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苗友义 《活力》2005,(3):58-58
从上个世纪的80年代开始,我们感受到了前所未有的社会变化,人们的生活发生了巨变,以“芯片”作为主要电子元件的设备充斥着人类的生活。我们传输信息的速度加快了,我们收集、整理信息的速度也加快了,我们的管理水平提高了,我们工作的速度也提高了,我们对世界改变的速度也加快了。人们感受到了由于技术进步带来的好处,工资的待遇提高了,汽车、洋房增多了,人们所需的日常物品丰富了,人们休闲娱乐的方式增多了。人们的寿命增长了。  相似文献   

卡缪搬家了。马奎斯搬家了。卡尔维诺搬家了。莫内搬家了。林布阑搬家了。毕加索搬家了。瑞典KOSTA BODA彩色玻璃搬家了。英国WEDGWOOD骨瓷搬家了。法国HEDIARD咖啡搬家了。诚品敦南店搬家了。写下以上文字的许舜英搬家了。  相似文献   

本文对标准体系方法论中核心程序模块的理论和方法进行了深入的分析,研究建立了标准体系目标分析的纵横目标分析方法,建立了标准体系的三维目标空间,构建了结构化和概念化的标准对象系统,建立了目标关联的标准需求分析方法,定位了标准适用性分析的对象和判据项目,在标准体系结构设计方面引入了标准体系拓扑结构,丰富了标准体系结构设计的选择,给出了技术标准、管理标准、工作标准区分的要点,制定了标准体系表的编制方法,确定了标准体系研究报告和编制说明的编写方法等,明确了标准体系构建的成果形式。  相似文献   

有人说,古罗马人学会了奢华,就有了名利的庄园:英国人看透了工业,就有了乡村的庄园;俄国人得到了农奴,就有了贵族的庄园;法国人创造了葡萄酒,就有了飘满酒吞的庄园。  相似文献   

多尼是一个非常有梦想的姑娘,大学毕业后,她加盟了一家服装企业,只用了两年就做到了主管职位,不久后,她结婚了.成了两个孩子的妈妈。但她没有想到的是,金融危机后,她所在的公司倒闭了,多尼下岗了。  相似文献   

在太医院,乐显扬充分利用这里的优越条件,研读了大量医学典籍和珍贵的皇家医案,尤其是对大量古方、验方、宫廷秘方进行了鉴定和整理,确定了它们的适用病症,分清了它们的君臣佐使,弄清了它们的配伍要点,辨明了它们的毒副作用,为同仁堂的发展打下了基础。  相似文献   

本文分析了品种规格标准的属性、地位、建立、作用等特点,论述了品种规格标准的内容结构及其要素,划分了五种品种规格类标准的类型,分别阐述了每种标准的主要内容、表述方式和作用等,研究了品种规格的分类和命名关系,讨论了标准中优选原则的建立,论述了品种规格优选的方法,提供了标准中管理的典型内容,给出了标准应用指导的设计方法。  相似文献   

一、引言 随着Internet的不断发展和社会信息化建设水平的不断提高,电子商务在社会生活和经济生活中得到了越来越广泛的应用.电子商务大大改变了企业的经营模式,减少了交易的中间环节,降低了企业的经营成本,并使经营活动不再受地域和时间的限制,方便了客户,密切了企业和客户的关系.电子商务作为一种新兴的商业模式,为商业的发展注入了新的活力.  相似文献   

王兆学 《活力》2007,(9):40-41
正值青绿葱茏时,笔者走近肇源县超等蒙古族乡,见到的是一幅幅新农村建设的崭新画卷:楼房盖起来了,街道靓了,通村道路宽了,昔日柴草乱垛、粪便乱堆的现象不见了;闲人少了,忙人多了,村民的腰包渐渐变鼓了;乡村干部腿勤了、嘴勤了,心往一处想,劲往一处使,积极主动为群众办实事、办好事,带领群众致富奔小康的多了……处处展现着和谐宜人的新景象。  相似文献   

全面收益观在我国新会计准则体系中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王群宇 《会计之友》2008,(2):103-104
2006年2月15日财政部发布的新企业会计准则体系反映了全面收益观在我国会计准则体系中的应用,重新定位了财务报告目标、转变了收益计量的观念、引入了利得和损失的概念、引入了公允价值计量属性、增加了所有者权益变动表.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a hybrid input-output model to estimate the intermediate requirements embodied in the final disposal--such as reclamation and incineration - of non-marketable scraps and wastes from industries or households. The model is based on a mixed technology assumption in order to connect the monetary distribution of the ordinary goods and services with the physical distribution of the scraps and wastes as joint-products. Moreover, some demand-pulled invisible multipliers, in terms of the scraps and wastes, have been explored by performing a numerical simulation. From the invisible multipliers, we find the paradoxical phenomenon that the reduction in the amount of final disposal and the promotion of material recycling decreases the intermediate demand of the scraps and wastes for material recycling if there is a time-lag in the introduction of the appropriate recycling technology.  相似文献   

Over the course of the 1990s the concept of empowerment became firmly established within the vocabulary of urban politics in several different national contexts. This article analyzes the spread of this concept by looking at the politics of urban renewal in the United States and the United Kingdom. It shows that even if (and possibly because) the definition of empowerment remained vague, the turn to empowerment came out of and contributed to a shift in the nature of urban politics and to a reconfiguration of governmental methods, the role of the state and, consequently, to changes in civil society, all of which were associated with a rise to prominence of a neoliberal perspective.  相似文献   

The paper explores the increasing popularity of the Internet technology Singapore. It argues that the diffusion of Internet technology to South-East Asia would create new duties and responsibilities for human resource (HR) managers. One such duty is the identification of the skills which professional Internet staff would need to perform their work effectively in organizations. Using a triangulation research method, empirical study has identified the new professional Internet jobs which have emerged the IT industry in Singapore and the skills that professional Internet personnel require do their jobs effectively. Analysis of the findings indicates that professional Internet skills involve both technical and creative abilities and that, in explaining or defining professional Internet skills, it is necessary to use both the technical and the social conceptions of skill. This argument is based on the view that the creative skills include tacit skills so that a definition based solely on the technical conception of skill cannot capture the various dimensions of Internet skills. The implications of the research findings for human resource managers are raised.  相似文献   

国际化是城市发展的高级阶段和重要动力。随着我国城市化的加速和城市社会的来临,在全球化的背景下许多城市正加快推进国际化步伐,国际化问题逐步凸显。本文就城市国际化进程中面临的诸多挑战进行分析,着重以杭州为例,就其国际化的优势潜力与应对策略进行探讨,为推进城市国际化的健康发展提供一点参考思路。  相似文献   

When sampling a batch consisting of particulate material, the distribution of a sample estimator can be characterized using knowledge about the sample drawing process. With Bernoulli sampling, the number of particles in the sample is binomially distributed. Because this is rarely realized in practice, we propose a sampling design in which the possible samples have a nearly equal mass. Expected values and variances of the sample estimator are calculated. It is shown that the sample estimator becomes identical to the Horvitz–Thompson estimator in the case of a large batch-to-sample mass ratio and a large sample mass. Simulations and experiments were performed to test the theory. Simulations confirm that the round-off error due to the discrete nature of particles is negligible for large sample sizes. Sampling experiments were carried out with a mixture of PolyPropylene (PP) and PolyTetraFluorEthylene (PTFE) spheres suspended in a viscous medium. The measured and theoretical variations are in good agreement.  相似文献   

In this article we portray and unpack the fabric of urban expansion in contemporary Luanda. In doing so, we examine interdependencies and complementarities between the organization of oil extraction off the coast of Angola, the emergence of particular modalities of modernist city planning for the expansion of its capital city, and the proliferation of cement blocks in the making of new urban forms throughout its burgeoning peripheries. By showing how urban development has unfolded through the interconnected realization of multiple kinds of systematizing blocks—namely oil blocks, city blocks and cement blocks—we analyse key material components in the production of new markets and urban spaces in the Angolan capital. By tracing forms of capitalism and modularity in the making of contemporary Luanda, we develop the concept of blocos urbanism to draw attention to modes of standardization and the production of legibility in contemporary processes of urbanization. Through this study, we aim to contribute to the conceptual apparatus for deciphering our global urban condition.  相似文献   

文中主要对目前国内制造业在实施ERP和Ecommerce的优先性这一问题进行了分析。提出在企业的实施过程中应该先进行ERP的实施,而后进行Ecommerce的实施,并对做出这个提议的原因进行了分析,以及就这种实施过程中存在的问题以及可以采取的措施进行了论述。  相似文献   

This study examines expatriate staffing in foreign wholly-owned subsidiaries and joint ventures of Japanese firms located in the People's Republic of China and the United States. Expatriates are conceptualized as performing two primary functions. The first is a control function in which the expatriate works to align the operations of the subsidiary with that of the Japanese parent. The second function is a knowledge role. In this role, either the expatriate acts to transfer the Japanese parent's knowledge to the subsidiary or the expatriate is an agent for the acquisition of host-country knowledge. We tested for these two functions using subsidiary-level data on Japanese firms' operations in China and the US. Our results indicate that the control function was more prominent in joint ventures in China than in the US. The results also indicate that expatriates played a more significant knowledge-transfer function role in technology and marketing-intensive industries in China than in the US. A lack of MNC experience in China was found to be associated with limited use of expatriates. Finally, expatriate employment was negatively related to the number of subsidiaries of the parent company worldwide.  相似文献   

In the context of the transition to market economy as a way to accommodate new ways of managing supply, the paper analyses the chain of activities performed in four supplier relationships in the wood-processing industry in Russia. In contrast to what might be expected, the chains of activities in the cases demonstrate different orders of activities, implying that firms tend to organise their chains differently, depending on the character of the relationship. Moreover, the four cases also indicate that activities usually performed by the supplier in Western market economies are still carried out by the customer in Russia. It also seems that the interfaces in the chains are seldom characterised by mutually adapted activities and that the few mutual adaptations observed are to be found at the customer level. Consequently, the activity link between the supplier and the customer tends to be weak; payment and quality control are the only activities that have been adapted to the relationship as such. The paper concludes with a discussion of three strategies for supply management in transition economies.  相似文献   

通过对发动机机加工柔性生产线换型运行进行分析,找到了影响机加工换型的主要原因,同时从加工工艺、刀具、工装夹具设备、测量系统等方面对柔性生产的影响因素进行了分析和总结,并通过具体运行实际和实验研究,得出了一些关于提高机加工柔性生产效率影响因素的结论及这些影响因素对效率提升的办法。  相似文献   

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