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资源陷阱对于资源丰裕地区的经济发展来说是一个涉及多方面的综合问题。本文通过对贵州省资源与经济增长、社会福利之间的关系考察,深入分析了贵州省资源陷阱发生的机制,并通过实际数据的比较说明证实了资源通过投资挤占、效率损失、收入分配等效应对经济和社会福利造成的负面影响。在此基础之上,文章研究了如何通过优化投资结构、规划资源发展、促进收入分配公平、发展低碳循环经济等方式跳出资源陷阱,以实现贵州省经济的可持续健康发展。  相似文献   

How will international integration affect welfare policies? This paper considers the possibilities of financing public sector activities (public consumption and social security expenses) by general (wage) taxation in an economy which becomes more integrated in international product markets. Even if labour is internationally immobile, the increased mobility of products and hence jobs implies a change in the distortions arising from taxes and social security contributions levied on labour income. Since financing of social security via general taxation involves a common resource problem the effects of international integration depend critically on the institutional structure of the labour market. This paper shows that increased international integration inducing more product market competition implies that it becomes more costly to maintain welfare systems financed by general taxation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the corporate objective function in increasing corporate productivity, social welfare, and the accountability of managers and directors. Because it is logically impossible to maximize in more than one dimension, purposeful behavior requires a “single-valued” objective function. Two hundred years of work in economics and finance implies that, in the absence of externalities and monopoly, social welfare is maximized when each firm in an economy aims to maximize its total market value. The main contender to value maximization is stakeholder theory, which argues that managers should attempt to balance the interests of all corporate stakeholders, including not only financial claimants, but employees, customers, communities, and governmental officials. By refusing to specify how to make the necessary tradeoffs among these competing interests, the advocates of stakeholder theory leave managers with a theory that makes it impossible for them to make purposeful decisions. With no clear way to keep score, stakeholder theory effectively makes managers unaccountable for their actions (which helps explain the theory's popularity among many managers). But if value creation is the overarching corporate goal, the process of creating value involves much more than simply holding up value maximization as the organizational objective. As a statement of corporate purpose or vision, value maximization is not likely to tap into the energy and enthusiasm of employees and managers. Thus, in addition to setting up value maximization as the corporate scorecard, top management must provide a corporate vision, strategy, and tactics that will unite all the firm's constituencies in its efforts to compete and add value for investors.  相似文献   

Following the fall of the Soviet Bloc in 1989, a somber Fidel Castro informed the Cuban people that their Revolution hovered on the brink of disaster. Faced with an unprecedented economic crisis and few options, the Cuban government, reluctantly returned to international tourism as the foundation for economic salvation. Since then international tourism has multiplied fifteen-fold. While reintroducing tourism may have saved Cuba from a political and economic catastrophe - foreign tourists, mostly from capitalist countries, have enabled Cuba and the Revolution to survive - this use of capitalism to save socialism has also produced formidable challenges. In particular, the emergence of a consumer culture and the subsequent “dollarization” of the economy, pose a grave threat to Cuban society as products are increasingly evaluated, purchased, and consumed on the basis of their symbolic content and meaning for social status. Nonetheless, it will be argued in this paper that since Cuban society remains anchored by highly functional, stable, well-organized neighborhoods and a flourishing, innovative informal economy, embedded values of cooperation may serve as a counteractive force to the rise of a culture of consumerism and materialism. Based on this premise, the paper concludes with an examination of three possible scenarios for the future of tourism in Cuba.  相似文献   

The privatization of social services is being increasingly discussed. The market of social services is often characterized by market failures, like informational asymmetries, externalities, distributional problems, which all justify public intervention. But the quality of services provided by public authorities or by private insurers in the context of health insurance is different and could be observable. The public reimbursement of health care is often conditional on rules, like the choice of the physician or the hospital, that induce a disutility of using social insurance instead of private insurance. An alternative solution to a complete privatization is to allow some individuals to opt out. We can imagine that the government allows and even in some cases favors part of the population leaving the public health insurance system. We analyze the situations where the opting out is welfare improving. We then study the optimal policy depending on the characteristics of the economy considering a Rawlsian criterion.  相似文献   

文章基于DPSIR(驱动力—压力—状态—影响—响应)模型,运用FAHP模糊层次分析法和Delphi法构建了低碳旅游发展的评价体系。通过与PSR(压力—状态—响应)模型以及DSR(驱动力—状态—响应)模型的比较,突出了DPSIR模型在反映各指标间因果、制约、反馈关系等方面的优势。FAHP法避免了传统层次分析法的调整原始判断矩阵以及多次一致性检验,并结合Delphi法,由Matlab软件计算出评价体系中各级指标的权重。最后运用评价体系对陕西商洛进行实证分析显示:商洛市的低碳旅游发展目前处于基本低碳阶段,其在污染物排放和碳排放、管理水平、旅游资源开发等方面的工作较为突出,但在今后的发展中需要协调好政府、企业、旅游者以及当地居民之间的关系,促进各方积极配合低碳旅游的发展。  相似文献   

Increasing transparency is recurrently offered as a centerpiece of bank regulation. We study a competitive banking sector whose illiquid assets are funded by short‐term debt that must be refinanced. We show that welfare is a nonmonotonic function of the level of transparency: Increasing transparency fosters efficient liquidation but has an adverse effect on rollover risk given the level of risk. Banks may compensate this adverse effect by taking more risk. These offsetting effects render an intermediate level of transparency optimal. Moreover, the existence of negative social externalities of bank failures calls for making banks more opaque rather than more transparent.  相似文献   

This paper constructs an endogenous growth model with overlapping generations, whose engine of economic growth is productive public capital. We investigate a public policy under which the government allocates tax revenue between investment in public capital accumulation and public pension provision. We show that increasing the share of spending on public pensions always reduces economic growth. However, we show numerically that public pension provision improves social welfare and there exists an optimal share of spending on public pension provision unless the value of the time discount factor of the government is sufficiently high. Moreover, we show that in an economy facing an aging population, an increase in social security provision for the old rather than an increase in public investment can be preferable from the viewpoint of social welfare.  相似文献   

Gali, Gertler, and Lopez‐Salido (2007) recently show quantitatively that fluctuations in the efficiency of resource allocation do not generate sizable welfare costs. In their economy, which is distorted by monopolistic competition in the steady state, we show that they underestimate the welfare cost of these fluctuations by ignoring the negative effect of aggregate volatility on average consumption and leisure. As monopolistic suppliers, both firms and workers aim to preserve their expected markups; the interaction between aggregate fluctuations and price‐setting behavior results in average consumption and employment levels that are lower than their counterparts in the flexible‐price economy. This level effect increases the efficiency cost of business cycles. It is all the more sizable with the degree of inefficiency in the steady state, lower labor–supply elasticities, and when prices instead of wages are rigid.  相似文献   

Short horizons, time inconsistency, and optimal social security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study the optimal provision of social security in a dynamically efficient economy using a continuous-time overlapping-generations model in which consumers have short planning horizons. The short-horizon mechanism leads to dynamic optimization that is time-inconsistent over the life cycle. Our calibrated general-equilibrium results are generally supportive of social security for a wide array of social welfare functions. Thus, the basic life-cycle model can be augmented with only this slight twist in order to rationalize a social security program with the current U.S. tax rate.  相似文献   

开放条件下知识产权保护和社会福利效应的规范研究显示,发达国家从创新主体利益角度,要求发展中国家加强知识产权保护,但这并不能保证发达国家及世界福利水平的提高;技术创新和技术扩散是知识产权保护影响福利水平的两个最重要传导机制,其对南方国家知识产权保护的反应也存在不确定性。一些实证研究显示,知识产权保护对经济增长、国际贸易、FDI和技术转让均有影响。从减少贫困和失业以及产业结构变迁等发展经济学视角展开研究,是对现有文献的一个重要拓展方向。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes foreign reserve accumulation as a second-best policy in economies with learning-by-investing externalities that arise disproportionately from the tradable sector. Under closed capital accounts, reserve accumulation requires an increase in net exports, which reduces the domestic supply of tradable goods, raises their relative price in terms of non-tradable goods – i.e. undervalues the real exchange rate – and stimulates the production of tradable goods. The cost of such a policy is to reduce domestic tradable absorption. However, since the tradable sector generates learning-by-investing externalities, it leads to dynamic gains. Reserve accumulation always increases growth in our framework, but the net welfare effects depend on the balance between the static losses from lower tradable absorption and the dynamic gains from higher growth. We capture this trade-off in a simple analytic formula and depict it in an intuitive graph. We also discuss alternative policy options to reserve accumulation that serve to internalize learning-by-investing externalities.  相似文献   

Tourism and economic development in a cash-in-advance economy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the impact of tourism on welfare in a cash-in-advance economy. As a result of the expansion in tourism, the price of the non-traded good increases. This gives rise to a terms-of-trade improvement. However, the cash-in-advance constraint causes a distortion in consumption. For tourism demand, where the gain from the terms-of-trade improvement dominates (does not dominate) the loss from the consumption distortion, tourism is welfare-improving (welfare-reducing). A similar condition for welfare improvement (deterioration) holds for a model of capital inflow and endogenised tourism.  相似文献   

We design an international scheme to control global externalities in which autonomous regions choose their own emissions levels in anticipation of interregional resource transfers implemented by an international agency. This agency follows a proportional equity principle, which preserves the status-quo ratio of regional welfare levels. We show that it is individually rational for each region to participate in the proposed international scheme and that regional environmental authorities choose policies that fully internalize the global externality. Although based on an admittedly ideal scheme, these results are especially noteworthy in light of the call for various forms of transfers in international agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol. JEL Code: C72 · D62 · D78 · H41 · H77 · Q28  相似文献   

旅游管理专业课程建设研究与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全球经济一体化和国际旅游业的发展,中国的旅游市场前景十分广阔。旅游经济正成为国民经济新的增长点,在区域经济中发挥重要的作用。但旅游业的竞争也日渐突出,其核心在于旅游人才的竞争,为旅游业培养和输送优秀人才就成为时代赋予教育的历史使命。课程建设虽然是旅游教育的一部分,但其创新程度也能部分反映旅游教育的创新程度。本文以旅行社为例,通过旅行社相关课程的建设与发展,旨在说明基于社会经济发展变化下的旅游专业课程建设要与时代同步,课程建设创新要能反映旅游教育创新,并在更广泛的意义上提出旅游教育创新的途径。  相似文献   

旅游业的发展对西部民族地区经济结构带来了较大的影响,改变着西部民族地区经济发展的格局。从西部民族地区国内旅游收入的分布趋势看,西南省区明显高于西北省区,从人均旅游消费的分布趋势来看,西北省区高于西南省区。由于国内经济的变化,游客的旅游动机发生了比较明显的变化,观光旅游已经不再成为最重要的旅游方式。从国内旅游需求增长空间格局来看,云南、广西和贵州在西部民族地区旅游发展中处于排头位置。目前,西部民族地区旅游发展空间格局形成过程中,还存在着许多问题。综合考量,西部民族地区国内旅游发展将会形成新的潜力空间区域,在旅游发展空间优化过程中应走跨越式发展道路、坚持政府主导战略、创新深化旅游产品。  相似文献   

旅游业对区域经济增长的效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游经济在国民经济中的地位及作用一直是旅游经济研究中的热点问题。探讨旅游经济与区域经济的影响力,对于优化旅游经济的地区影响力,发挥旅游业对区域经济的增长作用具有理论意义与现实意义。本文在经济学视角下,对旅游业在促进区域经济增长方面产生的效应加以分析。  相似文献   

摘要:尚属发展中国家的斯里兰卡向民众提供了项目丰富的社会福利,降低了民众的生存风险,同时也为经济发展提供了优质的人力资源。普选、福利刚性、宗教和意识形态等都是深刻地影响着斯里兰卡的社会福利。囿于经济发展水平和政府财力,斯里兰卡的社会福利供给方面也存在某些不足。在今后转变经济增长方式的过程中,斯里兰卡应该更加重视社会福利建设,实现社会福利和经济发展的良性互动。  相似文献   

公共卫生支出具有极强的正外部性.如果由地方政府或私人选择公共卫生支出的水平,那么他们的最优选择是较低的公共卫生支出和较高的个人消费(内含个人医疗支出),整个社会的福利将会处于较低的水平状态.本文在一个动态的框架下分析了发生这种现象的经济学原因,说明中央政府而非地方政府或私人应该对公共卫生的建设承担更大的责任,应由中央政府负责全国公共卫生体系的建设.  相似文献   

This paper studies the consequences of opening asset markets more often for the properties of asset prices and social welfare. For all reasonable parameter values, increasing trading hours lowers average asset prices, increases unconditional asset price volatility at a given point in time, and decreases unconditional asset price volatility when averaged over the period of time that includes the additional hours that markets are open. Unconditional social welfare is increased by opening markets more often, although the welfare gains are small – well below 1% of lifetime consumption. In contrast, because expanding hours of trading affects agents' information sets, the welfare effect of more trading hours conditional on information available to agents can be large and the effect can be negative.  相似文献   

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