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客户化企业范式的双模块结构假说与实证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文通过文献研究和实证分析,提出并论证了如下观点:客户化企业范式是客户内部化引致的企业内外部组织要素之间的一致性关系;该范式既有对企业内部组织要素和外部不确定环境自组织自适应的机制,也有使这种机制得以发挥作用并兼顾规模经济与范围经济的双模块结构。  相似文献   

客户内部化研究——基于案例的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文基于案例的视角,对现实中企业客户内部化的成功做法进行了分析和归纳。提出由客户外部化到客户内部化,即实现顾客—客户—员工—股东的转变,应主要从企业经营的三个层面展开:操作层面的客户内部化,管理层面的客户内部化,决策层面的客户内部化。最终,达到经营广义员工的目标。以三个层面的内部化为基础,本文论述了客户内部化的基本思想、方法及其价值,构建了一套系统的客户内部化研究范式。  相似文献   

<正>客户满意度概念模型根据目前的研究成果,结合供电企业的特点,笔者拟将客户期望、质量感知、价值感知,企业形象作为影响客户满意度的因素,将客户抱怨、客户忠诚作为客户满意度的结果加以考察。尤其是企业形象因素,因为不同学者的研究成果有一定差异,考虑到电力行业所具有的国民经济基础性行业和社会公用事业的特殊属性,增加"企业形象"作为模型的结构变量,以体现企业形象的改善对客户期望和客户满意度的影响,在模型中加以考虑。基于以上对客户满意度的认识,提出如下概念模型(如图1所示)。  相似文献   

<正>供电企业客户信息的法律属性供电企业在为客户提供供电服务的过程中,掌握了大量的客户信息。认定这些信息的法律性质,是供电企业利用、保护以及防范法律风险的前提。根据我国法律的规定,可将供电企业客户信息的法律性质认定如下:客户信息属于个人信息权的范畴。个人信息权是公民在现代信息社会享有的基本的民事权利,它既有人身、人格的内容,也有财产的内容,是一个综合性的民事权利。根据《网络安  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力.科研和技术创新成果转化为生产力是一个看似简单实则复杂的过程.在社会主义市场经济体制下,创新成果转化为生产力离不开市场,离不开市场各要素的参与与支持.科技型特别是转制科研型企业如何适应市场经济的要求,寻找适合自身特点的盈利模式是一个非常现实的论题.本文结合科技型企业的特点,提出并探讨了基于客户发掘、客户全面解决方案的盈利模式,对转制型科技企业的发展或许具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

规范客户管理实现产销双赢   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
客户管理的目标是客户的长期满意度,原则是要尊重和理解客户,建立双赢理念。规范的客户管理(本文指经销商管理)应做到:(1)通过竞争选择产生经销商,并且对经销商实行动态管理。(2)严肃价格体系,为经销商创造合理的利润空间。(5)谨慎使用返利政策,使其既起到激励作用,又起到管理和控制作用。(4)实行规范的客户管理制度。包括:建立客户数据库,实行合同管理,制定销售计划,实行分销管理,做好对经销商的支持工作。(5)建立企业和客户的有效沟通机制,使沟通制度化、经常化。(6)建立外欠款预警、客户流失预警、销售进度预警等预警机制,加强产销合作中的风险控制。  相似文献   

<正>投诉是联系客户和供电企业的纽带,是客户送给企业的礼物。供电企业的客户投诉管理可以有效补救服务失败,维护客户满意度;强化供电企业内部的协调能  相似文献   

客户是一个圆,供电企业是一个圆,让两个圆重叠更多。利人为利己的根基,商业经营上老是为自己着想,而不顾及到他人,利也就可能随之飞了。供电企业的特殊性,造就了行业的自然垄断属性,客户对供电企业无法选择,但他们拥有对服务水平评判的权利,如果我是一名电力客户,我希望最大范围地满足我的用电需求,享受到温馨满意的服务。  相似文献   

正对于供电企业来说,电力客户服务质量是企业的生命。随着客户诉求的增多,如何把握客户诉求、提供良好服务,成了目前值得研究的问题。随着消费产业的升级,客户对服务质量的要求越来越高,电力作为一种商品也不例外,用户的诉求从用上电向用好电逐步转变。分析客户投诉问题是改进服务的重要手段,许多行业都利用这种办法针对性地对一些已  相似文献   

张忠 《中国石化》2004,(11):65-66
对于企业来说,没有客户忠诚,就没有企业长久的竞争力。客户忠诚是由于价格、产品质量、服务水平和其他要素的影响形成的。衡量忠诚的惟一尺度就是看客户是否重复地购买企业的产品或服务。客户忠诚是客户的一种行为,这种行为和企业获利能力成正比例关系。美国学者雷奇和赛塞的研究成果表明,顾客的忠诚度每提高5%,企业利润就能增加25%。  相似文献   

It is well known in the credence-good literature that in an expert-client relationship, under the Liability assumptions, clients have to reject the expert’s serious-treatment recommendations with a positive probability to ensure that the expert honestly recommends treatments. Inefficiency arises because some socially efficient treatments are not provided. We show that the expert can enhance clients’ trust, or acceptance rate of the serious treatment, by providing intrinsically socially inefficient customer service upon recommending the serious treatment. Enhanced clients’ trust leads to higher efficiency and higher profit for the expert. However, trust cannot be enhanced by providing customer service with different timing.  相似文献   

在文献综述的基础上将信任划分为计算型信任和关系型信任,构建了包括信任的前因、信任(计算型信任和关系型信任)、项目成功的整体理论模型.对业主方进行了调研,根据实证数据对理论模型加以验证和完善.结果表明:信任的前因包括承包商特征(声誉、能力、言行一致性)和双方关系特征(双方的沟通、相互性、合同);计算型信任对关系型信任具有非线性作用;两类信任对项目成功具有重要作用,但关系型信任的作用更大.  相似文献   

Review of Industrial Organization - We analyze clients’ contract choices in auctions where Dutch law firms compete for standard cases such as labor disputes for individuals and collecting...  相似文献   

全球商品链的内部化优势与价格均衡机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近20年来的经验观察显示,由传统的大型垂直一体化企业在西方发达国家主要产业部门中所主导的产业组织方式,正日趋衰落和解体,代之而兴起的是一种完全不同的新型组织模式:网络化分工、垂直一体化的全球商品链。本文通过对这种新型产业组织模式结构特征的分析,探讨了其结构特征所决定的内部化优势和价格均衡机制,并在此基础上,探讨了结构优化的纵向路径。  相似文献   

For many salespeople in business-to-business industries, client entertainment is an integral part of their daily duties. Despite this anecdotal knowledge, few studies have so far attempted to examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of socializing with clients in a systematic manner. Presenting the results of a qualitative investigation, this paper shows that when approached strategically, socializing with clients can have positive effects on both the exchange as well as the relational aspects of the buyer-seller interaction. In particular, results indicate that some elements of a close buyer-seller relationship are formed as a result of the holistic experience with the other person and may only be established through interaction outside the office environment. The paper thus proposes that socializing strategies represent a unique tool in a salesperson's relationship selling toolkit—a tool that warrants increased attention in both sales practice and research.  相似文献   

企业动态能力的理论架构与构成要素   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从20世纪90年代后期起,"动态能力观"成为了学术界探讨的热点课题。组织经济学家、战略管理学家和组织理论学家们站在各自不同的立场上对这一问题与现象的研究,可谓百花齐放、百家争鸣。不同的学术流派在不同的范式基础上阐述动态能力的内涵、理论架构和构成要素,极大地促进了动态能力观的概念发展、理论积累和实践创新。本文归纳了动态能力的理论架构.并用模糊聚类分析法对过去10年间有关动态能力观研究成果进行了理论分维。揭示出动态能力的构成要素。  相似文献   

Using a sample of 115 manufacturing ventures, this study examined elements of industry structure which prior theory and research in the fields of industrial organization economics, strategic management, and entrepreneurship suggest are the most important structural characteristics of industries. Future researchers should carefully select the particular operationalization of industry structure as our research demonstrates that the influence of industry structural elements on measures of firm performance is strongly dependent upon the particular operationalization utilized. In addition, measures of industry structure were found to have a differential impact on alternative measures of firm performance, suggesting that different performance measures are not interchangeable proxies for one another. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The R&D management paradigms of research and technology organizations (RTOs) have been discussed in the past. Academics have analysed their strategic challenges in view of the new demands posed by new competitive environments for their SME clients. New innovation models proposed recently have captured the attention of policy makers. The objectives of this paper are to analyse these models in the case of a particular model of RTO: the R&D units in the Basque Country in Spain, launched with the aim of improving R&D and technology transfer efficiency. This paper is based on an empirical study of a group of specialized RTOs (R&D units) and its objective is to analyse a new paradigm of RTO and propose a model to identify the critical elements that influence performance and strategic alignment between R&D performers (RTOs) and their partners (in most cases SMEs).  相似文献   

This study examines the conditions in which professional firms use client engagements to get clients to subsequently hire them. The central thesis is that professional firms derive power from their specialized expertise and lead clients towards complex problems that apply the expertise. In particular, relative to cash‐financed acquisitions, stock‐financed acquisitions more intensively apply investment banks' expertise. Consistent with expectations, results from a sample of 404 acquisitions show that firms are more likely to hire banks on stock‐financed acquisitions when they have previously used banks. Evidence also suggests that clients that hire banks on such acquisitions are prone to adverse performance from them. Overall, these results suggest that professional firms lead clients to complex solutions with problematic outcomes. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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