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会考府是清朝雍正皇帝设立的政府审计机构,虽存续三载,却有明显的审计特性,《中国审计史》对其做过简要记述。本文依据现存史料档案,对会考府的设置与裁撤时间、机构编制、职责权限、审计特点等进行了较详细的介绍和考证,并就会考府的审计特性进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

日本政府审计制度及其对中国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中日两国是一衣带水的友好领邦,同时也是亚洲极具影响力的两个政治经济大国,近几十年来日本在政府审计方面取得了一定的进展,形成了自己鲜明的特色。本文试图通过对日本政府审计制度基本情况的介绍,分析日本政府审计的主要特点与发展动向,比较中日两国审计制度在独立性、方向性、技术性和透明性等方面的不同之处,为不断完善的中国政府审计制度提供参考建议。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the current government auditing system in China and the proposal to move it from the control of the executive body (the State Council) to the control of the legislature (the National People's Congress). Interviews with government auditors, government and people's congress officials, and leading academics identify the problems caused by lack of audit independence. Although audit independence can be increased by moving the control of government auditing to the legislature, many of our interviewees considered such a move as infeasible in the current political climate. To smooth the reform toward a legislature-led audit system, we propose a “Dual-Track System” in which the different audit responsibilities currently undertaken by the government auditing system are separated. The responsibility for auditing the use and control of fiscal budgets by the central and regional governments would be under the control of the legislature as this area of government auditing has a clear need for audit independence. Other audit functions including economic responsibility auditing, special purpose funds auditing, financial service auditing and state-owned enterprise auditing would remain under the control of the government. This dual track approach would, we argue, be a politically acceptable compromise as it would strengthen audit independence where it is most needed but also enable the government to maintain strong economic control.  相似文献   

The continuing and deepening economic reforms in China have brought many changes both socially and economically to the society. The primary function of auditing in China has begun to shift away from the traditional tax compliance assessment towards the credibility lending to financial statements. The economic reforms and the development of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises have necessitated the parallel development of auditing standards in China. While some significant differences exist, the new Chinese auditing standards are, in a number of important aspects, similar to the professional standards promulgated by the International Federation of Accountants. The development of a comprehensive body of standards, auditor independence, the role of certain auditing techniques, and certified public accountant (CPA) population are the major areas that China needs to improve. Opening up the Chinese accounting industry will trigger significant advances in the implementation of Chinese standards and the development of the Chinese accounting profession.  相似文献   

Since its foundation, China’s government auditing system has played a very important role in maintaining financial and economic order and improving government accountability and transparency. Though a great deal of research has discussed the role of government auditing in discovering and deterring corruption, there is little empirical evidence on whether government auditing actually helps to reduce corruption. Using China’s provincial panel data from 1999 to 2008, this paper empirically examines the role of government auditing in China’s corruption control initiatives. Our findings indicate that the number of irregularities detected in government auditing is positively related to the corruption level in that province, which means the more severe the corruption is in a province, the more irregularities in government accounts are found by local audit institutions. Also, post-audit rectification effort is negatively related to the corruption level in that province, indicating that greater rectification effort is associated with less corruption. This paper provides empirical evidence on how government auditing can contribute to curbing corruption, which is also helpful for understanding the role of China’s local audit institutions in government governance and can enrich the literature on both government auditing and corruption control.  相似文献   

反垄断法是维护市场经济秩序的基本法律制度。台湾地区公平交易法实施已逾二十载,反垄断执法、司法制度日渐成熟。大陆反垄断法自2008年实施以来,虽然存在许多问题,但亦在逐步的向前发展。立足于两岸反垄断法实施现实,选取执法对象、执法主体、和解制度、司法程序以及法律责任等两岸典型的反垄断实施制度进行比较研究,以期对大陆反垄断法的合理实施及具体制度的完善有所裨益。  相似文献   

经济的快速发展,使全球环境问题日益严重,尤其是全球气候变暖已经严重威胁到人类社会的可持续发展,并成为世界性的政治、经济、法律和技术问题。碳审计作为现代审计中有效应对全球变暖等环境问题的新举措,是一种全新的环境规制工具。论文将从“国家审计免疫系统论”的视角下,结合目前国内外碳审计的研究现状,探索分析适合我国国情的碳审计模式,以期发挥碳审计在经济社会环境的免疫作用。  相似文献   

利益制度缺陷对风险导向审计影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段宏 《会计研究》2006,(10):86-91
目前倡导的风险导向审计,是针对日益复杂的经济业务开发的,希望能通过新的技术方法来提高发现欺诈的概率。但是,应该注意到,许多审计失败并非纯粹的技术方面的原因。技术方法的设计可以很完善,技术方法的实施却离不开相关利益制度的制约。本文认为风险导向审计的核心是风险评估,影响评估结果的关键因素是审计主体的风险偏好;而利益制度的缺陷则是导致审计主体非理性偏好的诱因,从而影响了风险导向审计的有效实施。  相似文献   

Corporate governance has often been defined in a narrow way as comprising 'the range of control mechanisms that protect and enhance the interests of shareholders of business enterprises' ( Fama and Jensen 1983 ). In the corporate governance literature there has also been a general focus on the structure and functioning of boards of directors and the responsibilities of audit committees in relation to external auditing ( Rosenstein and Wyatt 1990 ; Shleifer and Vishny 1997 ). This article looks at the evolution of the role of external auditing in corporate governance. The role of the external auditor has changed through time, and consequently it should not be assumed that the role of external auditing is fixed or that it cannot be changed to meet societal needs and expectations. This observation leads to the primary argument of our article, which is that the role of the external auditor in corporate governance ought to be expanded in order to enhance the effectiveness of corporate governance for the benefit of a wider spectrum of stakeholders and society generally.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study is to investigate factors associated with the increase in demand for carbon auditing in China. Based on an analysis of publicly available carbon‐related information and data, the paper documents the large amount of carbon auditing that occurred in the public sector during the period 2009–2013. We find that the creation of carbon institutions and the significant increase in governmental green funding were the main reasons for the emergence of carbon auditing in this period. The change in models of economic development attempting to balance GDP growth and ecosystem protection, in addition to institutional reform, has led carbon auditing from rhetoric to practice. In addition, we show that carbon auditing serves as a tool for the management of transitions and the governance of sustainable socio‐technical and organisational innovation and transformation.  相似文献   

审计最初被赋予查错纠弊的监督职能,审计署成立初期国家审计主要扮演着国有资产保值增值的守护者角色。随着社会经济环境的变化和人们对审计本质认识的深化,国家审计许多潜在的功能逐渐被人们在实践中所发掘和发现。刘家义审计长提出审计是保障国家经济社会健康运行的免疫系统,突出了审计的建设性作用。本文首先回顾社会变革环境下中国国家审计功能及其演进,然后以组织学习理论和契约经济学理论作为审计建设性作用的理论依据,最后在理论分析的基础上提出基于组织学习的审计建设性功能制度创新。  相似文献   

社会创业作为一种新的事物,被中国多接受是近几年的事。它是兼具社会性和经济性的创业活动。社会创业在欧洲及美国形成较早,总结欧美的研究成果对于社会创业活动在中国的发展具有积极的意义。本文旨在总结国内外社会创业的研究成果,及对我国社会企业发展的现状分析,为我国社会创业的发展、壮大开拓视野。  相似文献   

伊斯兰律法禁止利息、不确定性交易等经济行为,致使传统保险无法满足穆斯林的保险需求.经过多年的研究,全新的伊斯兰保险诞生,并被穆斯林和非穆斯林所接受,而且市场发展正不断地扩张.我国拥有2000多万伊斯兰人口,而伊斯兰保险市场一片空白,也无学术的理论研究.笔者通过分析了我国伊斯兰人口的分布情况及民族特征,以及伊斯兰人口集中...  相似文献   

浅析风险导向审计及其在我国的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风险导向审计自其产生以来一直受到人们的广泛关注,近年来国内外一系列重大财务造假丑闻和审计失败案例的接连发生更使其成为关注的焦点。本文从风险导向审计产生的原因出发,评述了风险导向审计的特点、必要性及风险导向审计与传统审计模式的区别,旨在分析制约风险导向审计实施的因素,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

中国审计实证研究:1999-2007   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国审计实证研究自1999以来,已经取得了长足的进展。本文拟对国内主要学术刊物发表的审计实证研究文献进行综述,主要考察审计实证研究所得到的结论以及审计实证研究中所存在的不足,以期能为推动中国审计实务工作与审计实证研究的发展提供依据。  相似文献   

成本--效益分析是经济分析的根本方法,也是效益审计的一个十分有用的工具.本文通过对效益审计的实质分析,将成本--效益分析方法应用于效益审计,为效益审计提供了一个相对规范的、可行的评估框架.该框架包含了各种货币性与非货币性的评估方法,因而具有广泛的兼容性;与通行的"目标--手段"框架相比,它更为简易可行.  相似文献   

审计产品的经济属性从私人产品发展到准公共产品,然而,其定价机制并未随之改变,具体定价过程仍由私人谈判确定。因此,审计产品的经济特性与定价机制的不匹配,本文将其称为审计定价悖论。  相似文献   

It has to be observed at the outset that performance auditing has been a contentious issue for much of the three decades it has been pursued in Australia. That said, there is clear evidence of its growth and acceptance in that period. Nevertheless, there are still apparent differences in views and perceptions across the main stakeholders, not least related to the performance and results achieved by the Audit Offices involved. In these respects, Stuart Kells highlights deficiencies that need to be addressed to instill greater confidence in such auditing. In my view, many of these deficiencies (Sins) have been addressed, particularly in the last decade or so, and we may be better employed in focusing more on the achievement of identifiable outcomes as a result of such auditing. Do performance audits actually make a ‘difference’? Such a focus does not ignore questions about how performance audits are selected, conducted and reported, nor their quality and relevance. Rather, a major challenge is to put in place a robust review framework that would markedly add to accountability for implementation of agreed audit outcomes.  相似文献   

While critical accounting research has long been vitally interested in relationships between accounting, auditing and control of business organizations, mainstream research in accounting, finance and management has only recently displayed an increased interest in questions of corporate governance. The notion of corporate governance typically employed in mainstream research focus on enhancing benefits to shareholders. The structure and the functioning of boards of directors, and audit committees of such boards, are primary concerns within this line of research. This paper presents an alternative view of corporate governance and the role of auditing within corporate governance. We argue that the role of auditing should be increased in order to enhance the control of corporations for the benefit of all stakeholders and society generally.  相似文献   

美国201钢铁贸易保护争端对我国的影响与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国在国内经济增长衰退,钢铁产业不断衰落的背景下,根据国内法律《l974年贸易法》第201条款出台了钢铁保障措施,实行以损害他国经济利益为条件而谋求本国利益最大化的保护主义,从而导致全球性的贸易争端。中国作为世界钢铁生产和消费大国,受到美国201钢铁保障措施及其引发的贸易保护主义的直接损害。中国在遵守WTO有关规则和不断调适外贸政策经济目标的同时,采取相应的对策措施,以维护正当贸易利益和保护本国钢铁产业的健康发展。  相似文献   

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