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本文关注中国上市公司IPO的过程中的寻租、市场分割与市场惩戒现象,检验了失去约束的权力与权责不对称情况下滋生的"恶之花"。使用2006-2010年期间中国资本市场IPO公司的手工数据,本文研究发现:(1)证监会发行审核委员会(发审委)中的会计师关系显著提高了拟IPO公司的过会概率;(2)发审委中的会计师关系显著增加了关联事务所的审计收费以及在IPO审计中的市场份额;(3)公司IPO后的累计超额回报与发审委中的会计师关系显著负相关。上述研究发现联合支持了如下层层递进的逻辑与结论:发审委中的会计师委员使得特定的会计师事务所拥有了IPO过程中非常重要的"投票权"和权力,为此一些拟IPO公司通过将审计业务交由发审委中的会计师委员关联的会计师事务所进行审计,实现了有效率的寻租,结果是显著提高了公司IPO申请的过会概率。同时发审委中的会计师委员关联的事务所相应获得了IPO审计市场的超额审计收费、显著增加了IPO审计市场份额。但是,IPO后中国资本市场给予寻租的公司严厉的市场惩戒。上述研究发现敦促中国资本市场发审制度的改革。  相似文献   

IPO发行制度规定企业的财务报表必须经过会计师事务所的审计,而发审委中有审计师担任委员,所以审计师在IPO过程中可能具有双重身份,既是IPO公司雇佣的中介机构,又是IPO资格的审核者.那么IPO公司会不会利用审计师的这种双重身份,通过购买审计师的服务来协助其对发审委委员寻租,最终顺利通过IPO审核呢?本文基于寻租动机,研究具有什么特征的公司更倾向于选择有审计师在发审委中担任委员的事务所.本文的贡献在于从寻租的视角来提供经验支持,丰富了IPO公司审计师选择的研究.  相似文献   

本文以2001-2009年被证监会处罚的会计师事务所为样本,分别从会计师事务所和CPA个人两个层面检验了行政处罚对审计质量的影响。研究发现,在被证监会行政处罚后,受罚事务所或CPA所审计的上市公司的操控性应计利润没有显著降低,会计盈余稳健性也没有显著提高,并且行政处罚力度的差异对上市公司的操控性应计利润和会计盈余稳健性也无显著影响,这些发现表明我国证监会对违规事务所和CPA的行政处罚并未显著改进上市公司的审计质量。对此现象,监管部门应当反思,并引起重视。  相似文献   

本文以被证监会处罚的会计师事务所审计的上市公司为研究样本,检验了审计处罚对事务所审计意见的影响。研究结论发现,在证监会行政处罚后,会计师事务所和注册会计师个人所审计上市公司出具非标准意见的概率并没有显著上升,这些证据表明对审计处罚对事务所审计质量的改善作用并不明显。进一步,为了验证结论的正确性,本文还选取了配对样本,试图减少时间变化对审计意见的影响。结论表明行政处罚对审计质量没有显著影响因此,本文结论认为行政处罚并不能显著影响审计质量。我们的研究丰富了政府监管与审计质量的研究。  相似文献   

提升审计质量离不开有效的外部监管。证监会对会计师事务所实施的全面检查能否提高其审计质量一直是学界和业界共同关心的重要问题。本文采用双重差分法研究发现,相较于未接受证监会全面检查的会计师事务所,接受证监会全面检查的会计师事务所在经历全面检查后审计质量显著提升,且这一结果主要体现在会计师事务所(审计师)客户重要性低、事务所规模大和审计客户财务复杂度低的样本中。研究结果表明,即使在审计行业面临多重监管的背景下,证监会实施的全面检查仍然对会计师事务所的审计质量提升产生了实质性影响。本文证实了证监会随机抽查制度中设置全面检查方式的积极意义,对优化审计监管方式,提高监管效率具有一定的政策启示。  相似文献   

高燕  王素梅  杨琳 《财政监督》2012,(17):17-20
来自美国及西方资本市场的经验证据表明,国际四大会计师事务所提供了高质量的审计。在中国特殊的审计需求和制度背景下,国际四大是否提供比国内事务所更高的审计质量受到各界的共同关注。研究者从不同的角度得出了不同的结论。本文对四大在中国审计市场的审计质量研究作了一个文献综述和评价,认为培育有效的市场需求和加大执业风险,给四大提供一如既往地维持其国际品牌声誉的压力和动力,是我国现有背景下切实提高事务所质量的现实选择和最优路径。  相似文献   

中小事务所执业领域拓展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据有关资料统计,截至2008年5月19日,我国有注册会计师83531人,分别在8267家会计师事务所执业。注册会计师人数不足20人(含20人)的会计师事务所达89.59%。一方面,这些事务所主要以中小企业为服务对象,以审计和验资为主要业务,其业务范围和收入来源都极其有限。另一方面,这些事务所的执业质量也令人堪忧,中注协的执业质量检查结果显示,2005—2007年受到公开谴责的事务所分别有14家、34家和52家。这些事务所都属中小会计师事务所之列.受到谴责的原因主要是未按照审计准则谨慎执业、出具虚假审计和验资报告、内部经营管理混乱等。中小会计师事务所因为较小的规模和单一的业务结构而拥有的客户较少,来源于某一特定客户的审计收入占其全部收入的比例就越高,屈从于某一特定客户的压力就越大.抵制客户购买审计意见的能力就很弱,从而很容易被俘获,使审计市场陷入无序竞争的状态。为了扩大业务收入来源、提高执业质量,中小事务所必须将自身优势与市场需求相结合,积极拓展服务领域,寻找新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

胡旭阳 《审计研究》2015,(2):89-96,105
审计师参与新股发行审核是核准制下我国IPO市场监管的重要特色,本文尝试分析审计师参与新股发行审核影响IPO审计市场竞争的机理。理论分析表明,往届委员在发行审核中积累的隐性知识对要上市企业了解监管部门的审核规则,进而指导上市准备工作具有重要价值,这种知识溢出效应使曾担任发审委委员的合伙人成为会计师事务所在IPO审计市场获得竞争优势的重要内部资源;而实证分析结果支持知识溢出效应:IPO审计市场份额与会计师事务所中曾担任往届发审委委员的人数显著正相关,而在控制往届委员人数的情况下是否有合伙人担任本届发审委委员对IPO审计市场份额没有显著影响。  相似文献   

在新时期,为促进我国注册会计师行业的发展,应加强道德建设,提高注册会计师的社会地位,加强执业质量监管,大力推行合伙制会计师事务所组织形式,鼓励会计师事务所积极开拓新的审计服务领域,加强会计师事务所的国际合作与交往以提升我国会计师事务所的国际竞争力.  相似文献   

会计师事务所作为新兴服务行业,为客户提供优质的专业审计服务是其经营发展的基础.审计业务质量是注册会计师行业的生命与灵魂,是衡量会计师事务所执业水平的首要基础评价指标,提高审计业务质量对于维护社会公众利益,促进审计行业健康、持续发展具有积极作用.本文梳理了会计师事务所业务质量相关理论,总结分析了当前会计师事务所审计业务质量控制存在的不足及问题,并提出强化会计师事务所业务质量控制的措施.  相似文献   

会计师事务所组织形式由有限责任制变为特殊普通合伙制,增加了审计师的法律责任,提高了审计的鉴证价值和保险价值,有利于审计师在 IPO 审计过程中更好地发挥信息中介作用。以保荐制下 IPO公司为样本,实证考察事务所组织形式对 IPO 盈余管理和 IPO 折价的影响。研究发现,相比有限责任制事务所,特殊普通合伙制事务所审计的发行公司的正向盈余管理水平更低,IPO 折价率也更低。研究结论表明事务所转制后,审计师加强了对发行公司盈余管理行为的约束,提高了 IPO 定价效率,监管部门推动的事务所转制对 IPO 市场具有积极治理效果。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of audit risks in the Korean initial public offering (IPO) market on the designated auditors’ decisions. The Korean External Audit Act requires firms to switch from incumbent to new auditors designated by the Securities and Futures Commission after the firm announces a future IPO. This study shows the effects of audit risks by examining if the quality of reported earnings and audit fees significantly differs between IPO‐eligible and IPO‐ineligible firms. Empirical tests first show that discretionary accruals are significantly lower for IPO‐ineligible firms than for IPO‐eligible firms in both the IPO designation period and the following review period. We interpret this result to mean that designated auditors evaluate the IPO‐ineligible (and eventually failed) firms’ listing possibility as low. Second, audit fees are higher for IPO‐ineligible firms in the auditor designation period. This reflects the fact that designated auditors are exposed to future audit risks associated with firms’ post‐IPO financial market troubles if IPO‐ineligible firms attempt to go public. Our study contributes to IPO‐related research by showing the effects of auditors’ risk evaluation on discretionary accruals and audit fees. This study also contributes to accounting policymaking regarding auditor independence.  相似文献   

By employing a Heckman two-stage selection model, we identify whether employing a financial expert with or without accounting expertise on the audit committee is optimal and how earnings quality varies across these optimal and suboptimal choices. Using four earnings quality measures (informativeness, timely loss recognition, earnings persistence, and accruals quality), we find no differences in earnings quality between firms optimally choosing an expert with or without accounting expertise, consistent with Demsetz and Lehn (J Polit Econ 93:1155–1177, 1985) and others who argue that when firms optimize their choice (i.e., accounting expertise), there should be no difference across the characteristic (i.e., earnings quality) being examined. We do find, however, earnings quality is significantly higher for firms that optimally choose an accounting expert relative to firms that choose (with/without accounting expertise) suboptimally. Finally, firms suboptimally choosing an accounting expert exhibit no improvement, or even lower earnings quality, than firms that optimally choose no accounting expert. Our results provide important evidence of the impact accounting expertise has on earnings quality when considering the firm’s choice.  相似文献   

We examine the relation between audit quality and the earnings management activities of IPO firms. The impact of high quality auditors on real earnings management has been researched in a number of settings e.g. SEOs. However, to date, there has been no work on the effect of high quality auditors on real activities-based manipulation around IPOs. We examine UK IPOs between 1998 and 2008 and find evidence that high quality auditors constrain the use of real activities manipulation that occurs via the management of discretionary expenses. We also find evidence, consistent with prior research, that high quality auditors constrain the manipulation of discretionary accruals. Crucially, we find IPO firms audited by high quality auditors undertake sales-based manipulation in order to manage earnings upward at the end of the IPO year. The presence of high quality auditors is not, therefore, sufficient to constrain all forms of earnings management.  相似文献   

We examine whether the reputation incentives of audit committee members are associated with their effectiveness in monitoring the financial reporting process. Prior research assumes that audit committee members allocate their effort proportionately across all memberships on which they serve. However, our findings suggest that audit committee members with multiple audit committee memberships tend to focus their attention on the memberships that provide them with the greatest reputation incentives. Specifically, firms with a larger proportion of audit committee members where the membership is the most prominent are associated with higher financial reporting quality and more effective monitoring of internal control. Additional tests reveal that audit committee members’ reputation incentives are driving our results rather than independent non-audit committee members’ reputation incentives. We conclude that reputation is a strong incentive for audit committee members, such that it influences their monitoring effectiveness over the financial reporting process.  相似文献   

This study contributes to the extant literature on the nature of earnings management surrounding initial public offerings (IPOs) by investigating the role of underwriter reputation. We argue that prestigious underwriters will protect their reputation by carefully monitoring and certifying financial information on IPO firms, thereby limiting any potential earnings manipulation. As a result, those IPO firms that are associated with more prestigious underwriters are likely to exhibit substantially less‐aggressive earnings management. Conversely, we find the existence of a negative relationship between earnings management and the post‐offer performance of an IPO firm’s stocks only for those firms associated with less‐prestigious underwriters.  相似文献   

Prior evidence that firms adjust their board structure following accounting restatements suggests that firms expect the board to effectively monitor the firm’s financial accounting system. However, little is known about signals firms use to identify monitoring weaknesses or the types of individuals firms appoint to improve the quality of monitoring. We expand on Ghannam, Bujega, Matolcsy, and Spiropolous (2019)’s evidence that firms appoint directors with accounting experience after financial fraud by investigating whether firms that file restatements or issue highly inaccurate earnings forecasts appoint individuals with CFO experience (i.e., a subset of accounting experts) to their audit committee. We find that firms are more likely to appoint an outside director with CFO experience to the audit committee when they have recently restated earnings and when they have higher prior management forecast error. We also find that the appointment of a CFO outside director to the audit committee is followed by a lower likelihood of restatement and more accurate management forecast. Together, our results suggest that firms respond to accounting failures by appointing outside directors with CFO experience. Thus, we provide insight into the signals firms use to identify weaknesses in the monitoring of the accounting function and the types of expertise firms value in addressing those weaknesses.  相似文献   

The revelation of accounting fraud by the Olympus Corporation gave rise to shareholder allegations of audit failure against Olympus’ auditors—Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC and KPMG AZSA LLC—in 2011. In this study, we investigate whether the auditors’ affiliation with Olympus contributes to divergent perceptions of audit quality in the event of news announcements affecting the reputation of Olympus’ auditors. First, we use a nonparametric generalized rank event study methodology on 918 sample firms from the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) to observe Japanese investors’ perceptions of auditor reputation as proxied by abnormal returns. Second, we perform a multivariate linear regression on firms’ abnormal returns after controlling for firm-specific variables. We find that Japanese investors do not respond to negative or neutral reputational information arising from news announcements concerning Olympus’ auditors for firms affiliated and not affiliated with those auditors. In the absence of legal penalties imposed on Olympus’ auditors, we argue that Japanese investors consider the Olympus fraud case as an expected occurrence of audit failure due to a lack of evidence suggesting systematic audit failure on the part of Olympus’ auditors and an expectation of lower audit quality in the Japanese capital market. As a result, Japanese investors do not consider news announcements affecting the Olympus auditors’ reputation as sufficient evidence to change their prior expectation regarding the reputations of the audit firms affiliated with the Olympus fraud case.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine whether government regulatory initiatives in China involving IPO by SOEs may have contributed to opportunistic behaviors by the issuer. We focus on two sets of IPO regulations issued between January 1, 1996 and February 11, 1999: pricing regulations, which stipulate that IPO prices be a function of accounting performance, and penalty regulations, which penalize IPO firms for overly optimistic forecasts. We find that IPO firms that report better pricing-period accounting performance have larger declines in post-IPO profitability, lower first-day stock returns and worse long-run post-IPO stock performance. Furthermore, IPO firms that make overoptimistic forecasts also have lower first-day returns and worse post-IPO stock performance. Using non-core earnings as the proxy for earnings management, we document some evidence that IPO firms that report higher pricing-period accounting performance have engaged in more income-increasing earnings management. Hence, pricing regulations may have induced IPO firms to inflate pricing-period earnings and affect the post-IPO performance negatively. On the other hand, penalty regulations have deterred IPO firms from making overoptimistic earnings forecast and therefore have a positive impact on the behavior of IPO firms.  相似文献   

This paper examines the association between the presence of female tainted directors on corporate boards and audit committees and (1) financial reporting quality and (2) audit fees. Female tainted directors are defined as female directors who have been directors of the firms that have previously been involved in financial failures and integrity indiscretions. Using real earnings management and audit fees as proxies for effective governance and board reputation, we find that firms with female tainted directors have higher real earnings management and higher audit fees. However, since prior literature has demonstrated that audit fees are higher for firms with female directors because female directors demand better auditing, we corroborate a supply-side effect of auditors charging higher audit fees when female tainted directors exist. We demonstrate this by showing that while there is an association between audit fee and real earnings management, this association is higher for firms with female tainted directors. Arguably, the governance and reputational benefits of female directors on boards are negated if such directors have tarnished professional reputations.  相似文献   

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