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会计信息在高管激励契约中的作用历来是理论与实务中关注的重要问题。本文以2006~2016年我国上市公司为对象,研究会计信息可比性与高管薪酬契约有效性之间的关系,结果发现,会计信息可比性与公司高管薪酬-业绩敏感度之间存在显著正相关关系。与国有企业相比,会计信息可比性对薪酬契约有效性的影响在非国有企业中更为显著。进一步分析发现,会计信息可比性与高管薪酬-业绩敏感度之间的正相关关系在信息复杂程度较高、内部控制质量较差、外部监督较弱的企业中更为显著。总体而言,本文的研究结果表明会计信息可比性特征对薪酬契约有效性具有重要影响。  相似文献   

"有效契约论"把高管激励契约看成重要的公司治理机制,有效的薪酬激励机制可以协调股东和高管的利益冲突,实现股东财富最大化。"管理权力论"则认为,高管对自己的薪酬安排有很大影响,可以利用自身权力以多种方式进行寻租。本文针对高管激励的上述两种假说,结合我国的制度背景,从上市公司设立薪酬委员会的动因、薪酬委员会对高管薪酬安排的影响两方面展开研究。以2001年至2008年深沪两市的上市公司作为研究样本,通过实证分析,我们发现,如果潜在代理成本越高,公司就越可能设立薪酬委员会,这与有效契约论的预期一致;同时,薪酬委员会的设立增强了薪酬-业绩敏感度。研究结论对健全薪酬委员会制度、有效发挥高管薪酬契约的激励作用以及规范上市公司治理具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高管报酬披露规则:萨班斯法案之子当企业高管薪酬披露的要求被强化时,CFO颇感惊讶。近来,对高管真实薪酬的披露引起了企业投资者和董事的诧异,而这种诧异与高管薪酬披露规则下企业财务经理所承担的附加工作量和责任息息相关。一家位于美国加州洛斯加托斯、提供业务流程外包(BPO)和离岸客户服务企业的CFO说,“一般而言,越来越多的披露信息为广大投资者所掌握确实是一件好事,企业高管希望投资者知道其  相似文献   

郝颖  黄雨秀  宁冲  葛国庆 《金融研究》2020,484(10):189-206
本文基于“隐性—显性”契约激励研究范式,探讨公司社会声望对高管薪酬的影响以及作用机制。本文选取2009—2017年间的非金融A股上市公司为样本,研究发现,拥有较高社会声望的公司,其高管显性薪酬较低。具体而言,公共地位较高的国有企业、具有较高市场声誉的民营上市公司,其高管薪酬平均而言分别比其他上市公司低4.97%和6.30%。进一步地,我们发现公司声望对我国高管显性薪酬契约存在两种作用机制:一方面,公共地位较高的国有企业,可以为高管带来较高的社会声誉和社会认可,满足了“公共服务”类高管的社会声望偏好,从而降低了显性薪酬的支付水平;另一方面,市场声誉较高的民营企业,可以为高管带来较高的职业声誉和未来职业利益,符合“以商为荣”类高管的社会声望偏好,使高管愿意接受较低的显性薪酬。本文的结论为公司声望作为一种有价值的资源,可以对高管显性薪酬形成议价能力提供了重要证据,揭示了公司声望对高管显性契约激励的影响路径;同时,为国有企业高管薪酬契约设计以及激励机制提供了一定启示。  相似文献   

郝颖  黄雨秀  宁冲  葛国庆 《金融研究》2015,484(10):189-206
本文基于“隐性—显性”契约激励研究范式,探讨公司社会声望对高管薪酬的影响以及作用机制。本文选取2009—2017年间的非金融A股上市公司为样本,研究发现,拥有较高社会声望的公司,其高管显性薪酬较低。具体而言,公共地位较高的国有企业、具有较高市场声誉的民营上市公司,其高管薪酬平均而言分别比其他上市公司低4.97%和6.30%。进一步地,我们发现公司声望对我国高管显性薪酬契约存在两种作用机制:一方面,公共地位较高的国有企业,可以为高管带来较高的社会声誉和社会认可,满足了“公共服务”类高管的社会声望偏好,从而降低了显性薪酬的支付水平;另一方面,市场声誉较高的民营企业,可以为高管带来较高的职业声誉和未来职业利益,符合“以商为荣”类高管的社会声望偏好,使高管愿意接受较低的显性薪酬。本文的结论为公司声望作为一种有价值的资源,可以对高管显性薪酬形成议价能力提供了重要证据,揭示了公司声望对高管显性契约激励的影响路径;同时,为国有企业高管薪酬契约设计以及激励机制提供了一定启示。  相似文献   

杨柳 《投资与合作》2011,(6):169-169
薪酬契约是委托代理理论的核心内容,薪酬对管理层行为的激励问题也一直是学术研究的热点。2005年,我国上市公司开始实行强制性的薪酬公开制度,对公司高管的激励问题也成为实务界讨论的焦点。本文回顾了已有的国内外文献,从设计薪酬契约制度的必要性、合理性、有婚性等角度进行了评析,希望为高管薪酬的研究开拓思路。  相似文献   

基于EVA(经济增加值)设计长期激励契约和激励比率,引导经理适度举债经营和投资决策能使双方利益趋于一致问题而建立的3个命题进行的逻辑推理证明:(1)在新兴的中国资本市场,高管激励机制不要盲目搬用西方激励方法,长期激励方案具有引导经理准确应用融资优序理论并适度举债,既能激励经理更为努力工作,又能将经理利益与股东利益更紧密融合在一起;(2)合理确定长期激励比率和建立适当的奖励薪酬金额上下限模型,为具体设计激励方案提供理论依据;(3)长激励方案能引导经理的投资决策选择投资项目的条件与股东财富最大化一致.  相似文献   

本文在中国制造业"走出去"的大背景下,以制造业OFDI上市公司为研究样本,基于短期激励与长期激励比较分析的视角,在高管报酬激励划分为短期的货币薪酬激励和长期的股权激励两个角度的基础上,研究了制造业OFDI企业中高管报酬激励对企业投资效率的影响。检验结果表明:货币薪酬显著地抑制了企业的过度投资倾向;股权激励对非效率投资产生了显著的抑制作用,这一抑制作用在过度投资与投资不足情境中保持一致。本文研究为优化中国新兴经济体OFDI企业的高管激励机制、提高OFDI制造业企业的投资效率提供理论借鉴与管理启示。  相似文献   

高管薪酬的激励作用一直是研究的热点,而很多学者忽略了同样具有激励作用的员工薪酬。本文对深市中小板上市公司2007-2011年的数据进行了实证分析,通过研究薪酬激励与企业成长性的关系,寻找企业可持续发展的方式。研究结果表明:员工薪酬与高管薪酬仅在国有中小上市公司中具有激励作用,可以提高其成长性;通过对薪酬差距的研究可知,在设计薪酬时不仅要考虑薪酬的绝对值和相对值,还应注意企业所处的具体情境,考虑高管团队协作需要、财务风险、技术复杂性和企业规模等因素对薪酬差距的影响。  相似文献   

利用2007年我国国有控股公司数据,以中小股东利益保护为因变量,以高管现金薪酬、高管持股比例和在职消费为主要考察对象,并选取公司规模和股权制衡结构作为控制变量,检验在不同激励方式下高管薪酬与中小股东利益的相关性,结论表明:国有控股公司高管薪酬主要集中于现金薪酬和在职消费,对中小股东利益侵害较大,而高管持股则可以保护中小投资者利益.  相似文献   

We develop a model that predicts corporate investment level increases with investors’ optimism and that the relationship between investment level and executive compensation depends on investor sentiment and other parameters. The empirical test shows that optimism is significantly and positively related to the level of investment and that executive compensation is insignificantly related to the level of investment. The managerial share ownership is positively related to the level of investment, conditional on the degree of optimism. The empirical results suggest that executives make investment decisions that not only cater to investor sentiment but also reflect their own interest in the company.  相似文献   

This study investigates how the government’s industry policies affect investor sentiment, and whether the influenced investor sentiment guides corporate capital flow in the real economy. By examining a sample of cross-industry mergers and acquisitions (M&As) of Chinese listed companies, we find that industry policies promulgated by the government have a significant asymmetric influence on investor sentiment. Furthermore, investor sentiment under the exogenous shock of industry policies has a significant real effect on companies’ cross-industry M&A behavior, generating cross-industry capital flow. Additional analyses reveal that this effect arises because the acquirer depends on equity financing and has incentive to cater to investor sentiment. Our findings help clarify the effect of public policies on the stock market, theoretically, from the company’s micro-level perspective, as well as the mechanism by which stock market volatility transmits to the real economy.  相似文献   

本文考虑到中国证券市场代理问题及信息不对称严重和投资者非理性状况共存的特征,将盈余管理与投资者情绪结合起来分析两者对股价的影响,进而分析两者与中国上市公司投资的关系。通过划分平静时期和动荡时期,本文发现在不同的时期里,盈余管理与投资者情绪导致的错误定价关系两者趋势并不总是一致;盈余管理和投资者情绪在不同时期里分别主导着股价与公司投资的关系;而且在不同时期里,融资约束和换手率对所研究问题的影响也是不同的。  相似文献   

We investigate the real effects of decisions to undertake an initial public offering of stock in periods of favorable investor sentiment. Specifically, we examine potential effects of favorable investor sentiment on investment expenditures and how effects on investment affect firm operating performance and value as well as the likelihood of survival. We find that firms going public during periods of favorable sentiment, on average, spend substantially more on investments, especially acquisitions, than firms going public in other periods. The effect of favorable investor sentiment on investment is more pronounced for younger firms. We do not find, however, that the higher investment spending in the wake of favorable sentiment leads to worse operating or stock performance. Stock returns around acquisitions announcements are also positive for firms going public in favorable sentiment periods. The preponderance of our findings indicate that decisions to go public in favorable investor sentiment periods do not lead to corporate investment decisions that harm firm performance and value.  相似文献   

本文使用贝叶斯分位数回归模型实证分析包含投资者情绪的投资者最优选择模型,结果表明:投资者情绪对于股票收益率存在非线性的正向影响,这是造成投资者对于市场信息出现反应偏差的一个重要原因.同时,市场信息和投资者情绪指标对于我国股票收益率都有着较大的影响作用;当股票出现不同涨跌幅时,市场信息对于股票收益率的影响有着较大的差异性.而考虑了投资者情绪指标之后,投资者对于市场信息的反应偏差明显减小,说明投资者情绪是造成我国投资者对于市场信息出现过度反应和反应不足的重要原因.我国投资者应该树立起良好的投资意识和心态,避免潜在的投资损失.  相似文献   

It is well established that investment fundamentals, such as earnings and cash flows, can explain only a small proportion of the variation in stock returns. We find that investor recognition of a firm’s stock can explain relatively more of the variation in stock returns. Consistent with Merton’s (J Finance 42(3):483–510, 1987) theoretical analysis, we show that (i) contemporaneous stock returns are positively related to changes in investor recognition, (ii) future stock returns are negatively related to changes in investor recognition, (iii) the above relations are stronger for stocks with greater idiosyncratic risk and (iv) corporate investment and financing activities are both positively related to changes in investor recognition. Our research suggests that investors and managers who are concerned with firm valuation should consider investor recognition in addition to accounting information and related investment fundamentals.  相似文献   

投资者情绪、企业投资行为与资源配置效率   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中国资本市场的经验数据,文章实证研究了投资者情绪对企业投资行为影响的经济后果。结果发现,投资者情绪与企业过度投资显著正相关,而与投资不足呈显著的负相关关系;投资者情绪的冲击对企业当前和未来绩效的影响表现为"正向影响——负向影响——逐渐消退"的过程。这意味着,在中国资本市场中,投资者情绪对资源配置效率具有"恶化效应"与"校正效应"的两面性,而其"总体效应"表现为资源配置效率的降低。上述研究发现对于深入理解投资者情绪影响对企业投资行为所产生的经济后果具有重要意义,也有助于我们从微观企业的视角反思金融危机对实体经济的影响。  相似文献   

We examine the extent to which the stock market's inefficient responses to resolutions of uncertainty depend on investors’ biased ex ante beliefs regarding the probability distribution of future event outcomes or their ex post irrational reactions to these outcomes. We use a sample of publicly traded European soccer clubs and analyze their returns around important matches. Using a novel proxy for investors’ expectations based on contracts traded on betting exchanges (prediction markets), we find that within our sample, investor sentiment is attributable, in part, to a systematic bias in investors’ ex ante expectations. Investors are overly optimistic about their teams’ prospects ex ante and, on average, end up disappointed ex post, leading to negative postgame abnormal returns. Our evidence may have important implications for firms’ investment decisions and corporate control transactions.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the portfolio optimization under investor’s sentiment states of Hidden Markov model and over a different time horizon during the period 2004–2016. To compare the efficient portfolios of the Islamic and the conventional stock indexes, we have employed two approaches: the Bayesian and Markowitz mean-variance. Our findings reveal that the Bayesian efficient frontier of Islamic and conventional stock portfolios is affected by the investor’s sentiment state and the time horizon. Our findings also indicate that the investor’s sentiment regimes change the Islamic and the conventional optimal diversified portfolios.Moreover, the results show that the potential diversification benefits seem to be more important when using the Bayesian approach than when applying the Markowitz approach. This finding is valid for the bearish, depressed, bullish and calm states in Islamic stock markets. However, the diversification of potential portfolios is significant only for the bullish and the bubble states in the conventional financial markets.The findings of the study provided additional evidence for investors to exploit googling investor sentiment states to evaluate the portfolio performance and make an optimal portfolio allocation.  相似文献   

We document a strong negative relation between aggregate corporate investment and conditional equity premium estimated from direct stock market risk measures. Consistent with the investment-based asset pricing model, the comovement with conditional equity premium fully accounts for aggregate investment's market return predictive power. Similarly, conditional equity premium is a significant determinant of classic Tobin's q measure, although q has much weaker explanatory power for aggregate investment possibly because of its measurement errors. Moreover, the positive relation between aggregate investment and investor sentiment documented in previous studies reflects the fact that both variables correlate closely with conditional equity premium.  相似文献   

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