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实施西部大开发战略,加快中西部地区发展,要重视市场机制,不能再重复“三线建设”的思路;必须突破东部开发的旧有思路,应在所有制方面大胆一些,放开一些,鼓励以企业和个人米的,道以市场机制的开发,所以,西部大开发的产业优化序列应是非政府选择,而政府在西部开发中应以制度创新引导科技创新,甚至可考虑适度搞准土地赠与,设立西部的“三板市场”,引导资本西流。  相似文献   

西部产业结构调整环境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金建峰 《经济师》2002,(4):96-97
在西部大开发中 ,产业结构调整升级具有重要的意义 ,是推进西部经济发展的基础。西部地区一直被认为是资本匮缺、劳动力和自然资源丰富的地区 ,西部区域经济发展长时期走的是资源开发为主的道路。随着市场和国际环境的变化 ,这种以资源禀赋为中心的传统工业化战略受到了挑战和冲击。实施西部大开发战略必须实行两个转变 ,一是由“国家推动型外源开发”转向“自成长型内源开发” ,增强西部地区的自身实力 ;二是由以往的“政府主导型开发”转向“企业主导型开发” ,把企业培育成为西部大开发的主体。要特别重视培育西部地区的“造血机能”和市场竞争力  相似文献   

胡盾 《经济师》2010,(6):63-65
文章从矿产资源开发生态补偿问题的提出入手,对我国当前矿产资源开发生态补偿的现状进行分析,认为在当前的法律体系中对由矿产资源开发造成的环境污染和生态破坏都不存在真正意义的生态补偿,即便是具有补偿性质的资源税费也不具有补偿环境生态功能减损的性质,充其量不过是对矿产资源的资源价值的经济补偿而已。因此得出结论:制度的缺失是造成当前资源开发生态补偿不能充分解决的关键所在。文章结合上述分析对矿产资源开发过程中的生态补偿进行了法律界定,同时认为矿产资源开发生态补偿的实质是在矿业企业、受益地区和受损的矿区环境及矿区居民不同主体的经济利益与生态利益和生存利益与发展利益之间进行的动态协调,并具有预防环境问题的产生、引导矿业企业把环境损害纳入生产成本、约束矿业企业保护环境减少损害的功能。接下来文章从分析矿产资源开发生态补偿的理论依据与现实依据入手,认为矿产资源开发生态补偿可以有效解决我国当前矿产品定价不合理的问题和"市场失灵"与"政府失灵"的问题。并得出兼顾公平与效率的可持续性原则和谁受益谁补偿的原则应该成为矿产资源开发生态补偿的基本原则。  相似文献   

人力资源:西部开发的关键   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部开发要有新思路。本文通过对西部传统资源开发战略的反思,拟提出西部开发要由过去资源开发型战略,向市场导向战略转变,以优先开发“人力资源”为主,走可持续经济发展战略的模式。  相似文献   

西部大开发中的财政投资政策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对西部的财政投资政策应遵循市场导向、对内对外同时开放、可持续发展、“物质”资源与人力资源并重、政策性与有偿性相结合等原则。要提高中央财政在西部地区投资的比重 ,对西部地区企业实行适度的投资补贴 ,加大国家财政贴息和信贷支持的力度 ,充分发挥国家财政投资的诱导作用 ,引导民间资本参与西部开发。  相似文献   

本文认为,以往在西部开发中不同程度地受以财富增长和物质资本形成为中心的开发观的影响,对西部的长期发展及和谐社会建设带来了严峻的挑战;转变观念,实施“以人为本”、“以人为中心”、“以人的全面发展为目标”的开发战略,将有助于深化西部开发中长期困扰人们的“为谁开发”、“谁来开发”、“怎样开发”等基本问题的认识,从而促进西部的可持续发展。  相似文献   

刘一明 《经济问题》2000,(12):24-27
破产资源及其回收资源的市场配置是影响我国矿产资源回收利用的重要因素,由于政府管制及外部性的存在,导致了矿产品价格过低从而导致矿产资源的过度开采及回收资源的利用率低下。要促进资源的回收利用,政府一方面应放松其对价格的管制,另一方面应制定相应的政策措施激励生产者和消费者更多地利用回收资源,减少对矿产资源的开采。  相似文献   

西部大开发的战略和政策问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许毅  孔志锋 《现代财经》2000,20(8):3-4,26
文章认为,西部大开发过程中首先要处理好政府与市场的关系问题,明确政府在市场经济中的主体地位。西部大开发战略可分为“西进”战略和“东引”战略两个方面,其中主要是“东引”战略。文章还对营造西部良好的投资环境、实施有关优惠政策促进西部原始积累等问题作了探讨。  相似文献   

中国企业"走出去"利用海外资源问题研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
就世界资源市场而言,主要有能源、矿产品和农产品三大市场。鉴于目前我国经济社会发展过程中最为稀缺的是能源和矿产资源,本文研究对象中的“资源”是指能源和矿产资源,而不涉及农产品资源。在这里,我国企业“走出去”利用海外资源是指我国企业走出国门开发利用  相似文献   

赵永志 《技术经济》2003,22(4):16-18
<正> 一、西部大开发的首要任务是人才发展 人是生产力中的决定因素,经济的发展是以人才的资本开发为前提的。在经济全球化的今天,要进一步实施西部大开发战略,必须树立正确的人才观。首先,要真正加大西部地区的教育投入力度,西部的开发和发展,最重要的不是资金的投入和项目的开发,而是适应知识经济发展的各类人才,这样才能符合可持续发展战略的要求。毋庸讳言,西部的一些偏远地区、特别是少数民族地区的教育是相当落后的,一些地方游牧  相似文献   

中国进出口价格弹性研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:28  
本文通过建立中国进出口弹性模型和行业计量经济模型,测算和研究了中国进出口弹性问题.主要研究结论是:第一,中国中长期出口价格弹性和进口价格弹性分别为-0.8579和-1.0774;第二,中国大部分行业的出口价格弹性小于1,特别是农业、石油及天然气开采业、纺织业、化学工业、仪器仪表及文化办公用机械制造业以及社会服务业价格弹性绝对值都在0.5左右.适当提高价格对增加这些部门的收入是有利的;第三,中国大部分行业进口需求价格弹性小于或接近于1;石油及天然气开采业的进口价格需求弹性为异常值,为 1.3148,说明:对于原油这样的战略性物资应该反市场操作,中东出现安全时价低时吃进以为战略储备,而出现危机时抛出以平抑国内原油市场价格的加速上扬.  相似文献   

相伟  千庆兰  盛科荣  樊杰 《经济地理》2006,26(6):902-907,918
与“东部率先实现现代化”战略不同,“西部大开发”与“振兴东北老工业基地”战略没有将未来两地区在全国的地位进行明确,也没有阐释出地区发展的战略重点。通过剖析东北与西部地区在全国未来发展格局中的地位,揭示出其由于基础条件的差异引起的不同战略目标和战略重点,从而塑造地区发展战略的科学内涵;通过比较两大战略相同内容如产业结构调整和技术升级、空间非均衡发展战略、对外开放等,得出全国地区发展战略的主要内容。  相似文献   

文先明  邹桃  熊鹰 《经济地理》2008,28(5):734-739
在近几年中国钢铁工业迅速发展的背景下,首先对中国钢铁产业的发展及其对外贸易的现状进行分析和阐述.接着分析了中国钢铁产业发展及对外贸易存在的问题:铁矿石价格持续上涨,出口产品结构不合理,国与国之间的贸易摩擦加剧,跨国公司并购步伐加快.随后提出了大力发展钢铁循环经济,提升我国钢铁产业的综合竞争力,提高产业集中度,以及建立反倾销预警机制这一系列扩大高端钢铁产品出口的措施.  相似文献   

本文使用1999-2007年工业企业数据样本分析了包括资本、劳动及中间品在内的要素市场相对扭曲程度,并考察其是否能解释中国企业出口的独特成本优势。结论认为:中国制造业企业存在严重要素价格扭曲,不同要素的价格扭曲程度差异化较大。劳动力价格扭曲现象普遍存在,经济发展以牺牲劳动力价格市场化为代价。国有企业比重较大的行业资本价格相对较低,而私营企业比重较大的行业则资金成本较高。能源、原材料相关行业以及外资企业比重较大的行业中间品价格偏低;经过实证检验,要素市场扭曲的确对企业出口倾向起到推动作用,企业将获得的成本优势转化为出口优势,这表明低廉的要素价格是中国产品在国际市场中具有竞争力的重要原因。  相似文献   

We consider carefully the evidence from traded prices (as proxied by unit values) concerning the transmission of the effects of globalisation to domestic labour markets. Using standard index number techniques we decompose changes in sectoral import and export unit values into movements due to changes in pure prices of the initial bundle of goods imported or exported and changes due to upgrading of that bundle. Looking at the imports of selected European countries of textiles, clothing and footwear relative to engineering products we find evidence of strongly falling pure prices of the unskilled intensive products relative to the skilled products in the 1980s. This reinforces the view that import prices can capture the impact of globalisation in terms of falling relative prices for products produced with the intensive use of unskilled labour. However, the trends are not common across all the unskilled sectors; footwear is clearly an exception. In the absence of detailed domestic data, we look for reactions by domestic firms to increased import competition in movements in the price and composition of exports. We find evidence of stiff price competition from imports being associated with similar movements in export prices and no support for the view that import competition from low–wage countries has led to upgrading of the quality of exports.  相似文献   

Developing countries which typically have import surpluses and inflationary pressures because of insufficient savings are prone to use indirect taxes on imports (Tm) and subsidization of exports (Sx) in order to prevent deterioration of the balance of trade. If these substitutes for devaluation are included in the net indirect tax component of product at current market prices (Ym) the import surplus is likely to be understated, and Ym upward biased. This distortion will be avoided if imports and exports are measured at effective exchange rates (ER), that is, at official rates (OR) plus Tm and Sx respectively, and if (Tm - Sx) is deducted from the net indirect tax component of Ym. Only in this manner become imports and exports consistent with the other uses and resources at market prices and can be articulated with them. At base-year prices the volume index of product at OR diverges from that of ER to the degree that the composition of imports and exports in regard to tax and subsidy rates computed ad valorem significantly changes. Such a case is similar to that of the price indexes of imports and exports moving in diverging proportions: the trade balance at base-year prices will differ from that at current prices. The resulting discrepancies in national accounts have led to proposals of deflating, for example, exports by the price index of imports. Suchlike approaches are incompatible with the principle of national accounting that prices are supposed already to measure substitution values. Deflating exports by import prices means reintroducing substitution values, as does, for example, deflation of incomes by a consumer price index. Correspondingly, since the trade balance at ER conceptually expresses the value of imports at domestic market prices as compared to the corresponding domestic market value of exports, and if at ER the trade balance diverges from that at OR, the former balance has an important meaning (as has the trade balance at base-year prices as compared to that at current prices) and the resulting discrepancy between the two measures should not be removed merely for the sake of accounting smoothness. In contrast to the market price approach, the measurement of product at base-year factor cost is indifferent to the measurement of the trade balance at ER and at OR. It is, therefore, proposed in countries in which part of import taxation and export subsidization substitutes for devaluation, to record imports and exports in the national accounts at effective exchange rates, and to correct the net indirect tax component of product correspondingly. Imports and exports at official exchange rates should be shown within the balance of payments, and the latter separately as a memorandum item.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the behaviour of aggregate exports and imports have tended to ignore the simultaneous relationship between quantity and price. This paper investigates the price responsiveness of export and import demand and supply in eight African countries. The results indicate that export demand price elasticities are smaller when the sample is African. The import supply and demand elasticities were found to be generally large. The Marshall–Lerner condition of balance of payment stability is found to be easily satisfied. A positively sloped function of export supply is found to exist for a majority of countries in the sample. The average time lag of export supply is found to be about a year. The disequilibrium model is found to be more appropriate for import demand, import supply and export supply.  相似文献   

Under the rules of the WTO, governments are prohibited from negotiating voluntary export restraints (VERs) but may negotiate price undertakings (i.e. import price minima). While these two policies can have identical effects in models of perfect competition, they can have very different economic consequences with imperfect competition. The model presented here shows that in a model of international Bertrand duopoly, a VER can result in lower domestic prices and profits than a price minimum regime. This suggests that price undertakings should also be prohibited under the WTO.  相似文献   

This paper investigates theoretically and empirically the heterogeneous response of exporters to real exchange rate fluctuations due to the quality of imported inputs and exported output. We develop a model where the production of high-quality products requires high-quality inputs sold in monopolistically competitive foreign markets. The model predicts that exporters using imported inputs have low exchange rate pass-through, but this effect is weaker for firms shipping high-quality goods. This is due to the heterogeneous price adjustments of foreign suppliers selling inputs of different quality. We test the predictions of the model using Italian firm-level trade data for the period 2000–2006. The empirical analysis shows that the imports of intermediates have a significantly weaker effect in reducing the exchange rate pass-through into the export price of high-quality varieties. By showing that the import price of high-quality inputs is less sensitive to exchange rate variations, we provide evidence supporting the theoretical hypothesis that the pricing power of input suppliers weakens the import channel.  相似文献   

对标贸易强国建设目标,本文结合省市参与国际贸易的实际特征,将已有国家层面对外贸易竞争力测算方法应用于省市对外贸易竞争力的测评工作中,对长江经济带各省市对外贸易竞争力水平开展测度及比较分析。本文研究发现,无论是分别考察进出口情况还是考察综合贸易竞争力,长江经济带下游三省市的对外贸易竞争力水平均要显著高于中游和上游地区,但其水平发展的波动性十分明显。进一步的结构分解结果显示,区域内上海、重庆的进出口贸易竞争力水平变化均取决于综合价格水平贡献,而其余省市进出口某一方面的竞争力水平变化则依赖于贸易份额的贡献。分产品类别对对外贸易竞争力水平的比较结果显示,长江经济带下游三省市的主要产品类别均在区域内实现了较高的进出口及综合对外贸易竞争力;中游四省市在发展对外贸易的过程中,约有一半类别的产品达到了区域内贸易水平的前列;而上游省市主要在个别产品类别上实现了较优的竞争力水平。  相似文献   

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