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Charging behavior is critical to the development and deployment of electric vehicle (EV) systems, given its impacts in EV adoption, the energy and environmental performance of EVs, potential load change to the electric grid, etc. However, the general characteristics of practical charging behavior have not been well studied. Existing studies are mostly based on travel data from conventional internal combustion engine vehicles, modeled with assumed and simplified charging scenarios. The use of public charging infrastructure is often neglected. Few studies evaluate real-world charging behaviors of EVs currently in operation using public charging stations. To address this gap, this study analyzes the data of 39,372 charging events from 129 unique electric taxis in Shenzhen, China to study the distributions of daily charging frequency, charging start time, and charging duration. The insights we learned from this study are: 1) the daily frequency for a vehicle to visit charging stations is unlikely to exceed five times; 2) the distribution of charging start time have multiple peaks and can be fitted with Gaussian Mixture Models; 3) charging duration is influenced by charging start time; and 4) charging dynamics can be modeled using the distributions of daily charging frequency, charging start time, and charging duration. Results from this study can inform charging behavior modeling for EVs and charging infrastructure development.  相似文献   
A forward-looking urban land use plan is crucial to a city’s sustainability, which requires a deep understanding of human-environment interactions between different domains, and modelling them soundly. One of the key challenges of modelling these interactions is to understand and model how human individuals make and develop their location decisions by learning that then shape urban land-use patterns. To investigate this issue, we have constructed an extended experience-weighted attraction learning model to represent the human agents’ learning when they make location decisions. Consequently, we propose and have developed an agent-based learning-embedded model (ABM-learning) for residential land growth simulation that incorporates a learning model, a decision-making model, a land use conversion model and the constraint of urban land use master plan. The proposed model was used for a simulation of the residential land growth in Shenzhen city, China. By validating the model against empirical data, the results showed that the site-specific accuracy of the model has been improved when embedding learning model. The analysis on the simulation accuracies has proved the argument that modelling individual-level learning matters in the agent’s decision model and the agent-based models. We also applied the model to predict residential land growth in Shenzhen from 2015 to 2035, and the result can be a reference for land-use allocation in detailed planning of Shenzhen. The ABM-learning is applicable to studying the past urban growth trajectory, aiding in the formulation of detailed residential land and public service facility planning and assessing the land use planning effectiveness.  相似文献   
甄峰  顾朝林 《经济地理》2000,20(6):30-33
进入90年代以来,香港与深圳及内地的合作开始进入了一个新的阶段,即以高技术产业合作为主的阶段。本文从这一轮新的以高技术产业合作的背景出发,提出深港应走“竞争互动式”区域发展模式,并对深港合作的新机制进行了分析,最后对深港实现区域一体化提出了一些具体的措施。  相似文献   
基于劳动生产率视角,构建一个既综合微观层面各产业劳动生产率变化发展态势,也涵盖宏观层面城市及全国未来经济增长速度等多因素的弹性体系,以此探究产值、劳动生产率和就业人口规模等变量之间灰色联系,从而实现对动态的城市就业人口规模进行预测的目的;界定适用此方法进行就业人口规模预测的一般城市特征,并应用此方法对深圳市2013-2020年就业人口规模进行预测,据此提出相关政策建议。  相似文献   
杨群 《特区经济》2021,(1):99-101
文化是旅游的灵魂,旅游是文化的载体,文旅融合是旅游业发展的必然趋势。深圳古村落文化是古村居民为适应当地环境、满足自身物质和精神需要而长期形成的文化积淀,对研究深圳传统文化具有重要意义。本文分析了文旅融合对深圳古村落发展的意义,并对深圳古村落文旅融合保护与开发模式进行了探讨。希望通过充分挖掘深圳古村落旅游的文化内涵,提升深圳文化旅游品质,实现旅游产业升级。  相似文献   
Following gaige kaifang, the twin strategy of reform and opening up, Shenzhen has been designated as a Special Economic Zone. The city appeared to have bright future and would serve as the growth engine in China. Despite having an impressive record of economic development since 1979, the prestige of Shenzhen as a commercial centre has always been overshadowed by Shanghai and Hong Kong. A breakthrough finally came when the State Council of China decided to develop Qianhai, a town near Shenzhen, into an international commercial centre. However, shortly after, the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone representing an unprecedented degree of openness in relation to foreign investment and international trade was launched. No one seems to remember the once-hopeful Qianhai area. The aim of this paper is to examine the path of development of the two leading commercial centres in China amidst the wider context of Chinese economic reform. A common issue facing both cities is, although the state generally has no problem in outlining a vision of reform, a translation of this vision into actual credible measures that could be implemented is often problematic.  相似文献   
研究目的:探索适合城市土地集约利用综合评价的非线性定量方法。研究方法:人工神经网络(ANN)模型及实证分析。研究结果:深圳市土地集约利用ANN模型评价结果显示,全市土地集约利用水平基本分4类。即集约利用-效益均衡型、集约/适度利用-效益偏好型、适度/低度利用-效益不均衡型和低度利用型。研究结论:基于ANN的城市土地集约利用评价模型,在处理不同量纲指标和减少人为主观因素上具有优势,其结果不仅能反映土地集约利用程度的区域差异,也能反映各指标对土地集约利用水平的贡献  相似文献   
休闲渔业当前正在中国迅猛发展。发展休闲渔业是渔业现代化和渔业可持续发展的重要组成部分。深圳开发海滨休闲渔业具有得天独厚的优势,却也存在不少问题,文章就此提出了开发对策:一是将休闲渔业列入全市旅游规划,拓展旅游资源;二是完善管理机制,健全休闲渔业保障体系;三是突出特色,打造亮点;四是丰富休闲渔业产品类型,实施全方位开发战略。  相似文献   
近年来,经济全球化正在促进世界经济和产业结构的重构和转移。深圳作为中国大外向型经济发展的地区,必然会或多或少接受经济全球化带来的影响。本文基于三方面的考虑,提议深圳市政府在建设深圳高技术园区的基础上,应尽快开拓以发达制造业为主体新工业发展空间。首先,洪澳回归后,深圳作为“边境”城市的区位效应明显衰减,深圳市需要寻找新的经济增长点,将成岗大工业区及东部工业组团定位为深圳市未来的现代化工业基地;第二,改变现状“三来一补”中小企业为主的制造业布局格局,在龙岗大工业区及东部工业组团布置大、特大型工业项目,逐步将其建设成为现代化的工业基地;第三,与经济全球化、世界产业结构高度化节奏同步,为新一轮全球产业结构重构中科技含量高的制造业向深圳转移准备空间。全文就该新工业空间开拓进行宏观分析。  相似文献   
文化是城市发展的根脉和灵魂,决定城市的命运和未来。深圳市建市40年来,文化建设超常发展,经历了起步阶段、推进阶段、提高阶段和深化阶段;取得了“四个率先”的重大成就,即率先提出了影响全国、反映时代特色、契合时代进步的新思想、新观念,率先提出“实现市民文化权利”的文化建设理念,率先进行文化体制改革和率先探索、开辟了一条新兴城市文化建设发展的新路径;其基本经验是坚持中国共产党领导和创造性贯彻党中央关于文化建设整体部署相结合,坚持将文化建设内嵌于深圳市整体发展战略之中,坚持“一体两翼”的文化建设方向。在未来发展中,要坚持把“举旗帜、聚民心、育新人、兴文化、展形象”放在突出位置上;进一步夯实公共文化服务体系基础,切实保障市民文化权利;构建现代文化产业体系,提升文化产业综合竞争力;繁荣文艺精品创作,打造文化活动品牌,扩大文化交流与合作,努力提升深圳城市影响力。  相似文献   
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