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银行排队系统服务效率问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
银行排长队现象是困扰银行和客户的难题,其实质是排队系统的效率问题。叫号机变多队一多服务台系统为单队一多服务台系统,改变了排队系统模型。本文运用蒙特卡罗仿真方法对两种排队系统模型进行比较,发现叫号机确实可以有效提升银行服务系统的效率。  相似文献   

档案信息自动化系统是一项需要运用多种学科知识,多专业配合,多部门协作,多环节配套的复杂系统工程,系统建设发展到目前阶段,研究探讨对系统的协调组织、加强管理和科学决策,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

魏红  张斌 《科技进步与对策》2007,24(10):154-157
技术中心评价系统是一个包含定性因素与定量因素的多目标评价系统。针对该系统中存在的信息不充分现象,提出了企业技术中心灰色综合评价模型,通过实例分析,证明该方法在多因子综合评价中是较好的方法。  相似文献   

加快档案信息自动化系统建没.实现档案工作各个环节的计算机化,是实现档案工作现代化,提高档案系统整体功能的物质技术基础和重要手段。档案信息自动化系统是一项需要运用多种学科知识,多专业配合,多部门协作,多环节配套的复杂系统工程,系统建设发展到目前阶段,研究探讨对系统的协调组织、加强管理和科学决策,是十分必要的。经过艰苦创业,初步建成档案处理系统,使系统不断向信息管理的目标推进,其装备水平和应用水平逐步提高,为全面实现档案信息处理和管理的现代化做了准备。  相似文献   

多Agent系统(MAS)是近年来人们普遍关系的问题之一,其根本原因是多个Agent系统实际上可以看作是在某个环境中的Agent集合,并且Agent之间、Agent与环境之间可以进行交互,通过彼此间的行为推理达到共同完成某个任务的目的。多Agent系统所面临的推理环境是动态的、不确定的,在推理过程中可以通过设置错误参数'在允许错误的情况下进行推理。对系统进行了多agent规划,设计了分层的系统模型,并阐述了各个agent的功能,最后对该模型进行了面向agent的设计。  相似文献   

加快档案信息化系统建设,是实现档案工作现代化,提高档案系统整体功能的物质技术基础和重要手段。我自档案部门真正有计划地建立自己的系统是在1985年。档案信息自动化系统是一项需要运用多种学科知识,多专业配合,多部门协作,多环节配套的复杂系统工程。  相似文献   

多联机俗称"一拖多",指的是一台室外机通过配管连接两台或两台以上室内机,室外侧采用风冷换热形式、室内侧采用直接蒸发换热形式的一次制冷剂空调系统.随着我国空调系统的不断发展,多联机空调系统与传统空调系统相比,多联机系统目前在中小型建筑和部分公共建筑中得到日益广泛的应用.本文笔者介绍了多联机的特点及两种多联机技术并对其进行了技术对比,论述其设计要点.  相似文献   

多分类器系统是近年来兴起的一种新的分类技术,本文提出一种基于粗糙集逐次约简构造多分类器系统的方法。通过从原始数据集中递归产生出完全不同的最小约简,该方法保证了每个成员分类器都是由完全不同的特征子空间训练得到的。通过对四个UCI数据集进行验证,发现通过该方法构造出的多分类器系统均取得了较好的分类效果。  相似文献   

运用层次分析法建立的特色产业集群竞争力评价模型表明,可以从多个层次、多个角度封特色产业集群竞争力进行评价。特色产业集群竞争力的实质就是指集群的营销网络和物流系统,以及集群创新系统建设情况的好坏。培育并不断增强特色产业集群竞争力,最主要的工作是大力加强营销网络和物流系统的建设,重视创新系统的完善。  相似文献   

档案信息自动化系统是一项需要运用多种学科知识,多专业配合,多部门协作,多环节配套的复杂系统工程,系统建设发展到目前阶段,研究探讨对系统的协调组织、加强管理和科学决策,是十分必要的。加强管理的指导思想,一是要积极进取,开拓创新,争取条件采用先进技术;二是要充分掌握系统的综合性、系统性、统一性,统筹兼顾,全面安排,调动各方面的积极性;  相似文献   

无论是中国还是其他国家,都在不同的历史背景下建立了不同的社会体制,这为研究当代中国社会体制积累了丰富的经验。中外思想家在各自的历史条件下,对社会体制的理论和逻辑进行过深入探索,得出了很多重要结论。基于对历史和逻辑的认识,文章提出,社会体制的形成是一个历史过程,因此需要从比较长的时间来观察其变化,尽管一些突变和历史事件会对现行社会体制产生影响,但是社会体制根植于长期的历史发展之中,这其中包括人们对一些根本问题的认识也需要一个由浅到深的过程。研究当代中国的社会体制,只有与其他国家或地区开展比较研究才能深入下去。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, the literature on innovation systems has flourished, often tying these systems to nation-states. Technology, however, often flows across the borders of nations. In this paper, four cases are studied where foreign technology is imported and appropriated from abroad into Dutch companies. By doing so, the questions what a national system of innovation consists of and what such a system means for firms are explored. The cases studied provide a picture of international-sectoral systems, adding up to a loosely interacting innovation system at the national level.  相似文献   

世界主要医疗保障体系比较——对中国“医改”的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立成功的医疗保障体系是一个世界难题,也是我国目前所面临的重大发展问题。为了更好地探索医疗保障体系的实质和便于比较世界上主要医疗体系的特点,本文分析了四种医疗保障风险分担机制,进而根据其特征将主要发达国家的医疗保障体系分为三类。通过分析这三类医疗保障体系的卫生费用构成并与中国的进行比较,得出针对中国医疗保障体系改革和发展的相应启示。  相似文献   

中国是世界上自然灾害发生较多的国家之一,如何有效预防与应对自然灾害等突发公共事件是包括中国在内的全世界各国政府希望得到有效解决的难题,文章通过梳理相关研究脉络,发现国内外现有文献大多是从一般性应急物流的视角探讨其构建以及研究应急物流某个具体的运作环节等问题,在总结了目前我国在应急物流控制体系中存在应急物流的运作机制有待提高、指挥不到位、技术欠发达、监督机制缺失诸问题的基础上,提出构建基于供应链视角下的应急物流控制体系的研究思路,应急物流的控制体系一般应由组织管理系统、安全监管系统、预警及风险防范系统、信息系统、激励评价系统5个子系统构成。基于供应链视角下认识对待应急物流控制体系则更应该从长远性、全局性与战略性的角度来考虑,使其更加具有计划性、协调性。本文尝试从供应链视角对应急物流控制体系的战略协同、监管、预警与评价等领域进行较系统的阐述。  相似文献   

电子政务作为社会大系统中的一个子系统,必然会和其它子系统进行持续不断的能量交换,以保持自身的动态平衡。基于生态环境视角,从政治、经济和文化等几个方面进行深入分析,探讨了制约电子政务发展的各种因素,为我国电子政务的进一步发展寻找理论支撑。  相似文献   

The Earth system is a complex adaptive system, characterised by non-linear change and with significant capacity for surprise. In times of systemic crisis, such as dangerous anthropogenic climate change, perverse resilience (for example the structural power of fossil fuel interests in the global economy) can threaten overall Earth system stability. Critical political economic analysis recognises climate change as a threat with significant political economic characteristics and implications. However, key dimensions of climate change as a globally coherent phenomenon, including the important implications of Earth system dynamism and non-linear change, can remain unrecognised, mischaracterised or underestimated. In contrast, resilience approaches describe social-ecological systems but neglect the significance of norms and power relations in human societies. This article builds theory by linking key concepts – hegemony and resilience – from neo-Gramscian political economic analysis and resilience approaches to social-ecological systems. Our objective is to generate a new conceptual framework to improve understanding of the role of politics in social-ecological systems. We use climate change and its mitigation to demonstrate the new framework's potential.  相似文献   

基于统筹规划的城乡社会保险制度建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢驰文 《经济经纬》2008,(1):79-81,85
农村和农民工社会保险制度的重复建设和相互割离,不仅严重损害了农民工的社会保险利益,而且造成了社会保险资源的巨大浪费.整合改革社会保险制度既是完善社会主义市场经济体制所必需的,又是维护广大农民工和城镇职工社会保险利益所必需.整合改革社会保险制度,一方面要统一同类群体社会保险制度,另一方面要建立各类群体社会保险相互衔接的制度.统一同类群体社会保险制度有助于建立各类群体社会保险相互衔接的制度.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information systems and advances in healthcare technology paired with current concerns arise over patients' safety and how to cure them efficiently, the healthcare information systems are attracting the attention of more and more people. The purpose of this study is to propose a conceptual model, appropriate for the intention to use healthcare information systems, by adopting the system, service, and information qualities covered in the Information System Success Model proposed by DeLone and Mclean [1] as the external variables and integrating the three dimensions of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use — referred to in Venkatesh and Davis' updated Technology Acceptance Model, TAM [2]. This study first analyzes relevant researches on the intention to use such systems as the basis for the questionnaire design, then conducts questionnaire survey among district hospital nurses, head directors, and other related personnel. After the questionnaires are collected, SEM is used to analyze the data. The analysis shows that the proposed factors positively influence users' intention to use a healthcare system. Information, service and system quality influence user's intention through the mediating constructs, perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use. Managerial implications are provided accordingly. Suggestions for introducing healthcare information system are then provided as well.  相似文献   

To make health systems more resilient to shocks and crises, it is critical for governments to invest in core health system functions such as financing, service delivery, and governance. Ensuring sufficient resources for health is necessary for basic infrastructure including vaccines; the overall level of health expenditure and the public sources of funding are important. Funding for public health services, including infection prevention and control, surveillance, and information systems, is fundamental to ensure health systems are prepared for and respond to health emergencies. Funding should be made available for a quick and effective response to emergencies, requiring a supportive flexible public financial management system. Moreover, it is essential to mitigate the potential risks of health system collapses through innovative ways, for example, telemedicine, and mobilizing private sector providers. Vulnerable groups who are even more impacted during crises need special attention. Multisectoral cooperation is paramount to health system resilience during pandemic response.  相似文献   

Under the life‐cycle saving model, population aging leads to an increased demand for life‐cycle wealth. Changes in transfer systems create or destroy one component of life‐cycle wealth—transfer wealth. The decline in the familial transfer system in Taiwan and reform of the US Social Security system are two examples of ways that transfer wealth is reduced. The combined effects of aging and changes in transfer systems are analyzed using simulation analysis. Rapid aging and radical decline in transfer systems lead to a large but transitory surge in aggregate saving. Capital per worker increases rapidly and remains at a high level.  相似文献   

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