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前段时间在浙江参加了某品牌的订货会,这次采访让我看到了一个负责任的品牌对代理商的尊重。在订货会上,我认识了两位长期合伙的代理商。去年以来,在他们经营的市场有一批门店续签了合同,开发商把租金上涨了一倍。之后,由于渠道成本大幅上涨,公司业绩出现了持续亏损。在坚持了一段时间后,其中一人担心亏损无法控制,认为局面已经超出了心理承受范围,于是便产生了撤资的  相似文献   

清晨冷丁醒来,几点了?立马儿起身,跑向书房。匆忙中看了一眼方厅的钟,坏了,6点10分了,我的菜啊!打开电脑,上网。果不其然,我种的萝卜6点成熟,现在,过了十分钟,已经被网友偷了个够。自从弟弟去年十一来我家,教会了我在网上  相似文献   

本文介绍了MTBE合成装置反应器特点以及阳离子交换树脂催化剂的使用性能,分析了影响异丁烯转化率的各种因素。并以此为理论进行工业试验,完善了MTBE合成装置反应器的工艺条件优化及工艺指标,提高了异丁烯的转化率,并且使催化剂的选择性增强,减少了副反应的发生,提高了MTBE的产品质量。在异丁烯资源有限的情况下,提高了MTBE的收率,增加了MTBE的产量。  相似文献   

一年之计在于春。阳春三月,春光明媚,万木吐翠,百花争妍,祖国大地到处充满了生机和活力。使我们忘掉了寒冬的凋零,看到了绿色,看到了希望,心中重又燃起了拼博的热情。  相似文献   

在朱康建的眼里,企业最重要的财富,莫过于幸福、健康、高效的员工。阳光渐渐柔和了许多,文红梅将视线往窗外移了一下,回头看看电脑,居然已经到下班时间了,赶忙收拾了一下,走出广州博创计划部的办公室。办公楼外,湖光粼粼,绿草如茵,花木丛生,她伸了伸胳膊,一天的疲劳在这美景中消散了许多。  相似文献   

改革开放30年电力联网发展历程   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
韩丰 《电力技术经济》2008,20(6):9-12,47
对我国改革开放30年电力联网的发展历程进行了总结。介绍了电力联网的背景,描述了电力联网的现状,对未来电网提出了展望,分析了电力联网的必要性,论述了电力联网的社会经济效益。我国改革开放30年电力联网发展迅速,为未来电网的发展奠定了基础,为电网建设积累了经验。  相似文献   

本文就太钢集团原费用报销流程存在的问题进行了剖析,并就完善资金管理信息系统,结合贷记卡的透支功能、银行系统"公转私"功能的应用,对如何实施新业务流程进行了论述。通过报支系统简化了业务流程,提高了工作效率,规避了坏账风险,减少了资金占用,降低了财务费用。  相似文献   

王新业 《董事会》2014,(10):108-109
正阅读、学习、思考不是一时一事的事情,是一生一世的大工程。书读的多了,眼光远了,胸怀宽了,见识增长了,情操陶冶了,人生境界就提升了"要么学习,要么死亡。"现在有很多人都以"忙"为借口不读书。读不读书不在于"忙不忙",而在于有没有读书的欲望。有了这种欲望,玩着玩着就能把书读了,读着读着还能把钱赚了。中国有很多的企业家都很会读书,很善于读书,而且把读书用于  相似文献   

年关又至,盘点2012年的电力工业,可用波澜不惊形容。煤价下来了,发电企业的日子宽松了一些,有了更大的空间来调整优化资产结构;新能源不景气,但毕竟比例还小;供电没像去年一样出现电荒,经济下滑,用电量增幅小了,供电企业抽空上了几个关系国计民生的大项目,为电力行业争光不少。只是到了年底,一些关于改革的窃窃私语,让改来改去改了十年的电力人心里有了一丝忐忑。  相似文献   

8月25日,河北省兴隆县眼石村农民蔡宝春的农家院内人来人往,因为是周末,小院里住满了来自北京、天津的游客。晚上8时许,突然停电了,室内一片漆黑。蔡宝春赶紧拨通了"蓝星"电力服务队队员朱喜明的电话。3分钟后,朱师傅赶到了老蔡的农家院,经过仔细检查发现,原来因为用电负荷过大,漏电保护器的螺丝有些松动,他紧了紧螺丝,农家小院又亮了起来。  相似文献   

为确定城市过江通道交通流特性是否符合经典的速度-密度关系模型,研究了四川泸州市沱江一桥上的过江交通流。利用视频检测技术,获取了包含高峰期、平峰期等各种交通运行状态的交通流流量、速度数据,经过数据清洗、转换后,对速度和密度数据进行了回归分析和显著性检验,并计算得到了交通流特征参数自由流速度和阻塞密度。结果显示,城市过江通道的进城方向更适宜Greenshields的线性关系模型,出城方向更适宜Underwood的指数关系模型。桥头段和桥中段交通流特征参数的差异性,表明了桥头交织段规划、设计与管理对提高过江桥梁衔接段通行能力的重要性,相关部门应合理组织进城方向下游、出城方向上游的交通流,以改善区域交通运行质量。  相似文献   

为了准确反映网络的交通行为,提出一种基于复杂耦合网络的改进交通动力学模型。对双层结构耦合网络的信息产生和传递情况进行分析,并探讨了复杂耦合网络信息交通过程的特征,引入层间控制参数和层内控制参数分别控制不同层之间信息传递的速度和路径选择,重点考虑了层间传递信息的损耗代价情况。在所提动力学模型的基础上,研究了耦合网络中信息交通过程涌现出的统计学特征。结果表明:提出的耦合网络交通动力学模型中所有节点都能够产生和传递信息,随着层内控制参数的增大,网络交通容量出现先增大后减小的变化趋势,当层内控制参数为3.8时,耦合网络交通容量达到最大。研究结果对交通网络中的拥塞问题的缓解具有指导意义,可以通过调整控制参数来增大网络的交通容量。  相似文献   

城市公交行业绩效评价体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于我国城市化的快速发展,城市交通资源的供需矛盾日渐突出,城市交通拥堵问题日益严重,对城市的和谐、可持续发展产生了极大的影响,各城市纷纷提出优先科学发展公共交通的战略,而优先科学发展城市公交首先需要解决的是城市公交行业的绩效管理问题。影响公交绩效的有行业环境和政府资源投入、公交企业和乘客等多种因素,因此,必须要由多个利益相关主体共同参与到公交行业的绩效管理过程中。本文构建了公交行业绩效评价的基本模块。在此基础上,通过模块组合提出了适用于不同层次的公交行业绩效评价组合体系。  相似文献   

为了准确识别和预测区域交叉口的交通状态,研究道路网络中的拥堵传播规律,以交叉口流量数据为研究基础,提出了一种改进型需求-容量的交叉口交通状态判别方法。结合交通领域的具体特点,对算法数据库进行适应性调整,采用一种基于路网拓扑结构约束的Aprior算法,建立区域交叉口拥堵传播规律挖掘模型,并以苏州市某区域的交叉口数据为实例进行验证,从时间维度分析发现拥堵具有相似性和反复性,从空间维度研究获取"回溢"和"流出"2种拥堵传播模式,与现实情况相符。结果表明,模型能够有效挖掘区域交叉口拥堵传播规律,并根据传播规律中各个交叉口拥堵发生的时序特性进行交通状态预测。所得结论对实现拥堵预警和交通拥堵的早期干预具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

为了解决日益严重的交通拥挤、环境恶化等问题,大家努力改进交通基础设施、提高燃料燃烧效率、推广使用清洁能源的同时,往往忽略了对交通工程中某些物理结构的调整。本文提出了将停车线后退的观点。笔者根据运动学知识提出h=v2/(2a),除此之外,文中引入"弹性"概念,实现了对车辆运行速度的控制,为提高车辆运行速度提供了1条方案,该方案在理论上是可行的。  相似文献   

The emergence of new wireless technologies, such as the Internet of Things, allows digitalizing new and diverse urban activities. Thus, wireless traffic grows in volume and complexity, making prediction, investment planning, and regulation increasingly difficult. This article characterizes urban wireless traffic evolution, supporting operators to drive mobile network evolution and policymakers to increase national and local competitiveness. We propose a holistic method that widens previous research scope, including new devices and the effect of policy from multiple government levels. We provide an analytical formulation that combines existing complementary methods on traffic evolution research and diverse data sources. Results for a centric area of Helsinki during 2020–2030 indicate that daily volumes increase, albeit a surprisingly large part of the traffic continues to be generated by smartphones. Machine traffic gains importance, driven by surveillance video cameras and connected cars. While camera traffic is sensitive to law enforcement policies and data regulation, car traffic is less affected by transport electrification policy. High-priority traffic remains small, even under encouraging autonomous vehicle policies. Based on peak hour results, we suggest that 5G small cells might be needed around 2025, albeit the utilization of novel radio technology and additional mid-band spectrum could delay this need until 2029. We argue that mobile network operators inevitably need to cooperate in constructing a single, shared small cell network to mitigate the high deployment costs of massively deploying small cells. We also provide guidance to local and national policymakers for IoT-enabled competitive gains via the mitigation of five bottlenecks. For example, local monopolies for mmWave connectivity should be facilitated on space-limited urban furniture or risk an eventual capacity crunch, slowing down digitalization.  相似文献   

为了提高潮汐交通道路的安全度,基于南京市虎踞路调查的交通数据,分析其潮汐交通特性,针对潮汐路段提出优化设计方案,在可变车道内,分析车辆的速度、道路宽度以及汽车转弯半径对分流带长度的影响,利用切函数与约束函数,设计一定长度的自动可移动式分流带。利用交通微观仿真平台vissim对实施协调控制后的结果进行仿真实验,结果表明控制后的车头间距增大,通行效率得到提高,安全度提高。  相似文献   

Liberalized countries that allow competition in international telecommunications favor traffic re-routing practices as arbitrage against foreign monopolists. This view is seriously incomplete. Monopolists, allied with carriers in liberalized countries, can use these practices to reduce termination payments to nonalliance carriersöthereby harming also consumers in liberalized countriesöby gaming regulations that require equal termination rates at both ends and 'proportional return' (the monopolist's traffic is allocated among carriers in proportion to their shares of traffic to its country). We also present a simple bilateral settlements reform that eliminates gaming incentives and other proportional-return distortions, yet benefits both countries.  相似文献   

Research and development activities concerning urban traffic systems are the subject of a long-standing program at the German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology. A fairly recent field of investigation is the deployment of computer-based technologies in urban traffic situations. The German Federal Ministry of Research and Technology has sponsored a study to determine a comprehensive middle-term research-program for these technologies.
The study contained the following steps of investigation:
(1) Determining possible areas of deployment for computer-based technologies.
(2) Selecting deployment areas from those generated.
(3) For the deployment areas selected, deriving the required research activities, coordinating and consolidating them into a research program.
Because of the comprehensive nature of urban traffic the know-how and results from many and diverse scientific disciplines had to be incorporated into the study.
As the study has significant real-life consequences for the direction and funding of urban traffic research by the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology it had to be ensured that its outcomes were operational.
To arrive at an operational research program, the study required inputs from areas, in addition to the scientific disciplines:
(a) politics (traffic policies in general, research and funding strategies etc.)
(b) industries (manufacturers of vehicles, electronic parts etc.) and traffic operating authorities.
Some experiences gained in managing the project are reported in this paper. They pertain to the study described. Hopefully, they can be put to use in some other projects of comparable structure and objectives.  相似文献   

Mobile communication failure can occur when mobile traffic exceeds the manageable level. This depends on frequency bandwidth. Mobile communication failure causes inconveniences in a user's daily life that lead to social and economic damage. To address this issue, mobile telecommunications companies deploy additional bandwidths and develop new technologies, but these are costly strategies. This study applies a spike model based on a contingent valuation method (CVM) to measure the inconvenience cost resulting from mobile communication failure. The mean monthly willingness-to-pay (WTP) to avoid communication failure per user is estimated to be KRW 898.14 (USD 0.80) over a period of five years in our study. The inconvenience cost borne by the population is estimated to be KRW 2.97 trillion (USD 2.61 billion). Users experiencing greater frequency of communication failure are found to be willing to pay more to avoid the inconvenience. When excluding respondents citing zero-WTP, the mean WTP per user was calculated to be KRW 3426.41 (USD 3.01). Data traffic usage and frequency at which communication failure is experienced are variables that exhibit statistically significant effects on WTP to avoid mobile communication failure. Overall, estimation results show that a price discrimination based on data traffic usage or quality can be considered by mobile telecommunications companies and regulators to address the issue of data traffic inducing mobile communication failure.  相似文献   

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