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陈涛 《改革与开放》2011,(16):46-47
社会主义市场经济体制的进一步完善,使人们的思想观念、意识和思维方式发生了巨大的转变,高校思想政治工作者必须在讲究思想政治工作艺术的前提下,坚持运用马克思主义的辨证法思想,正确处理好思想政治工作中的辩证关系,进一步提高工作的实效性,努力把思想政治工作提升到一个新的水平.  相似文献   
The main objective of this study is to use attachment styles theory to explore long-term relationships in a service context using the mobile market as a case study. Attachment theory focuses on the primary link between maternal loss or deprivation and later personality development. This theory was extended to adult life and commercial contexts. Three attachment styles (secure, avoidant, and anxious) were used as the independent variables. Commitment and trust, as constructs of any relationship, were employed as the mediating variables, while intention to stay and cooperation were adopted as the dependent variables, as indicators of long-term commercial relationships. A random sample of 1024 members of an online panel participated in the online survey. Structural equation modelling was performed to measure the validity of the constructs through confirmatory factor analysis, and to assess the hypothesized model as a single theoretical structure using path analysis. Associations were found between most of the study variables. Significant mediation effects were found between attachment styles and long-term relationship indicators, intention to stay, and cooperation, with trust and commitment as the mediators. This study employs a unique theoretical model that has not been previously tested. The model and findings demonstrate that primary psychological structures play a role in creating and maintaining long-term relationships.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the impact of bank relationships on a firm's borrowing costs. We find that a firm's borrowing costs decrease with relationship strength, proxied by the share of bank debt provided by the lender. Borrowing costs, however, rise with relationship length. While the increase over time is weak on average, bank‐dependent borrowers face a substantial premium after several relationship years. Switching the lender initially leads to only a small price discount on average. However, the discount is considerable for borrowers that switch and had a strong relationship with their previous lender. Our results suggest that close lending relationships lead to benefits for the firm, but may also imply hold‐up costs in the long term.  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the loan exit on relationship lending in China. We define the relationship lending and analyze the value that both banks and borrowers will obtain in relationship lending, as well as some risks they will face, and then analyze the behaviors of loans exit with game theory. Our results suggest that, in general, relationship lending is helpful for the commercial banks and the enterprises to communicate information and enhance financing efficiency, while in the loan exit gaming, only when the decision of loan exit is made authentic promised by the banks, can the relationship lending effectively exert their positive function, and maintain the health cooperation between borrowers and lenders.  相似文献   
盛亚  俞科女 《技术经济》2014,33(10):15-22
利用扎根理论方法,以吉利汽车为例,对吉利汽车通过全球研发、跨国联盟、内部修炼等在创新合作网络发展的不同时期所占据的不同网络位置与创新绩效的关系进行了研究,并分析了企业家精神在两者间的中介作用。结果表明:占据网络中介和富含结构洞的网络位置能使企业获得更高的创新绩效;在两种不同的网络位置——中心位置和中介位置与创新绩效的关系中,企业家精神均起中介作用。  相似文献   
新时期中国劳动关系存在的问题及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
和谐稳定的劳动关系是和谐社会的基础,要通过改革和发展建立与社会主义市场经济相适应,体现广大人民根本利益的具有中国特色社会主义新型劳动关系,建立和保持和谐稳定的劳动关系。本文分析了新时期中国劳动关系的基本特点、问题及对策。  相似文献   
基于山西省1952~2010年的数据,发现第一、第二产业波动是引起山西经济周期波动的格兰杰原因,基于脉冲响应、方差分解和状态空间模型的实证结果表明,山西第一产业波动对宏观经济波动的整体推动力逐年减弱,第二产业的影响一直都是最大的,而第三产业的影响稳中有升,这也很好地解释了山西经济实现高速增长的同时其经济波动幅度逐渐变小的现象。保持山西国民经济的又好又快发展必须促进三次产业的协调发展,特别是要加快第三产业的发展。  相似文献   
辛冲  郭鑫 《技术经济》2014,33(10):23-28
分析了基于知识产权的组织间关系网络的基本内涵和构成要素,将基于知识产权的组织间关系网络的生命周期划分为5个阶段——创立阶段、成长阶段、成熟阶段、衰退阶段和解散阶段,具体论述了各阶段的组织间关系网络的演化特征。以对450家企业的深度访谈和问卷调查为基础,通过描述性统计分析、因子分析以及多元方差分析来实证研究目标一致性、信息沟通以及信任等关系属性在各阶段的传递规律。研究结果表明,基于知识产权的组织间关系属性的顶峰阶段并非都出现在关系生命周期的成熟阶段。  相似文献   
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