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现有实物期权的评价方法假定期望现金流现值和投资成本为确定值,而国际工程项目具有高度的不确定性,因而该假设是很牵强的.基于此原因,本文假设期望现金流现值与投资成本为模糊数,对连续型B-S模型和二项树模型进行改进,并应用案例验证该模型的有效性.  相似文献   

风险项目评估是风险投资公司投资运作中的一个重要环节,项目的评估结果将直接影响到风险投资公司的投资最终能否运作成功。传统的项目评价方法是现金流折现法,以净现值法最具代表性。但经验表明,传统的DCF法会低估项目投资价值,使投资人失去许多有价值的投资机会。本文试在DCF法基础上,引入实物期权溢酬,提出一种较为有效的基于实物期权定价的风险项目评估方法。  相似文献   

针对传统风险投资最优时机选择方法的局限性,分析了风险投资最优时机选择过程中的实物期权特性,在二项式期权定价模型的基础上,对风险投资最优时机选择中采用的净现值法(NPV)进行了修正,构建了一种适用于风险投资项目最优时机选择的决策模型,并利用该模型进行了实例分析。  相似文献   

基础设施建设以及开发环境涉及的不确定性是政府或投资者关注的核心问题之一。实物期权方法是解决不确定性问题的一个有效途径,云理论对于不确定性有更准确的描述。首先,结合实物期权理论及云理论,建立了基于正态云的基础设施建设实物期权定价模型,可以更准确地描述项目的期望与风险程度;其次,结合基础设施建设项目特征,用正态云模型的期望、熵和超熵表示期望现金流现值和投资成本,得到实物期权价值计算方法;最后,通过实际案例分析,验证了方法的有效性,并提出了未来研究的方向与建议。  相似文献   

风险投资是以一种非传统的融资方式,结合资金、技术、管理和创业精神,为支持创新活动与高技术产业发展所形成的新的投资模式。从狭义上讲,风险投资就是对高技术产业进行投资。现代高科技产业投资的特点就是高风险、高收益。净现值法(NPV法)是目前应用最为广泛的投资分析方法,根据风险投资项目的特点,这一方法存在几个缺陷,往往导致低估风险投资项目的价值。再加上风险投资项目处于高度不确定的环境中,项目中的期权会对决策产生重大影响,因此实物期权方法在风险投资项目管理中的应用研究具有重  相似文献   

吴东晟  余涛 《经济问题》2006,(12):66-67
高新技术风险投资有着不同于其他风险投资的特点。传统的净现值法在高新技术风险投资决策中的不适应性日趋明显,而期权定价方法则显示出净现值法无法比拟的优越性。因此合理地应用期权定价模型,准确地评估风险项目的价值,对高新技术风险投资决策有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

传统的项目投资价值分析方法不能满足对不确定性较高的项目进行定价的要求,而实物期权定价方法由于具有诸如能识别出在不确定环境中投资决策者管理灵活性价值等优点,得到广泛运用。复合嵌套实物期权模型更能贴切地反映在实际项目中具有的多重期权的特性,因而更成为研究热点。基于战略投资的长周期性与分阶段性等特点,将最早用于金融期权定价的Geske模型经过改进后的复合嵌套实物期权模型,更能将战略投资中管理灵活性的价值识别出来,因此更适于对战略投资项目进行定价。本文对基于复合期权的战略投资定价模型的模型设定、假设、参数设定、参数意义进行了细致阐述,以提高其实用性。  相似文献   

实物期权:一种重要的创新金融工具   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一、传统项目定价方法及其缺陷众 所周知 ,以往在对项目进行评估时都是采用净现值(NPV)法 ,即将项目在各个时点的现金流入与现金流出的差折现成现值 ,从而决定项目的价值。它有三个基本要素 :( 1)现金流。未来的现金流是不确定的 ,因此期望的现金流E [CF]要折现。 ( 2 )时间。将现金流与其相关的时间联系起来 ,这样才能将现金流正确地折现。 ( 3)风险。商业现金流是不确定的、有风险的 ,投资者要求高的折现率r。NPV的计算公式为 :NPV =∑ni=0E [CF] 1e-rt ( 1)如果NPV为正 ,那么就应该投资 ,否则就不投资。但近年来 ,各界对该法提出了许多严厉的批评。问题主要集中在NPV方法没有正确勾画出投资的情形 :一方面 ,折现率和现金流会随着不同的计算NPV的人而变化 ;另一方面 ,这种方法只对投资的运作定价 ,而没有对投资所带来的机会定价。Hayes和Garvin还认为NPV方法没有将管理者在项目遇到内在和外来的变化和冲击时调整计划———管理者的可变性 (Flexi bility)考虑在内。二、实物期权的基本原理近年来 ,对金融资产期权定价的发展引出了利用期权理论对实物资产定价的方法...  相似文献   

郑君君  刘玮 《技术经济》2005,24(8):52-55
本文通过对风险投资的特点和传统投资决策方法的分析,指出了传统投资决策方法(DCF法)在评价风险投资项目上的不足之处。然后引入实物期权思想分析了风险投资决策的过程,并分别运用两种期权定价模型(Black-Scholes模型和二叉树模型),通过实例对风险投资项目进行了价值评估,指出了在运用实物期权方法进行投资决策时应该注意的问题。  相似文献   

傅强  徐海龙 《技术经济》2010,29(3):60-64
本文构建了一个在投资成本与收益不对称的情况下基于增长型实物期权的企业并购两阶段博弈模型。该模型使用二叉树期权定价方法确定企业并购中产生的增长型实物期权的价值,考虑了并购各阶段的投入成本、投资收益、风险中性概率、无风险收益率以及企业并购时产生的相互影响效应等因素,分析了成本占优或收益占优的两企业间在公司并购中的行为模式,得到了两企业项目并购成功所对应的临界收益和临界成本以及与上述因素之间的关系。  相似文献   

风险投资的投资决策方法较多,实践中常用的有贴现现金流量法,但这种方法管理柔性差,战略适应性不强,通常会低估项目的投资价值;而实物期权法,可使决策者在投资决策中有意识地构造实物期权,并利用金融期权理论正确评估项目的价值。所以用实物期权法来评价风险投资决策更优于贴现现金流量法。  相似文献   

The expected returns for securities are traditionally estimated as crisp values. Since the improper values may bring on an unsuccessful investment decision, portfolio experts generally prefer offering interval estimations for expected returns rather than crisp ones. The portfolio selection problem with interval expected returns is widely studied recently. In this paper, by considering the security returns with interval expected returns as uncertain variables, a mean-semiabsolute deviation model is proposed within the framework of uncertainty theory, which is a crisp nonlinear programming model and can be well solved by the classical optimization algorithms. In order to illustrate the method, some numerical experiments are given and solved.  相似文献   

This paper investigates financial contract design in venture capital investments and shows that staged financing is the implementation of optimal contracts. In designing contracts, venture capitalists consider the value of real options and the costs of holdup. This consideration boils down to contract rigidity and flexibility: rigid contracts mitigate the holdup problem of entrepreneurs, but have little option values, whereas flexible contracts create real options for venture capitalists in corporate decision-making, but yield weak bargaining power when ventures appear promising. In optimal contracts, venture capitalists choose flexibility by separating capital into stages and then strategically allocating control rights at each stage. This strategy creates option value in corporate governance, and can protect sunk investments in distress while capturing the potential benefits of good outcomes.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to understanding the determinants of patent value. By drawing on a real options approach, we develop a theoretical model of patent value, which explicitly considers the uncertainty about future value. On this basis, we rely on Monte Carlo simulations with data from a case study in a large chemical firm to estimate patent value according to our model. In the simulation analyses, we compare an R&D project with patent protection and the same project without patent protection. The difference of the values of the two projects is the surplus in profit that may be expected from having a patent covering the project. This surplus is regarded as the value that is directly attributable to the patent. The results of the simulation analyses indicate that the development costs and expected net cash flows of a patent-protected project are higher than of an unpatented project. The higher net cash flows outgrow the increased development costs, and patent value is positive. However, this value is smaller than the overall project value of the patent-protected R&D project.  相似文献   

Multinationals may enter a host market by different modes of foreign direct investment (FDI). This paper examines the choice of FDI mode, and shows that the profitability of greenfield investment influences this choice not only directly, but also indirectly since it determines the outside option of potential acquisition targets and joint venture partners. In particular, even if greenfield investment is a viable option, the multinational may prefer a joint venture to M&A, and M&A to greenfield investment, provided that M&A and joint venture both involve sufficiently low fixed costs. The reason is that the profitability of greenfield investment both reduces the acquisition price in the case of M&A, and gives local firms an incentive to agree to a joint venture.  相似文献   

创业投资的特质与实物期权方法有实质的契合性,表现在创业投资的风险水平同实物期权的波动率之间。创业投资的分期投资与实物期权的期权价值之间有着密切的关联性。这种内在契合性是运用实物期权方法研究创业投资定价研究的基础。基于Black-Scholes偏微分方程的实物期权模型构造的多期创业投资的实物期权定价模型,更具现实解释力。  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of irreversibility on investment under mean reversion. We develop a continuous-time model wherein a risk-neutral firm is endowed with a perpetual option to invest in a project at any time by incurring a fixed investment cost at that instant. The project, once undertaken, generates a stream of cash flows that are governed by a mean-reverting stochastic process. The firm is then allowed to liquidate its project at any time to partially recover the fixed investment cost. The recovery rate of the fixed investment cost inversely gauges the degree of irreversibility of investment. Using a real options approach, we derive an analytical solution to the value of the firm that is analogous with an American compound option. We show that greater irreversibility of investment induces the firm to raise its investment trigger, thereby deferring the undertaking of the project. We further show that greater irreversibility of investment has a detrimental effect that makes the firm less valuable.  相似文献   

管理层收购中企业价值的确定及其评估模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用实物期权理论研究管理层收购中企业价值评估的模型和整体思路,提出从交易双方的角度分别对企业的自身价值和投资价值进行评估,两者构成企业的价值区间。管理层收购中企业的自身价值由企业的现实资产价值和期权价值构成,企业的投资价值由企业的自身价值和由于管理层收购的实物期权特征与管理成本节约及战略整合效应而产生的收购增加价值构成。管理层收购的期权价值利用复合实物期权模型计算,管理成本节约及战略整合效应利用改进的折现现金流法计算。最后,提出基于实物期权方法的管理层收购中企业价值评估的整体框架。  相似文献   

The Influence of Financial Factors on Corporate Investment   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Recent theoretical developments have shown that cash flows and the structure of a firm's balance sheet may have an important influence on investment. Establishing a link between cash flows, leverage and investment provides insights into the way that monetary policy and cyclical factors more generally influence the corporate sector. If cash flows are an important determinant of investment then changes in monetary policy (by changing interest rates) will influence investment through a cash flow effect as well as through altering the rate at which the returns to investment are discounted. If this is the case, the higher leverage of the corporate sector implies, other things being equal, that monetary policy may have a larger impact on investment than in the past .
In this article we use panel-data analysis to examine the impact of financial factors on investment decisions of firms in the Australian corporate sector. We find strong support for the influence of financial factors on investment decisions. Leverage, internally generated cash flows, and the stock of cash and liquid financial assets are all important influences on investment behaviour, particularly for smaller firms, highly leveraged firms, and firms with high retention ratios .  相似文献   

董军  张婧 《技术经济》2008,27(10):41-47
本文分别运用折现现金流法和基于实物期权的经济评价方法,采用案例分析的形式,对“上大压小”政策执行中部分尚未达到寿命期的20万千瓦机组的关停时机及其经济性问题进行了分析,并时折现现金流法以及基于实物期权的评价方法的结果及其适用性进行了对比;同时,在采用折现现金流法时,对发电企业进行了财务经济评价和国民经济评价,并对机组单位造价、上网电价、煤价等因素进行了敏感性分析,在评价过程中量化了案例中各备选方案的环境成本。本文还应用实物期权理论研究了大机组滞后投资问题。两种方法的评价结果均表明,从全社会的福利角度出发,对尚未达到寿命期的小机组不应该立即关停,而应该使其继续运行到寿命期末再上大机组。本文所采用的经济评价方法能够为“上大压小”项目的执行提供辅助决策支持。  相似文献   

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