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在“尼克松冲击”与“广场协议”之后,日元都出现了大幅升值,但并非日元升值导致了日本的资产泡沫,而是日本政府担心日元升值影响经济增长所采取的极度扩张的财政和货币政策,其根源在于,日本政府屈服于其他国家的压力,选择了错误的财政和货币政策。  相似文献   

人民币国际化进程对我国经济的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日本没有处理好日元国际化进程对日本经济的各种影响,导致出现日元大幅度升值、通货紧缩和经济萧条等各种问题,最终也造成日元国际化没有达到预期目标。我国的人民币目前正处在国际化进程之中,而且人民币的国际化进程将比日元的国际化进程更漫长,因此,人民币国际化进程对我国经济有着更加重要的影响。本文首先分析人民币国际化进程对我国经济的各种影响,然后提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

张绍岩 《深交所》2006,(6):31-35
20世纪80年代中后期,日元升值对于日本的泡沫经济和日本金融国际化改革以及日本产业结构调整都产生了不同程度的影响。在相关的研究中,认为日元这一时期的升值对于泡沫经济崩溃以及产业空洞化和日元国际化的失败等问题应负有责任的看法不在少数。笔者认为,20世纪70、80年代之后日元的升值除了少部分市场因素之外,更主要的是对日本经济实力和国民财富实质的真实反映,是一种积极的调整。至于日元升值对同期泡沫经济的崩溃和日元国际化的失败所产生的影响则应该更客观地分析。问题的核心应该在于能否保持经济发展的均衡,并建立稳定有效的汇率安…  相似文献   

很多研究者认为日元升值导致日本经济陷入长期低迷,如果人民币汇率大幅升值将会严重影响中国经济的发展。但是,通过对日本和德国20世纪80年代的宏观经济数据的对比分析发现,日元升值并不是导致日本经济长期低迷的原因,其中还有更深层的原因。  相似文献   

欧美经济的不确定使日元持续坚挺,进而影响日本经济的增长。今年6月,日本工业生产超预期下滑,失业率升至七个月以来的最高水平,出口增速出现回落,这些数据令日本经济的持续复苏前景蒙上阴影。日本央行表示,美欧等主要经济体经济可能下滑以及目前日本股市走低、日元升值和通货紧缩等,都是可能导致日本经济下挫的风险因素,有必要加以关注。  相似文献   

李亚芬 《国际金融》2011,(11):28-31
因日元的创纪录升值以及全球经济增长放缓影响日本经济复苏,日本内阁府在10月中旬发布的月度经济预估报告中,下调了对日本经济前景的评估。为应对日元的持续升值,日本政府采取了包括扩大金融资产购买规模、向收购海外企业的公司提供贷款等新一轮措施,并于10月31日再度对汇市进行了强有力的干预(这是日本在一年多的时间内第四次出手干预汇市)。这一系列举措效果有限,无法从根本上扭转日元升值的局面。最近的泰国洪灾也重创了日本制造业。日本央行在10月份的《经济和物价形势展望报告》中,把2011财年和2012财年日本实际国内生产总值(GDP)增长率分别下调至0.3%和2.2%。  相似文献   

日元汇率波动对FDI影响的实证分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日元进入浮动汇率制以来,经历了长期的升值过程,研究日元汇率升值对FDI的影响具有现实的借鉴意义。本文以日本制造业为例,研究进入浮动汇率制以来,日元汇率变动对日本制造业FDI的影响情况。研究方法是利用日元汇率、日本的实质GDP和日本制造业各行业FDI1971年至2002年的年度数据,通过建立实证模型,考察日元进入浮动汇率以来,对日本制造业FDI的影响情况。  相似文献   

8月初以来,国际外汇市场日元对美元汇率一直在高位徘徊,并于8月24日一度突破83:1水平,为十五年零两个月以来新高。相对于强势日元,日本经济却在显示放缓迹象,日本第二季度GDP增速与前两个季度相比大幅下滑,7月份物价指数继续恶化,出口增幅已连续第五个月放缓。为了避免日本经济因日元升值及欧美经济低迷而恶化,日本央行和日本政府8月30日相继公布了金融宽松政策和一项规模达9200亿日元的新经济刺激计划大纲。然而,刺激经济新对策对遏制日元升值效果不大。  相似文献   

雍志强  张磊等 《中国金融》1999,(11):32-32,41
今年年初,当亚洲国家普遍为日元可能跌破1美元兑150日元大关而担忧时,日元却峰回路转,出现强劲走势。近期日元汇价更是大幅飙升,9月20日东京外汇市场日元兑美元汇率一度升至1美元兑103日元。日元大幅升值对中国经济将产生重大影响。一、日元升值有利于我国启动新一轮的经济增长1-日元升值将使中国近两年日益恶化的外部经济环境得到改善由于亚洲金融危机的影响,中国近一两年来面临着严峻的外部经济形势。我国坚持人民币不贬值,承受着较大的压力,为亚洲经济复苏付出了一定的代价。此次日元升值不但使人民币贬值的压力减轻…  相似文献   

最近一段时间,在关于人民币汇率的讨论中频繁提到“广场协议”。本文简要介绍了“广场协议”,结合在此前后的日本经济发展史,认为当时的日元升值是日本经济长期快速增长的必然结果,“广场协议”只是顺应市场内在要求的一个政策反映,而非升值的根本原因。日元升值虽然对日本出口、国内投资规模等产生了一定的负面影响,但同时对于当时日本产业结构提升、海外资源控制等方面也发挥了积极作用。“日元升值有害论”缺乏足够证据。  相似文献   

本文运用状态空间模型的时变参数回归,测度2005年7月21日-2018年9月30日不同阶段人民币在东亚区域的货币"锚"效应,并利用变截距固定效应面板模型对人民币在东亚区域内货币"锚"效应的多重影响因素进行分析。研究表明,美元在东亚区域内货币"锚"效应略有下降,但仍然难以取代;欧元和英镑在东亚区域内货币"锚"效应下降很大;而日元近几年在东亚区域内货币"锚"效应显著提升;人民币在东亚区域的货币"锚"效应自2010年以来显著提升,大部分时期已经接近美元的水平,但很容易受国际经济形势和突发事件的影响。东亚其他国家和地区与中国大陆的经济增长率差异、通货膨胀率差异、利率差异,东亚其他国家和地区对中国大陆产品市场依赖程度和人民币国际化程度都对人民币在东亚区域发挥"锚"效应有显著影响。其中,东亚其他国家和地区与中国大陆经济周期同步性、东亚其他国家和地区对中国大陆产品市场依赖程度和人民币国际化程度是推动人民币在东亚区域内货币"锚"效应提升的最主要因素。  相似文献   

自2012年6月1日起,我国完善了银行间外汇市场人民币对日元交易方式,开始发展人民币对日元直接交易,日元成为继美元后第二个与人民币直接交易的主要货币。大连与日本的经贸联系紧密,此政策一出台,在连银行和企业均积极响应,表现出极大的关注。总体看,中日货币直兑开局良好,将对两国经贸关系产生深远影响,但短期内,政策时滞导致银行、企业的交易变化不大,将人民币、日元打造为主要结算货币仍存一些制约因素。本文在分析制约因素的基础上,提出一系列政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between macroeconomic news and the dollar–Mark and dollar–Yen exchange rates. We employ high-frequency observations for a 10-year period. We investigate whether exchange rate observations need to be sampled at a high frequency in order to detect significant effects from news announcements on mean returns and volatility. We examine the linearity and symmetry of the responses to news and also allow the effects of the news announcements to vary across states of the economy. We find that news indicating a stronger U.S. economy causes an appreciation of the U.S. dollar, that the responses are essentially complete within 5 min, and that measuring the responses over 6-h intervals eliminates the statistical significance of the news. The effects of news appear linear and symmetric but there is some evidence that the effects depend on the state of the economy.  相似文献   

The paper examines the impact of major U.S. macroeconomic announcements on the Dollar/Yen exchange rate. We find that these announcements are responsible for most intraday and day-of-the-week volatility patterns in this market and we identify the most important announcements. The initial reaction to a major 8:30 announcement begins around 8:30:10 and lasts until about 8:30:50. A partial price correction is normally observed between 8:31 and 8:32. Price movements after 8:32 are basically independent of those observed earlier although volatility continues to be higher than normal until about 8:55.  相似文献   

Yosuke Hall  Suk-Joong Kim 《Pacific》2009,17(2):175-188
We investigate the Bank of Japan's (BOJ) Yen interventions for the period 13 May 1991 to 16 March 2004. The previous literature has been hampered by the coarse daily data and has been unable to identify intervention determinants beyond some embodiment of the first moment of Yen returns. We consider both lagged overnight off-shore (London and New York) and intradaily on-shore (Tokyo) market developments for their heterogeneous influences on the BOJ's intervention decisions. Using a friction model to estimate the reaction function, we find that the interventions were leaning against the wind during the Tokyo hours, in general. Prior to June 1995, there were significant responses to previous day's intradaily Yen returns and volatility. Post-1995, we report a broadening in the BOJ's monitoring to include overnight off-shore Yen returns until Dec 2002 and a broader measure of market disorderliness measured as a transactions cost band in one-month covered interest rate parity condition since Jan 2003. Moreover, there is some evidence that the BOJ secretly leaned into the wind in response to Yen depreciations during the recent period of 2003–2004.  相似文献   

The impact of the U.S. Employment Report and analyst forecasts of that report’s major statistics on Pound/Dollar, Yen/Dollar, and Euro/Dollar exchange rates are explored. While the nonfarm payroll employment figure has the greatest impact, we find that the exchange rates also react to the announced revision to last month’s payroll figure and to the unemployment rate. In all three markets, the exchange rate response to the payroll employment figure is strongly conditioned on pre-release analyst uncertainty. The median analyst forecast from Bloomberg anticipates over 80% of the monthly variation in the payroll figure and is basically unbiased. The markets appear to respond to these analyst forecasts prior to the government release. Analyst forecast dispersion tends to increase following large forecast errors indicating that when the announced figure is far from what analysts expected, they tend to disagree on the implications for future payroll levels.  相似文献   

Gold and the Dollar (and the Euro, Pound, and Yen)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Usually, gold and the Dollar are negatively related; when the Dollar price of gold increases, the Dollar depreciates against other currencies. This is intuitively puzzling because it seems to suggest that gold prices are associated with appreciation in other currencies. Why should the Dollar be different? We show here that there is actually no puzzle. The price of gold can be associated with currency depreciation in every country. The Dollar price of gold can be related to Dollar depreciation and the Euro (Pound, Yen) price of gold can be related to Euro (Pound, Yen) depreciation. Indeed, this is usually the case empirically.  相似文献   

This paper estimates the impact of market activity and news on the volatility of returns in the exchange market for Japanese Yen and US dollars. We examine the effects of news on volatility before, during and after news arrival, using three categories of news. Market activity is proxied by quote arrival, separated into a predictable seasonal component and an unexpected component. Results indicate that both components of market activity, as well as news releases, affect volatility levels. We conclude that both private information and news effects are important determinants of exchange rate volatility. Our finding that unexpected quote arrival positively impacts foreign exchange rate volatility is consistent with the interpretation that unexpected quote arrival serves as a measure of informed trading. Corroborating this interpretation is regression analysis, which indicates that spreads increase in the surprise component of the quote arrival rate, but not in the expected component. The estimated impact of a unit increase in unexpected quote arrival and the range of values observed for this variable imply an important volatility conditioning role for informed trading.  相似文献   

为缓解巨额贸易顺差及促进日元输出,日本在20世纪80年代实施了"黑字环流"计划。通过发展"黑字环流"贷款,日本国际收支顺差得到有效利用,并以此推动日元国际化。本文对日本发展"黑字环流"计划的基本情况、特点、经验教训及对我国的启示进行了整理,以期为推动人民币境外使用提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   

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