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研究目的:借鉴发达国家和地区市地整理经验,探索市地整理工具引入中国城市用地规划的方法,以适应市场经济体制,特别是土地使用和建设主体市场化趋势,促进城市规划编制和实施的改革。研究方法:采用比较分析方法论证市地整理的规划属性和理念、方法,以及与中国城市规划体系的关系;以实证研究方法探析规划运用的途径。研究结果:明确了市地整理的内涵及其理念和方法核心;提出城市控制性详细规划是具体引入市地整理的规划层面;以北仑区为实例验证市地整理工具和方法在城市土地优化调整规划中的运用。研究结论:(1)将作为规划实施环节的市地整理相关要素提前引入城市控制性详细规划,对于提高城市规划的可实施性具有重要意义;(2)产权和经营理念、分模式应用和利益相关者参与方式是城市规划引入市地整理工具的主要途径;(3)市地整理在城市用地规划中的作用主要体现在用地调整规划单元(控规单元)的划分和地块整理方案、资金平衡方案的制定之中。  相似文献   

本文在国内外城市土地整理研究的基础上,明确了城市土地整理的内涵,界定了城市土地整理的研究范围。并运用实证分析和比较分析的方法分析了促使我国城市土地整理的影响因素,得出了城市土地整理是我国城市土地利用政策的必然选择的结论,进而提出了优化我国城市土地整理的对策建议。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展和科学技术的日益进步,不同类型土地的用地需求日益膨胀,以农地与市地土地整理,未利用土地开发和废弃地复垦为内容的土地整理工作应运而生,这对于缓解日益紧张的人地关系,满足不同类型的用地需求起到了积极的作用。然而,受历史和客观现实社会经济发展水平的制约,新疆的土地整理工作尚处于起步阶段,许多方面尚不成熟。因此,借鉴国外土地整理经验,对指导新疆土地整理工作具有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

<正>土地一级开发是我国城市土地开发的创新,该制度为政府按照城市经济和社会发展计划,科学有序地开展城市土地储备,实现城市土地利用总体规划和城市总体规划提供了保障。当前,土地一级开发整理工作在全国没有统一的政策指导,各地都在摸索适合本地的开发模式。本文将以昆明市近些年实施的土地一级开发整理工作为例,分析土地整理当中存在的问题,并有针对性地提出相关建议。昆明市土地一级开发现状与问题近年来,昆明市结合自身实际情况,陆续出台  相似文献   

中国农村居民点土地整理研究评述   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究目的:分析国内农村居民点土地整理研究的重点和发展趋势.研究方法:文献资料法和比较研究法.研究结果:国内对农村居民点土地整理的研究主要集中于驱动力、潜力、模式、效果评价等方面,但对宏观政策方面的研究较少,特别是公众参与农村居民点土地整理规划的研究尤少.研究结论:应重视公众参与农村居民点土地整理规划工作.  相似文献   

农地开发整理投资模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究目的探索适合我国区域发展特点的农地开发整理投资模式,为建立土地开发整理多元化投入机制、实现土地资源与资金合理配置提供政策依据.研究方法采用调查分析法、对比分析法等.研究内容对建立农地开发整理投资模式的现实和政策背景进行分析;提出了影响农地开发整理投资模式建立的主要因素和具有区域特色的东部、中部、西部地区农地开发整理主导投资模式;通过实证案例分析,初步验证主导投资模式的优势特点.结论建立行之有效的、适合我国区域发展特点的农地开发整理投资主导模式,对于实现土地资源与资金的合理配置,提高资金的使用效益具有积极的作用.  相似文献   

土地整理规划环境影响评价浅探   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
土地整理实践及相关法律规定中都要求对土地整理规划进行环境影响评价,但目前我国土地整理规划环境影响评价还处于探索阶段,理论与方法体系尚不完善.通过分析土地整理规划环境影响评价内涵与特点,提出指标法与图层叠置法相结合的土地整理规划环境影响评价的工作程序与内容,以期为完善土地整理规划环境影响评价提供参考.建议开展土地整理规划环境影响评价试点研究、形成具体操作规程,进一步完善和发展土地整理规划环境影响评价工作.  相似文献   

正实现城市存量土地资源再开发和更新再利用,是海峡两岸共同面临的挑战和难题。两岸在城市土地更新方面开展的探索实践,均取得丰富成效,但也面临一些不足和问题。比较分析两岸城市土地更新模式与经验,有助于创新城镇化进程中地尽其用、地利共享的实现机制。两岸城市土地更新的实践模式台湾城市土地更新的实践模式。台湾城市土地更新的主要措施是市地重划,已经发展成较为成熟的城市土地更新模式。台湾市地重划按其办理主体主要可分为以下3种类型:1.政府主导型:  相似文献   

土地整理的生物多样性影响研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究目的:总结土地整理对生物多样性影响的研究,进一步确立土地整理和生物多样性的关系,生态化土地整理项目.研究方法:文献资料和逻辑推理法.研究内容:综述土地整理和生物多样性的相关概念、内容及其内在联系,总结了目前国内外研究最新动态,主要从农地整理这个层面分析了土地整理和生物多样性的关系,结合我国现状,提出了相关对策.研究结论:土地整理过程是对现有土地利用格局的改变,必然影响到土地生态系统的稳定性,若整理不当将破坏生物多样性,降低土地的生产能力,影响土地资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

研究目的:土地整理生态评价旨在为优化土地整理规划设计与实施,提高耕地质量提供科学依据.研究方法:以GIS为支撑,建立土地整理生态评价综合评价模型.研究结果:土地整理生态评价为提高土地整理规划设计与项目实施的科学性、针对性奠定了良好的基础.研究结论:利用GIS的空间分析功能,采用栅格作为评价单元,可实现土地整理生态环境的定量评价,为更好地开展土地整理工作提供理论依据和决策支持.  相似文献   

研究目的:探讨城市土地集约利用中的全面可持续发展观点。研究方法:文献法,比较法,归纳法。研究结果:国内外关于城市土地集约利用的认识存在差距,也有内在的本质区别。研究结论:对国外的研究成果和理念可理性借鉴:(1)就根源而言,国外的土地集约利用是由于土地的"弹性匮乏",国内是由于"刚性匮乏",因此不能盲目照搬;(2)国外以社会、经济、生态兼顾为标志的、全面发展的广义集约思想值得借鉴;(3)国内的土地集约利用研究和实践在系统性及针对性方面存在不足,以城市的结构优化和整体优化为目标的土地集约利用研究需深化。  相似文献   

It is well known that urban expansion has a severe impact on the surface water balance by transforming vegetated covers into sealed surfaces. This transformation causes changing fluxes of evapotranspiration, surface runoff and groundwater recharge. In order to estimate the impact of land cover changes on the surface hydrology, hydrological models are often coupled with different types of land cover change models. It is, however, not clear to what extent spatially-explicit urban expansion scenarios provide an added value in comparison with non-spatial urban expansion models at different scale levels. The objective of this paper is to acquire a better insight in the importance of scale effects involved in the coupling of urban expansion scenarios and hydrological models. The relative importance of using different projections of both (i) quantity and (ii) spatial patterns of urban expansion was analysed at four different scale levels. The highly urbanised Flanders–Brussels region was taken as an example application. Twelve different urban expansion scenarios for 2025 and 2050 were developed and subsequently used as an input in a spatially-distributed water balance model. The results obtained suggest that at the level of the Flanders–Brussels region, an accurate estimation of the quantity of urban expansion should get priority over an accurate projection of the spatial patterns. However, the importance of using accurate projections of the spatial pattern of urban expansion increases systematically at local scale levels. A uniform strategy for coupling urban expansion models and hydrological models thus seems inappropriate. These findings are highly relevant for water management and spatial planning policymakers that typically operate at different administrative levels.  相似文献   

建设“无废城市”的关键在于实现城市的“无废管理”。国外已有经验表明,作为一种整体性治理方案,无废管理并不寻求模式的统一,而是体现出很强的灵活性和实践导向性。在梳理国外无废管理缘起与进展基础上,分析、总结了无废管理的内涵、特征及面临的挑战。借鉴东京无废管理经验,并结合我国城市废物治理的特殊性,提出从完善政策制度、弥合管理碎片化、鼓励精益生产和循环经济、倡导绿色消费和垃圾分类共识等方面加快国内无废城市建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

我国城市化的高速发展和汽车时代的来临,以及城市生态产品的匮乏,给城市生态建设提出新的课题。文章针对目前国内停车场建设和绿化的现状及存在的问题,借鉴国外先进理念和经验,提出将建设生态停车场作为城市生态建设的重要内容。通过实验分析,从停车场树种选择与应用入手,探讨停车场生态绿化建设模式,实现城市土地资源的多功能利用,满足城市生态建设需求。  相似文献   

首先,从空间布局、运作机制、组织管理、合作领域等方面阐述了国外城市群一体化的基本模式。进而,概括了长株潭城市群一体化实践探索所取得的成效。最后,构建了长株潭城市群一体化未来发展的"圈层式动态一体化模式",并对该模式内涵进行了全面的论述分析。  相似文献   

Land resources do not flow directly but can be allocated as “embodied land” in goods and services during economic globalization. The term “embodied arable land” can help link local land allocation strategies to the global and national supply chains and trade activities, and suggest new lens in optimizing arable land allocation. China is facing a serious arable land shortage, especially in municipal administrative areas. Based on the nested input-output analysis (Nested IOA), this work takes Shanghai as an example, exploring the allocation of direct and embodied arable land of an urban economy within the process of economic globalization. The amount of embodied arable land associated with Shanghai economy is 6.09 Mha, broken down into local arable land use (0.20 Mha), domestic inflows (3.20 Mha) and foreign inflows (2.69 Mha). This area supports local final demand (4.32 Mha), domestic outflows (1.24 Mha) and foreign outflows (0.53 Mha). Land-related imbalances emerge in the study, namely the economy’s demand versus the city’s size, the arable land demand versus supply, and embodied arable land inflows versus outflows. Regarding the role of the urban economy in allocation of global arable land under economic globalization, on the one hand, Shanghai has intensively involved with a large amount of embodied foreign arable land resources, and has been heavy dependent on foreign embodied arable land; On the other hand, there is still large potential for Shanghai to take the opportunity of economic globalization for an optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land. Policy suggestions on taking the opportunity of economic globalization for an optimal allocation of direct and embodied arable land are put forward.  相似文献   

This paper provides two contributions to the research on urban planning and the financialization of land use. Instead of stressing the consequences of finance on others, it prioritizes the analysis of the social-technical constitution of finance itself within urban planning, and does so in an emerging country setting, which is still relatively understudied in the existing literature. We analyse a specific Brazilian planning instrument, i.e., the sale of securitized building certificates (CEPACs) in large urban (re)development projects (UDPs), as a potential constituent space of urban financialization. The paper explores how planners, financial consultants, contractors and builders/developers effectively shape the contradictory financial and physical design and implementation of UDPs with CEPACs. Although the initial evidence shows that there are still clear limits to the penetration of financial logics into land use planning, continuing regulatory rollout and the increasing activism of foreign investors suggest the instrument’s open-ended trajectory, with a potentially more significant role for financial actors in constituting urban financialization through CEPACs.  相似文献   

肖妍  张倩 《中国林业经济》2012,(4):53-55,61
统筹城乡发展,就是从整体上科学规划城镇体系、新农村建设、统筹城乡劳动就业等,其目的是缩小城乡差距,提高农民生活水平,促进城乡经济社会一体化发展.而农村人力资本投资状况对城乡差距有较大的影响.在界定相关概念的基础上,对国内外关于人力资本与城乡差距关系作了研究综述,得出农村人力资本投资与城乡统筹发展之间的辩证关系  相似文献   

研究目的:分析城市建设用地规模时空差异及其影响因素,为制定区域差别化的城市建设用地供应政策提供决策参考。研究方法:在分析345个城市建设用地规模时空变化的基础上,运用地理探测器识别城市建设用地规模扩张的影响因素及其交互作用。研究结果:(1)中国城市建设用地面积虽然持续增长,但增速逐渐放缓;(2)城市建设用地扩张存在较大空间差异,扩张规模按东部、西部、中部、东北地区逐渐递减,扩张速度按西部、中部、东部、东北地区逐渐递减;(3)全国城市建设用地扩张主要受投资驱动的影响,东部地区和东北地区由人口驱动转为产业驱动,中部地区由人口驱动转为投资驱动,西部地区城市建设用地扩张一直受投资驱动较为明显;(4)影响因子两两之间均为增强关系,包括双因子增强和非线性增强,2000年,投资水平、产业结构及学校数量交互作用极强,而到2015年,实际利用外资与其他因子的交互性明显增强。研究结论:中国城市建设用地扩张受产业、投资和人口共同驱动,但驱动力大小存在较大空间差异。应针对不同区域的主要驱动因素实施差别化管理,缓解城市建设用地规模扩张。  相似文献   

‘Low-cost specialization’, ‘differentiation’, and ‘diversification’ are three overarching business models of professional urban agriculture in developed countries. Manifold city-adjusted farm activities belong to these business models resulting in the characteristic farm heterogeneity of urban areas. This paper makes use of the business models as tool for a geo-statistical analysis to spatially investigate farming patterns in reference region Metropolis Ruhr, Germany. Additional farm interviews substantiate findings of the geo-statistical analysis by focusing on horticulture as a common farm activity towards ‘low-cost specialization’, direct marketing and participatory farming belonging to ‘differentiation’, and equestrian services as a representative of the ‘diversification’ business model. These farm activities and underlying business models concentrate and tend to spatially cluster in the metropolitan’s center where population density is highest and farmland proportion is lowest. Agriculture plays a significant role in Metropolis Ruhr cultivating about one-third of the metropolitan area, but on-going loss of farmland and short-term lease of land affect farms considerably by complicating access to land. Most differentiated and diversified farms require certain amount of farmland to be successful, which is threatened by further farmland losses along with increased competition for the remaining farmland. Long-term planning security is crucial for farms focusing on high added value crops and organic farming. Progressively emerging participatory farming activities demonstrate urban farms’ abilities to innovatively adapt to societal demands. Better knowledge on professional urban agriculture’s farm activities and business models is of importance for farms and their related advisory services to address the urban context in farm development strategies more accurately, but also for public authorities’ planning and policies in land-related decision making. Economic viability of professional urban agriculture is the key requirement for additional social, environmental, and landscape functions within urban areas.  相似文献   

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