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邱洋冬 《技术经济》2020,39(2):164-170
通过估算2001—2016年29个省区市的市场分割指数,结合区域创新指数和区域经济特征数据,采用空间计量方法研究了市场分割对地区创新绩效的直接影响与间接影响。研究结果表明,整体上,区域技术创新存在显著的空间正相关关系,省份内市场分割的直接效应、省份间市场分割的间接效应以及两者的总效应对区域创新均表现出显著的抑制作用,并且本地市场分割对创新指数提升的抑制作用大于省份间市场分割的间接作用。  相似文献   

本文对我国改革开放以来劳动用工单位的劳动力市场分割进行了全面分析.主要观点为:(1)实证分析显示我国劳动力市场中存在所有制分割与行业分割.(2)上世纪90年代中期,劳动力市场中所有制分割向行业分割演化.(3)劳动力市场分割的演化,是经济转轨过程中的特有现象,也是我国经济改革不断深化,市场力量日趋强大的过程.  相似文献   

This article sets up a two-goods model with wage indexation and migrants. A dual labor market is introduced where the domestic workers receive an indexed wage while migrants receive a market-determined wage. The traded sector may be assumed to be unionized while the non-traded goods sector is non-unionized giving rise to flexible wages. This provides an example of segmentation and wage indexation. The wage indexation creates unemployment in the traded sector and the segmentation allows this unemployment to persist. The main results obtained are: sector-specific migration of labor may raise domestic welfare, while with capital accumulation such migration necessarily raises the relative price of the non-traded goods, leading to structural adjustment.  相似文献   

通过对我国劳动收入比重变动的原因研究发现:劳动力市场行政垄断行业分割与劳动收入比重之间互为因果。我国劳动力市场行政垄断行业分割会使行政垄断行业就业人数占总就业人数比例下降,行政垄断行业和竞争行业间收入差距扩大,导致劳动收入比重下降,进而会使资本实际价格下降,增强行政垄断企业的市场力量,加剧劳动力市场行政垄断行业分割程度。因此,减弱劳动力市场行政垄断行业分割是稳定劳动收入比重的关键。  相似文献   

本文借鉴经济学中的内生技术进步理论,从历史变迁的视角对劳动力市场分割的可持续性进行了研究。研究结果表明,我国劳动力市场分割持续存在的原因在于我国劳动力市场分割存在一个局部正反馈的循环系统。我国劳动力市场分割导致劳动密集型产业快速发展,而劳动密集型产业的快速发展又导致我国人力资本收益的减小和人力资本投资量的不足,从而进一步加剧劳动力市场分割程度。因此,退出这个循环是缓解我国劳动力市场分割程度的关键。  相似文献   

对外贸易的发展理应建立在国内区际贸易充分开展的基础上。国内区际贸易的开展对对外贸易利益的取得具有重要的意义。我国改革开放过程中的国内市场分割现象,使得国内区际贸易滞后于对外贸易快速发展,并制约了对外贸易利益最大化的实现。本文的政策结论是通过加快改革逐步实现国内经济市场化和一体化以提高外贸利益。  相似文献   

城镇劳动力市场分割决定了环境规制对二元劳动力就业影响存在差异性。基于环境规制对城镇二元劳动力就业影响理论分析,本文首先利用1998—2014年30省份面板数据实证分析了环境规制对城镇二元劳动力就业影响的差异性,进一步采用面板门限模型,考察了环境规制对城镇农民工就业影响的劳动力市场分割门槛效应。研究发现:(1)环境规制对城镇农民工就业负面冲击大于对城镇本地劳动力就业冲击;(2)环境规制对农民工城镇就业存在显著的劳动力市场分割门槛效应,当劳动力市场分割程度高于2002时,环境规制对农民工城镇就业抑制效应为-0116;当劳动力市场分割介于1199到2002之间时,抑制效应较大程度下降,为-0042;而当劳动力市场分割程度小于1199时,抑制效应转变为正向促进效应,为0106。未来应继续深化户籍制度改革,打破劳动力市场分割,加强技能培训,提高人力资本积累,降低环境规制对农民工城镇就业抑制效应,进一步提高城镇化水平,有效发挥城镇化经济增长效应。  相似文献   

近年来我国劳动收入在初次分配中的比重呈下降趋势。劳动收入比重偏低会对收入分配公平、消费投资平衡和经济增长质量产生负面影响。文章基于劳动力市场的视角对我国劳动收入比重偏低的成因进行了理论研究,并采用我国2000-2011年省级面板数据,构建了一个劳动收入比重决定模型,实证检验了经济发展过程中,二元经济转型和劳动力市场分割对我国劳动收入比重变化的影响。研究结果表明,我国劳动收入比重偏低是二元经济转型的特定发展阶段和劳动力市场分割的制约力量协同作用的结果。在二元经济转型过程中,劳动收入比重的变化趋势呈U型规律。我国劳动收入比重偏低的原因在于,劳动力市场城乡分割和劳动力市场行政垄断行业分割延缓了二元经济转型进程,增加了劳动收入比重在下降阶段的停留时间。因此,稳定我国劳动收入比重的关键是削弱劳动力市场分割,加快二元经济转型。  相似文献   

文章在对新新经济地理学假设进行拓展的基础上,从理论分析和数值模拟两个层面对企业异质性、规模报酬与劳动力空间流动进行了系统的研究,结论是:地区间企业生产技术水平的不同决定了企业与劳动力的转移方向,企业的生产技术水平与固定成本呈正向变动关系;落后地区和发达地区的发展与彼此对外市场开放相互依赖;由于落后地区总有一定的市场需求,棒—棒均衡在现实中存在的可能性很小。  相似文献   

Labor market integration raises welfare in the absence of distortions. This paper examines labor and goods market integration in a general‐equilibrium model with social capital. The findings are: (i) labor market integration has an ambiguous impact on welfare, and raises it if the goods and labor skills are sufficiently different; (ii) compared to Pareto optimum, labor mobility (social capital) is excessively large (depleted); (iii) trade is superior to labor market integration if trading costs are no higher than private migration costs, otherwise the outcome is ambiguous; and (iv) the creation of new institutions in response to labor market integration has an ambiguous impact on welfare.  相似文献   

目前缺少系统的农民工工资的面板数据妨碍了对城镇劳动力市场的所有制分割如何影响城乡收入差距的研究。本文证明城镇集体经济部门的平均工资可以作为农民工工资的代理变量,并将城镇国有部门的平均工资与集体部门的平均工资的比例作为衡量城镇劳动力市场所有制分割的指标。笔者通过对中国1978—2008年间省际面板数据的回归分析发现,劳动力市场的所有制分割本身具有扩大城乡收入差距的效应,但是,非国有部门职工比重的增加会削弱所有制分割的影响,从而有助于缩小城乡收入差距。  相似文献   

劳动力市场分割会阻碍农村劳动力进入主要劳动力市场,这使得农村居民人力资本投资低于统一、开放、可竞争劳动力市场的数量。劳动力市场分割三个原因中主要是制度性歧视,因此,可以通过新制度安排以缓解城乡间人力资本投资的差距。  相似文献   

笔者通过比较劳动生产率和劳动边际产出的地区差异与产业差异,对我国劳动市场一体化程度及其变化趋势进行测度。研究发现改革以来,劳动市场地区分割已明显减弱,但产业分割仍然严重;工业部门存在较高技术门槛和体制门槛,传统服务业是农业劳动力转移的主要渠道。政策模拟显示,劳动市场一体化具有巨大的经济社会利益。  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper investigates Allyn Young's two important doctrines concerning the division of labor and roundabout production. First, apart from advancing the state of knowledge, the progressive division of labor that can occur within a given population encourages the adoption of more specialized, differentiated intermediate goods in the production process. Second, the level of division of labor and the extent of the market depend on each other. Using a general equilibrium model with increasing returns to specialization, economies of complementarity between intermediate goods, and transaction costs, we demonstrate that the level of division of labor and the number of intermediate goods increase concurrently as transaction conditions are improved.  相似文献   

Relying on differentiability assumptions and on conditions that guarantee interior solutions, we show that a federation featuring decentralized leadership, interregional spillovers, and labor attachment allocates resources efficiently under two sets of circumstances. The first is when the center is Rawlsian. The second is when individual utilities are quasi‐linear, regional welfare functions are Benthamite, and the center's objective function is a Bergson–Samuelson transformation of regional welfare levels, which also satisfies conditions needed for the center to view regional welfare levels as normal goods. In both sets of circumstances, efficient behavior follows from incentive equivalence promoted by the center's egalitarian transfers.  相似文献   

中国行业垄断的收入分配效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收入分配差距过大是中国社会发展的难点和热点问题,行业垄断已经成为加剧中国收入分配矛盾的重要原因。为此,本文构建新的垄断-竞争两部门利润分享模型,揭示行业垄断影响收入分配的内在机制,并结合中国的经验数据进行实证分析。研究表明,行业垄断在产品与要素市场中,通过最终产品消费的福利转移、要素的区别定价以及垄断利润在不同就业者之间的非均衡分享导致收入分配差距的扩大;在行业垄断力量对经济干预较多的阶段,收入差距扩大问题较为严重,并且往往表现为劳动总收入的下降。因此,持续提升劳动者收入,保持收入分配的合理化,必须配合行之有效的行政垄断部门改革,打破行业垄断所形成的二元经济结构,降低行业垄断在生产和分配领域中的影响。  相似文献   

One of the most important factors that determine individuals’ quality of life and wellbeing is their position in the labor market and the type of jobs that they hold. When workers are rationed out of the formal segment of the labor market against their will, i.e., the labor market is segmented, their quality of life is limited, and their wellbeing is reduced. When they can freely choose between a formal or informal employment relationship, i.e., the labor market is integrated, their wellbeing can reach high levels even in the presence of informal employment. We, therefore, test whether the Ukrainian labor market is segmented along the formal-informal divide, slicing the data by gender and age. The analysis that we perform consist in the analysis of short-term and medium-term transitions between five employment states, unemployment and inactivity. We also analyze wage gaps of mean hourly earnings and across the entire hourly earnings distribution, controlling for time-invariant unobserved heterogeneity. According to our results segmentation is present for dependent employees: for a large part of informal employees informal employment is used as a waiting stage to enter formal salaried employment and is not voluntarily chosen. As far as self-employment is concerned the evidence is mixed regarding segmentation in the Ukrainian labor market. This heterogeneity in outcomes implies that not all informal work is associated with a low quality of life and reduced wellbeing in post-transition economies.  相似文献   

The paper mainly examines the relationship between economic growth, tax policy and sectoral labor distribution in an endogenous growth model with expanding varieties. For analyzing these relationships, we consider an economy where three sectors of production are vertically integrated: final goods sector, intermediate goods sector and research sector. We show that the extent of imperfect competition in the intermediate products market affects both economic growth and the allocation of the available labor to all the sectors employing this input. The resources from capital taxation, which are used for financing research sector, have a U-shaped effect on growth and lead to a movement of the labor from research sector to final goods sector. Additionally, we show that if there exists a higher competitive structure in an economy, the probability of the positive effect of an increase in tax on growth gets higher.  相似文献   

尽管中国在经济转型过程中取得了令世人瞩目的经济增长速度,但随之而来的是不断扩大的工资收入差异和持续扩大的工资收入差距引发了广泛关注.一般认为,工资差距过大对社会公平和正义造成伤害,并直接影响中国经济和社会的可持续发展.基于家计调查数据并使用经济计量模型分析方法,本论文对中国在过去二十年日益增长的工资差距进行实证分析并探讨影响工资差距的主要因素.研究表明,政府对劳动力市场机构特别是工资政策改革是引发工资差距不断扩大的原因之一.本论文指出,劳动力市场机构的变化不是造成工资差异扩大的唯一因素;其它重要因素包括劳动力市场歧视以及制度性障碍,如中国现行的户口政策造成的劳动力市场分割等.本论文还从政策层面对减少工资差异提出建议.  相似文献   

姚林如  李莉 《财经研究》2006,32(8):135-143
伴随着每年大规模的农村劳动力跨地区转移,沿海地区和内陆地区的差距不但没有缩小,反而有继续扩大的趋势。针对此现象,文章在探讨产业集聚机理的基础上,应用了一个一般均衡模型来分析劳动力跨地区转移所带来的效应。模型的仿真结果表明,若考虑劳动力跨地区转移的摩擦时,随着劳动力跨地区转移率的提高,产业集聚效应和地区差距均可能会出现增大的趋势。  相似文献   

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