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王勇 《当代经济》2008,(7):130-131
本文介绍了笔者近三个学期在《管理学原理》课堂上所做的一个旨在训练学生沟通技能、团队协作技能以及领导技能的教学游戏及其教学效果与反馈。在此基础上,本文对此类教学游戏的适用条件、备课注意事项、以学生为主体的引导方法以及教学效果的强化技巧做了总结。  相似文献   

刘正刚  丁宇 《经济师》2014,(3):237-238
专题教学在园林景观设计课程的有效应用是该课程达到教学目标和效果的重要手段。通过课堂实践对该课程专题教学环节的专题选择、小组讨论、专题教学的评价和反馈等若干环节应注意的问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为提升高校思政理论课教学的针对性和亲和力,与时俱进地采用信息化教学手段时非常有必要的.本文以"毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论"中第七章社会主义改革开放理论的授课作为例,采用的形式是翻转课堂,借用的信息化手段是云课堂.通过预习反馈、问题探究、知识梳理、随堂测试四个环节开展教学.  相似文献   

组织行为学是管理类应用性很强的一门学科,为使学生达到学与用的结合,在课堂教学中应采取多种形式,尤其是案例教学法的使用。从完成教学目标、提升学生综合能力和教师专业成长三个方面阐述案例教学法的重要性,以及在实施这一方法时应注意的教材的选取、案例的选择、课堂的讨论和教学效果的反馈问题,可以更好地完成教学目标。  相似文献   

本文从信息素养和核心素养着手,分析了大学生从信息素质教育到核心素养的课程转化,并以翻转课堂嵌入文献检索课教学改革为例,通过构建课程设计模型、反馈分析、教学评价等一系列改革创新,指明翻转课堂在学生乃至全民终身学习中所扮演的重要角色.  相似文献   

在外语或二语的教学课堂中,学习者难免会犯一些错误(errors)。这些错误都跟学习者的母语或方言干扰有直接的关系,尤其是在语音层面上最为明显。文章以潮汕方言为研究对象,分析了其典型口音z[ts]对潮汕地区部分同学在学习英语语音过程中造成干扰负迁移的原因,并提出了一些可行的教学对策。  相似文献   

专职理论教师和来自实践部门的兼职教师共同出现在刑法学教学课堂中的双师教学模式有助于弥补传统理论教学的单一性缺陷,符合公安院校培养应用型人才的教育目标。可以通过合理规划理论与实践的教学内容比例,建立兼职师资库,加强双师互动,吸收反馈信息等方式开展双师教学。目前应在师资培养、时间保障和经费投入上下工夫,以保障并完善双师教学的效果。  相似文献   

王蓓 《经济研究导刊》2010,(27):286-287
利用网络信息资源优势与特点,充分发挥情感教育的强化作用,倡导"主导—主体"教学理念;构建和谐教学氛围、优化课堂结构;创建和谐、平等的师生关系及良好的反馈平台和评价方式;激发学生语言学习潜能;培养学生自主学习能力、创新能力;促进学生个性化发展;帮助学生消除焦虑和紧张感、树立自信心;从而有效拓展外语教学交往空间。  相似文献   

魏延民 《经济师》2011,(2):138-138,140
课堂提问在教学过程中具有特殊的意义和作用。文章联系教学实践,对优化课堂提问的基本要求、设计原则以及设问点的选择进行了初步探讨,为教师有效利用课堂提问,提高教学质量,提供了可资借鉴的方法。  相似文献   

课堂组织是视听说课堂教学的关键,有效的课堂组织是提高课堂教学质量的重要保证。本文探讨了视听说大班教学中的四种课堂组织形式及其特点、功能以及在应用中可能出现的局限性,以便教师在实际教学中因时因地制宜,全面考虑、灵活运用。  相似文献   

隐喻性语言的理解、构建及输出均已成为英语学习者写作的一大难题。从语篇层面调查英语专业生写作的隐喻能力状况及英语写作水平与语篇隐喻能力关系。研究结果显示语篇隐喻能力很大程度上影响了写作者概念流利性表达,尽管英语写作者试图从语篇层面使用隐喻性语言,但他们仍难以达到本族语者的语言熟练程度,除非他们能将隐喻思维概念化。因此,英语写作教学中应重视写作语篇隐喻能力的培养。  相似文献   

Using the notion of cointegration theory and its implied vector error correction modeling strategy, this paper reexamines the relationship between monetary forces and inflation in mainland China. Contrary to most recent research in this area, these results based on unit root and cointegration tests indicate a reliable long-run relationship between the general price level and the money stock, as well as between inflation and monetary growth. Our findings also suggest a bi-directional or feedback relationship between inflation and monetary growth. J. Comp. Econom., December 1999, 27(4), pp. 669–685. School of Financial Studies and Law, Sheffield Hallam University, City Campus, Pond Street, Sheffield, S1 1WB, United Kingdom.  相似文献   

河北省高等教育与经济增长关系的实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用河北省1990~2006年数据对高等教育规模与经济增长之间的关系进行研究,建立了协整方程和误差修正模型,进行了格兰杰因果关系检验,得出的主要结论是:河北省经济增长和高校教育规模之间存在长期的协整关系,高等教育在校生人数每增加1个百分点,GDP增加0.64个百分点;经济增长和高等教育互为格兰杰因果关系,表明经济增长对高等教育的促进以及高等教育很好地发挥了人力资本的作用,带动了经济增长;误差修正模型表明经济增长在短期内主要受其自身的影响,误差修正项系数为负,符合反向修正机制。  相似文献   

FDI与产业集聚的互动——中国农产品加工业视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于传统贸易理论、新贸易理论、新经济地理理论,对FDI与产业集聚的相互关系进行理论探讨。在此基础上,运用面板误差修正模型以及格兰杰因果检验原理对FDI与中国农产品加工业集聚的关系进行实证分析。结果发现,FDI既是推动农产品加工业集聚形成的短期原因,也是影响农产品加工业集聚发展的长期因素,而产业集聚则不是FDI进入农产品加工业的原因。  相似文献   

刘芳  郭三党 《技术经济》2009,28(8):84-86
本文采用1978—2007年河南省国内生产总值和从业人员的统计数据,根据协整理论并利用格兰杰因果关系检验法,对河南省经济增长与就业人数的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明,河南省经济增长和就业人数之间存在双向因果关系和长期稳定的均衡关系。同时,本文在协整分析的基础上建立了误差修整模型,误差修整系数的大小反映了对偏离长期均衡的调整力度。  相似文献   

This paper reports a substantive application of Engle and Yoo's three-step estimator for cointegrated systems. Their estimator was proposed as a computationally convenient alternative to a number of FIML systems estimators. In part this estimator was developed to overcome some drawbacks of the OLS estimator of the first stage Engle-Granger cointegrating regression which, despite its widespread use, is not asymptotically efficient and does not provide (even) asympototically correct ' t ' statistics. Our application, which is of interest in its own right, is to an explanation of expenditure on nondurables and services in the UK. In formulating an empirical explanation for this variable we find it necessary to extend our framework to consider a system of dynamic error correction equations with feedbacks — or error correction mechanisms — from consumption and housing equity withdrawal.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the intraday lead-lag relationships between returns and volatilities in the Ibex 35 spot and futures markets. Using hourly data, we jointly analyze the interactions between markets, estimating a bivariate error correction model with GARCH perturbations which captures stochastically the presence of an intraday U-shaped curve for both spot and futures market volatility. Our findings show a bidirectional causal relationship between market volatilities, with a positive feedback. This two-way transmission of volatility is consistent with market prices evolving according to a long-run equilibrium relationship, and shocks affecting both markets in the same direction. Our empirical results also support a unidirectional cross interaction from futures to spot market returns. This pattern suggests that the futures market leads the spot market in order to incorporate the arrival of new information.  相似文献   

翁京华  韩玉启  苗成林 《技术经济》2012,31(3):58-61,122
首先分析了企业创业投资的风险,然后基于蚁群算法的特点和优点,提出用蚁群算法度量企业的创业投资风险,并给出了相应的运算程序,最后通过反复实验得到一组相对理想的参数对。  相似文献   

This paper deals with an alternative approach to treating seasonality in error correction models for consumption with a parsimonious parameterization as proposed by Harvey and Scott. We introduce an unobserved seasonal component into an error correction model for Austrian consumer expenditures on nondurables and services and compare the results with different approaches. The use of stochastic seasonal results in a definite improvement of the estimated model. First version received: October 1997/Final version received: May 2000  相似文献   

This study examines the causal relations between exports and domestic production in the pulp and paper industries. The issue is whether exports are the engine of growth, or whether exports follow growth. The data were time-series of the 15 main exporting countries between 1961 and 1995. The method was Granger-causality analysis with error correction, based on models estimated in three ways: ordinary least squares by country, least squares with dummy variables (LSDV), and seemingly unrelated regression. Regardless of method, the strongest relation was an instantaneous (within a year) feedback between exports and production. The LSDV results implied average multipliers across countries of 1.2 to 1.4 from exports to production, and 0.20 to 0.25 from production to exports, in both industries. Experiments with monthly data on the pulp industries of Canada and the USA showed that temporal aggregation could affect the Granger-causality test results.  相似文献   

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