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以在沪外资12家电子制造企业管理人员的有效问卷为第一手资料,用因子分析等方法分析了构成这些人员管理技能的四大要素,分析不同企业绩效水平管理者管理技能的差异情况,讨论管理技能和企业绩效之间的内在关系,对企业管理提出建议。  相似文献   

本文采用实证研究方法对中国组织情境下政治技能的维度及其测量进行研究,新的发现是:本土政治技能构念包括两个方面5个维度,一是传统政治技能中的和谐人际和形势机敏性;二是特色政治技能中的面子经营、能力型社交和权术运用.传统政治技能与西方政治技能部分维度相似,特色政治技能则与西方不同,具有浓厚本土气息.本土量表具有良好的效标关联效度,传统政治技能、特色政治技能与任务绩效、周边绩效、组织承诺、工作投入和个人声誉呈显著正相关;特色政治技能与领导—成员交换正向关系显著.上述发现为推动国内学术界开展政治技能的本土化研究提供了一条新思路.  相似文献   

绩效新思路:从静态考核转变成全面管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
钱滔 《技术经济》2007,26(2):79-81109
从绩效考核转变成绩效管理,是战略性人力资源管理所倡导的新思路。绩效考核和绩效管理有实质性的区别,前者是传统的人事考核方式,而后者却是现代意义上的人力资源开发方式。绩效管理包括绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断和辅导。从绩效考核到绩效管理的深刻变革,对管理者提出新的要求:①必须从传统式的主管转变为教练型管理角色、②必须具备较高的传授和咨询的管理技能。  相似文献   

基于胜任力模型的人力资源管理研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
本文在国内外相关研究的基础上,通过对不同行业企业管理者胜任力的测评,研究了不同层级管理者胜任力与管理者绩效之间的相关关系,比较了不同维度下管理者胜任力之间的差异性.构建了基于胜任力模型的人力资源管理体系,有助于提高组织内部管理者的甄选、培训、评价以及激励的有效性。  相似文献   

社会技能是儿童适应社会生活和进行社会交往的一种能力,是一系列复杂的人际行为.它在很大程度上决定着人的社会关系好坏、事业的成败以及人在社会上的吸引力和别人对他的满意度.本文主要在前人研究的基础上,对影响幼儿社会技能发展的因素研究进行综述.  相似文献   

在简要回顾各种相关理论,分析它们之间的关系基础上,对上述理论观点进行整合,形成一个概念性框架.这一框架将有助于管理者更好地理解先进制造技术的学习和技能获取过程,从而有效地管理先进制造技术.  相似文献   

基于构型观和动态能力理论,借鉴“结构(管理构型)—行为(柔性能力培育)—绩效(组织绩效)”经典范式,构建“柔性人力资源管理构型—技能延展力—成长性绩效”的理论框架。对486份企业中高层管理者调查问卷进行结构方程分析,结果表明:①因循多重匹配理念,人力资源管理构型能够凝练出3种典型柔性管理模式:内柔导向型HRM、外柔导向型HRM、内外兼柔导向型HRM;②差异化柔性人力资源管理构型(内柔导向型、内外兼柔导向型、外柔导向型HRM)正向影响组织成长性绩效;③技能延展力在柔性人力资源管理构型与成长性绩效之间起部分中介作用。技能延展力在内柔导向型、内外兼柔导向型、外柔导向型HRM与成长性绩效之间的中介作用依次降低。  相似文献   

当经理人表现不如预期好的时候,人们通常觉得他们需要在技术或者管理技能上进行改善,而通常忽视需要去关注一下经理人软一些的技能,比如自我认知、社交技能等。 但与此同时,在多数情况下,软技能对领导人的业绩表现影响很大,特别是情商对领导人的成功与否有着很大的作用。  相似文献   

杜娟 《当代财经》2008,(2):74-79
本文基于国内外关于"胜任力"理论的相关研究,自行编制由11项胜任特征分问卷和三个不同层级管理者绩效分问卷构成的量表,在江苏、福建、广东和山东等地选取样本,以管理职能为维度,验证了不同管理职能企业经营者胜任特征的差异性及其与个人绩效的相关关系.该研究对企业经营者的选拔、培养、激励及继任问题,以及企业建立合理有效的约束激励机制有着重要的理论意义.  相似文献   

过去一直认为,服务质量属于精神文明建设、职业道德建设、思想政治工作范畴,长时间忽视对"文明技能"的研究。当各种各样、千变万化的情况突然摆到眼前的时候,从管理者到员工都感到突如其来,措手不及。现在要将"文明技能"列为业务技术范畴认真研究,让每一位员工在复杂多变的情况面前,应对自如,游刃有余。  相似文献   

员工满意度评价方法研究——基于BP神经网络   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先在分析企业员工满意度特点和影响因素的基础上,选取了影响企业员工满意度的相关因素,并将这些相关因素分为三个维度9个具体指标.之后将员工满意度的评价与BP神经网络的学习算法相结合,构建了一种基于企业员工满意度评价的BP神经网络模型,根据该模型对企业员工进行了满意度的评价研究.该研究为组织管理者全面高效评价员工满意度水平,了解该组织员工在同行业员工中满意度的具体情况,提供了一种客观、科学的衡量标准.组织管理者可以根据研究结果及各项指标内容,在提升员工满意度方面实施差异化的管理模式.同时,该研究结论对于组织管理者在提升员工满意度具体指标选择方面,具有重要的借鉴意义.本文根据研究结果和员工满意度的三个维度,提出了提升各维度满意度的对策建议.  相似文献   


We explore the relationship between human capital and firms’ innovation in emerging economies. Most papers consider the formal knowledge developed in R&D laboratories as a major source of innovation. However, a critical portion of knowledge required for innovation resides in human resources and is created outside any formalised R&D activity. We consider that, to improve their technological capabilities, firms should invest in different forms of human capital, namely highly educated workforce and experienced managers, but also in strategic human resource (HR) practices aimed at developing human capital by increasing employees’ firm-specific technical skills and competences. Besides looking at the type of innovation outcomes, we place greater emphasis on the strategies of innovation development, as these should signal an improved firms’ ability, not just to innovate, but to put their own creative effort in the development of innovation. Our results contrast with the traditional view of firms in emerging economies as mainly relying on the external acquisition of innovations, by showing their actual ability to develop new technologies. In this respect, HR practices aimed at fostering employees’ learning and autonomy at work appear more important than the educational attainment of workers, whilst the experience of managers does not seem effective.  相似文献   

In intergroup contests a manager advises and motivates her group’s members. Her rewards often depend on the subsequent contest expenditure of the members. I test whether such incentives undermine the credibility and effectiveness of a manager’s efforts. In the different experimental treatments the managers either benefit from very high or low expenditure or get a predetermined payment. The results show that different management incentives shape the expenditure of the group members even if managers have an advisory role only. However, group members follow recommendations more closely if management compensation is not linked to contest expenditures.  相似文献   

除知识共享与知识隐藏两种策略外,研发人员通常会选择介于共享与隐藏之间的中间策略,通过知识操纵管理个体知识。从概念产品语义创新的微观视角入手,依据知识保存理论,构建被调节的中介效应模型,探讨知识操纵、资源获取、政治技能对产品语义创新的影响机理,并利用377份配对样本数据检验相关假设。结果表明:知识操纵与资源获取之间存在倒U型关系,资源获取部分中介了知识操纵与产品语义创新的倒U形关系;政治技能在知识操纵与资源获取的倒U型关系中起正向调节作用,并且调节资源获取在知识操纵与产品语义创新之间的中介作用。研究诠释了知识操纵策略的两面性,强调知识型员工同样需要提高政治技能。  相似文献   

张茜琳 《经济与管理》2006,20(10):94-96
绩效面谈是绩效管理过程中双向沟通的关键环节,直接关系到员工乃至整个企业绩效的改进与提高。绩效考评的成功更多地取决于绩效面谈的执行力,成功的企业注重完善绩效管理体系,从而提升人力资源管理的整体水平。  相似文献   

International outsourcing and the demand for skills   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kurt Kratena 《Empirica》2010,37(1):65-85
This paper explores the impact of international outsourcing on the demand for skills in three small and open EU economies. A model of variable costs and factor demand functions for different skill levels and imported as well as domestic materials are constructed. International outsourcing is treated directly as a substitution process between labour of different skills and imported inputs. The direct consequence of international outsourcing for labour is measured by the cross price elasticities. These cross price elasticities indicate a negative outsourcing impact on low- and medium-skilled labour in the three countries and on high-skilled labour in two out of the three countries. This outsourcing effect on labour is compared with the direct effect of embodied technical change and of the technical change bias. International outsourcing has a more unambigous and significant negative impact on labour than technical change. Technical change is either labour using (embodied technical change) or only slightly biased in favour of high-skilled labour. When the cost savings effect of international outsourcing is taken into account, an indirect positive stimulus for all skill categories arises from a greater demand for goods. It can be shown, that this indirect positive effect can compensate for a large part of the negative substitution impact of international outsourcing on labour.  相似文献   

推行国家职业资格证书是我国劳动就业政策的重要内容,也是广大劳动者非学历职业教育的主要方式,对加强技能人才培养、促进劳动力市场建设等方面具有重要意义。本文利用5家制造型企业21个生产车间的调查数据,对国家职业资格证书与工人的技能水平和年收入之间的关系进行了研究。研究发现,获得国家职业资格证书的工人在技能水平上显著高于无证工人,证书等级越高,技能水平越高。与无证工人相比,初级工和中级工证书的收入效应约为9.5%,高级工证书的收入效应为11.0%,技师及以上等级证书的收入效应显著上升至24.0%。进一步的分析揭示,初级工、中级工和高级工证书的收入效应主要是因为工人技能水平提高带来的;技师以上等级证书的收入效应一方面来源于工人技能水平的提高,另一方面则是由一些非技能因素造成的。  相似文献   

This study examines how cognitive and non-cognitive skills are valued in the labour market in Mexico. It uses a novel dataset which includes a wide array of cognitive and non-cognitive skill measures. Non-cognitive skills are rewarded in the market even after controlling for family background and educational attainment. Returns to non-cognitive skills are similar between men and women. However, controlling for educational attainment and family background, only men are rewarded for their cognitive skills.  相似文献   

Return migration, human capital accumulation and the brain drain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we present a model that explains migrations as decisions that respond to where human capital can be acquired more efficiently, and where the return to human capital is highest. The basic framework is a dynamic Roy model in which a worker possesses two distinct skills that can be augmented by learning by doing. There are different implicit prices, in different countries and different rates of skill accumulation. Our analysis contributes to the literature on the selection of immigrants and return migrants by offering a richer framework that may help to accommodate selection of emigrants and return migrants that are not immediately compatible with the one-dimensional skill model. Our analysis also has implications for the debate on brain drain and brain gain. In the two skills model presented here, return migration can lead to a mitigation of the brain drain, or even the creation of a “brain gain”, where those who return bring the home country augmented local skills.  相似文献   

质量管理实践是促进还是阻碍企业创新绩效提升,学界至今仍存在较大分歧。区别于传统质量管理实践的界定,基于组织学习理论,既考虑组织内外部因素的影响,也考虑与创新相关的应用式与探索式学习类型,对质量管理实践重新进行划分,并将企业创新细分为产品创新与过程创新。在此基础上,构建质量管理实践与企业创新绩效关系的概念模型,引入市场竞争强度作为调节变量,提出相关假设,运用198个制造业企业有效数据进行实证检验。研究表明:质量管理实践对企业创新绩效具有显著正向作用;探索式质量管理实践相较于应用式质量管理实践,对企业创新绩效有更强的正向作用;市场竞争强度在4种质量管理实践与企业产品创新绩效和过程创新绩效的影响关系中具有不同调节效果。  相似文献   

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