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论文应用随机时间序列理论和收益现值法对我国海域动态基准价格评估的计量模型进行了理论构建,建立了海域资源未来净收益的动态预测模型,在提出海域还原利率历史数据测算方法的基础上,又据此建立了与未来净收益预测模型相类似的海域还原利率动态预测模型。这些预测模型和方法把当前海域价格评估偏重于静态的收益现值法扩展为科学实用的动态收益现值法奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

海域基准价格对于海域市场管理具有指导意义。为减少海水资源的资产性浪费、合理配置海水资源和规范海水资源开发利用市场,必须明确海水综合利用用海基准价格评估方法。本文界定了海水综合利用用海基准价格的内涵,提出了海水综合利用用海价格评估的评估原则及技术步骤,以象山县为例,采用收益还原法、样点价格均值法、区域比较法和面积加权法对海水综合利用用海基准价格进行评估。  相似文献   

就海域估价影响因素选取的原则,评价体系的构建与主导因素的确定方法这三个方面进行了探讨。海域估价主导因素的合理选择将对科学评估海域使用价格,充分开发利用海域起着重要的参考作用,为正确评估海域价格奠定基础。  相似文献   

海域使用金本质及构成研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
合理征收海域使用金是有效推进海域有偿使用制度实施的关键,在海域市场没有发育成熟的条件下,只有对海域使用金本质进行深入研究,弄清海域使用金的构成,才能科学制定出海域使用金征收标准.在结合海域使用用途和海域自然属性改变程度两方面对海域使用方式进行分类的基础上,提出不同海域使用方式的海域使用金构成.  相似文献   

农地价格评估探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、农地价格评估现状土地价格评估和土地市场状况密切相关。我国土地市场发育较晚 ,一般认为 ,我国土地市场发端于1987年深圳市政府首次以拍卖方式出让国有土地使用权 ① 。在此之后 ,我国开始进行土地使用制度改革 ,其核心是变无偿、无限期、无流动的使用制度为有偿、有限期、有流动的土地使用制度。②。随着我国土地使用制度改革的不断深入 ,国民经济得到了迅速发展 ,土地市场日益发育 ,特别自 1992年初以来各类土地价格评估机构也相继成立。近几年来 ,随着我国土地科学的发展 ,有关地价、地价管理等方面的理论研究和评估实践得到了一定…  相似文献   

我国从2004年开始建立粮食最低收购价制度,从2008年开始建立重要农产品临时收储制度。这两项制度的实施对促进农民增收、发展农业生产、保障市场供应、稳定价格水平发挥了重要作用。经过十多年的实践,随着国内外农产品市场格局的巨大变化,我国现行的农产品价格机制已经到了必须进行改革以适应新形势的时间节点。2014年的中央一号文件提出,要完善粮食等重要农产品价格形成机制。"坚持市场定价原则,探索推进  相似文献   

论文以海域使用金评估为研究对象,在分析海域使用金与海域使用权关系的基础上,论述了海域使用权价格体系由,迚而探讨了海域使用权价格评估的方法。在此基础上,阐释了海域使用金评估应分为基本不改变海域自然属性用海类型、一定程度上可能会改变海域自然属性用海类型及一次性基本完全改变海域自然属性用海类型三种情况设定基本思路,以期丰富我国海域使用金评估的理论与方法,为今后海域使用金评估研究提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

在界定了相关概念的基础上,分析了基准地价在中小城镇地价管理中的重要作用,以陕两省紫阳县并结合同类中小城镇为例,说明采用传统基准地价评估方法往往会使评估价偏高,脱离地产市场实际。提出在中小城镇基准地价评估中,应在基准地价评估的基础上,住道路两侧附设路线价,这样临街土地的价值就会真正得到体现,符合中小城镇地价的分布变化规律和地产市场交际,显化土地资产量,能有效促进地产市场发育,便于政府实施地价管理政策。  相似文献   

目前,我国海域征收及其补偿尚没有一个成熟的办法,相关法律制度还远没有建立起来.如何构建我国海域征收补偿法律制度已成为当前关注的热点问题.研究国内外征收补偿制度和我国土地征收补偿的理论与实践,明确海域征收和公共利益的内涵,明确公平合理补偿标准,完善纠纷解决机制,建立海域价值评估和分等定级制度,应成为我们构建海域征用补偿法律制度的基本内容.  相似文献   

<正>我国从2004年开始建立粮食最低收购价制度,从2008年开始建立重要农产品临时收储制度。这两项制度的实施对促进农民增收、发展农业生产、保障市场供应、稳定价格水平发挥了重要作用。经过十多年的实践,随着国内外农产品市场格局的巨大变化,我国现行的农产品价格机制已经到了必须进行改革以适应新形势的时间节点。2014年的中央一号文件提出,要完善粮食等重要  相似文献   

对渔民实用技术培训的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
开展渔民实用技术培训,是提高渔民素质,培养造就懂技术、会经营的新型渔民,增加渔民收入、实现渔民致富必由之路。本文分析了渔民实用技术培训的现状及存在的问题,提出了加强渔业技术培训的建议和对策,即渔业技术培训要与综合素质培训相结合,与渔民需要相结合,要坚持多层次、多形式。  相似文献   

Impact assessment studies consistently show that the benefits generated by plant breeding are large, positive and widely distributed. Numerous case studies have concluded that investment in plant breeding research generates attractive rates of return compared to alternative investment opportunities, that welfare gains resulting from the adoption of modern varieties (MVs) reach both favoured and marginal environments, and that benefits are broadly shared by producers and consumers. But just how reliable are the results of studies that estimate the benefits of plant breeding research? This article reviews methods used to estimate the benefits of plant breeding research and discusses theoretical and empirical issues that often receive inadequate attention in applied impact assessment work. Our objective is not to question the validity of the theoretical frameworks commonly used to estimate the benefits of plant breeding research, but rather to examine problems that can arise when the widely accepted theoretical frameworks are used for empirical analysis. Most of these problems can be grouped into three basic categories: (1) problems associated with measuring adoption and diffusion of MVs, (2) problems associated with estimating benefits attributable to adoption of MVs, and (3) problems associated with assigning credit among the various plant breeding programmes that participated in developing the MVs.  相似文献   

In recent years, some of the commonly used indicators in parking management have changed. Maximizing the supply and minimizing the price were the main objectives before, but today, optimizing the parking supply and price is the major objective. This research introduces a parking area level of service, which has not been previously addressed, to evaluate the new objectives of sustainable development with the existing parking areas. For the purpose of this research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was selected as a case study to implement this method in an academic context. This method may also be utilized for other land uses, but some adjustments should be applied. In addition, based on the existing failures, some improvements are proposed to enhance parking efficiency.  相似文献   

水银行作为一种更灵活的水资源调配与管理模式,能够有效弥补水权交易市场的运行局限。如何将水银行从理论层面的认知转换为实践层面的有效应用,已成为学术界关注的研究热点与难点。通过系统梳理水银行理论与实践应用进展,分析了水银行的理论内涵与运行机制,总结了国内外实践模式与应用经验,并在此基础上,进一步分析了我国水银行实施的现实基础,据此提出应从水银行的运行模式、支撑机制和风险管理3个维度开展其创新性研究和适应性实践。  相似文献   

<正>粮食应急保障是在重大自然灾害、重大疫情或者其他突发事件引起粮食市场供求异常波动时,国家或地方政府采取动用储备、限制供应价格和数量等措施,确保粮食安全和社会稳定的一项重要工作。5.12特大地震是对成都市粮食应急保障工作的一次成功的检验,既积累了经验锻炼了队伍,又暴  相似文献   

“河长制”作为水危机下的制度创新,在转为常态化运行时往往面临模式僵化、效率偏低以及公众参与缺失等问题。H市在基层水管理实践中基于纵向“行政河长”与横向“民间河长”的信息互联、资源共享和决策互信所形塑的“立体河长制”模式,在一定程度上消解了“行政河长”的单边弊端。研究认为,借由横纵联合所建构的“立体河长制”兼具良好的环境与社会效益,在显著优化基层水管理工作的同时,有效激发了社区参与意愿,培育了民众参与能力以及促进了公共性的再生产。但作为一项地方性实践,“立体河长制”本身仍面临高度依赖民间基础、缺乏可持续性激励以及制度化水平较低等问题。为此,需通过进一步吸纳市井环保经验、建立可持续性激励机制以及提升制度化水平,以期增强“立体河长制”的实践效能。  相似文献   


Total factor productivity in communal agriculture in Zimbabwe grew at 1.73% per annum from 1975 to 1990. Growth was negative before independence in 1980 and then reached over 8% a year, but turned negative again after 1985. The success following independence can be explained by the widespread adoption of modern technology, especially in maize production. Adoption was driven by the reorientation of government policy towards the communal sector, which led to improved price incentives and public provision of essential infrastructure investments, such as marketing depots and farm credit facilities. However, the high costs of support proved to be unsustainable and productivity declined from 1985.  相似文献   

The parameter values and assumptions of any economic model are subject to change and error. Sensitivity analysis (SA), broadly defined, is the investigation of these potential changes and errors and their impacts on conclusions to be drawn from the model. There is a very large literature on procedures and techniques for SA, but it includes almost nothing from economists. This paper is a selective review and overview of theoretical and methodological issues in SA. There are many possible uses of SA, described here within the categories of decision support, communication, increased understanding or quantification of the system, and model development. The paper focuses somewhat on decision support. It is argued that even the simplest approaches to SA can be theoretically respectable in decision support if they are applied and interpreted in a way consistent with Bayesian decision theory. This is not to say that SA results should be formally subjected to a Bayesian decision analysis, but that an understanding of Bayesian probability revision will help the modeller plan and interpret an SA. Many different approaches to SA are described, varying in the experimental design used and in the way results are processed. Possible overall strategies for conducting SA are suggested. It is proposed that when using SA for decision support, it can be very helpful to attempt to identify which of the following forms of recommendation is most appropriate: (a) do, V, (b) do either X or Y depending on the circumstances, (c) do either X or Y, whichever you like, (d) if in doubt, do X. A system for reporting and discussing SA results is recommended.  相似文献   

Farmer-to-farmer extension (FFE) has received considerable interest in developing countries due to a decline in government extension services. There are, however, questions as to how FFE can be improved to enhance effectiveness and sustainability of the approach. One area that may hold the key is to understand volunteer farmer-trainer (VFT) motivations. Informal and formal interviews were held with VFTs in a smallholder dairy development project in Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Data were collected on the reasons why VFTs became trainers and why they continue to train. Findings of the study showed that VFTs were motivated by a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. These factors are not static; they change over time. Gaining knowledge and skills as well as altruism were found to be the most important motivating factors for becoming trainers in the three countries. However, a few years after becoming trainers, income earned from selling inputs and specialized services associated with training was an important motivating factor to VFTs in Kenya. In Uganda gaining knowledge and skills remained the most important whereas in Rwanda, a new motivation, increased demand for training, was the most important reason for continuing to train. These findings point to the fact that the general reasons that motivate VFTs irrespective of context are similar; however, the importance attached to motivations is context specific. These motivations can provide insights into which incentives can be enhanced to improve effectiveness and sustainability of FFE.  相似文献   

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