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为适应经济全球化迅猛发展,导致的国际交流和贸易日趋频密的需要,高校日语专业的人才培养目标必须从原本单一只培养具有基础技能的日语人才方向转向培养既精通日语,又有相当强探索能力的高级日语人才,使新世纪日语专业的大学生在社会上能有更强的竞争力和适应力。该文主要从新时期社会经济发展对日语专业人才的实际需求出发,探讨教师在学生自主探索能力方面进行的人才培养。  相似文献   
The government of New Zealand is currently building a nation-wide fibre-optics network, a project known as the Ultra-Fast Broadband (UFB) initiative. The UFB network will cover 75 percent of New Zealanders over 10 years and will cost NZD $1.5 billion to the New Zealand government. The technical and economic characteristics of the new network will have a deep impact on the current landscape of the telecommunications markets. Institutional arrangements are in place for the development of the New Zealand's UFB: a government-owned agency, Crown Fibre Holdings (CFH); private investors who jointly with CFH own the Local Fibre Companies (LFCs) which will operate the UFB; and Retail Service Providers (RSP) that will provide end-user services by purchasing wholesale services to the LFCs. Relying on a normative economics approach that uses recent advances in the theory of platform-based markets with cross-network effects – also known as theory of two-sided platforms – the paper proposes a novel view of the way markets over the UFB will unfold. On one hand, the theory is used to explain the rationale behind regulatory decisions already made and their effect on the development of UFB-based markets for contents and services. Such analysis is followed, on the other hand, by the introduction of a simple taxonomy for the RSPs which provides the framework to argue about the most likely scenarios for service deployment and competition to develop over the UFB. The analytical framework reveals that the UFB ecosystem will be fraught with cross-network externalities which are the basis for regulatory decisions already adopted and the source of particular forms of strategic behavior adopted by the UFB-based market innovators.  相似文献   
Many companies still view Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as solely philanthropy rather than addressing their material issues. A few companies that have began to see the strategic advantages of being socially responsible and addressing their social, environmental and economic challenges. Developing an effective strategy can reward companies with reputation enhancement, license to operate, avoiding litigation, recruitment and retention of employees and developing process, product and strategic innovations. One company who has realized the value of investing and integrating CSR into the business model is the apparel retailer Gap Inc. This article will examine the evolution of Gap Inc. and its work developing an effective labor standards assurance program and stakeholder engagement strategy transformed historically adversarial relationships with key stakeholders into collaborative multi-stakeholder partnerships. Particular attention is put towards Gap Inc.’s learnings in the process and how these new insights innovated the company’s CSR strategy over time. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
In this research, we use econometric analysis to estimate the impacts of the Black Sea Grain Initiative on international wheat and corn prices. Using these results, we assess the economic value of the treaty to the global food system, as well as the regional distribution of the associated welfare savings. We find that the Russian Invasion created economic costs of approximately $116.05 billion in the global wheat and corn markets. In the international wheat market, the Black Sea Grain Initiative reduced prices by 7.9%, offsetting approximately $21.48 billion of these costs. The largest winners from the Initiative outside Ukraine are primarily in the developing world, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa. We do not observe any economically meaningful impacts of the Initiative in the international corn market.  相似文献   
网上自主学习模式是高校教学改革的有效方式之一,对网上自主学习的方式、效果、利弊及适用人群进行探讨。以科技论文写作知识的学习为例,建立网上自主学习的平台,制作专题学习网站,在石家庄铁道学院的研究生中进行试验教学,对网上自主学习模式的学习效果和认可程度进行分析,得出结论:网上自主学习是可行的,必要的,有助于提高学生自主学习能力,适用于大学高年级及研究生等自控能力和自学能力强的群体,应有针对性地积极落实实施,取得满意的教学效果。  相似文献   
本文通过对某高职院校非英语专业学生英语学习的自主性、元认知、兴趣、动机、自信度、焦虑度测试的分析研究表明:英语学习的自主性和性别及英语的学习成绩、兴趣、动机、自信度有非常显著的正相关性,而和英语学习元认知没有相关性,同时和英语学习焦虑度有非常显著的负相关性,从而为构建有效的培养英语学习自主性的教学模式提供依据,并就此提出若干提高学生英语学习自主性的建议。  相似文献   
协调好对外开放和对内开放的关系,是贯彻新发展理念、建设现代化经济体系的题中之义。对外开放与对内开放的协同机制,是从区域空间布局和区域产业结构两个层面展开的。文章梳理了党的十八大以来实施的区域协调发展战略,结合以“一带一路”倡议为引领的对外开放战略,对产业全球化资源配置活动进行了分析,把区域空间布局调整与产业结构跨国调整贯通起来,刻画了对外开放与对内开放协同的内在机理。从区域协同机制来看,要建设基础条件好的开发区、自贸区、经济带,作为对外开放和对内开放协同发展的重要载体,东、中、西部地区应配合对外开放的整体布局有意识地进行梯度开放。从产业协同机制来看,对于不同类型的产业应分别采取资源占优型协同合作机制、成本占优型协同合作机制、要素融合型协同合作机制、创新引领型协同合作机制。  相似文献   
社会责任对跨国公司的生产经营具有重要影响。随着企业社会责任(Corporate Social Responsibility,CSR)呼声越来越高,企业受到了越来越多的监督和舆论的压力,与其被动地应付,不如主动地在制定战略方向时就充分考虑各方利益,并且加以协调。在国际经济舞台上有着重要力量的跨国公司开始自觉而认真地审查自己的价值观和行为标准以及与周边社区的相处方式,并在这一过程中逐渐彤成了一些令人关注和被人们所接受的标准,实现了由被动到主动的实践路径。  相似文献   
本研究在理论分析的基础上,探讨了员工的职业生涯规划主动性及其影响作用。通过问卷调查 法对企业员工的职业生涯规划相关问题进行实证研究的结果表明,员工若对其个人的职业生涯规划有良好 的了解和认识,职业生涯规划的主动性就强,进而能够减少他们从工作中感受到的压力,增加个人信心,并为 组织的柔性发展创造有利的条件。  相似文献   
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