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在酒店文化日益重视的现代社会,酒店企业文化是酒店价值观念行为准则的总和,其对酒店的团队建设和经营理念都具有深刻的影响。文化建设在酒店企业中具有重要的地位和发挥不可比拟的作用;大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店其地理位置优越和酒店城堡设计风格独特两方面优势表现为外显的企业文化;其文化建设中存在着一些需要改进的问题;基于对问题的分析而提出了要坚持以服务文化为核心的酒店企业文化体系强调对细节的重视、寻求自身企业的优势和文化源泉以营造企业文化氛围和塑造特色文化、建立文化创新机制重视企业文化创新和个性的统一、重视品牌信誉塑造良好的企业文化形象等四个方面提出了优化策略。  相似文献   

罗振鹏  刘聪 《旅游学刊》2007,22(3):58-63
前厅部作为酒店的窗口,直接代表了整个酒店的形象,不仅如此,前厅部还承担了酒店的大量工作,重要性不言而喻.只有提供高效和优质的服务,才能让顾客感到满意.运用科学的方法搜集信息并进行分析,发现酒店存在的问题和漏洞,并对酒店前厅服务质量进行评估和检测,提出补救方法和改进建议,成为各个酒店的当务之急.总之,提高酒店服务质量,可以增加顾客的满意度,并促进酒店经营的良性发展以及增强酒店的竞争优势.  相似文献   

高星级酒店的生存与发展主要取决于顾客的满意度,满意度则取决于从业人员的服务意识。在这一趋势下,酒店行业对从业人员的服务水平有了新的要求,因此为顾客提供优质而真诚的服务已成为现今高星级酒店主营的特色项目之一。本文主要分析了我国当前酒店业服务人员的服务意识现状,阐明了服务意识对高星级酒店发展的重要性,并对如何提高酒店从业人员的服务意识提出相应方案。  相似文献   

如今,在大众旅游、奖励旅游大力发展的背景下,酒店行业处于迅速发展的上升期,由此带来的行业竞争也十分激烈。前厅部与客房部是酒店的两大运营部门,二者提供的服务既直接关系到顾客对酒店服务体验和感受的评价,同时也是展现酒店文化与个性化服务的重要平台。但是,当前的酒店业中,前厅部与客房部的服务仍存在着一些问题。本文运用SERVQUAL模型,从服务的有形性、可靠性、响应性、保障性和移情性五个维度,探究目前酒店前厅部与客房部各自存在的最为普遍的问题,从服务匹配度、部门沟通、服务的主动性与细节化方面问题进行分析,并对提升服务质量的方式提出几点理念。  相似文献   

在旅游不断发展的今天,作为旅游三大支柱行业的酒店业已成为了越来越多学者关注的对象,如何提升酒店的服务,如何减轻酒店能耗,节约成本,如何让顾客的满意程度更高是现在酒店迫切需要解决的问题,随着技术的发展智慧酒店应运而生。本文将智慧酒店智慧化服务作为切入点,对杭州黄龙饭店的智慧化服务优化进行深入研究,针对问题提出相应对策,希望能对杭州黄龙饭店的发展起到一定借鉴作用。  相似文献   

在激烈的市场竞争中,创新被视为酒店取得竞争优势的有效方式.现有研究主要关注酒店创新的过程和绩效,忽视了个体消费者对服务创新的感知和评价.鉴于此,文章通过分析不同类型服务创新产生的影响作用,探讨怎样的创新更有利于提升顾客感知价值和品牌态度.通过实地调研经济型酒店服务创新项目,使用探索性因子分析和验证性因子分析,指出顾客感知酒店服务创新的4个维度分别是服务流程创新、服务设施创新、参与制度创新和服务内容创新.影响研究发现,顾客感知酒店服务创新对其感知价值和品牌态度存在积极影响,但不同维度的影响效果和作用机理差异较大,消费者创新性对上述影响关系具有一定调节作用.基于以上结论,对酒店服务创新工作的开辰提供对策建议.  相似文献   

酒店业会议顾客满意的驱动因素及机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
培育和维护满意的顾客是酒店获得和保持竞争优势的重要条件,但以往对顾客满意的研究局限于对既有顾客满意模型的应用和简单修正,对驱动顾客满意的因素未作深入的探讨,特别是针对细分的会议顾客群体,尚缺乏细致的研究。本文综合考虑了酒店、会议产品以及会议顾客的需求特征等因素,构建了酒店业会议顾客满意的驱动模型,并进行了实证分析。研究表明:驱动会议顾客满意的因素包括整体形象与外部环境、酒店会议设施、其他配套设施、酒店会议服务、酒店其他服务和物有所值几个方面。这些因素均对会议顾客的整体满意度产生正向影响。其中4个对顾客整体满意度具有显著影响的因素均对顾客重复购买、推荐意识产生显著的正向作用。  相似文献   

基于SCP范式的中国经济型酒店产业组织演进研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
赵小芸 《旅游学刊》2007,22(9):29-34
经过10年发展,中国经济型酒店正处于爆发式增长的前期.本文运用产业组织理论的主流研究范式SCP框架对中国经济型酒店的产业组织现状及演进趋势进行梳理和系统研究.作者认为,在中国旅游市场快速增长的影响下,经济型酒店的市场结构将呈现出集中-分散-集中的演进趋势,旅游方式的改变催生产品差异化,市场进入壁垒将不断提高;市场行为将朝着价格趋于稳定,价格联盟逐步形成,合作行为深化,竞争以品牌建设和服务提升为主的趋势发展.根据分析结论,笔者对低星级酒店的转型提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

随着知识经济时代的到来,酒店为推动服务创新,越来越强调知识共享.本文以长沙市高星级酒店为例,研究知识共享对服务创新的影响,发现利他主义和利益追求动机对知识共享行为有正向影响,利他主义的影响较强,利益追求的影响较弱;知识共享行为对创新环境优化、员工创新意识、员工创新表现均有强烈正向影响,对员工创新意识的影响最强,对员工创新行为的影响次之,对创新环境优化的影响较弱.  相似文献   

在线信息如何影响消费者购买决策是酒店在线服务的一个关键问题。文章基于携程网1092家酒店网上预订数据,通过对数线性回归模型,分析了酒店特征信息、顾客评论信息和预订平台推荐信息对4类不同等级酒店在线预订的影响。研究表明:顾客评论信息对各类酒店网上预订影响最显著,但对五星级酒店的影响最小;酒店特征信息对五星级酒店网上预订影响最大,其中客房价格信息对四星级、三星级和经济型酒店的影响不显著;推荐信息对四星级酒店影响很显著,但其中的用户评级对四星级以外的酒店无显著影响。文章通过对顾客评论信息中的5方面内容分析发现:顾客对酒店设施、服务水平、周边环境的评价均显著影响酒店网上预订,而客房卫生评价对酒店预订的影响不显著。该研究可为酒店在线分类管理与客户信息服务提供指导。  相似文献   

基于差距模型的饭店服务质量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
差距分析是一种服务质量的分析方法,本文在综合前人研究成果的基础上提出一个饭店服务质量综合差距模型,并以此模型为基础提出了11个研究假设。结合问卷调查所获数据.本文对该差距模型进行了实证研究。实证研究结果发现了饭店服务提供过程中存在的一些问题,并以此为基础提出了改善和提高饭店服务质量的几点建议。  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to understand the influence of hotel service quality and corporate image on tourism customer loyalty. Data were collected from tourists at several sight-seeing locations in Mauritius. The study sample comprised guests of various hotels in Mauritius who were randomly approached and invited to participate in a survey on the hotel's services. The study findings suggest that it is the quality of service and the corporate image of the hotel that jointly influence tourism customers' loyalty. Although the study findings do not indicate a direct relationship between service quality and loyalty, it is the consistent quality of service that creates and sustains the image of the hotel which, ultimately, results in tourism customer loyalty. This would therefore suggest that tourism customer loyalty is dependent on a hotel's ability to consistently deliver service quality.  相似文献   

This study focuses on perception of hotel attributes that affect the selection of tourist hotels. These hotel service attributes are further categorized into seven hierarchies: business image, hotel location, service attitude, room service, beverage and food service, hotel facilities, and hotel environment. These hierarchies include twenty-seven evaluation items. Analytic Hierarchy Process method and multiple attribute utility function have been utilized to evaluate customer preference of hotels. Then, we conducted a thorough perception consciousness investigation of service quality to assess customer evaluation and preference of service attributes, which led to an understanding of the factors that affect hotel selection  相似文献   

This study developed a theoretical framework in which overall image, image congruence, and quality of physical environment, service, and food affect guests’ satisfaction and intentions to revisit a luxury hotel restaurant and visit other restaurants of the same hotel by considering the influence of conspicuousness as a moderator. The measurement model assessment revealed that all items included an acceptable level of measurement quality. Results of the structural analysis indicated that the research variables were in general significantly associated; quality dimensions and satisfaction had a mediating role; and the impact of satisfaction and overall image on decision formation was greater than that of other variables. Moreover, the structural invariance model assessment indicated that conspicuousness acted as a significant moderator. Overall, our proposed theoretical framework was found to include a sufficient power in predicting patrons’ intentions for luxury hotel restaurant products. Using this quantitative approach, our research objectives were wholly achieved.  相似文献   

Service experience model stipulates the importance of service experience in increasing satisfaction, price acceptance, revisit intentions, etc. It has been extensively tested and validated in hotel management studies. However, the online service experience which, in these days, precedes the physical service experience has not be considered together in most hotel service experience studies. In hotel management literature, studies on online experiences are largely segregated from physical service experience model. In this study, prior online experience model is proposed which includes online experience preceding the physical service encounter, and a survey is administered. Result indicates the strong influence of online experience as a leading construct of the service experience model in hotels. Online experience strongly conditions the customers’ perception of physical service experience and, also, provides good ground for price acceptance. Interestingly, the influence of physical service experience on price acceptance seems to be rather alleviated with online experience, indicating the important role the online experience plays in managing customer perception on hotel service experience. Hotel management needs to pay close attention to their customers’ online experience beyond simple esthetics as the online experience seems to influence all the subsequent components of hotel service model.  相似文献   

Using a hedonic model, we estimate the willingness to pay for different hotel characteristics for a small market environment. We uniquely collected a data set from a meta-booking engine including their detailed customer review ratings compiled from numerous individual hotel search engines. We argue that meta-search engines are well suited to gather prices to be used in hedonic models. In our estimation, we distinguish hedonic models for single room stays during the week potentially relevant for business travellers and double room stays during the weekend intended for leisure. Important determinants of hotel room prices are popularity ratings (derived from customer reviews), the hotel star rating, weeks of advance booking, and certain hotel characteristics such as express checkout, room service, or Internet access. A number of important characteristics such as wellness offers or wireless Internet in the rooms are insignificant pointing to the conclusion that these may be regarded as standard attributes and do not fetch additional economic value in terms of higher consumer willingness to pay.  相似文献   

This study incorporated the social service environment in the hotel guest affect–satisfaction–behavioral intention model in order to elucidate the effect of social comparison on consumption-based affect by factoring in the moderation effect of hotel ambience on relationships. Structural equation modeling of survey data from hotel guests revealed that social comparison significantly influences hotel guests’ affect, and that affect has a critical role in inducing satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Hotel ambience moderates the model’s relationships – high ambience strengthens the relationships more so than low ambience. Results affirm the inclusion of social environments in predicting hotel guest experiences and shed light on managerial implications for bettering service provision.  相似文献   

Towards an understanding of total service quality in hotels   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The importance of service quality for business performance has been recognized in the literature through the direct effect on customer satisfaction and the indirect effect on customer loyalty. The importance was recognized by Parasuraman et al. [1985. A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. Journal of Marketing 49(4), 41–51] in the development of SERVQUAL, a measure of perceived service quality across industries. Although the importance of service quality and service quality measurement has been recognized, there has been limited research that has addressed the structure and antecedents of the concept for the hotel industry.This research addresses the antecedents and structure of service quality in the context of the luxury and first class hotel sectors. The data are analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis approaches and a structural model is used to test the structure of service quality.The paper clarifies the dimensions and structure of service quality in the hotel industry. The clarification of the dimensions is important for managers in the hotel industry as it identifies the bundles of service attributes consumers find important. The clarification of the structure is also important as it confirms, in a hotel context, that customers see service quality in its entirety as a second order dimension.  相似文献   

The impacts of cultural values on technology acceptance at national level have been investigated by previous studies, but not at individual level. Hence, the research question of the present study is what are the impacts of cultural values at individual level on technology acceptance? The detailed objective is to investigate the impacts of cultural values at individual level on the extended technology acceptance model by considering technology readiness. A research framework was developed, and the technology acceptance model was extended from the perspective of hotel employees. Results showed that highlighting long-term benefits of hotel technology such as workload reduction and performance enhancement can be considered to improve the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. In addition, introducing a new hotel technology under a less masculine cultural environment can greatly help hotel employees minimize their discomfort. Accordingly, an effective and successful hotel technology can be achieved.  相似文献   

饭店服务学研究综论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在对国内外服务学及饭店服务相关研究文献进行综述基础上,分析饭店服务学研究应遵循的逻辑思路,并提出了一个初步的饭店服务学研究框架,目的在于通过探寻饭店服务的理论基础,审视饭店服务的实践过程,相互验证,融合提炼,逐渐上升为服务理论进而构建饭店服务学科,为旅游学科体系的建设尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

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