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独立学院岗位薪酬与科研   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以浙江工业大学之江学院为例,分析了独立学院的薪酬政策对教师科研的影响.通过介绍与分析之江学院岗位薪酬政策及科研激励政策的特点,本文讨论了薪酬政策对教师科研工作的导向作用.并针对独立学院的特点,对现行政策做了一些有益的思考.  相似文献   

科研工作是高职院校可持续发展的内在需求,是加强内涵建设、提高办学水平,提升教育教学质量,增强教师科研能力的重要手段。高职院校的职能、特征决定了科研工作是其重要组成部分,本文从职业教育规律及学校的办学定位角度分析如何正确对待科研工作,科研工作对高职人才培养的重要推动作用体现在哪几方面,怎样根据自身优势高效开展科学研究工作等问题进行了阐述,提出通过建制度、搭平台、合资源等方式,提高科研工作的有效性和创新性。  相似文献   

商科独立学院发展在高考人数即将锐减环境下,遭遇了多重困境考验,招生、就业、教学等环节中问题与矛盾突出,O 2O教学团队建设的尝试,为独立学院教学改革化解当前主要矛盾有什么帮助呢?通过对商科独立学院教学团队建设的现实困境分析、O2O教学团队形成原因与背景、O2O教学团队构成及运行机制分析,让我们能更好地把握O2O教学团队特质,从而推动商科独立学院的持续健康发展。  相似文献   

“双高计划”背景下,创新型教学团队建设是促进职业教育高质量发展的关键一环。哈尔滨职业技术学院电子商务专业从提高团队教师信息化应用能力、增强团队教师的实践能力、提升团队教师的社会服务能力、加强团队教师的科研能力、加大团队教师专业的建设能力等方面进行实践,探索并建立高水平教师教学创新团队,推动电子商务专业群教学建设。  相似文献   

社会发展对本科毕业生提出了比以往更高的要求,毕业生不仅仅是从课堂获得一些专业知识,社会对学生提出的“零适应期”,要求学生在离开学校前,应该具备一定的科研工作能力。从加强专业课程的实践环节、开放实验室平台的建设、导师制、学生参与教师的科研教学团队活动以及开展科技论文竞赛活动等多方位教学环节出发,对提高学生的科研能力培养进行了一些探索与思考。  相似文献   

界定科研工作在高职高专院校中的地位和作用,探索高职院校科研发展的途径,鼓励广大教师结合教育教学实际多出成果、出高水平成果,使科研更好地为教学、人才培养和地方经济建设服务,是科研管理工作者必须思考的问题。本文谨针对哈尔滨职业技术学院科研工作应遵循的方针、科研激励机制的构建及今后几年的主要任务谈几点初步想法。  相似文献   

自发组织科研模式是相对于立项项目科研模式而言的,具有较强的灵活性和创新性。目前中国自发组织科研模式实力相对较弱,亟待加强,以期为高校的科研工作发挥更重要的作用。加强自发组织科研模式有利于高校更好的申请和完成立项项目。自发组织科研模式属于自下而上的研究模式,由一线的科研工作人员根据在实际工作中遇到的问题自发产生。因此更加结合实际,灵活性强,目前主要问题是科研资金较为缺乏、科研团队建设能力有待提高以及对热点问题的盲目跟风。  相似文献   

孟矗钦 《经济师》2012,(4):275-276
在当今高速发展的网络时代,数字图书馆凭借其丰富的资源、便捷的查询、服务的多元化、较强的互动性,成为图书馆发展的必然趋势。数字图书馆的优势弥补了独立学院传统图书馆在各方面的不足,提升了独立学院的教学、科研。虽然独立学院数字图书馆的建设起步晚、发展慢。但只要紧密结合自身特点,采取合理的发展战略,就会对独立学院的发展起到较强的推动作用。  相似文献   

教师队伍建设是独立学院建设的核心,但由于独立学院还处于发展初期,资源积淀不深,相关配套制度还不完善,教师队伍普遍存在教学经验不足、稳定性差、工作积极性缺乏等问题。因此,抓住《劳动合同法》全面贯彻落实的契机,通过完善教师管理体制来提高独立学院教师队伍的整体素质,从而形成一支满足独立学院发展需求的稳定的教师队伍,以确保独立学院取得更好更快地发展。  相似文献   

邱溆  杨丽 《经济研究导刊》2010,(34):280-281
教师的教学效能感通过影响教师的教学行为,直接关系到独立学院师资队伍的稳定以及教学质量的提高。通过对影响教师教学效能感的因素进行分析和研究,进而探讨提高独立学院教师教学效能感的途径和策略,则是一项关乎独立学院健康和可持续发展的重要课题。  相似文献   

For many years problem-solving approaches have been touted as being superior to conventional teaching methods in precollege classrooms. Too few of the supporters of this technique have undertaken well-controlled research to determine whether or not it really is superior. Although the “final” answer remains to be given, Ellis and Glenn have made a commendable start in their research involving fifth and sixth-grade students. They have measured the effectiveness of three approaches to the teaching of economics in the intermediate school grades to determine which is more effective in teaching basic economic concepts and which is more effective in teaching problem-solving skills. Both their findings and their research design should be of interest to all who are concerned about the teaching of economics at the precollege level.  相似文献   

Assessing university performance is an important yet complex issue. Knowing whether policy is effective in achieving its goal of advancing teaching and research is critical. Furthermore, at the level of implementation, it is necessary to understand if university resource allocation is sufficiently efficient for delivering expected results. To achieve this insight, this study utilizes a two-stage data envelopment analysis to evaluate the cost and teaching and research efficiencies of public universities in Taiwan. Additionally, this paper also employs a truncated-regression to discuss whether intellectual capital affects the operating efficiency of universities. The results demonstrate that the universities are much better at handling cost efficiencies than teaching and research efficiencies. The regression analysis indicates that intellectual capital does play an important role in influencing teaching and research efficiency. Finally, the conceptual roadmap to performance improvement strategies, which helps the manager and/or authorities to improve their operating efficiencies, also is presented.  相似文献   

We analyse the interaction between university professors’ teaching quality and their research and administrative activities. Our sample is a high-quality individual panel data set from a medium-size public Spanish university that allows us to avoid several types of biases frequently encountered in the literature. Although researchers teach roughly 20% more than nonresearchers, their teaching quality is also 20% higher. Instructors with no research are 5 times more likely than the rest to be among the worst teachers. Over much of the relevant range, we find a nonlinear and positive relationship between research output and teaching quantity on teaching quality. Our conclusions may be useful for decision-makers in universities and governments.  相似文献   

为了更好地培养符合社会需求的高素质创新人才,对开放自主式植物学实验教学方法进行了探索和实践。根据专业基础实验课的特点,在植物学实验中采用逐步推进的方式开展开放自主式实验教学,明显提高了学生的实验技能,培养了学生的创新意识和科研兴趣,从而真正实现创造型、创新型、创业型人才的培养。  相似文献   

Using a discrete time control model, the authors suggest that faculty may be able to improve their teaching effectiveness by a reallocation of the inputs devoted to teaching (e.g., using student evaluations early in the course), by increasing the level of the resources used in teaching, or by changing the characteristics of the inputs (possibly through such things as teaching practicums, seminars, or sabbaticals). Alternatively, reducing the instructor's opportunity cost of the resources devoted to teaching may increase teaching effectiveness (i.e., reducing the research requirements for promotion). Empirical estimates of the effectiveness of these strategies are not presented.  相似文献   

This article differs substantially from any previously published in this journal. Ellis relates research on the functions of the brain to certain aspects of economic thought, and discusses the implications of such research for the teaching of economics. His comments are bound to arouse a variety of reactions from the JEE's readers, regardless of which hemisphere of their brains they tend to favor!  相似文献   

在“大科学”和高等教育大众化条件下,一般地方高校应结合自身科研条件,根据教学与地方经济的实际需要,将科研重点定位在把最新学术成果向教学内容的转化上,广泛开展以提高教学质量为目的的教学研究;定位在科学技术研究开发长链的中下游,突出应用研究和技术推广与服务工作;定位在促进地方经济社会发展和与地方科技文化事业的结合上。  相似文献   

Having examined the reward structure at the University of Wisconsin, Siegfried and White report on the relative rewards for teaching and research in the Economics Department. The variables included in their model of salary determination are years of experience, publications, teaching productivity (based upon teaching evaluation scores), and administrative duties. The authors question the hypothesis that good researchers make good teachers, and analyze the relative merits of concentrating upon research, teaching or administrative work. Finally, they discuss the implications of their findings for economic education.  相似文献   

The paper presents a simultaneous differential game between rich and poor Business Schools (BS) that yields an equilibrium in which either type of BS may end up with bad teaching and good research, without resorting to informational problems. The necessary condition for this is that the BS’s impatience is smaller than the growth rate of research, which may arise as a result of the school’s lack of vision and ambition in becoming a leading school, or due to the fact that after a given critical mass of human capital is achieved in a BS, research grows fast, making BS managers underuse the available human capital for teaching. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of both research and consulting on teaching quality in higher education, at the individual level. We propose a theoretical model in which academics allocate effort between the three activities, over a two period time horizon, under the assumption of positive spillovers from research to both consulting opportunities and teaching, and of life-cycle effects on incentives. Propositions from the model are tested against data from a mid-sized Italian engineering faculty. We find that teaching quality is negatively related to consulting and positively related to research experience. However, both relationships are not linear, due to the importance of several mediating factors, such as seniority and the role of scientific publications as a signal for attracting consulting opportunities.  相似文献   

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