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This paper provides a computational market model with technological competitions among standards and presents simulations of various scenarios concerning standardization problems. The market model has three features: (1) economic entities such as consumers and firms are regarded as autonomous agents; (2) micro interactions among consumer agents or firm agents have essential mechanisms interpretable in real markets; and (3) consumers’ preferences and firms’ technologies co-affect their evolutionary behavior. In recent years, consumers have experienced various inconveniences from de facto competition based on a market mechanism. Standardization communities or committees such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) need to design a compatible standard or a de jure standard in a market. However, it is difficult for market designers to decide a method or timing for the standardization. Here, by introducing a novel technique used in agent-based social simulation (ABSS), which we call “scenario analysis,” we aim to support such decision making. Scenario analysis provides the possible market changes that can occur following implementation of a design policy under a specific market situation and the market mechanisms that generate these market changes.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 104 countries, we study macroeconomic performance from 1973 to 2007. We examine GDP growth, inflation rate, growth volatility and inflation volatility, and their response to a ‘words versus deeds’ measure of exchange‐rate policy, which is obtained by interacting a country's de jure and its de facto policy. For non‐industrialized countries, the highest growth rates and the lowest inflation volatility are associated with countries that pursue fear of floating policy, whereas countries that pursue a matched float policy (de jure and de facto floating) have the highest inflation rates but the lowest GDP volatility.  相似文献   

Using a rich panel dataset of small and medium scale manufacturing enterprises (SMEs) active in the manufacturing sector in Viet Nam, this paper investigates the drivers of firm productivity, focusing on the role played by international management standards certification. We test the hypothesis that, accounting for technological innovation (product and process) and other variables related to technological capabilities, international standards are conducive to higher productivity, through improved management practices and business organization. In line with the requirement of continuous improvement implied by most international standards, the main findings show that the possession of an internationally recognized standard certificate leads to significant productivity premium. We further find that the effect of certification on productivity is particularly strong for firms with technological innovation, located in southern provinces, and operating in more scale-intensive industries.  相似文献   

新发展阶段,科技创新要超越传统的技术驱动,把握场景驱动的新范式、新机遇,发挥我国超大规模市场和丰富应用场景的优势,实现从创新追赶到创新引领的跨越。结合数字经济时代世界科技强国建设理论与实践,在回顾现有创新范式的基础上,系统探讨场景驱动的创新的内涵特征、理论逻辑、实践进路与典型案例,并展望未来研究和实践前沿。场景驱动的创新既是将现有技术应用于特定场景,进而创造更大价值的过程,也是基于未来趋势与愿景需求,驱动战略、技术、组织、市场需求等创新要素及情境要素整合共融,突破现有技术瓶颈,开发新技术、新产品、新渠道、新商业模式,乃至开辟新市场和新领域的过程。研究成果可为数字经济时代坚持创新引领发展,加快推进技术、场景和商业模式融合创新,以场景驱动原始性创新、关键核心技术突破、重大技术应用提供重要理论和实践启示。  相似文献   

Using nationally representative data from Bhutan, and applying an exogenous switching treatment regression model, this study assessed the food security status between male‐headed households (MHHs) and female‐headed households (FHHs). The study demonstrates that there is no significant difference between MHHs and FHHs in terms of food security, but when MHHs are compared with de jure FHHs, the food security is significantly lower among the de jure FHHs. The food security gap between MHHs and de jure FHHs is due to the differences in both observable and unobservable characteristics of the households. The food security gap between de facto and de jure FHHs can be explained by the influence of connections and wider access to off‐farm income. Most of the previous studies consider all FHHs as a homogenous entity and ignore the concept of de jure FHHs (i.e., a household run by single, widowed, or divorced woman) and de facto FHHs (i.e., a household where there is a husband, but he is not physically present because of his work off‐farm). As the present research takes this into account, the econometric findings from our study, thus have important implications in formulating special food security policies targeting the most vulnerable FHHs.  相似文献   

李传荣 《技术经济》2008,27(8):44-46
本文通过分析买方互动产生的网络效应对市场的影响分析,提出我国企业在推行标准化战略的过程中要以技术创新、技术开放、技术联盟推进技术应用,以积极参与标准制定争取市场主动地位,以营销策略形成网络效应获得市场支持,以标准化为导向提高产品开发效率、巩固市场,从而建立市场优势、形成事实标准而在竞争中取胜。  相似文献   

科技人才政策与产学研合作既是国家科技创新系统的重要组成,也是地方政府提升区域创新绩效的重要政策手段。基于此,以27个省(市)2011-2018年面板数据为支撑,运用固定效应模型和门槛回归模型,检验了科技人才政策对区域创新绩效的影响。研究发现:(1)科技人才政策对区域创新绩效的影响显著为正,即科技人才政策有利于区域创新绩效的提升;(2)科技人才政策对区域创新绩效的影响存在产学研合作的门槛效应,即在产学研耦合度大于0.524时,科技人才政策对区域创新绩效的正向激励作用更加明显;(3)科技人才政策对区域创新绩效的影响存在明显的区域差异,即中东部地区科技人才政策与产学研协同政策组合效应优于西部地区。研究结论对于提高我国各省科技人才政策的精准有效设计、优化产学研协同和促进区域科技创新绩效具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

走具有中国特色的自主创新道路、建设创新型国家,离不开科技创新政策的支撑。综述了我国知识创新政策、技术创新政策、区域科技创新政策、科技中介服务体系创新政策、国防科技创新体系政策和科技管理体制改革与科技决策机制创新研究现状,指出了我国创新政策研究的不足及其今后努力的方向。  相似文献   

The functional approach of the Technological Innovation System (TIS) has become important in innovation theory to understand the dynamics of technological innovations. Until now, TIS has mainly been applied top-down from a policy perspective. The aim of this study was to investigate whether TIS can be used in the management domain, from an actor-oriented perspective, to explain the dynamics in which technological start-ups are involved when developing innovations. We interviewed the founders of 24 technological start-ups about their experiences with the developmental processes of their innovations. Our results highlight that the functions of TIS provide a useful framework to structure the interactions of technological start-ups. Especially the functions ‘Resource Mobilisation’ and ‘Legitimation’ appeared to be important functions for start-ups when developing an innovation. Our findings show that TIS is a promising framework for the strategic management domain that can offer guidance in the development of innovations.  相似文献   

科研诚信是科技创新的基石,构建以诚信和责任为基础的创新生态已成为科技治理体系建设的重要内容。科研诚信建设政策发展至今已较为成熟,但鲜有文献对其政策特征及演化逻辑进行客观分析。基于2000—2019年国家及部委颁布的268份科研诚信建设相关政策文件,将政策文件从时间上划分为3个阶段,通过高频词识别、共词分析及关键词聚类等文本挖掘法,从内容上区分为9个主题,探索不同阶段科研诚信政策主题演变趋势。结果发现,政府对于科研诚信政策的制定是一个由点及面再到点的过程,科研诚信政策关注重点呈现出“个人—环境—全过程管理”的变化逻辑。  相似文献   

Essential patents refer to patents that are indispensable in order to make any product that complies with a technological standard. Portfolios of essential patents have often been used to indicate the strategic value of a firm's knowledge. We propose a range of alternative indicators based on a firm's position in patent citation network. Using a historical narrative and the actual licencing payments for the 3G W-CDMA standard in mobile telecommunications as a reference, we find that our alternative indicators provide better indicators for firms' knowledge positions and their long-term impact on technological change. Our proposed indicators can also be applied in markets that are not based on standards, and may not only be valuable to scholars but also to practitioners. Our findings also raise some concern over technology inclusion processes at standards bodies, and we recommend policy makers to consider our proposed method in order to critically look at these processes.  相似文献   

This article seeks to show how a sectoral system approach may contribute to the analysis of the determinants of environmental innovations. By using Malerba's [F. Malerba: Sectoral systems of innovation and production, Res. Policy Vol. 102, 845-859, (2002)] concept of sectoral system of innovation and production, we develop a sectoral framework based on three building blocks: technological regimes, demand conditions and environmental and innovation policy. Within this framework, the sectoral patterns of environmental innovation result from the interplay between these three blocks. The conceptual framework is applied to the case of the French automotive industry, with a specific focus on the development of low emission vehicles. The analysis shows how technological regime and demand conditions lead to technological inertia, and so to a strong persistence of the dominant design. Finally, environmental and innovative policy are considered in an integrated way, so that we can study how they influence technological regime and demand conditions, and in the meantime how they are conditioned by these two blocks.  相似文献   

杨曦  刘鑫   《科技进步与对策》2018,35(22):153-160
人工智能作为全球新一轮科技革命和产业革命的核心驱动力,将对创新本身带来深刻变革。在回顾人工智能创新管理研究文献基础上,从技术、制度、组织和法律理论视角入手,分别对人工智能视角下技术创新路径、创新政策、创新模式与知识产权制度创新进行系统梳理与评述,在此研究基础上提出并界定“机器创新”这一新的技术创新模式,丰富了该领域的理论研究。结合人工智能视角下的创新管理研究现状,针对系统视角下人工智能领域创新生态系统研究空白,绘制出人工智能视角下未来创新管理研究的4条路径,并对未来研究进行展望。  相似文献   

现代企业之间的竞争逐渐演化成商业生态系统之间的竞争,而平台生态系统是应用最为普遍的一种商业生态系统。平台生态系统竞争的本质在于创新,以创新为基础的知识产权和技术标准成为决定平台竞争力的关键要素。在界定知识产权和技术标准内涵的基础上,从设计方法视角阐述平台生态系统竞争力形成过程,揭示知识产权和技术标准对于平台生态系统竞争的影响,分析两者对平台生态系统的作用机理。研究表明,知识产权和技术标准是形成平台竞争力的源泉,影响平台网络外部性,其中知识产权是建立技术标准的基础,技术标准是推动知识产权创造的动力,二者之间的互动和演进构成平台生态系统外部竞争力。  相似文献   

塞尔维亚是中东欧近几年来科技创新发展速度较快、技术转移成果较多的国家之一,其科技创新和技术转移相关的激励政策也随着科技水平的发展而不断完善和健全。塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策在经费筹措和资助、科研成果商业化等诸多方面可圈可点,但仍存在民众信任度不高、资金分配制度不完善、对国际化创新合作的重视不足等问题。本文从科技创新和技术转移两个方面介绍了塞尔维亚科技创新和技术转移激励政策的现状、进展,并分析了其相关优势和亮点,同时也指出激励政策存在的一些漏洞,并作为对照,提出了对完善我国科技创新和技术转移激励政策的建议。  相似文献   

基于对企业绿色技术创新环境和驱动力转换介质的分析,构建企业绿色技术创新基本要素模型,并给出要素的内涵特征及所遵循的准则,阐述了市场导向对企业绿色技术创新的影响路径。结果显示,企业绿色技术创新发生于系统环境中,并以系统收益最大化为目标,市场化机制是其驱动力转换的重要介质。基础知识突破、企业社会资本积累、产品市场需求、企业创新网络、消费主体意识、市场准入时机及政府政策是企业绿色技术创新要素模型的重要构成。构建和优化企业绿色技术创新基本要素模型必须遵守适合性准则、动态性、干预性及系统性准则,而释放绿色技术创新要素供需信号,促进创新所需要素协同,降低企业绿色技术创新交易成本,提高创新要素配置效率是市场导向影响企业绿色技术创新的主要路径。  相似文献   

伴随着国际、国内经济形势发生深刻变化,我国经济过去主要依靠投资、劳动力、自然资源投入的粗放型发展模式已经难以为继,急需培育促进经济实现高质量发展的新动能。现有成果主要围绕技术基础、产业载体及政策制度等培育经济发展新动能的丰富内涵和多样化模式展开,针对内在机理的探讨较少。从新兴技术对产业结构优化起基础支撑作用、新兴产业载体释放经济新动能、市场与政府相结合的政策制度助力经济高质量发展三大维度论述基本原理,系统梳理新兴技术聚合迸发新动能、传统产业升级培育新动能以及政策制度创新生成新动能3种主要模式。最后,提出以推动技术引领发展、促进产业调整升级和出台政策“靶向支撑”为核心的“创新链-产业链-政策链”对策建议。  相似文献   

国内科技成果混合所有制试点已开展5年时间,旨在将科技成果部分产权分配给科研人员,通过权利变革改善高校科技创新状况。关于混合所有制试点对高校创新效率的影响,目前缺乏整体定量评价。运用双重差分法计算试点对高校创新效率的整体影响,进而测算产权结构变化对试点与高校创新效率间关系的影响。研究表明,科技成果混合所有制试点对高校创新效率具有正向影响,但因赋权而产生的高校与科研人员共有产权关系没有发挥试点改革对高校创新效率的促进作用,而高校与多元主体共有产权关系正向影响试点改革对高校创新效率的作用。最后,提出政策建议:加快构建精准的混合所有制权利配置体系,明晰主体间产权关系,推动高校与企业等创新主体开展高质量合作,逐步实现试点区域协同管理。  相似文献   

科技创新人才是城市提升创新能力的核心资源,是科技进步的关键要素。科技创新人才政策作为城市争夺人才的工具,被各个城市广泛采纳和使用。以161个城市为研究对象,运用事件史分析方法,探寻城市科技创新人才政策扩散的动力因素并进行时空差异分析。研究发现,城市科技创新人才政策扩散具有双重动力因素:在需求拉动因素中,经济发展水平和财政收入是影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散的主要因素;在压力推动因素中,行政指令、府际竞争和社会舆论显著影响城市科技创新人才政策扩散;在政策扩散平稳增长期,双重动力因素共同作用于政策扩散过程,而在政策扩散加速和减速增长期,城市科技创新人才政策扩散动力因素存在差异;在东、中部地区,压力推动因素占据主导,而在西部地区,双重动力因素都发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

科技创新体系绩效不仅取决于单项政策效果,更取决于政策间的组合效应。运用两组案例,从政策过程视角对R&D补贴与商前采购(PCP)的项目筛选机制和项目管理机制进行比较分析,结果表明,PCP与R&D补贴同时存在互补和互替关系。作为一种新兴创新政策工具,PCP不仅同样具备缓解研发融资约束的功能,还存在两个方面的潜在优势:一是有利于采购方发挥需求信息和应用环境信息方面的优势;二是在政策执行机制上更加精准,特别适用于实现“点的突破”。积极引入新工具扩充创新政策“工具箱”,在认清工具属性基础上,发挥各种工具的独特优势,对优化创新政策组合设计,提升科技创新体系绩效具有重要价值。  相似文献   

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