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卡缪搬家了。马奎斯搬家了。卡尔维诺搬家了。莫内搬家了。林布阑搬家了。毕加索搬家了。瑞典KOSTA BODA彩色玻璃搬家了。英国WEDGWOOD骨瓷搬家了。法国HEDIARD咖啡搬家了。诚品敦南店搬家了。写下以上文字的许舜英搬家了。  相似文献   

“刚当兵就想跑,到了兰州发了一件棉大衣,毛的,给了一缸子肉,我觉得可以了,吃饱了,也够本了,想回家了,就准备逃跑了,实际上还是怕吃苦呗。”  相似文献   

在地产界,因为有了“她势力”,自然也就多了几分颜色:不仅有了气度还有了风度,不仅有了手段还有了身段。  相似文献   

本文对标准体系方法论中核心程序模块的理论和方法进行了深入的分析,研究建立了标准体系目标分析的纵横目标分析方法,建立了标准体系的三维目标空间,构建了结构化和概念化的标准对象系统,建立了目标关联的标准需求分析方法,定位了标准适用性分析的对象和判据项目,在标准体系结构设计方面引入了标准体系拓扑结构,丰富了标准体系结构设计的选择,给出了技术标准、管理标准、工作标准区分的要点,制定了标准体系表的编制方法,确定了标准体系研究报告和编制说明的编写方法等,明确了标准体系构建的成果形式。  相似文献   

多尼是一个非常有梦想的姑娘,大学毕业后,她加盟了一家服装企业,只用了两年就做到了主管职位,不久后,她结婚了.成了两个孩子的妈妈。但她没有想到的是,金融危机后,她所在的公司倒闭了,多尼下岗了。  相似文献   

商场在疯狂甩卖,其降幅和冷清堪比非典时期;出租车的空位多了,地铁公交却更拥挤了;公司的年终奖打折了,企业都在喊亏损;华尔街爆发危机了,全球的股市都在跌;公司晚会不办了,出国旅游取消了,皮草名车也不买了……经济危机真的来了。企业家们受影响了么?显然不会例外。央行行长的头发都白了,而更多企业家的头发都掉光了;有的企业家绝处逢生,东山再起,而有的从云端落下,光环尽失;有的企业家卷款逃  相似文献   

苗友义 《活力》2005,(3):58-58
从上个世纪的80年代开始,我们感受到了前所未有的社会变化,人们的生活发生了巨变,以“芯片”作为主要电子元件的设备充斥着人类的生活。我们传输信息的速度加快了,我们收集、整理信息的速度也加快了,我们的管理水平提高了,我们工作的速度也提高了,我们对世界改变的速度也加快了。人们感受到了由于技术进步带来的好处,工资的待遇提高了,汽车、洋房增多了,人们所需的日常物品丰富了,人们休闲娱乐的方式增多了。人们的寿命增长了。  相似文献   

有人说,古罗马人学会了奢华,就有了名利的庄园:英国人看透了工业,就有了乡村的庄园;俄国人得到了农奴,就有了贵族的庄园;法国人创造了葡萄酒,就有了飘满酒吞的庄园。  相似文献   

孩子今年长高了多少?会背了多少古诗?获得了什么样的嘉奖?又参观了什么博物馆?又读了什么课外书?业余爱好又发展到何种程度……  相似文献   

3293李承鹏V:有人说法兰熄了,意大离了,葡萄哑了,英格烂了,巴惜了,阿根停了,接下来巴拉归了,乌拉归了,西班哑了,荷烂了,嗯,最后就剩德过了……转发7月4日18:38来自新浪微博|评论(1193)  相似文献   

This article analyses the role of HRM practices in the implementation of an innovative cross-functional approach to new product development (concurrent engineering, CE) in Eurotech Industries. Contrary to CE methodology stipulations, and despite supportive conditions, HRM received scant attention in the implementation process. Organizational power and politics were clearly involved in this situation, and this article explores how their play created such HRM ‘absences’. The article builds on a four-dimensional view of power in order to provide a deeper understanding of the embedded, interdependent and political nature of HRM practice and innovation.  相似文献   

Using a sample of over 5000 establishments in Germany, we analyze the antecedents and effects of profit sharing (PS) and employee share ownership (ESO) with respect to the ability of firms to meet their recruitment and retention objectives and to achieve employment growth. We draw on both economic and behavioral perspectives to argue that firms that adopt PS and ESO plans do so in order to attract and retain employees. Using logistic regression and a propensity score matching technique, we find that firms that face higher recruitment problems, and those that have greater employment growth objectives, are more likely to use ESO and PS. Unlike ESO, PS enhances firm-level employment growth. However, neither ESO nor PS help firms to fully resolve recruitment and retention problems.  相似文献   

本文首次分析了市场波动和相关的一致性与差异,并进而考察金融危机期间传染的阶段特征。研究表明,危机期间,高波动与高相关具有较高的一致性,其他时期则存在差异;几乎不会出现高波动低相关的情形,但并非总是波动性的增加引致了关联水平的上升,关联水平的上升也可能会先于波动性的增加;危机初期,市场需要对复杂的信息进行不断地识别和过滤,以至于波动机制、相关机制都存在较为频繁的转换;次贷危机、欧洲主权债务危机的传染具有系统性特征。  相似文献   

This paper uses the framework of an OLG economy with three-period lived agents in which a durable good serves as collateral for loans, to study the effect of an unanticipated income shock when the economy is in a steady state equilibrium. We focus on the consequence of default on loans when the value of the collateral falls below the value of the debt it secures. We analyze the impulse response functions of the price and production of the durable good and show that there is an asymmetry between the response of the price and investment of the durable good to a positive and a negative income shock arising from default on the collateralized loans. We show that this asymmetry can be seen in the data on housing prices and construction and is attributable to the default on mortgages in periods of decreasing prices which acts as a turbo mechanism magnifying the decline in investment.  相似文献   

高校体育文化是高校师生们在长期的教与学的过程中,共同创建和积累起来的一种文化现象。它是高校实施素质教育不可缺少的重要组成部分,也是提升外在形象的重要手段。文章从高校体育文化的相关概念出发,分析了体育文化的作用及现状,论述了高校体育文化建设的措施,最后提出了只有在不断探求与创新下,高校体育文化才能得到稳步长足的发展。  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors present and discuss the findings of a survey of human resource management (HRM) and recruitment and selection policies and practices in a sample of manufacturing industry in Taiwan. The results indicate that there is a general desire among HR professionals in participant companies that HRM policies are integrated with corporate strategy and that HRM should be involved in decision making at board level. Evidence was also obtained that some HRM decisions are shared between line management and HR specialists and that line managers had a particularly influential role in decisions regarding recruitment and selection, training and development, and workforce expansion/reduction. There was also some evidence supporting an assertion that certain recruitment and selection practices were culturally sensitive and this was supported by evidence of association between recruitment and selection practices and country of ownership.  相似文献   

高校作为我国意识形态工作的前沿阵地,肩负着学习研究宣传马克思主义,培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观,培养中国特色社会主义事业建设者和接班人的重要使命,加强和改进新形势下高校宣传思想工作具有极端重要性。本文通过分析高校宣传思想工作面临的主要挑战、存在的突出问题及工作着力点,就进一步做好新形势下高校宣传思想工作、加强高校意识形态阵地建设提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Institutional, or sector-by-sector input–output tables have traditionally been used in regional and interregional modelling. This paper examines the origins of this tradition and argues instead, both theoretically and empirically, for the integration of make and use submodels within models of production, demand and interregional trade, outlining the manner in which they can be integrated. Further, it is argued that structural rather than reduced-form models represent a sounder theoretical base. Finally, a Danish interregional model (LINE) based on a social accounting matrix framework that employs these principles is presented. The paper also deals with the issue of data construction at the regional and interregional levels, based on the make and use approach. It is argued that when data are constructed at a low level of sectoral and spatial aggregation under accounting consistency constraints, data quality and validity are high.  相似文献   

This article reports on an in‐depth, qualitative study into the pro‐environmental engagement of small businesses in the east of England, with respect to climate change in particular. Managers of environmentally pro‐active small businesses were asked about the pro‐environmental measures they had implemented in their firms, their motivations for doing so, and their understanding of climate change. The managers in this study had a relatively good understanding of environmental issues in general and climate change in particular, and had implemented a range of pro‐environmental measures in their firms. Their understanding of climate change was a holistic one, which sat within their overall understanding of environmental and social issues. While economic arguments and external pressure played a role in their pro‐environmental engagement, perhaps the most notable motivation for managers in this study to engage with environmental and climate change issues was personal values and beliefs. Environmentally engaged managers exhibited an internal locus of control. Some of these findings contrast with the views of key informants in local government and business advice organisations, who tend to emphasise the business case and cost arguments when trying to encourage small businesses towards greater environmental engagement. These findings suggest that public policy and business advice in this area should perhaps focus more strongly on personal values and a sense of being able to contribute to environmental protection in their engagement with small businesses. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   

This article compares the practice of and attitudes towards performance appraisal for managerial and professional staff in Hong Kong and Britain, and considers the extent to which actual practice and employee preferences are in alignment. Findings suggest that appraisal may be more widespread in Hong Kong than in Britain. However, British appraisal tends to be more participative and to place greater emphasis on discussing objectives, development and career plans. Hong Kong appraisals appear to be more directive and Hong Kong respondents perceive a higher level of 'negative' appraiser behaviour. In spite of this, Hong Kong respondents show if anything slightly more confidence in the utility of appraisal than do British respondents. They show stronger support for appraisal's use for reward and punishment and less support for the objectives-setting and training and development uses than do the British sample. Hong Kong respondents are more likely than their British counterparts to favour involving a more senior manager in appraisal, and they are less likely to prefer more frequent appraisals. There was little evidence that Hong Kong respondents had a stronger preference for group-based appraisal criteria, although they did show more support than the British sample for the use of personality as a basis for appraisal. Overall, the suggestion is that appraisal has been adopted in Hong Kong organizations but that the practice of appraisal has been adapted to suit the cultural characteristics of the society.  相似文献   

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