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The tomato value chain in Indonesia has transformed in the last two decades. We assess this transformation here, focusing on small tomato farmers in West Java and the determinants of their market-channel choices (as well as the technology correlates of those choices). These farmers sell to traditional village traders, urban and modern wholesalers, and supermarkets, and they have all invested heavily in irrigation and rely on external inputs. We find differences among farmers selling to different market channels. To wit, non-land assets—especially irrigation—are important to farmers participating in the supermarket, or modern, channel, but farm size affects modern-channel participation only in high-level commercial zones (zones dense in infrastructure and near highways). We also find that modern-channel farmers earn more profit than farmers in other channels but do not necessarily use chemicals more intensively. Yet hardly any farmers sell graded tomatoes; the main ‘capture of rents’ goes to specialised and modernising wholesalers.  相似文献   

The number of supermarkets in Indonesia is increasing, but small-scale farmers may be at risk of being excluded from these emerging marketing channels. Drawing on data from our survey of 600 small-scale chilli farmers in West Java, we examine the factors that influence farmers’ decisions to participate in supermarket channels. We use a treatment-effect model to examine the effect of supermarket participation on income, while controlling for the possibility of selectivity bias. Our results indicate that participation in the supermarket channel significantly increases farm income, even after we controlled for differences in education, chilli-farming experience, storage-house ownership, and the distance from the farmer's house to a bitumen road.  相似文献   

China's agricultural sector faces challenges because most farms are still small scale. China's policy is to encourage the consolidation of farms and promote farms that are larger in scale. A question that arises is: Are China's farms growing? The goal of the present paper is to determine whether large farms in China have emerged or if farms remain small. To meet this goal, we systematically document the trends in the operational sizes of China's farms and measure the determinants of changes in farm size. Using a nationally representative dataset, the study shows that in 2013 China's farming sector was still mostly characterized by small‐scale farms. However, at the same time, there is an emerging class of middle‐sized and larger‐sized farms. Most large farms are being run by households but there is a set of large farms that are company/cooperative‐run. Today, farmers on larger farms are younger and better educated than the average farmer.  相似文献   

Red Holocaust     

Reduced transport costs and income growth in industrialising European countries changed the market conditions for European farmers in the late nineteenth century. Grain prices fell while dairy prices rose. It has been claimed that these price changes hit large grain farmers with vested interests in grain trade particularly hard, while owner-occupiers and smallholders fared better and with help of developing cooperative associations, came out as successful commercial agriculturalists by switching to intensive branches, foremost dairying. Recent research on the Danish case, shows, however, that change was initiated on large elite estates with long-term dairy traditions. The literature on the Swedish case indicates, that larger farms switched to intensified fodder production quicker than smaller farms did, while in the early twentieth century smaller farms played an un-proportionally large role on the dairy market. Using individual farm data from two East-central Swedish parishes in 1878/80, 1895/96 and 1910/11, it is shown, that larger farms tended to modernise crop rotations and switch towards dairy production earlier than small farms did. Smaller farms caught up, and by 1910 their land use was about as strongly adapted to commercial dairy production as larger farms’ land use was.  相似文献   

基于“农超对接”模式的农产品流通渠道创新策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国农产品流通渠道具有流通环节多、信息不畅、中间环节层层加价、流通过程中损失过大、流通成本过高等特点,这是阻碍我国农产品市场健康发展的主要因素。"农超对接"的本质是将现代流通方式引向广阔农村,将千家万户的小生产与千变万化的大市场对接起来,构建市场经济条件下的产销一体化链条,实现商家、农民、消费者三方共赢。可以说,农超对接模式是我国农产品流通渠道今后发展的理想模式。  相似文献   

In developing countries, the expansion of supermarkets and other modern food retailers has raised concerns about the potential impact on traditional retailers and fruit and vegetable farmers. Will small farmers, in particular, be squeezed out of this growing, remunerative market by the quality standards imposed by supermarkets? In an attempt to answer this question, we analyse data from a stratified random sample of 1,180 urban households in Indonesia. We find that only a small share of fruits and vegetables are purchased from modern outlets, even among high-income urban households. On the basis of the relation between income and shopping patterns in our data, we project that even after 15 years of income growth, supermarkets will account for less than 40% of urban food spending. The impact of supermarket standards on small farmers may be less dramatic than has been feared.  相似文献   

Urbanisation and a growing middle class with changing consumption patterns provide an ideal setting for supermarkets to prosper. With South Africa's urban population approaching 60 per cent, supermarket retail chains are now important players in the agro-food sector. Over the last two decades they have begun to purchase produce from in-house sourcing companies who buy mainly from large-scale farmers. Together with the strict requirements of the retail groups, this makes it difficult for small-scale farmers to supply these retailers. This paper highlights the market changes that could continue to exclude small producers from mass consumer markets. It uses a case study to show how small farmers can be integrated into the urban retail market and, using evidence from this study, proposes a number of strategies to help them participate in the mainstream agro-food supply chains and an innovative model for including them while maintaining profitable business operations.  相似文献   

We present an empirical analysis of how buyer (and trader) attributes influence decisions of market participation and channel choice among smallholder potato farmers in West Java, Indonesia. We use a best–worst scaling experiment to evaluate the determinants of these decisions and gauge the influence of buyer attributes. Our latent-class cluster analysis reveals that producers have heterogeneous preferences for buyer attributes, which address classic smallholder constraints such as access to inputs, credit, and information. This heterogeneity can be somewhat explained by household characteristics and assets. The broad mass of our sample sought buyers whose attributes imply lower market risk for farmers. Yet roughly a quarter of our sample, a portion that included farmers with large, specialised farms, sought buyers who could provide inputs such as high-quality seeds.  相似文献   

郜亮亮  杜志雄  谭洪业 《改革》2020,(4):148-158
基于全国31省(区、市)2014-2018年家庭农场监测数据,对家庭农场的用工行为及其特征进行统计描述分析,并尝试从劳动力市场不完善的视角对相关特征进行剖析。研究发现:约3/4的家庭成员在农场工作,除农场主外还有2名家庭成员投入农场;60%的农场有常年雇工,平均雇用4个常年雇工;80%的农场雇用临时雇工;雇工年龄逐年增大;50%以上的农场主没考虑过自己退休后如何处置农场,至少1/3的人准备让子女继承,10%左右的人准备给其他人经营。这些特征很大程度上源于家庭农场对劳动力市场不完善的应对。下一步,应完善农业劳动力市场,加快农民职业化步伐。  相似文献   

皖西地区农业中介组织研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
程广华 《特区经济》2008,(2):184-185
农业中介组织是沟通农户小生产与社会化大生产的桥梁和纽带,是连接农户与市场、为农民和农村经济发展提供服务的各类经济组织。它促进了对农业比较效益低、农产品销售难等问题的解决。形式多样的农业中介组织,为农民提供产前、产中、产后一条龙服务,特别是为促进农户产品销售起到了十分积极的推动作用。  相似文献   

Policy makers want supermarkets to serve the interests of important groups in society, especially small farmers and the owners of traditional, small-scale food wholesale and retail facilities. But consumer issues are also important, including “internalizing” the full environmental costs of production and marketing, and helping supermarkets be part of the solution to the health problems generated by an “affluent” diet and lifestyle. This paper places the supermarket debate in the broader evolution of food policy analysis, a framework for integrating household, market, macro, and trade issues as they affect hunger and poverty. Increasingly, supermarkets provide the institutional linkages across these issues.  相似文献   

丁忠兵 《改革》2020,(5):150-159
农村集体经济组织和农民专业合作社是与农民联系较为紧密的两类经济组织,是贫困地区打赢脱贫攻坚战的重要内生性力量。但在实践中,受农村集体经济组织市场主体地位不明确、承担市场经营风险能力弱及农民专业合作社总体规模偏小、脱贫带动力不强等因素影响,两类主体的扶贫作用都未能得到充分发挥。重庆市城口县是国家扶贫开发工作重点县,在近年来的脱贫攻坚中,一方面普遍性地成立了新型农村集体经济组织,作为承接相关政府部门扶贫资源、开展村集体资产运营管理的平台;另一方面通过平等协商将村集体经济组织承接的扶贫资源以入股方式投入当地运行规范、实力较强的农民专业合作社,以获取相对稳定的分红收益,并优先用于增加贫困户收入。该模式既为村“两委”参与市场活动和承接政府扶贫资源提供了有效载体,又较好地保证了农民专业合作社等市场主体的经营自主权,有利于构建激励兼容、多方共赢的长效扶贫机制,是有镜鉴价值的扶贫模式创新。  相似文献   

China's small farmers face increasing challenges because of land and water resource constraints and the effects of climate change. With the strengthened agricultural stimulus policies, poverty reduction and social protection programs, as well as the expanding international food trade, up to now China has achieved food security through small farm agriculture. During intensive economic restructuring, smallholders still coexist with large‐sized farms and industrialized agricultural businesses, but are in a vulnerable position in market transactions. Oriented to 2050, China's agricultural development and food security policies should work to improve domestic market structure, to further release international trade control and to empower smallholders.  相似文献   

农村药品市场的现状、原因及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘文  ;伍林生 《特区经济》2009,(4):169-171
药价混乱、假冒伪劣、违规经营已成为当前农村药品市场相当突出的问题,加强农村药品市场监管,规范农村药品供应,构建农民用药安全防范体系,确保农民用药方便、经济、安全、有效,是新农合持续发展的重要保障,事关农村发展和稳定的大局。本文拟从当前农村药品市场现状入手,探究其对策。  相似文献   

家庭承包经营制度的农村改革,符合广大农民的根本利益,极大地调动了广大农民的生产积极性,促进了农业的发展和农村的稳定。由于体制、机制和管理等多方面的原因,征地问题表现突出,农民权益得不到保护,部分农民失地又失业,成为新的困难群体,诱发农村稳定问题。笔者建议:规范政府行为,确认农民集体土地的财产权利,按市场经济规律进行征地补偿,着眼于长远生计,将被征地农民纳入社会保障体系。  相似文献   

This study compares contract and non-contract growers of apples and green onions in Shandong Province, China in order to explore the constraints on participation and the impact of contract farming on income. We find little evidence that firms prefer to work with larger farms, though all farms in the area are quite small. Using a Heckman selection–correction model, we find that contract farming raises income even after controlling for observable and unobservable household characteristics. These results suggest that contract farming can help raise small-farm income, though questions remain regarding the number of farmers that can be brought into such schemes.  相似文献   

It is by now a commonly accepted proposition that economic development must involve both growth and equity. That in many countries the subsidization of the owners of large farms is inequitable is also acknowledged. However, the debate on the ‘efficiency’ of large versus small farms continues. If the owners of large farms are not using the crop acreage with greater efficiency than are the small farmers and if there are no economies of scale, then the imposition of ceilings on farm size and land redistribution are clearly the right options to consider.The object of this study is to test two hypotheses. First, there is an inverse relationship between land productivity and farm size. Second, there are no economies of scale in agricultural production. The tests are performed by regression analysis on the farm-level data collected from Pakistan by the author in 1974. The merit of this study is that it deals with a country which, with a few other underdeveloped countries, has been a beneficiary of the ‘Green Revolution’. The available studies on Pakistan agriculture are limited to the aggregate analyses. Interregional micro-level studies are almost non-existent.  相似文献   

周涛  程钧谟   《华东经济管理》2010,24(5):158-160
对农村连锁超市饱和度进行准确判断,是零售企业向农村市场扩张,实现农村零售网点合理布局的依据。文章运用农村连锁超市饱和指数法,明确了超市零售设施规模对农村超市扩张决策的影响关系;并进一步运用农村连锁超市的凯莉动态相对指标法,确定了农村连锁超市企业市场份额的最高增速点X0和最高市场份额点X1。  相似文献   

当前有机食品的市场运作过程中正呈现两难窘地,一方面有机食品总体供不应求,另一方市场上高价有机食品销售不畅,导致这一局面的主要原因是农户分散经营及有机食品营销渠道不畅。因此文章通过挖掘消费者的潜在需求、以消费者能够接受的成本定价,以方便购买的原则进行渠道规划和双向沟通四方面对有机食品市场拓展进行理性分析,以期引起生产经营者与消费者的关注。  相似文献   

高婷  邱妘 《特区经济》2014,(2):208-210
随着我国超市的快速发展以及消费者生活水平、安全意识的提高,超市生鲜经营成为农产品销售的主要渠道与必然趋势。但是,近几年,农产品安全事故的频频发生也为超市的生鲜供应链质量管理敲响警钟。本文在对超市生鲜供应链质量管理流程进行分析的基础上,引用目前广泛应用的霍尔三维结构模型,较为系统地分析了超市生鲜供应链质量管理的时间维、逻辑维、知识维的内容与关系。最后以PDCA循环的基本思想为指导,构建了超市生鲜供应链质量管理动态管理模式,为今后超市生鲜供应链质量管理提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

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