异,进而提出在我国会计准则建设与完善过程中应当结合我国的会计环境积极向资产负债观靠拢。  相似文献   

自会计准则产生以来,学术界对其的研究一直不断,出于涉及到许多会计中的基本问题与矛盾,关于会计准则的研究也是各家观点见仁见智。近年来,用交易费用、契约理论、制度变迁等制度经济学理论来解释和重构会计理论成果颇丰,本文也试图以此思路和方法来分析会计准则的产生与发展。  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the impact of voluntary adoption of Internationally Accepted Accounting Principles (IAAP, i.e., IAS/IFRS and U.S. GAAP) on the cost of equity capital in Germany. We find that (1) overall cost of equity-capital estimates in the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) for companies applying IAAP are significantly lower compared to those applying German GAAP, (2) an enhanced multi-factor model which incorporates the accounting-regime differences (called “GM model”) absorbs the cost of equity-capital differences, and (3) changes of the institutional background in Germany and of the accounting standards lead to different cost of equity capital effects for subperiods of the 1998–2004 voluntary-adoption period, while particularly controlling for effects like self-selection, cross-listing, and New Market (Neuer Markt) listing.The central thesis advanced in this paper is that changes in the accounting standards and the institutional infrastructure can influence the impact of applying IAAP. Therefore, we suggest incorporating an accounting factor into the cost of equity-capital analysis.  相似文献   

文章主要在于考察会计制度变迁前后,机构投资者对持股上市公司业绩的影响.我们发现,总体而言,2007年新会计准则实施前后,机构投资者持股与上市公司业绩都是正相关,不存在差异.但是,在分年度样本中,新会计准则实施前后,这种相关性存在明显差异.新会计准则实施前的分年度样本中,机构投资者持股比例只与公司的Tobin'Q值之间存在显著的正相关,与CoreROA和CFROA等业绩指标之间关系不显著.在新会计准则实施后,机构投资者持股比例与所有的公司业绩指标Tobin'Q、CoreROA和CFROA等之间都存在显著的正相关关系,并且通过了敏感性测试.说明新会计准则实施后,机构投资者更能够发挥作用,全方位提高上市公司的业绩.  相似文献   

司法体系、会计准则导向与投资者保护:一项案例研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
财政部2006年初颁布的新会计准则在一定程度上扩大了我国会计准则中的职业判断空间,体现出更多的原则导向特征。本文基于制度安排与规则的自我执行理论,解释了为什么在不同的资本市场制度环境(尤其是司法体系)下,会计准则导向会影响到以及如何影响投资者的利益保护程度,并通过案例研究来支持我们的理论观点。本文的结论将有助于人们更好地认识和理解我国会计准则的国际化进程,也将对新会计准则体系的内容结构与执行层面的完善具有一定的理论和政策意义。  相似文献   

Prior research shows that the development of national accounting systems follows different patterns in different countries over the world. This was recently supported by the staggered manner in which countries adopt IFRS. Extant evidence shows that IFRS adoption decisions at the country level are determined by institutional and economic factors. In this context, cultural factors have not been considered. This paper examines the relationship between five cultural dimensions and countries’ decisions to adopt International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) around the world during the period 2003-2014. We find that countries with higher levels of uncertainty avoidance are more likely to adopt IFRS. Additionally, they are more likely to commit to early adoption largely on a mandatory rather than voluntary basis. On the other hand, countries with higher values of masculinity are more likely to adopt IFRS early, but the extent (whether voluntary or mandatory adoption) of adoption is not significantly related to masculinity. Finally, we show that countries with higher power distance (long-term orientation) are more (less) likely to adopt IFRS on a mandatory basis. The results are in line with Gray’s theory of cultural influence and suggest that differences in national culture had a significant role in countries’ reaction to the introduction of IFRS as a set of unified accounting standards targeting the harmonization of accounting standards adopted across different jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Auditors and auditing firms are important actors in the process of institutionalising accounting standards. However, the formal and institutional requirements to de facto ensure professionalism and independence in the Swedish municipal sector have been strongly questioned. The aim of this paper is to investigate and explain how deviations from accounting standards are treated and reported by auditors. The results indicate deficiency in both competence and independence among the auditors. The institutional arrangements in Sweden do not seem to ensure that auditors facilitate and support the implementation of accounting standards.  相似文献   

The widespread acceptance of International Accounting Standards (IAS)/International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) makes it timely to examine their technical determinants as well as their implications for the accounting profession and the process of accounting harmonization. In this respect, we suggest that the principles-based approach to the standards and its inner flexibility enables the application of IAS/IFRS to countries with diverse accounting traditions and varying institutional conditions. Furthermore, the principles-based approach involves major changes in the expertise held by accountants and, hence, in their educational background, training programs, and in the organizational and business models of accounting firms. Finally, we submit that the standards set by the IAS/IFRS constitute a step forward in the process of accounting harmonization, although there is still far to go in the comparability of accounting measures across countries and regions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates whether accounting standards harmonization enhances the comparability of financial information across countries. I hypothesize that a firm yet to announce earnings reacts more strongly to the earnings announcement of a foreign firm when both report under the same rather than different accounting standards. My analysis of abnormal price reactions for a global sample of firms supports the prediction. Next, in an attempt to control for the underlying economic comparability and the effects of changes in reporting quality, I use a difference‐in‐differences design around the mandatory introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards. I find that mandatory adopters experience a significant increase in market reactions to the release of earnings by voluntary adopters compared to the period preceding mandatory adoption. This increase is not observed for nonadopters. Taken together, the results show that accounting standards harmonization facilitates transnational information transfer and suggest financial statement comparability as a direct mechanism.  相似文献   

Case-mix accounting systems have been advanced as both reflecting the economic reality that underlies a hospital's various “product lines”, as defined by DRG prospective payment categories, and facilitating rational decision making regarding resource acquisition, deployment and use. This article uses the institutional perspective to extend this conceptualization of case-mix accounting systems. The institutional perspective proposes that many elements of organizational structure, like case-mix accounting systems, reflect as much a need to conform to societal expectations of acceptable practice as the technical imperative of fostering rationality. This article also extends institutional theory regarding the issues of power and decoupling by considering institutionalization to be an unfinished process in the health-care context, wherein the active agency of individuals and organizations is subjected to systematic examination. In this specific context, case-mix accounting may play a significant role in establishing and perpetuating — not merely supporting — the very social structure of legitimacy, and may consequently be considered an interest-oriented activity having the potential to penetrate and alter the internal operating processes of financially strained hospitals.  相似文献   

Despite moves toward international harmonisation of accounting standards, there is evidence that standards regulating government accounting in various countries are diverging. This paper argues that, despite their similar federal systems and ostensibly similar objectives for federal government reporting, the accounting standards of the USA and Australia differ significantly in detail. A comparison of their objectives and standards reveals that the standards particularly differ in relation to accounting for assets, and in determining the performance of a reporting entity. Although these divergences emanate from differing philosophies underlying the standards of the two countries, they have implications for international harmonisation of accounting standards, and for reciprocity agreements.  相似文献   

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