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Condemnation of the long-and-short-haul discrimination has been nearly ubiquitous in the literature on economic theory and transportation. However, the French economist Dupuit developed a case against all transport regulation by relating it to a defense of the practice of place discrimination before the middle of the nineteenth century. He did so, moreover, within an early elaboration of a full price explanation of competitive functioning. This paper analyzes the idea in Dupuit's context and argues that this so-called form of price discrimination is actually an efficient and necessary form of the competitive process.  相似文献   

The paper is motivated by Joseph A. Schumpeter's The Crisis of the Tax State. It inquires whether the buildup of government debt in peacetimeprosperity is a threat to the stability, existence or creation of viable tax states. The paper begins by setting out Schumpeter's conception of the tax state and the nature of recent political-economic events which have reinvigorated the concept. Next the paper sets out some simple debt dynamics and sketches a debt-induced business cycle arising from heavy reliance on debt finance in peacetimeprosperity. Finally, the paper assesses threats to the tax state in light of recent work on path dependence and positive feedback. An attempt is made to throw some light on whether the plethora of new, and often small, states spawned by the demise of communism can be viable tax states.Essay on Government, the Tax State and Economic Dynamics submitted to the Third Schumpeter Prize Competition.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that Ackerman's approach to constitutional change is unable to distinguish between changes of degree and changes in kind, or between changes that transform and changes that transmogrify. As a consequence, the model Ackerman proposes fails at its most elemental purpose of illuminating questions of constitutional identity. Transformations fails to tell us who We the People really are or about what we are constituted.  相似文献   

Summary We consider the problem of choosing an allocation in an economy in which there are one private good and one public good. Our purpose is to identify the class of procedures of choosing an allocation which satisfy strategy-proofness, individual rationality, no exploitation and non-bossiness. Any such procedure is a scheme of semi-convex cost sharing determined by the minimum demand principle.I wish to thank Professors Salvador Barbera, Matthew Jackson, Herve Moulin and William Thomson for their helpful suggestions and two anonymous referees for their detailed comments. Conversations with Professors Hideo Konishi, Shinji Oseto Ken-ichi Shimomura and Stephen Ching were helpful. This work is supported by the Japan Economic Research Foundation and Research Grants PB89-0294 and PB89-0075 from the Direcion General de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica, Spanish Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

Summary This paper defines a choice process over social outcomes in which agents choose the institutional rules ormechanisms themselves without outside interference. Truly endogenizing the mechanism selection process in this way, however, involves facing an infinite regress problem in which outcomes are chosen by games which are themselves chosen by games, ad infinitum. This paper allows the possibility of such an infinite regress which we callfully endogenous mechanism selection.We introduce the notion ofFree Choice which restricts the class of mechanisms in the regress to those which prevent agents from being locked in to an equilibrium outcome by the actions of others. Under this condition, the infinite regress is shown to get truncated with the number of selection iterations endogenously determined. It turns out that the outcomes resulting from a Free Choice-constrained regress are (Weakly) Pareto optimal; in particular, these outcomes solve a weighted Rawlsian Maxmin criterion. We also show that these outcomes are invariant to the equilibrium concept used to evaluate games in the regress.This paper is based on the author's dissertation from the University of Minnesota (November, 1989).I am very grateful for the guidance, advice, and encouragement from my advisor, Marcel K. Richter, and for the many helpful suggestions from David Levine. I have also benefited from conversations with Nabil Al-Najjar, Gerhard Glomm, Leonid Hurwicz, James Jordan, Ramon Marimon, Andrew McClennan, Ariel Rubinstein, and William Thomson.  相似文献   

In a seminal contribution to the literature on bureaucracy, Breton and Wintrobe (The Logic of Bureaucratic Conduct: An Economic Analysis of Competition, Exchange, and Efficiency in Private and Public Organization. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1982) develop a model wherein subordinates and superiors in a bureaucratic structure trade with each other to advance the objectives of the superiors. The success of such an organizational arrangement (for superiors) is based upon the development of vertical trust networks in a way that facilitates the promise of informal payments by superiors in return for informal services provided by their subordinates. Breton and Wintrobe [Journal of Political Economy 94 (1986) 905] also provide a theoretical application of their model by describing the Nazi bureaucracy as a conglomeration of competing agencies that zealously carried out the Final Solution to the Jewish question. As an extension, this note develops two compelling empirical examples of vertical and horizontal trust networks within the Nazi regime: Einsatzgruppen As (Special Action Detachments) attempt to liquidate all Lithuanian Jews after the German invasion of the U.S.S.R. in 1941 and the 20 July 1944 attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler.JEL Classification: D23, D73.  相似文献   

Bang-bang investment in a two-sector growth model with immobile capital is rational and leads to a unique and globally stable long-run equilibrium along a sliding trajectory. This steady state coincides with the stationary equilibrium in the traditional model with non-sector-specific capital.This article was written while the authors were visiting scholars at Cornell University. We gratefully acknowledge financial assistance from the Erasmus University Trust Fund and the Netherlands Scientific Organization. We would like to thank, without implicating, two anonymous referees, Martijn Herrmann, Jean-Marie Viaene, Claus Weddepohl, and the participants of seminars at the University of Maryland, the University of Montreal, and Erasmus University Rotterdam for perceptive remarks and useful comments. Jeroen Hinloopen and Rien Wagenvoort provided able graphical assistance. The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the World Bank.  相似文献   

This paper continues the discussion of artificial worlds (AWs) begun in Lane (1993b). Here, the focus is on two kinds of AWs. The first, classifier systems, can be used to represent agents that are capable of generating complex behaviors in response to intermittent rewards from an environment of which they are a part. A collection of such agents, engaging in economic interactions with one another, produces another kind of AW, in which such interesting aggregate behaviors as the formation of bubbles and crashes and technical trading in an artificial stock market, may arise. The second kind of AW considered in this paper is artificial economies. These AWs can provide a dynamic, nonequilibrium, microfounded account of such aggregate-level or macroeconomic phenomena as stable growth paths, business cycles, and Pareto firm-size distributions.  相似文献   

The impact of exchange-rate changes on industrial prices seems ambiguous. Incomplete and even perverse pass-through has been observed: the import prices in the depreciating country decrease while those in the appreciating country increase. To explain these counterintuitive price reactions we consider a situation of international Bertrand competition: two firms, based in different countries, are selling in both countries simultaneously. The profit-maximizing duopolists set the prices for their products in each of the two markets which are segmented on the demand side. We then study the qualitative effect of an exogenous exchange-rate change on the Bertrand-Nash equilibrium. Under the strong assumption of linear demand and cost functions we have normal exchange-rate pass-through. However, allowing for more general cost structures in this simple static model enables us to show that the import prices in both countries might move in counterintuitive directions.  相似文献   

An Austrian Theory of the Firm   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
The modern Theory of the Firm uses the concept of rent and makes implicit assumptions about equilibrium. An Austrian (Market Process) Theory of the Firm should have something to say about each of these. Two strategic perspectives are analyzed, the neoclassical microeconomic perspective (using the Ricardo-Marshall approach to rent) and the Market Process perspective (using the Fetter approach to rent). In a neoclassical world, rents indicate unsolved or unexploited inefficiencies as every hypothetical outcome is viewed against the standard of perfect competition. By contrast, in the Market Process world there is no single ideal standard by which to measure any particular outcome. All action takes place in an open ended universe in which the future is continually being created, in which competition is a discovery process.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to analyze the strategic use of optimal tariffs and to examine the effects of national bias on the optimal trade policy and social welfare in a two-country, two-good, price competition model derived from Neven et al. (1991). The major findings are as follows. (1) If all consumers prefer the domestic good, then buy domestic campaigns will decrease the prohibitive tariff rate and increase local welfare. (2) If at least some consumers prefer the foreign good, but not to a great extent, then buy domestic campaigns will not change the optimal tariff rate, but may improve local welfare. (3) When all consumers greatly prefer the foreign good, then promotion of buy domestic decreases the optimal tariff rate, but it cannot improve social welfare. With this framework, we also prove that buy domestic campaigns serve as a substitute for tariffs with respect to a strategic trade policy.  相似文献   

W. Weber 《Journal of Economics》1955,15(1-2):193-210
Ohne ZusammenfassungIch bin den Herausgebern, der Schriftleitung und dem Verlag der Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie zu besonderem Dank verpflichtet für die Veröffentlichung dieses Artikels, der im wesentlichen meine Stellungnahme zu dem im Weltwirtschaftlichen Archiv von 1954 erschienenen und in Anm. 2 genau zitierten Aufsatz A. Zottmanns Wirtschaftswissenschaft von heute? enthält.Daß ich nicht am nämlichen Ort antworten wollte, werden die Leser verstehen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es konnten vier Typen der Fluktuation isoliert werden, die neben persönlichen Komponenten für die Fluktuation der Arbeitskräfte maßgebend sind. Ein Teil der Fluktuation geht auf das Ausprobieren des Arbeitsplatzes — angesichts der Unvollkommenheit der Information — zurück (Probe-Fluktuation). Die Wechselneigung ist daher bei Personen mit kurzer Betriebszugehörigkeitsdauer sowie jüngeren Arbeitskräften (20 bis 30 Jahre) relativ hoch.Eine weitere Form der Fluktuation ist die Reaktion der Arbeinehmer auf Unterschiede in den Nettovorteilen verschiedener Arbeitsplätze (Lohn-Fluktuation). Die Arbeitskräfte wandern per Saldo aus Niedrig- in Hochlohnbetriebe, aus Klein- in Großbetriebe und aus schrumpfenden in expandierende.Das Bestehen eines dualen Arbeitsmarktes impliziert, daß benachteiligte Arbeitskräfte (Ungeschulte mit geringem betriebsspezifischem Training) häufig kündigen, während begünstigte Arbeitskräfte (Geschulte) relativ selten wechseln (Hilfskräfte-Fluktuation). Tatsächlich ist die Wechselneigung von Ungeschulten und Arbeitern (vor allem im industriell-gewerblichen Sektor) weit überdurch-schnittlich. Die Zahl der Wechselfälle wird neben der Wechselneigung durch die alternativen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten bestimmt (Konjunktur-Fluktuation). Die Fluktuation schwankt so deutlich mit der Anspannung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, daß sie als Anspannungsindikator angesehen werden kann.die Branchenunterschiede in verschiedenen Maßzahlen der Fluktuation lassen sich im wesentlichen auf die dargestellten vier Fluktuationstypen zurückführen. (Zur Messung des Arbeitsplatzwechsels empfiehlt es sich, Verbleibenswahrscheinlichkeiten der betrieblichen Zugänge und dienstalterspezifische Fluktuationsraten zu errechnen.)
Summary There are four main features of labour turnover. A substantial part of turnover is due to job shopping in view of imperfect information. Therefore, workers with short job tenure and younger employees (20–30 years) reveal a high propensity to quit. Another type of quit behaviour is the reaction of workers to differences in the net advantages of various jobs. The employed move from the low wage to the high wage sector, from small to largescale enterprises and from shrinking to expanding firms. The existence of a dual labour market implies that disprivileged workers (with low general and specific training) quit frequently and privileged workers rarely change the job. In fact, the turnover rate of white-collar workers and persons with higher formal education is far below average. The actual level of labour turnover does not only depend on the propensity to quit but also on the alternative job opportunities. Voluntary quits are so closely related to the tightness of the labour market that they can be regarded as a labour market indicator. Regression analysis shows that the differences in various measures of turnover are essentially due to these four features of turnover. (For measurement of labour turnover it is recomended to use the probabilities of a batch of entrants to survive certain points in time. as well as job tenure-specific turnover rates.)

A general equilibrium production model is developed where technologies are embodied in capital goods of different vintages indexed in a continuum. A difference in the extent of existing knowledge determines a wage gap between a developed (north) and a developing region (south). With free flow of technology, relatively backward technologies move to the south. With innovation in the north, a technology cycle is created by which some of the technologies are pushed out of the north into the south. This also tends to widen the wage gap between the regions.  相似文献   

The experimental treatments analysed in this paper are simple in that there is a unique Nash equilibrium resulting in each player having a dominant strategy. However, the data show quite clearly that subjects do not always choose this strategy. In fact, when this dominant strategy is not a focal outcome it does not even describe the average decision adequately. It is shown that average individual decisions are best described by a decision error model based on a censored distribution as opposed to the truncated regression model which is typically used in similar studies. Moreover it is shown that in the treatments where the dominant strategy is not focal dynamics are important with average subject decisions initially corresponding to the focal outcome and then adjusting towards the Nash prediction. Overall, 66.7% of subjects are consistent with Payoff Maximization, 27.8% are consistent with an alternate preference maximization and 5.6% are random.  相似文献   

This paper explores the idea of constructing theoretical economic agents that behave like actual human agents and using them in neoclassical economic models. It does this in a repeated-choice setting by postulating artificial agents who use a learning algorithm calibrated against human learning data from psychological experiments. The resulting calibrated algorithm appears to replicate human learning behavior to a high degree and reproduces several stylized facts of learning. It can therefore be used to replace the idealized, perfectly rational agents in appropriate neoclassical models with calibrated agents that represent actual human behavior. The paper discusses the possibilities of using the algorithm to represent human learning in normal-form stage games and in more general neoclassical models in economics. It explores the likelihood of convergence to long-run optimality and to Nash behavior, and the characteristic learning time implicit in human adaptation in the economy.  相似文献   

Operational Research and the environment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The discipline of Operational Research (OR) is primarily concerned with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of decision processes. These processes take place everywhere in society: industry, banking, agriculture, government, politics. Frequent use of mathematical optimization models is typical of OR. Since the early '80s these models are increasingly packaged in a user-friendly way, as Decision Support Systems. In the following we will illustrate how OR can be used to describe and solve a number of environmental problems.  相似文献   

Conclusion Considering that employment and output are positively related, and that productivity growth and inflation are inversely related, we see that Kaldor, through the hypothesis of embodied technical progress and induced investment, has presented us with the elements of a general theory of stagflation. As such, this Kaldorian theory constitutes the only serious opposition to the various monetarist explanations (most notably Milton Friedman's 1977 Nobel Lecture) of a positively sloped Phillips curve, based on the inflationary expectations mechanism and the notion of a changing natural rate of unemployment. Not so long ago, people were talking about the so-called locomotive theory of export-led growth, with such surplus countries as Germany and Japan, or large economies as the U. S., playing the role of the engine, given that the equally surplus oil-producing countries will also maintain a strong import-demand for industrial output. Fears (perhaps legitimate ones) about inherent inflationary tendencies have caused the abandonment of this approach to pull the world economy from its vicious stagflationary circle. Contrary to the monetarists' view that a recession is needed in order to combat inflation, Kaldor's own theory can serve as a guide to those who, more optimistically, believe or simply hope that investment and output growth is the only longterm weapon against both inflation and unemployment.The importance of the writings of Professor Kaldor, influential as they have proved to be well beyond his immediate Cambridge milieu, cannot be overestimated. He is a truly great economist, one of the few who make economic theory rather than simply repeat established dogmas. All economists will be educated by reading and re-reading his collected essays.  相似文献   

InThe Sensory Order, Friedrich A. Hayek describes the human mind as an apparatus of classification that evolves through experience and that reaches decisions by modeling the alternative courses of action that are available to it. Hayek's mechanistic conception of mind argues aginst the possibility of central planning and against the cogency of any rule that denigrates subjective decision making by employers or other economic agents. As implied by Gödel's proof, no brain, human or mechanical, can ever be sufficiently complex to explain itself. There will therefore always be certain knowledge and rules that cannot be articulated to the satisfaction of a central planner or tribunal.  相似文献   

Summary This paper characterizes the optimal policy for a model in which manager may adopt an endogenous number of projects but has only limited resources to devote to their evaluation and maintenance. In any period, the manager may discard any subset of existing projects but may evaluate only one existing or one new project which is then either discarded or restored. Both its current return and the probability with which a project may be restored depends only on the number of periods since its last evaluated. For a manager whose objective is to maximize the sum of discounted returns, the optimal policy takes one of two forms. A discard policy specifies that the manager evaluate a new project in each period and discard current projects at some critical age. An age inspection policy specifies that the manager evaluate a new project only if all current projects are sufficiently young.Support from the C. V. Starr Center for Applied Economics and the Research Resource Committee of the Rutgers Graduate School of Management is gratefully acknowledged. We thank Roy Radner for valuable assistance in the early stages of the work.  相似文献   

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