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Identifying the impact of teacher characteristics on academic achievement has been a salient and reoccurring topic in education. We employ a twin-by-year identification strategy using matched teacher-student data from North Carolina to credibly estimate the impact of teacher characteristics such as experience, certification, and advanced degrees on academic achievement in math and reading. By using within-family variation the estimates from our model improve upon on earlier work by for time varying unobservable family shocks to non-schooling inputs. Our findings reveal that teacher experience and National Board certification have positive and significant effects on achievement in reading and math; however, we find inconclusive effects for advanced degrees. Notably, we show that teacher experience has the largest effects on student achievement, but our effects are smaller than the standard estimates in the literature. Overall, our estimates provide lower upper bounds for these key teacher characteristics.  相似文献   

A dynamic, discrete choice framework with a flexible structure for unobserved heterogeneity is used to model the occupational decisions of individuals who are certified to teach in elementary and secondary schools. The model is estimated using data from the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 and is used to examine the effects of possible changes in the compensation policy for teachers.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effects of using graduate student instructors rather than regular faculty in a macro course. Experienced faculty presumably have a positive effect on student performance, yet graduate instructors appear to be as effective in teaching macro principles. What may be involved are different sets of skills: experienced faculty may have a greater depth of understanding of the material, more self-confidence, and a more critical approach. Graduate instructorS, on the other hand, may be able to grasp what students don't understand, and may make up in enthusiasm and approachability what they lack in understanding.

The author urges using more than one measure of effectiveness in studies of this type because of many things not captured: excitement with the subject, caution in accepting unsupported arguments, a perspective on the economic system, and the like.  相似文献   

黄帆 《大陆桥视野》2016,(6):263-265
It is proved that teachers' politeness behavior can highly motivate students' learning impulse and improve teaching process. Politeness phenomenon in classroom has been broadly discussed and studied; however, there are still no systematic politeness principles that can be reasonably applied into the teaching process. On the basis of the politeness theories and a case study, this paper tries to seek a more reasonable and more efficient politeness principle in EFL classroom.  相似文献   

This study describes a new data set and uses it for an exploratory investigation of whether seminars for teachers conducted by the National Council on Economic Education through its International Education Exchange Program (IEEP) had a beneficial effect on the economic understanding of the high school students of these teachers. The data were collected using a non-equivalent control group design that sorted teachers into two groups based on whether or not they participated in an IEEP seminar. Pre- and posttests of economics were administered to the students of these teachers in Lithuania, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, and Poland. The exploratory results showed a larger increase in the economic understanding of students of teachers who participated in the IEEP seminars compared with students of teachers who did not. The results also showed that knowledge of economics among IEEP teachers was a factor for improving student achievement in economics. The findings should be viewed with caution because of data limitations.  相似文献   

近年来,胜任力在高等教育系统中的应用逐渐成为众多专家学者研究的重点。本文在分析胜任力含义的基础上,通过将胜任力模型引入到高校教师的培训体系中,探讨了以胜任力为基础的高校教师培训体系的构建过程,将对高校教师整体素质的提高起到促进作用。  相似文献   

The emotional relationship between the teacher and student becomes more and more sensitive,and the active relation is good for teaching,but the passive is opposite.As a teacher,how deals with this relation is very important,because the teacher just play the vital role in class.The teacher also should know the principle that is how get along well with the student.So long as the teacher know about these,the collectivity will become more and more harmonic,and the emotional relationship would get more and more harmonious as well.  相似文献   

四十年前,我有幸师从傅衣凌先生攻读明史。光阴易逝,至今先生逝世已三十周年,回想往事,先生的音容笑貌犹然在目,无限缅怀。1978年,改革开放伊始,我国第一次招收研究生,我报考了中国社会科学院历史研究所,有幸被录取到明史专业。  相似文献   

We employ a regression‐discontinuity design to identify effects on educational attainment after compulsory school of class size and the number of pupils per weekly teacher hour using administrative rules as instruments. We use Danish administrative panel data. Average class size is 20, about the same as in the US and most European countries. Restricting the sample to observations close to the enrolment discontinuity points where the administrative rules have greatest predictive power, instrumental variables estimates are consistently negative. Estimates from the preferred specification are marginally significant and indicate modest effects in line with earlier studies. Estimates for subgroups are less precise, but they indicate larger effects for pupils from less advantaged backgrounds.  相似文献   

Teacher sorting, teacher quality, and student composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using panel data for Norwegian schools, we establish a two-equation supply and demand model for teachers with approved education. Taking into account nationally determined teacher pay and a strict teacher appointment rule, the data enable us to separately estimate supply and demand functions for certified teachers. The results clearly indicate that the student body composition, and in particular students belonging to ethnic minorities, influences both teacher supply and teacher demand. The implied negative relationship between excess demand for certified teachers and the share of minority students is likely to be important for teacher quality.  相似文献   

高校教师是高等学校的主体,其水平的高低和积极性的发挥直接影响人才培养质量,更关系到高等院校自身的发展和教师个人的成长。开展教师绩效评价,对推动高校师资水平和高等教育质量的提高具有非常重要意义。研究教学型大学教师的绩效评价要结合学校类型特点,建立适合校情、符合"五个兼顾"、简明实用的教师绩效评价指标体系。  相似文献   

教师由于其职业特性而形成了相对独特的教师文化。教师文化是教师所特有的价值观和行为方式。教师文化可以分为不同类型,合作型的教师文化有利于形成教育合力、有利于促进教师专业发展、有利于形成良好的同事关系。为此,需要从塑造积极的学校文化、建立开放的校本教研制度和激发教师合作的积极性三个方面加以努力。  相似文献   

教师话语具有双重作用,一方面它是教师传授知识的媒介,另外一方面它作为目的语起着示范作用。因而,国内外今年来有越来越多的学者开始关注教师的话语,分析其数量和质量与课堂教学效果的关系。针对大学英语课堂这一特殊而又关键的场所,对教师的话语从语言的调整、教师提问、学生的反馈作了介绍。除此以外,针对教师话语存在的问题,提出应当从课堂,语言能力的角度提升话语质量从而有效利用好课堂的宝贵时间。  相似文献   

Past studies suggest that a majority of economics graduate students engage in teaching-related activities during graduate school and many go on to academic positions afterwards. However, not all graduate students are formally prepared to teach while in graduate school nor are they fully prepared to teach in their first academic position. The authors characterize current teaching experience and training of graduate students from the point of view of directors of graduate studies and of newly minted academic economists. The authors also query department chairs and new faculty about teacher training, support available for new faculty, and the degree to which newly hired Ph.D. economists are prepared to teach. Findings indicate that while some training is available, there is room for enhancing teacher training in economics.  相似文献   

《Applied economics letters》2012,19(11):1111-1114
This article reports new evidence on teacher moonlighting from the US Current Population Survey. I investigate the determinants of teacher moonlighting and examine the effect that the teacher moonlighting has on the number of hours teachers spend on their primary job. I find that male teachers and teachers with advanced degrees are more likely to moonlight, but teacher pay appears to have little or no effect on the propensity to moonlight. I also find that holding a second job reduces the amount of time teachers spend on their primary jobs by about 1?h per week. Thus, teacher moonlighting may have harmful effects on education, though the effect on hours worked is neither trivial nor especially large.  相似文献   

查苏倩  万茹 《经济师》2010,(9):10-11
随着我国高等教育的普及,越来越多的人走进大学的殿堂,接受更高层次的教育。然而,高等教育质量并未跟上其规模发展的步伐,对我国高等教育的指责越来越多。作为高校教师,对此负有不可推卸的责任。文章从我国高校教师队伍面临的问题入手,分析造成这些问题的原因,并针对性地提出六点建议,阐述建设高素质的教师队伍的途径。  相似文献   

教师队伍在高校的发展中起着重要的作用。针对高职院校在教师队伍建设中存在的问题,高职院校的管理者不断地探寻解决问题的方法——坚持“以人为本”管理理念,实施人本管理。要为教师营造一个理想的环境充分调动教师的积极性、主动性和创造性,使得教师最大限度地发挥自己的潜能,提高教师个人和群体的工作效率,实现高职院校的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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