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宏观制度变迁会影响微观会计改革。资本市场中的会计改革已经证实,宏观层面的制度环境通过影响资本市场中的财务信息供求机制,作用于企业会计改革。在公共领域,学者们发现宏观层面的制度因素也对政府会计制度安排产生影响。但这种影响的作用机理如何通过改变政府财务信息供求关系予以实现,值得深入研究。本文选择2011年商务部"三公经费"公开案例,剖析了在网络化环境下,我国预算制度变迁对政府财务信息传导机制的影响,以及信息中介对公众需求的引导。我们认为,培育具备专业财经知识背景的信息中介,有利于改善我国政府财务信息的供求关系,推动我国政府会计改革进程。  相似文献   

本文从政治问责视角切入研究我国政府财务信息供求问题,从理论上探讨了政治问责与信息供求机制的内在关系,并从我国目前的实际情况出发,提出了相关的政府会计信息披露的政策建议.  相似文献   

张琦  张娟 《会计研究》2012,(7):24-31,96
在西方国家的政治市场中,会计信息被公众视为政府不同公共政策经济后果的货币化体现与替代变量。公众通过会计信息识别公共政策的差异,做出支持或反对执政当局的决定。政府披露会计信息,说明公共资源的使用过程(预算信息)与使用结果(形成的资产、负债与发生的成本),以便获得公众的支持,谋取再次当选。政治市场中的信息供求双方经过博弈,导致会计信息披露将受"准则"的约束而实现均衡。然而,我国公共领域会计信息披露并未实现上述均衡状态,反而呈现出供给过剩与短缺并存的现象。本文期望通过分析我国政治体制下的信息供求双方与信息产品的特殊性,解读上述现象形成的公共领域信息披露悖论,并对我国政府会计改革的实施策略提出建议。  相似文献   

政府会计信息的披露和其信息使用者的合理使用对政府财务分析体系的构建有重要影响,同时政府财务分析体系是政府会计信息使用者直接的信息来源,它与政府会计信息的使用者对政府财务状况的评价以及生成财务决策紧密相连.然而我国政府会计改革发展较滞后,研究期限尚短,研究范围需进一步扩大,政府会计报告系统仍需加强改进措施.在考虑政府会计信息使用者需求的基础上如何推动我国政府会计实现改革值得会计人员探究.  相似文献   

洪少育 《会计师》2016,(4):9-10
本文首先从信息披露的相关概念和信息供求的角度揭示了我国政府会计系统现存的财务信息披露问题,包括披露主体与信息使用者、披露形式与内容和信息供求矛盾等方面的问题;然后,从制度设计、职能界定、核算基础三方面分析了这些问题产生的原因;最后,按照原因分析的思路提出改进我国政府会计信息披露的建议,包括完善法规和监督机制建设、明晰角色定位和职能界定、合理引入权责发生制核算基础三个方面。  相似文献   

我国传统预算会计的基本目标是为了满足国家宏观经济管理对会计信息的需求,而未来的政府会计既要为政府制定政策、进行绩效评估提供信息,同时更要为纳税人提供有关整个政府财务的信息。因此,未来我国传统的预算会计模式需要借鉴国外经验,向政府会计模式转变。而要建立政府会计模式,必须明确基金会计的改革取向,推动我国政府会计的全面改革。  相似文献   

本文首先分析公司制下两权分离的信息不对称,指出公司制的所有权与经营权的分离是资本市场会计信息失真的历史根源;其后分析我国资本市场特有的制度性缺陷,指出我国资本市场的制度缺陷是会计信息失真的现实根源。最后针对我国会计资本市场会计信息失真的根源提出相应的治理思路。  相似文献   

为了缓解我国资本市场存在的严重会计问题,围绕我国上市公司会计业绩“一年绩优,两年绩平,三年配股,四年绩劣”的变脸现象,陈晓教授开展了一项为期三年的研究。研究证据表明,长期以来我们所依赖的政府行政会计监管和注册会计师制度难以从根本上改变资本市场中的会计信息严重失真问题,解决会计信息失真问题,应该从完善市场机制、提高上市公司质量、改善上市公司治理结构入手。  相似文献   

  政府会计作为政府信息传递系统,其改革可以为政府职能转变提供重要的信息支持,从而促进政府职能的深化改革。我国作为一个处于社会主义初级阶段的发展中国家,各项制度有待完善,我国政府高度重视政府会计改革,并将这项工作列入了国家发展战略规划。2014年12月26日,财政部发布《政府会计准则—基本准则(征求意见稿)》,表明我国加快推进政府会计改革的进程。通过借鉴欧美发达资本国家先进的政府会计改革经验,分析总结国外政府会计改革经验,为我国政府会计改革提供有益的指导。  相似文献   

随着现代预算制度的逐步形成和完善,政府预算信息的披露也日益完善。自上世纪80年代,一些西方国家受新公共管理思潮的影响,开始推行政府会计改革,随之而来的是国际上政府会计改革的浪潮。尽管各国采取不尽相同的改革路径和模式,但多数国家的政府会计改革采用与企业会计类似的技术手段和规范处理,注重成本管理,强调绩效评价。各国的政府会计改革改善了政府财务信息的质量,丰富了信息披露的渠道和方式。这些国家的改革探索和实践无疑为我国的政府财务信息披露改革提供了有益的借鉴和启示。  相似文献   

政府财务报告主要向社会公众提供有助于分析和评价政府的受托业绩及受托责任履行情况的财务信息,是政府与社会公众之间一座重要的信息沟通桥梁。改革政府财务报告是当前国际社会共同关注的会计问题之一。我国的政府财务报告同样需要改革完善,以期能让政府财务报告适应市场经济的需要,更好的反映政府财务状况。  相似文献   

How is accounting implicated in the ordering of public space? Starting from the assumption that public space is that portion of an institutional field where, in part because of the participation of the media, there is relatively more openness in the flow of information and in the ability of field participants to engage in public discussion and debate, the study examines the relationship between accounting and public space in the context of educational reforms in Alberta, Canada. Using a variety of archival, conversational, interview and focus group data as well as the theoretical insights of Bourdieu and Foucault, the analysis highlights how the financial and accountability mechanisms used by the provincial government as part of its reform initiatives facilitated changes in the types and amounts of capital of certain field participants, encouraged the partitioning of generic social groupings such as parents and academic labour into more finely distinguished social groupings, and introduced new ways of saying and doing into the field. While these accounting and accountability changes were constraining on certain field participants they were also productive in that the new flows of accounting information created new opportunities within the field for certain field participants.  相似文献   

Most democracies expect accounting information to be used by public managers and elected politicians to support decision-making and accountability to both the public and higher levels of government. This paper shows that Italian local government politicians also use accounting information to influence public opinion and to win political benefit after elections when there has been a change in the ruling party.  相似文献   

Government Accounting: An Assessment of Theory, Purposes and Standards   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Government accounting and financial reporting aims to protect and manage public money and discharge accountability. These purposes, and the nature of public goods and tax financing, give rise to differences with commercial accounting. This is not yet reflected either in government accounting standards in English–speaking developed nations or in international public sector accounting standards. All of these are heavily influenced by private sector practices, which favour the accrual basis and consolidated reporting. This article argues for a gradual symmetric approach to accruals and a combination of government–wide and fund reporting. The author also proposes some broad accounting principles to promote political and economic accountability.  相似文献   

张牧扬  潘妍  余泳泽 《金融研究》2022,508(10):1-19
防范化解地方政府隐性债务风险是当前我国亟待解决的重要问题。本文基于2007年至2019年293个地级市面板数据,研究社会信用对地方政府隐性债务的影响。我们发现:(1)社会信用下滑会导致地方政府隐性债务规模提高和融资成本上升。(2)社会信用通过影响市场金融资源供给和政府债务需求进而影响隐性债务规模与融资成本,但上述机制在有无“刚兑信仰”情境下存在差异。(3)对比新《预算法》和“43号文”出台前后社会信用对隐性债务影响的异质性发现,债务管制显著提高了融资平台的市场化程度。虽然政策前期金融市场更多呈现出一种观望态度,但违约事件打破了金融市场对地方政府隐性债务的“刚兑信仰”,隐性债务发行受到的市场约束力度显著增强。本文对更好地认识地方政府隐性债务风险、理解当前债务治理措施的有效性以及未来如何通过完善社会信用体系建设化解地方政府隐性债务风险具有启示意义。  相似文献   

The financial sustainability of publicly funded health care systems is sensitive to the demographics of ageing populations, which have a significant bearing on their financial management, accountability and reporting of their financial performance. This paper examines historical and current trends in demographic structure of Australia's population that are likely to impact on the financial management and accountability practices affecting Australia'suniversal public health care system ('Medicare'). The pay-as-you-go financed funding status of Medicare as represented under both currently required, cash-based accounting principles and proposed accrual-based accounting principles are criticised for not recognising the obligations of the Australian government under Medicare. An alternative system of generational accounting is proposed that projects the financial management costs of Medicare. Data are taken from both historical trends in expenditure and ageing as well as projected demographics. The analysis implies that there is significant intergenerational-inequity in the funding of Medicare, which is not recognised under accrual-based accounting principles that are now being used to evaluate the financial accountability and performance of government entities.  相似文献   

The Polish public sector is still under transition that began at the turn of 1989/1990. In the mid-1990s a new significant development in public sector accounting took place. A substantial differentiation of the accounting system was introduced. New elements and relationships appeared, along with general domination of the Accounting Act, tax regulations and the Budgetary Law. The system of basic regulation of accounting and reporting has also changed. There were also some changes in the auditing system. The enactment in 1994 of the Accounting Act has brought to light the political character and political importance of financial information in Poland. This paper presents the current mode of public sector accounting regulation and its relationship with the overall system of Polish accounting regulations. Much attention has been devoted to specific principles of public sector accounting and financial reporting in the public sector, and to government accounting. Some political contaminations and consequences of the current accounting system have been pointed out.  相似文献   

中国政府会计权责发生制改革论析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国政府职能的转换、公共财政体制的改革和政府绩效评价制度的建设,对政府会计信息提出了更高的要求,政府会计权责发生制改革已势在必行。本文主要分析中国政府会计权责发生制改革的必要性、可行性、路径选择以及改革中的难点,并提出了推进政府会计权责发生制改革的对策建议。  相似文献   

This paper tries to assess to what extent Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) enable better accountability in public bureaucracies through e-governance initiatives. Accountability has extended its meaning to embrace, besides financial accountability, openness and transparency initiatives which aim at making both the control of government by the citizenry and public discussion between citizens and governments easier. New styles of governance represent a change from traditional bureaucratic systems to pluricentric systems. This article conducts an empirical study of the effect of ICTs on accountability in the central governments of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and 15 EU countries, the latter representing around 84% of the EU population. Our analysis shows that developments and changes in financial accountability levels depend on both the context and characteristics of public administration styles and on how information is disclosed. The results in the political and citizen dialogue dimensions of public accountability show that the application of ICTs to the public sector, fits well into any kind of public administration style, especially at the billboard stage, since it does not entail substantial changes in the style of the government to citizen (G2C) relationship.  相似文献   

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