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低碳技术具有工具内涵和工艺内涵,能在一定程度上解决温室效应给环境和气候造成的极大危害,但是低碳技术也引发了价值伦理问题。基于低碳技术的哲学反思和思想根源,探讨了低碳技术存在的伦理问题,主要包括:技术意志剥夺了人的主体性,科层制、技术工具理性与道德价值理性断裂等问题。通过分析低碳技术的属性、人的主体性及伦理问题的责任者等原因,从打破传统伦理、树立整合多元主义的伦理观点、建设世界主义的全球公共政治文化及重建工具理性与价值理性的平衡四个方面重构低碳技术的伦理价值。  相似文献   

技术异化与技术共同体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨技术异化的主体性根源,有助于人们认识人与技术之间所存在的负向性关系。从技术异化的主体性根源看,技术发明共同体的认识局限性与价值偏向性、技术应用共同体对生态限度、伦理限度和方法域限的突破、技术消费共同体不合理的认知性解读和价值性选择是导致技术异化的重要主体性根源。  相似文献   

任何技术都有价值的二重性,网络技术也不例外。透过网络技术在生态、社会和人本三个层面负向价值的表象,分析了导致网络技术负向价值产生的主客体原因,并针对这些主客体原因探讨了综合运用技术、法律和伦理方法来消解网络技术的负向价值以及这些消解方法之间的关系。  相似文献   

创新生态系统作为实现价值共创的重要载体,受到学界和实业界广泛关注。技术主导型与市场主导型创新生态系统价值主张不同,资源配置与协同合作方式也不同,导致价值共创实现路径存在显著差异。依据共生理论主体—网络—环境研究框架,构建技术主导型与市场主导型创新生态系统价值共创路径组态模型。以7家核心企业及创新合作伙伴为案例分析对象,采用fsQCA方法探究两类创新生态系统价值共创实现路径。研究发现:第一,两类创新生态系统价值共创实现路径各有2条,核心条件不同,条件之间的匹配关系也不同。第二,两类创新生态系统价值共创实现路径具有通用型特征,受主体创新能力、创新网络嵌入与数字环境3个层面耦合作用的影响。第三,无论是技术主导型还是市场主导型创新生态系统,参与者创新能力均作为必要条件出现,成为价值共创的重要影响因素。基于价值主张异质性视角探究技术主导型与市场主导型创新生态系统价值共创路径差异,有利于深化对创新生态系统价值共创的理解与认知,为企业基于不同价值主张实施价值共创策略提供理论依据。  相似文献   

技术商品价值评估的成本效益法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
技术商品首先是指技术成果,即利用科学技术知识、信息和经验做出的产品、工艺、材料及其改进等技术方案。技术成果拿到市场上进行交易,就是技术商品。技术作为商品进入市场,必须按照等价交换的原则,通过市场交易来实现其价值,但由于技术商品是一种无形的知识和经验的总和,具有与一般实物商品不同的特性,而且技术商品的转让与一般其它商品的交易有着不同的市场特征,造成了技术商品交易的复杂性,特别是其买卖价格的确定不同于一般商品的价格决策。无论是在国内技术转让活动中,还是在国际间的技术贸易中,成交价格的确定常常是技术谈…  相似文献   

赛伯空间及赛伯文化的现在与未来——虚拟实在的颠覆性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翟振明 《开放时代》2003,(2):101-107
主体技术与客体技术不同,这是一种对整个人类文明的根基具有颠覆作用的技术。虚拟实在与遗传工程是我们目前面对的主要的主体技术。主体技术首先是用来制造人本身、改造人的本性、或重建人的整个经验世界的。这样,它首先涉及的是人的生活的终极价值意义问题。遗传技术的伦理问题已引起较多的关注,但虚拟实在涉及的伦理问题并没有多少人关注,这部分地是由于人们还没看清这种技术的实质和逻辑后果。本文以赛伯空间和赛伯文化概念为切入点来澄清虚拟实在技术的终极可能,从而展示出它为何从根本上就是一种主体技术。  相似文献   

谈毅 《科技进步与对策》2009,26(17):130-134
现代社会越来越离不开科技,并对科技的发展提出了更高的要求,寄予了更多的厚望,对科技的投入也日益增加。但是科技发展也造成了一些未能预知的灾难性后果。面向公共决策的技术评价,是从多个角度、多个方面对技术进行评价,确定该技术的投入、产出以及对社会、环境、伦理道德等方面的各种有利和不利影响,并进行权衡,确定其价值与风险,从而进行政策分析,为政府及决策机构提供正确的决策参考。分析了面向公共决策的技术评价研究视角以及未来研究方向。  相似文献   

技术的价值负荷性是技术伦理的存在之基,而对于技术的价值负荷性,只有从技术本身即技术的含义和本质来深刻理解,才能为技术伦理的存在及其研究提供坚实的基础。  相似文献   

陆宇 《经济论坛》2004,(6):69-70
风险性决策是指决策者对未来情况不完全确定,但是能够确知各种决策后果以及各种后果出现概率的决策,这种决策是建立在已知或可以估计的概率分布基础之上的。决策者在制定风险决策时,足够而有效的信息是非常必要的,但是获取信息通常是要花费代价的,也就是要发生成本的,因此在获取信息时,并非多多益善,而是有一个限度,并且也应该遵守成本一效益原则。信息按其完善与否分为完善信息和不完善信息。完善信息是指能为决策者提供关于未来情况完善的知识的信息,反之就是不完善信息。下面我们将通过举例来说明完善信息和非完善信息成本的估算。  相似文献   

由新古典经济理论和规范的决策理论可知,市场行为主要受物质激励的推动,利己心和理性是经济决策的基础。这里的理性意味着决策者能够以逻辑和系统的范式利用可获得的信息,并在给定可选集和可获得目标中做出最优选择。同时理性也表示一种向前看的决策方式,即决策者可以考虑决策行为在未来会导致的一切后果。  相似文献   

从利益、观念、结构3个维度出发,考察中国共产党科技创新话语百年变迁的结构性力量。其中,“利益”是理性基础,在不同历史发展阶段,民族和国家利益有不同表现,从而产生了不同的科技创新话语策略选择;“观念”是价值导向,其不断赋予科技创新以社会主义政治价值,并对科技创新予以价值规范和价值导向;“结构”是条件约制,在外部环境结构和内部社会结构的双重影响下,中国共产党科技创新经历了从自力更生、消化吸收到自主创新的转变,从政府主导、市场主导到联合运行的转变,从大众范式、专业范式到系统范式的转变。中国共产党科技创新话语演进本身是一个辨证过程,呈现出联系性与整体性、结构性与能动性、连续性和阶段性特征。面向未来,仍需进一步加强话语自觉规划和实践,努力建设与国家和人民利益、社会主义意识形态及社会内外部结构相匹配、相适应的科技创新话语系统。  相似文献   

One of the major challenges in the management of innovation is a practical and useful implementation of technology forecasting. This article proposes the concept of aniticpating the technological future, and that a structured approach to this concept could be an invaluable aid to technical decision-making. The notion of technological threat and opportunity assessment is presented as a useful framework for anticipating technological change. This notion is based on a dual approach.Firstly, a rapidly changing global technological landscape necessitates keeping track of technological developments. However, since we are dealing with innovation (rather than mere invention), the market implications are as important as the technological ones and have to be accounted for as such. Secondly, any organisation could be considered to be technology-based to some or other degree, implying that technologies have the ability to affect the bottom line of the organisation in some way. It is thus required to assess the business impact of such technologies, typically through a technology or innovation audit.Having assessed specific technological threats and opportunities facing the organisation, an innovation strategy needs to be developed in response to the identified threats and opportunities. Various possible offensive and/or defensive responses should be considered, culminating in the selection and implementation of an optimal strategy.  相似文献   

根据主客关系,将技术分为象征技术、治理技术、工程技术、生活技术,进而对4种技术进行论证,探讨其理论意蕴。我国技术发展指导哲学经历了人民意志论、务实的实践理性、有机论的实践理性3个阶段,不同阶段4类技术地位不同,但总体上不匹配。技术进步具有双面性,引发社会稳定风险的原因不仅在于其直接负面效应,更深层次的是4类技术不匹配引发的社会结构变迁,包括文化结构去认同化、治理结构去权威化、社会生活结构物欲化,上述损害是对社会秩序的“蚁穴式蚕食”。社会稳定的核心在于4类技术相互匹配与动态均衡。从技术风险到技术秩序需要着眼于明确象征技术、系统化治理技术、重塑生活技术理念3个途径。  相似文献   

Over the next three decades we may anticipate major technological advances and changes in American society in the area of electronics, automation, information handling, food, and biological manipulations, as well as in the more commonplace areas of industry, commerce, and domestic devices. Dominant elements driving these changes are fundamental shifts in the availability of energy and materials, which will stimulate major innovation in substitutions, extended service life, and easier maintainability; and the increasing role of science as a well-spring of new technologies. Furthermore, the movement of U.S. society into a post-industrial society with its emphasis on knowledge based industries will stimulate major shifts in the nature and location of work, land use, and information-associated technologies. This will be accompanied by a flourishing of social, institutional, and psychological technologies.Market forces will play a dominant role in the realization of these new technological developments. In addition to these forces, technological needs and opportunities will arise which lie outside the market system, such as developments with regard to geophysical manipulation, earthquake control, and weather modification.The principal role of government in assuring continuing benefits from technology is guiding the socially effective interplay of the basic variables: land, labor, capital, resource availability and knowledge. To be socially useful, the interplay must be future-oriented, flexible, and information driven. One specific role for government is setting reliable boundary conditions on private and public endeavors with some clarity and incisiveness to permit market and non-market forces to operate. Put differently, a principal role for government is the more effective management of uncertainties with regard to future potential opportunities and risks in order to encourage new and needed developments and innovations.A principal limitation on technological and scientific decision-making is the inadequacy of knowledge gathered and organized for the purpose of illuminating public policy. Meeting these information needs is a second specific role for government. Since most information is collected for other purposes, modifications which explicity generate and collect policy-related information would effect a major improvement in public and private decisionmaking.The wider practice of the concept of technology assessment as a means to better understand options, alternatives, and consequences for technology should be encouraged in and out of government.Many major regulatory agencies of government reflect needs and problems decades old which are no longer of primary importance. A third specific role for government in guiding technology, the reform of the regulatory agencies through their restructing, offers major opportunities for more effective management of technology. Primary candidates for this specific role of government include agencies regulating communications, drugs, banking, securities, energy, health care, transportation, and marine and oceanographic affairs.The fourth major role for government, research and development, should be driven by several convergent factors. There are opportunities for new and expanded technological developments with regard to: (a)The wiring of metropolitan and rural areas for fuller telecommunications; (b)the introduction of major new energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and ocean technologies; (c)the reformulation of education technologies, welfare, and health delivery systems; and (d) the reconstruction of cities and other habitats. Furthermore, the economically mature society implies not less but different technology emphasizing: social and biological as well as physical technology; personal improvement and fulfillment, and accomplishing more with less. There also are numerous problems of a high-growth society such as the propensity to maximize bureaucratic efficiency at the expense of social effectiveness; alienation of workers; adverse effects of excessive size and integration; societal needs not accommodated by market forces, and the negative side effects of technology. Each of these clusters of problems and opportunities could be profoundly influenced by research and experimentation.  相似文献   

数字社会建设是推进社会治理体系与治理能力现代化的应有之义,现阶段我国数字社会建设中科技治理还处于起步阶段。在“回应法治”的要求下,通过归纳推理分析发现:数字社会建设中科技治理体系构建应从监管、主体、权利、权能4个方面提出完善进路。具体来看:在监管层面,应加强法律监管与社会监管共同作用;在主体层面,应构建多元主体协同治理模式,促使社会主体和市场力量积极参与科技治理;在权利层面,应加强数字科技研发中个人数据权利保障,明确个人数据权利属性;在权能层面,应明晰政府部门、科研专家、社会公众等主体权责关系,明确各治理主体之间的行为权限边界。  相似文献   

关注颠覆性技术创新方向演变对于构建颠覆性技术“发现—遴选—培养”机制,挖掘重大颠覆性技术选题具有重要意义。利用三螺旋协同性测度模型量化政府、产业、学术界3类主体对颠覆性技术关注方向的协同程度,构建颠覆性技术行动者网络,利用社会网络分析法解析网络结构形式下政、产、学三方关注颠覆性技术创新的耦合方向,探究高度耦合技术方向的演化特点。最后,获得技术关注方向协同性、技术关注耦合方向特征、技术关注方向耦合时间时序特征、技术关注方向耦合机构特征、高度耦合技术方向演化特征5个方面的结论。  相似文献   

高宏伟 《技术经济》2011,30(8):17-20,43
构建了一个多产品垄断者选择技术创新策略的动态经济模型,研究了规模边界对大型国有企业技术创新决策选择的影响。针对我国大型国有企业的规模边界由政府决定的现状,提出政府影响大型国有企业技术创新策略选择的政策建议。  相似文献   

We relate technological adoption (of different technologies) with income inequality. In the process, we discover that some technologies, such as aviation, cell phones, electric production, internet, telephone, and TV, are skill-complementary in raising inequality. We construct standardized indexes of skill-complementary technological adoption for modern information and communication technologies (ICT), older ICT, production and transport technologies. We find strong evidence that older ICT and transport technologies (and less frequently modern ICT) tend to increase inequality. Additionally, we discover that results are much stronger in rich countries than in poor ones. Our results are quite robust to a series of changes in specifications, estimators, samples, and measurement of technology adoption. These results may bring insights into the design of incentive schemes for technology adoption.  相似文献   

企业技术创新是一个由各个环节不同技术创新主体协同作用的过程,分析了技术创新主体系统的内涵,对技术创新主体间的协同作用进行了系统动力学分析,通过分析提出对技术创新主体进行柔性激励,创造有利于创新主体协同的环境,以提高创新主体间的协同度,从而共同实现企业技术创新能力的提高。  相似文献   

In this paper, I model technological change as an evolutionary process of generation and selection of economic activities in a highly path-dependent fashion. There are two key features of our approach. The first is that economic activities are conceived as points of a directed graph and endowed with a corresponding notion of technological distance which determines both the probability of invention of any new activity and the cost of learning it. The second feature is that agents are assumed rational and taken to choose optimally from among the available activities, given the status quo and the associated learning costs. In such a context, we focus on two economies that start off technologically close and evolve side by side with some extent of technological diffusion across them. It is shown that alternative assumptions on the speed of diffusion may have drastically different implications for the evolution of the process. I then argue that this theoretical analysis helps provide some insight on existing empirical evidence; in particular, on the conditions under which relative stagnation or technological catch-up may arise and become consolidated among different economies.  相似文献   

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