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阮健弘  刘西  叶欢 《金融研究》2020,482(8):18-33
近年来,我国居民部门杠杆率的快速上升引起社会各界关注。本文使用货币信贷和城镇储户调查数据,对我国居民部门杠杆率和偿债能力现状进行了分析,并运用各省住户贷款数据计算各省的居民杠杆率,使用面板数据模型对居民杠杆率上升的原因进行了实证分析。结果表明,房价的快速上涨和住房销售的增长都对居民部门杠杆率的上升有显著正向影响,其中房价上涨的影响程度更大。此外,金融发展水平和老年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有正向影响,少年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有负向影响。  相似文献   

阮健弘  刘西  叶欢 《金融研究》2015,482(8):18-33
近年来,我国居民部门杠杆率的快速上升引起社会各界关注。本文使用货币信贷和城镇储户调查数据,对我国居民部门杠杆率和偿债能力现状进行了分析,并运用各省住户贷款数据计算各省的居民杠杆率,使用面板数据模型对居民杠杆率上升的原因进行了实证分析。结果表明,房价的快速上涨和住房销售的增长都对居民部门杠杆率的上升有显著正向影响,其中房价上涨的影响程度更大。此外,金融发展水平和老年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有正向影响,少年人抚养比对居民杠杆率有负向影响。  相似文献   

近年来,中国家庭杠杆率的上升引发了社会的广泛关注,人口老龄化可能对家庭杠杆率产生影响。理论推导表明,老年人口占比增加会提升家庭杠杆率。实证分析利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,检验得出人口老龄化对家庭杠杆率的影响为正。机制分析发现,老龄化导致低收入人群在面对住房需求和应对老龄化支出时,倾向使用住房抵押贷款以平滑生命周期消费,进而推高了家庭杠杆率。同时,本文发现家庭面临的健康风险与养老抚幼双重负担,也是老龄化导致杠杆率攀升的潜在作用机制。此外,老龄化对家庭杠杆率的影响在城乡类型和户主受教育水平差异,以及家庭小型化程度之间存在异质性。  相似文献   

陈斌开  徐帆  谭力 《金融研究》2012,(1):129-140
本文首次利用人口普查数据对人口结构转变和中国住房需求的关系进行实证研究。经验观察表明,"婴儿潮"很可能是2004年以来中国住房价格快速上涨的重要原因。基于微观家户数据的实证研究发现,中国居民住房需求与年龄高度相关:个人在20岁以后住房需求快速上升,直到50岁以后开始逐步下降;这些实证结果对于测量误差、样本选择、住房产权类型都是稳健的;进一步研究表明,"组群效应"是50岁以后个体住房需求下降的主要原因。以人口结构转变为基础,本文估算了1999~2025年中国的住房需求,发现住房需求增长率很好地拟合了2004年以来住房价格的变化;同时,人口老龄化将导致中国住房需求增长率在2012年以后大幅下降,这意味着中国未来住房需求存在下行可能,宏观调控政策需要未雨绸缪。  相似文献   

本文基于31个省份2007~2017年的动态面板数据,采用系统GMM估计方法研究我国居民杠杆率快速上升的影响因素。实证结果表明,住房价格、住房需求与居民杠杆率存在较强的正相关关系,同时随着人口老龄化加剧,居民杠杆率也将进一步上升。因此,维护房地产市场的稳定和缓解人口老龄化负面影响,对遏制居民杠杆率的快速上升至关重要。  相似文献   

本文通过构建包含家庭住房抵押借款摩擦和银行贷款摩擦的动态随机一般均衡模型,重点考察了异质性冲击下房价波动对金融稳定的影响。研究发现,房价上涨会导致银行风险溢价及杠杆率显著上升,进而加剧金融体系的内在不稳定。为降低房价波动及维护金融稳定,选取两类宏观审慎政策工具进行逆周期调控实验,结果表明,在住房需求冲击下,金融管理部门应选取贷款价值比政策,且应对房贷积极调控,而对房价进行中性调控。在最终产品部门生产率冲击、房地产部门生产率冲击及跨期偏好冲击下,应选取资本充足率政策,但对房贷和房价调控力度的把握则存在差异。本研究为厘清房价波动对金融稳定的动态传导机制,以及金融管理部门如何选取宏观审慎政策工具以稳定房价并降低系统性金融风险提供了启示。  相似文献   

研究房价上涨如何影响家庭储蓄率具有重要学术及实践意义,但已有相关研究依然存在分歧.基于中国家庭追踪调查2010—2016年的面板数据,通过控制房产交易,以固定效应模型更准确地分析了房价上涨引起的房产价值增加对有房家庭储蓄率的影响.实证发现,家庭房产价值增加1%,家庭储蓄率会降低3.6%,以人均土地供应面积作为房产价值工具变量的2SLS回归结果依然稳健.由于中国家庭资产配置以房产为主,房价快速下跌将会降低家庭财富水平,迫使家庭大幅增加储蓄,降低居民效用水平,而房价快速上涨,则不利于居民改善性住房需求的满足.在此背景下,稳房价应该成为政府管控房地产合理发展的重要指导原则.  相似文献   

研究房价上涨如何影响家庭储蓄率具有重要学术及实践意义,但已有相关研究依然存在分歧.基于中国家庭追踪调查2010—2016年的面板数据,通过控制房产交易,以固定效应模型更准确地分析了房价上涨引起的房产价值增加对有房家庭储蓄率的影响.实证发现,家庭房产价值增加1%,家庭储蓄率会降低3.6%,以人均土地供应面积作为房产价值工具变量的2SLS回归结果依然稳健.由于中国家庭资产配置以房产为主,房价快速下跌将会降低家庭财富水平,迫使家庭大幅增加储蓄,降低居民效用水平,而房价快速上涨,则不利于居民改善性住房需求的满足.在此背景下,稳房价应该成为政府管控房地产合理发展的重要指导原则.  相似文献   

随着我国住房市场的快速发展,住房价格不断上升,近年来出现了过度上涨的现象。本文分析了我国近年平均房价以及房价收入比的变化趋势,在此基础上,建立了房价灰色关联分析模型,得到影响房价的因素重要性依次为:房地产投资额、人口数、货币供应量、城镇人均可支配收入、GDP以及人民币汇率。最后结合不同的密切程度提出调控房价的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据,实证分析家庭杠杆率对居民消费的影响,结果表明:第一,家庭债务积累和财务杠杆率上升增加了居民的消费总支出和住房支出,但是在这个过程中,住房支出对日常生活消费产生了挤出效应。第二,异质性分析表明,对于拥有住房产权的家庭和中低收入家庭,其财务杠杆率上升对居民消费具有显著正向影响,而无住房产权家庭、高收入家庭的财务杠杆率对居民消费的影响不显著。第三,住房支出在家庭财务杠杆率增加消费总支出过程中发挥了显著的中介效应,而举债带来的还本付息压力在家庭财务杆杆率反向影响日常生活开支过程中发挥了明显的遮掩效应。上述研究结论的政策启示:实施扩大内需战略,要合理控制家庭部门财务杠杆率的上升,谨防债务过度积累给家庭和社会消费带来的负面影响;坚持“房住不炒”政策,缓解居民购房支出压力;提升中低收入群体的收入,提高居民的边际消费倾向,充分发挥居民消费对经济的拉动效应。  相似文献   

尹志超  仇化  潘学峰 《金融研究》2021,488(2):114-132
在构建以国内大循环为主体,国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局下,把握扩大内需这一战略基点,激发居民消费潜力,是推动经济高质量发展的关键之一。住房已经成为中国家庭财富的重要组成部分,一方面可通过财富效应促进家庭消费,另一方面也可能由于“房奴效应”降低家庭消费。因此,住房财富对家庭消费的影响方向并不确定。本文基于2013-2019年中国家庭金融调查数据,研究了住房财富对家庭消费的影响,并检验了住房财富影响家庭消费的可能渠道。研究发现,住房财富对城镇家庭消费有显著促进作用,并显著改善了家庭消费结构,住房资产具有财富效应。进一步研究发现,住房财富能够缓解流动性约束,从而提高家庭消费水平。异质性分析表明,住房财富对不同类型的消费具有不同的促进作用,不同地区和拥有住房数量的差别均会对住房财富产生不同影响。根据本文研究,在控制风险的前提下,可发挥既有住房财富对平滑家庭消费的积极作用,促进家庭消费增长,改善家庭消费结构,进一步推进家庭消费升级。  相似文献   

在地方政府债务高企的背景下,房价调控能否使资本流向非房地产部门?房价调控如果触发地方政府债务违约,宏观政策应如何应对?本文基于中国宏观经济的特征事实,引入地方政府的土地财政行为,将房价变动与地方政府的偿债能力联系起来。研究表明,由于地方政府依赖土地出让和土地抵押贷款筹集收入,房价管控导致的地价下降会带来地方政府收入的下降,直接影响地方政府的偿债能力。如果地方政府债务不出现违约,那么房价管控带来的地价下降会降低地方政府从金融部门获得的抵押融资额,使非基建部门的融资成本下降,非基建部门投资和产出上升。而如果调控房价带来的地价下降导致地方政府出现债务违约,金融部门资产受损,使金融中介减少贷款和提高贷款成本,带来整个社会的信贷紧缩,经济中各个部门的产出大幅下降。进一步的政策分析表明,有必要在避免地方政府债务违约的同时,使用财政资金补充银行资本金等多种方式稳定金融中介的资产负债表,从而将房价调控对经济的负面影响程度降到最低。  相似文献   

In this article, we focus on the effect of household borrowing behavior on housing prices in China, under the background of rapid growth of consumer finance during the past decade. We build a micromodel to deduce the relationship between consumers’ leverage, housing enterprises’ leverage, and housing prices and use a dynamic panel model and panel error correction model to do the empirical work. The results show that the first- and second-tier cities of China are greatly influenced by leverages, the second-tier cities also by local growth, and the third-tier cities are weakly affected by leverages but greatly affected by the land prices. Further explanations and discussions of the empirical results are given accordingly.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the strength of the relationship between house prices and consumption, through the use of debt. Whereas the existing literature has largely studied the effects of house prices on homeowner total or mortgage debt, we focus on the non-mortgage component of household borrowing, using Canadian household-level data for 1999–2007. We rely on variation in regional house prices, homeownership status and age to establish the relationship between house prices and non-mortgage debt. Then, using direct information on debt uses, we determine that house price growth was associated with a non-trivial fraction of concurrent aggregate non-housing consumption growth.  相似文献   

The macroeconomic effects of housing illiquidity are analyzed using a novel directed search model of housing with long-term debt and default. Debt overhang emerges when highly leveraged sellers are forced to post high prices that produce long selling delays. These delays increase foreclosures, raise default premia, and curtail credit. Cheaper credit fuels temporarily higher house prices, faster sales, and fewer foreclosures, but the borrowing surge facilitates future debt overhang and default. More stringent foreclosure punishments also expand credit and, therefore, either generate higher foreclosures or more debt overhang. Leverage caps avoid this conundrum but reduce welfare by restricting borrowing.  相似文献   

In a model with housing collateral, the ratio of housing wealth to human wealth shifts the conditional distribution of asset prices and consumption growth. A decrease in house prices reduces the collateral value of housing, increases household exposure to idiosyncratic risk, and increases the conditional market price of risk. Using aggregate data for the United States, we find that a decrease in the ratio of housing wealth to human wealth predicts higher returns on stocks. Conditional on this ratio, the covariance of returns with aggregate risk factors explains 80% of the cross‐sectional variation in annual size and book‐to‐market portfolio returns.  相似文献   

We consider a general equilibrium model with frictions in credit markets used by households. In our economy, houses provide housing services to consumers and serve as collateral to lower borrowing cost. We show that this amplifies and propagates the effect of monetary policy shocks on housing investment, house prices and consumption. We also consider the effect of a structural change in credit markets that lowers the transaction costs of additional borrowing against housing equity. We show that such a change would increase the effect of monetary policy shocks on consumption, but would decrease the effect on house prices and housing investment.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of housing‐related tax policy measures on macroeconomic aggregates using a dynamic general‐equilibrium model featuring borrowing and lending across heterogeneous households, financial frictions in the form of collateral constraints tied to house prices, and a rental housing market alongside owner‐occupied housing. We analyze the effects of various tax policies and find that they all lead to significant output losses, with large long‐run tax multipliers of around 2. Among them, reducing the mortgage interest deduction is the most effective in raising tax revenue per unit of output lost, whereas reducing the depreciation allowance for rental income is the least effective.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first compare house price cycles in advanced and emerging economies using a new quarterly house price data set covering the period 1990–2012. We find that house prices in emerging economies grow faster, are more volatile, less persistent, and less synchronized across countries than in advanced economies (AEs). We also find that they correlate with capital flows more closely than in AEs. We then condition the analysis on an exogenous change to a particular component of capital flows: global liquidity, broadly understood as a proxy for the international supply of credit. We identify this shock by aggregating bank‐to‐bank cross‐border credit and by using the external instrumental variable approach introduced by Stock and Watson (2012) and Mertens and Ravn (2013). We find that in emerging markets (EMs) a global liquidity shock has a much stronger impact on house prices and consumption than in AEs. We finally show that holding house prices constant in response to this shock tends to dampen its effects on consumption in both AEs and EMs, but possibly through different channels: in AEs by boosting the value of housing collateral and hence supporting domestic borrowing; in EMs, by appreciating the exchange rate and hence supporting the international borrowing capacity of the economy.  相似文献   

This article develops a model of asset allocation relevant for the representative consumer. Consumption is composed of two items: housing, and other goods and services. The representative household's balance sheet consists largely of a house and a mortgage. Its income statement is dominated by labor earnings, constraining cash expenditures. Housing-market behavior thus underlies intertemporal wealth and consumption allocation. With a housing-dominated portfolio and a maximizing plan, a plausible bound on the intertemporal marginal rate of substitution in consumption can be estimated for a typical household. The model takes account of idiosyncratic characteristics of housing returns and finance. Underwriting standards oblige borrowers to secure mortgage debt with a housing asset and with cash flow, usually from labor income. Access to the mortgage market depends on the loan-to-value ratio, or leverage and debt size, and the debt-coverage ratio, or cash solvency. If there are seasonals or predictable patterns in house returns, their magnitude is amplified for the typical liquidity-constrained household. Empirical results for the aggregate U.S. market confirm predictability and serial correlation in house capital gains. There are seasonals in housing returns. While there is no January effect, above-average returns are obtained during the summer months.  相似文献   

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