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依据2007年年未的所有者权益数据,我们对中国159家商业银行进行了排名,列出其中最大的50家银行,同时列出了这些银行的总资产排名,以及相应的税前利润、资本充足率、不良贷款率、资产收益率、资本收益率、资本资产比等指标。159家商业银行包括1家政策性银行,5家国有大型商业银行,12家股份制商业银行,124家城市商业银行和17家农村商业银行。此次排名首次纳入国家开发银行,并首次从资产规模的角度对50家大银行进行了分组比较。  相似文献   

2006年度中国最大的50家商业银行排名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据2006年末的所有者权益数据,我们对中国143家商业银行进行了排名,列出了最大的50家银行;同时还列出了这些银行的总资产排名,以及相应的税前利润、资本充足率、不良贷款率、资产收益率、资本收益率、资本资产比等指标。此次入围的50家银行包括4家国有大型商业银行、12家全国性股份制商业银行、28家城市商业银行和6家农村商业银行。  相似文献   

“经济资本”是目前国际商业银行管理过程中较为普遍使用的管理参数,特别是西方十国集团的银行广为应用,在近20年中,经济资本管理理念已经成为国际现代商业银行发展所公认的三大进步之一。它从理论到实践都已经比较成熟,在西方商业银行中广为运用。一、商业银行权益资本与监管资本、经济资本关于银行资本理论和实践工作者往往可以从三个概念去认识和理解,并进一步去探讨其内涵,外延其现代商业银行资本管理的真谛。关于资本的三个概念就是权益资本、监管资本与经济资本。权益资本,亦称会计资本(或账面资本)。即银行资产负债表中的所有者权益,…  相似文献   

2005年中国最大50家商业银行排名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据2005年末的所有者权益数据,我们对中国的145家商业银行(包括4家国有独资或控股商业银行、12家全国性股份制商业银行、117家城市商业银行和12家农村商业银行)进行了排名,排出了最大的50家商业银行;同时还列出了这些银行2005年末的总资产排名,以及相应的税前利润、资本充足率、不良贷款率、资产收益率、资本收益率和资本资产比等指标。  相似文献   

一、什么是商业银行资本管理 (一)会计资本 会计资本又称为权益资本,即银行财务报表中显示的所有者权益,它包括实收资本、资本公积、盈余公积、未分配利润和少数股东权益等。它反映的是所有者在银行资产中所享有的经济利益,也就是通常所讲的资产回报率,它的定义与计算受到会计准则的严格限定,并作为上市银行披露财务信息的重要指标。  相似文献   

商业银行资本工具的核心功能是吸收银行经营过程中形成的非预期损失,资本工具创新的经济实质是打破将融资工具简单地分为"所有者权益"和"债务"的会计"两分法",利用结构化技术对股本和债务特征进行组合,形成"中间型"资本工具。巴塞尔III显著提高了"非普通股"资本工具的合格标准,对商业银行的资本充足率水平、资本结构和资本方式产生了重大影响。近年来,全球大型银行围绕新型资本工具的损失触发条件和损失吸收方式两个核心要素进行了市场探索。为推动国内资本工具创新,商业银行应统筹内部资本积累和外部补充,相关部门应调整相关法规政策,为商业银行渠道补充资本奠定基础。  相似文献   

运用中国5家股份制上市商业银行2003~2007年的季报数据,首次在其资本结构研究中同时考察权益和负债比率的动态调整问题,结论表明中国股份制上市商业银行权益比率与负债比率的决定机制互相依赖;非债务税盾、银行规模、管理层持股对股份制上市银行权益比率与负债比率的影响都非常显著,而破产成本、国有股比例仅显著影响权益比率,成长性与前5大股东持股比例仅显著影响了不可作为资本的负债比率;中国股份制上市商业银行的存款类负债更多地受到宏观经济变量的影响;选择银行职工人数作为工具变量,较好地解决了模型中规模变量的内生性问题。  相似文献   

依据2003年末的所有者权益数据,我们对中国126家商业银行(包括4家国有商业银行、11家全国性股份制商业银行和111家城市商业银行)进行了排名,排出了我国最大的50家商业银行以及相应的税前利润、资产利润率、资本利润率和资产资本比率,同时列出了这些银行2003年的总资产、资产总额排名。这是继2002年第一次排名后,我们对我国商业银行所作的第二次类似排名。  相似文献   

本文使用我国175家商业银行1998-2009年间的贷款数据,分析了资本监管制度对银行贷款的影响,并结合理论与实际总结了相关原因.本文发现,资本监管制度实施之后,我国商业银行的信贷供给能力显著下降,贷款相对规模减少,信贷扩张的速度下降.进一步分析发现,资本监管之后,银行自身的资本水平对贷款发放产生了重要影响,资本充足率较高的银行信贷扩张的能力较强,而资本充足率较低的银行则放缓了信贷扩张的步伐.此外,本文还发现,受银行融资约束的影响,不同规模的银行在信贷扩张速度上存在一定的差异.  相似文献   

本文使用VAIC测算方法测算2013-2017年31家上市商业银行智力资本,使用静态面板模型和动态面板模型探究智力资本对商业银行绩效的长短期影响。研究发现,智力资本及其组成对商业银行绩效具有显著促进作用,其中结构资本效率的作用大于人力资本效率;智力资本对商业银行绩效的作用受银行的所有制结构影响;智力资本对商业银行绩效的作用具有持续性。结果带来的启示在于,商业银行应积极响应国家金融供给侧结构性改革政策,充分重视对智力资本资源的利用,不同所有制结构的商业银行对组织结构变革要有针对地实施不同措施。  相似文献   

This paper explores how to incorporate banks' capital structure and risk-taking into models of production. In doing so, the paper bridges the gulf between (1) the banking literature that studies moral hazard effects of bank regulation without considering the underlying microeconomics of production and (2) the literature that uses dual profit and cost functions to study the microeconomics of bank production without explicitly considering how banks' production decisions influence their riskiness.Various production models that differ in how they account for capital structure and in the objectives they impute to bank managers – cost minimization versus value maximization – are estimated using U.S. data on highest-level bank holding companies. Modeling the bank's objective as value maximization conveniently incorporates both market-priced risk and expected cash flow into managers' ranking and choice of production plans.Estimated scale economies are found to depend critically on how banks' capital structure and risk-taking are modeled. In particular, when equity capital, in addition to debt, is included in the production model and cost is computed from the value-maximizing expansion path rather than the cost-minimizing path, banks are found to have large scale economies that increase with size. Moreover, better diversification is associated with larger scale economies while increased risk-taking and inefficient risk-taking are associated with smaller scale economies.  相似文献   

We present a model of an economy with heterogeneous banks that may be funded with uninsured deposits and equity capital. Capital serves to ameliorate a moral hazard problem in the choice of risk. There is a fixed aggregate supply of bank capital, so the cost of capital is endogenous. A regulator sets risk-sensitive capital requirements in order to maximize a social welfare function that incorporates a social cost of bank failure. We consider the effect of a negative shock to the supply of bank capital and show that optimal capital requirements should be lowered. Failure to do so would keep banks safer but produce a large reduction in aggregate investment. The result provides a rationale for the cyclical adjustment of risk-sensitive capital requirements.  相似文献   

我国商业银行前瞻性资本结构模型构建与实证研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
资本结构研究对以建立现代金融企业为目标的中国银行业十分重要。本文通过深入分析资本充足率、核心资本充足率、股权回报率和平均融资成本之间的关系,提出我国商业银行在转轨时期的前瞻性资本结构模型,并以我国四大国有商业银行为例进行实证分析,进而得到资本结构管理的指标矩阵。这有利于合理确定银行的资本结构,满足投资者的股权回报要求,降低融资成本。国内其他类型的商业银行也可以通过改变参数的方式,以前瞻性资本结构模型建立适应各自规模和定位的估计区间。  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop and estimate a model of bank costs based on a theory of the branch cost function. First, we show that convenient branch location is important to banking customers and implies that banks do not necessarily operate branches at minimum average cost. This theoretical result provides a rationale for including branch variables in the bank cost function. Second, we estimate a statistical cost equation derived explicitly from assumptions about the branch cost function and including branch output variables. Our empirical results suggest substantial economies of scale at the branch level, but no economies from expansion by branching. Finally, we show that the resulting cost structure of the banking industry does not imply that a highly concentrated banking structure is necessary for efficiency. Thus, economies of scale would not be expected to force small banks out of the market, even if current restrictions on interstate banking are liberalized.  相似文献   

Previous research of banking costs has been limited by the choice of the functional form, irregularities in the estimated cost functions, and a failure to rigorously examine the difference between banks in branching states and banks in unit-banking states. This paper addresses these shortcomings. Banks are modelled as three-input-three-output cost minimizing firms. A three equation system is estimated using 1985 Functional Cost Analysis data. The findings indicate that banks in unit-banking states experience diseconomies of scale Banks in branching states experience diseconomies of scale at the bank level but economies of scale at the branch level. We also find evidence of economies of scope for branch-state banks but not for unit-state banks.  相似文献   

Prior bank cost function studies have ignored the fact that some banks obtain a substantial amount of services from their correspondents. If these services are paid for with compensating deposit balances, their cost to the purchasing bank is not reflected in standard expense reports. This paper investigates whether explicit consideration of theese correspondent costs materially affects estimated bank returns to scale. The results indicate that the level of banksoperating costs is underreported by as much as 15%. While scale economy estimates for unit banks are not significantly affected by the addition of correspondent service costs, prior studies have overestimated branch bank scale economies by a small but statistically significant amount.  相似文献   

This paper empirically analyses the factors that determine the profitability of Spanish banks for the period of 1999–2009. We conclude that the high bank profitability during these years is associated with a large percentage of loans in total assets, a high proportion of customer deposits, good efficiency and a low doubtful assets ratio. In addition, higher capital ratios also increase the bank’s return, but only when return on assets (ROA) is used as the profitability measure. We find no evidence of either economies or diseconomies of scale or scope in the Spanish banking sector. Finally, our study reveals differences in the performance of commercial and savings banks.  相似文献   

We empirically investigate the impact of the regulatory change from a network organizational structure to an integrated one on scale economies, scope economies, and market power in cooperative banks. We exploit the passage of the Italian cooperative bank reform in 2016. Using a difference-in-differences identification strategy, we examine a treated group of 424 cooperative banks and a matched control group of 192 commercial banks over the period 2009–2019. Our findings indicate that cost scale and scope economies of cooperative banks are positively affected by the reform, while their profit scale and scope economies are not affected. Lastly, the Lerner Index is positively affected by the reform. Overall, the reform enhances cooperative banks' ability to exploit advantages related to a larger size and diversification.  相似文献   

目前,国际资本流动影响我国银行稳定性主要通过两条路径:一是通过持有我国商业银行股权,二是通过改变商业银行的资产负债结构。本文运用15家股份制商业银行2006—2012年面板数据,从微观角度探讨了外资股权结构、外币资产负债结构对其稳定性造成的影响。实证结果表明:(1)外资股权对商业银行稳定性影响在不同银行之间存在着一定差异;(2)外币资产负债结构对于我国商业银行稳定性有明显影响。据此,本文从外资股权、外币资产负债结构方面提出了商业银行稳定性管理的建议。  相似文献   

Banks can meet the need to increase their capital ratio either by issuing new equity or by reducing loans. It is generally known that banks prefer to reduce assets due to the high cost of equity. With a simple banking model we show that, if incumbent shareholders are to benefit, banks may prefer to reduce loans, even though they can recapitalize by issuing new equity without any cost. The result holds when banks hold relatively small amounts of long-term loans, or when the economy is in downturn.  相似文献   

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