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李纪芬 《时代金融》2012,(30):50+105
社会保障税属于一种新兴的税种,相比于其他社会保障资金的筹集方式,可以克服现行社会保障模式资金筹集的弊端,有利于社会和经济的稳定发展,由此可见,社会保障税的开征已经势在必行。为了在法律层面上为社会保障税提供支持和保证,本文从多个角度对社会保障税的性质作出全方位分析,以把握社会保障税的征收目的、征收对象和税率等,规范社会保障税的征管和使用。  相似文献   

我国在"十二五"规划纲要中指出,要积极推进环境税费改革,选择防治任务繁重、技术标准成熟的税目开征环境税,逐步扩大征收范围。环境税开征在即,对其征管问题的研究至关重要。本文对我国开征环境税面临的征管难点进行了分析,在借鉴经济合作与发展组织(OECD)国家开征环境税征管经验的基础上,提出了解决环境税征管难点的建议,供参考。  相似文献   

在对环境税征管模式进行实务选择的基础上,构建中国环境税征管模式选择的影响因素指标体系.采用熵权法和模糊综合评判法构造出符合客观实际的优选模型;同时,通过湖北省武汉市的7个区(县)的21个相关政府部门和42家大中小型企业的调研数据进行征管模式优选.结果发现:适合中国国情的环境税征管模式为“环保代核、税务征收”模式.采用这种模式有利于充分利用环保部门和税务部门的专业优势,提高征管效率.但这种模式也对环保部门和税务部门的协调配合提出了很高的要求.  相似文献   

环境保护税征管具有应税污染物监测难度大、跨部门协作征管要求高等特殊性,往往存在部门协作不到位、核定和复核程序不明确、生态环境部门诉讼主体地位不明、权责模糊不清等问题。应修订《税收征管法》和《环境保护税法》相关规定,进一步完善环境保护税的部门协作征收机制、税收核定程序,明确生态环境保护部门与税务部门的权责与法律地位等,以解决这些问题。  相似文献   

李锐 《税收征纳》2014,(6):12-15
一、目前企业所得税征管面临的突出问题问题之一,企业所得税“双主体”征管,导致国、地税之间的矛盾增多。目前,在我国现有的税种中,唯独企业所得税征管是“双主体”征管,“一税二征”的现状,即国税部门征收企业所得税,地税部门也征收企业所得税。过去有一段时间,金融企业支付的个人利息征收个人所得税,也由国税部门征收,后来停征了。可以肯定地说,“一税二征”或叫“双主体”征管,问题多、矛盾多。  相似文献   

随着市场经济的不断推进,住房消费逐渐成为社会消费的一大热点,与之相随的房地产业也成为近年来的主导产业和新的经济增长点。它的发展与兴旺,为契税和耕地占用税的发展提供了巨大的空间。但是把契税与耕地占用税并入农业四税管理存在许多不科学之处。一、契税、耕地占用税并入农业四税管理的弊病契税、耕地占用税长期以来同农业税、农业特产税称之为“农业四税”,一直由财政部门负责征收管理。分税制以后,“农业四税”有的省虽已由地税部门负责管理,但由于长期形成的征管习惯,一些地税部门仍沿用过去的办法,把“农业四税”进行单独征管,这样带来诸多不便。1.税收执法依据与征管工作难度不相适应。《税收征收管理法》第二条、第九十条明确规定“农业四税”不适用《税收征收管理法》,由国务院另行规定。这样带来的问题是,同是税收执法但依据不同,同一个税务部门对不同税种采取的征管措施也不同。如对契税、耕地占用税在执行强制执行措施与税收保全措施中找不到法律的依据。契税、耕地占用税本来就不是与农业有直接相关的税种,硬将其纳入“农业四税”管理,显失公平、科学。2.不断发展壮大的税源与征管措施不相适应。随着我国城镇住房分配制度的改革,住宅实行彻底的商品化。我国现有的人...  相似文献   

当前,"以票管税"走入了"唯票定税"的误区,造成了核定征收个体工商业户税款的减少,使发票的功能发生了异化,也严重偏离了对个体税收实行核定征收的轨道.因此,税务机关应强化发票的凭证功能,严格按照法律、行政法规的有关规定,采取适当的方法,切实加强个体工商业户的税收征管工作.  相似文献   

近些年来,财产行为税(指房产税、城镇土地使用税、城市房地产税、车船税、印花税、土地增值税、契税、烟叶税、耕地占用税、城市维护建设税、资源税)征收管理取得了前所未有的成绩,收入随经济的发展和征管的加强逐年快速增长,为地方经济的发展和社会稳定作出了积极贡献。但是,在实际工作中,还有很多因素制约着财产行为税的征收管理,本文主要从税制、征收管理制度、征收管理手段等三个方面着手,  相似文献   

当前,学术界采用单一的环境税收入所占比重指标进行评估有其内生缺陷,导致某些情况下评估结果无法真实反映环境税自身的变化。因此,从环境税“双重红利”视角,借鉴弧弹性理论,构建一个间接衡量环境质量是否改善的红利指标——绿色敏感度。依据绿色敏感度可以把税制绿色化程度区分为深灰绿区、浅灰绿区、浅绿区和深绿区四个象限。然后,以中国排污收费制度为例进行应用检验,结果显示:中国排污收费制度的绿色化激励效应较弱,绿色化程度仍处于第一象限的浅灰绿区。评估指标与结论对中国税制绿色化研究和环境保护税优化具有参考价值。  相似文献   

从激励的视角看,环境税应该坚持一个较小的概念界定,它是指对于污染环境的行为或物品征收的一种特定目的税,该税开征的首要目的应是保护环境,而不是增加收入。环境税应专款专用,而不能混入一般预算。环境税应选择需求弹性较大的产品作为征税对象,对于针对生产者开征的环境税,为避免税负转嫁,征税环节应往前移,即在产品销售之前就进行征税。环境税之税率,在无法达到最优状态的情况下,与其偏低一点,不如偏高一点,但应适度。  相似文献   

牛欢  严成樑 《金融研究》2021,493(7):40-57
本文构建了一个包含环境税、污染存量和预期寿命的世代交替模型,研究环境税对环境红利和经济发展红利的影响。基于新古典增长模型的研究表明,环境税能够实现双重红利(环境红利和经济发展红利),这契合“绿水青山就是金山银山”的绿色发展理念。从传导机制看,环境税通过负收入效应使得资本积累下降,同时,环境税通过健康效应使得预期寿命延长,这又使得资本积累增加。环境税通过影响资本积累,进而影响环境质量和经济发展。此外,环境税率上升使得用于环境治理的政府支出增加,这使得经济更容易产生环境红利。基于内生增长框架的分析表明,环境税有助于摆脱“环境贫困陷阱”,这为解释国家之间的收入差距提供了一个参考机制。数值模拟结果显示,在新古典增长框架和内生增长框架下,均存在最优的环境税率可以极大化人均产出和经济增长率。本文认为,合理的环境税率有助于推进减污降碳协同治理。  相似文献   

Environmental regulation and the location of polluting industries   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Does international tax competition in the environmental field lead to undesirably low levels of environmental regulation and to unacceptable disruptions of environmental quality? The paper tries to answer this question in a noncompetitive partial-equilibrium framework. There is one firm that wishes to establish a plant in one ofn countries. The paper shows that tax competition may lead to emission taxes that are either too low or too high. They may be so high that the investment is not undertaken, although this would be optimal if the countries cooperated. On the other end of the spectrum, a scenario in which taxes are driven to zero becomes possible if there are substantial transfrontier pollution effects.  相似文献   

In the presence of preexisting distortionary taxes, it is often argued that auctioned emission permits are preferable to non-auctioned permits, because the former generate revenues that may be used to reduce other taxes. This paper shows that when capital is internationally mobile, it may be optimal to use a combination of non-auctioned and auctioned emission permits, for both environmental and fiscal reasons. By letting the number of non-auctioned permits be a positive function of the amount of capital used domestically, they will attract capital to the home country. This may create environmental benefits in terms of reduced transboundary pollution and may lead to increased public revenue because the price of emission permits may increase and because the tax base may be enhanced. It is also shown that the optimal number of non-auctioned permits may increase as the marginal costs of public funds increase. JEL Code: D62, F21, Q28  相似文献   

Environmental policy,pollution, unemployment,and endogenous growth   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
The paper develops a model of endogenous economic growth with pollution externalities and a labor market distorted by union monopoly power and by taxes and transfers. We study the optimal second-best pollution tax and abatement policy and find that a shift toward greener preferences will tend to reduce unemployment, although it will hamper growth. We also find that greater labor-market distortions call for higher pollution tax rates. Finally, we show that a switch from quantity control of pollution combined with grandfathering of pollution rights to regulation via emission charges has the potential to raise employment, growth, and welfere without damaging the environment.  相似文献   

Countries that collect tax revenue from the agricultural sectorthrough export taxes, marketing boards, and overvalued domesticcurrencies are often loath to abandon these distorting policiesbecause of the consequent revenue loss. One potential alternativeis to replace these distortionary taxes with a land tax, whichwould not depress output prices or discourage foreign exchangeearnings and which could be, in theory, a highly progressivetax. The advantages and disadvantages of a land tax are examinedtheoretically and using the specific experiences of Bangladesh,Argentina, and Uruguay. It is concluded that the land tax isnot necessarily more efficient than other types of taxes; theAchilles Heel of land taxation is administration; progressivetax rates based on land holdings are nearly impossible to administer;land taxes have been ineffective at promoting nonrevenue goals;political support by farmers is necessary to implement the tax;and the most promising prospects for a moderate land tax systemare in financing local, rather than central, government expenditures.  相似文献   

湖南水污染税的税制设计及征收效应的一般均衡分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖南省"两型社会"的深化建设、首批环境税的开征试点、湘江污染的重点治理等事件将湖南省水污染税改革推向了历史的舞台。借鉴国外水污染税开征经验,文章系统地设计了湖南省水污染税征收的基本框架,运用可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型模拟征收水污染税对宏观经济、产业结构、污染物减排等产生的影响。结果表明:开征水污染税宏观经济受损的长期影响要大于短期;对绝大部分行业都带来了不同程度的负面影响,其中短期合成材料制造业产出下降最大,而长期毛纺织和染整精加工业受损最大;然而征收水污染税减少重金属等污染物排放,氨氮、化学需氧量下降尤为显著。  相似文献   

Environmental Taxes and Pre-Existing Distortions: The Normalization Trap   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The double-dividend hypothesisclaims that green taxes will both improve the environment andreduce the distortions of existing taxes. According to the earlierliterature on the double dividend the tax rate for pollutinggoods should be higher than the Pigovian tax which fully internalizesthe marginal social damage from pollution, in order to obtaina second dividend. On the contrary, Bovenberg and de Mooij(1994) argue that environmental taxes typically exacerbate, ratherthan alleviate, pre-existing distortions. The optimal pollutiontax should therefore lie below the Pigovian tax. This paper pointsout that there is no real contradiction between these apparentlyopposing policy recommendations. It will be shown that the differencein the results appears because, implicitly, different definitionsof the second-best optimal pollution tax are chosen.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal cooperative and non-cooperative environmental taxes for the case in which a polluting input is used to produce an internationally-traded finished product. The model allows for terms-of-trade effects under oligopoly and employs a general specification of the environmental damage function that encompasses special cases of local, global, and transboundary externalities. The model has several implications for public finance. For example, inefficiently high environmental taxes may be optimal for a net exporting country in non-cooperative circumstances, as the motive to shift rent by selecting an inefficiently low tax rate is countervailed by the incentive to shift the burden of the tax to foreign consumers. The findings identify the important role of asymmetric trade flows (denominated in both goods and pollution exchange) in determining optimal cooperative and non-cooperative tax policy under oligopoly.  相似文献   

There has recently been much discussion of the possible use of internationally coordinated indirect taxes, or equivalent charges, on international aviation, whether as a source of finance for development or as part of a response to heightened concerns with climate change. This paper considers the strengths and weaknesses of the leading candidate instruments of this kind. It argues that, on both policy and administration grounds, the case for increasing indirect taxes on international aviation is strong: the indirect tax burden on international aviation is very low, yet aviation contributes significantly to border-crossing environmental damage, is just as proper an object of taxation as any other commodity, and incipient tax competition is likely to result in these taxes being set at inefficiently low levels. But the form(s) in which such taxes are levied matters: a tax on aviation fuel would address the key border-crossing externalities most directly; a tax on final ticket values would have greater revenue potential, and perhaps some distributional advantage; departure/arrival taxes face the least legal obstacles, but are much blunter instruments. Optimal policy, it is shown, typically requires deploying both a fuel tax and a ticket tax, and the paper explores, both in principle and by simulation, the key considerations and trade-offs involved in designing a suitable indirect tax regime for international aviation.  相似文献   

离案股权转让涉及税种较多,本文从离岸股权转让涉及的有关税种出发,逐一剖析了离岸股权转让过程中的税收问题,并从税收政策和征管两个方面对加强离案股权转让税收管理提出了建议。  相似文献   

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