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项目研发团队是指在软件项目研发工作中紧密协作并相互负责的一个群体。他们拥有共同的目的、绩效目标以及工作方法,且借此自我约束。其特点是,拥有共同的工作目标、高度的凝聚力、有效的沟通、合理分工与协作以及团队成员的相互信任。项目经理带领队员在规定的时间、费用范围内,力争顺利完成软件项目研发任务,推出高质量的软件产品,让项目利益相关者都满意。  相似文献   

三种建设项目造价管理范式的适用情况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从20世纪80年代初开始建设项目造价管理就进入了现代管理范式为主的阶段,而在这一阶段中产生了三种主要的建设项目造价管理新范式,即全生命周期造价管理、全过程造价管理和全面造价管理模式,这三种新范式有着各自适用的情况。通过分析,多数人认为应该将基于活动和过程的全面造价管理理论和方法定为“21世纪的建设项目造价管理技术与方法”。  相似文献   

建设项目管理核心内容之一是造价管理范式转换。本文通过对现行水利建设项目造价管理方法及存在问题的分析,提出水利建设项目造价管理范式转换方向及保证措施。  相似文献   

<正>建设项目的造价控制贯穿于项目的全过程,即项目决策阶段、项目设计阶段、项目实施阶段和竣工决算阶段。这四个阶段都涉及到建设项目的造价控制问题。因此,在工程建设中,把握好工程造价控制管理这一核心工作,才能真正降低整个工程的造价,提高整个工程的经济效益,同时也能充分体现建设项目的工作质量和管理水平。  相似文献   

李澎 《中国外资》2011,(24):88-88
在火力发电企业的修理和技改项目中,大部分都在努力进行造价控制,这其中有许多问题需要深入学习和把握,本文针对火力发电企业的特点,表述了在造价管理的招标阶段如何主动控制造价,以取得比较好的投资效益。  相似文献   

李奎 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):228-228
高速公路建设项目造价控制方法的研究,是一个重要的课题。在公路建设行业,动态控制的观点已提出多年,在实践中各地、各单位也实施了许多调价方法,也取得了不少经验。但是总结归纳这些造价动态管理的方法我们发现,这些方法所达到的目的仅在于对原定造价的追加,基本属于事后补救措施。高速公路造价总控(Highway Cost Controlling,简称HCC)指的是以现代信息技术为手段,对高速公路建设工程进行与造价和进度有关信息的收集、加工和传输,用经过处理的"信息流"指导和控制高速公路项目建设的"物质流",支持项目最高决策者进行策划、协调和控制的一种管理组织模式。  相似文献   

共鸣的力量 共鸣式管理首先是找出大家共同的利益与目标,而后提出科学、公正的工作方法,最后身体力行,做出表率.这些要素让团队成员在思想上达成共识.接下来的合作就变得高效、顺畅.这比起单纯提倡团队精神.团队合作,显然来得更实际、有效.团队合作不仅仅是相互关心、爱护,也不是单纯团结在某个人的周围,更不是一种洗脑一样的唯命是从或军事化的绝对服从.  相似文献   

随着我国经济规模的不断扩大,投资者对建设项目的投资收益的重视程度不断提高.如何在保证建设项目工程质量的前提下使工程造价控制在合理的范围内,成为所有投资者考虑的重要问题.我国对于工程造价控制一直是分阶段管理,不同的阶段由不同的审批部门及主体进行造价管理,而且各个管理主体间的联系沟通也有所不足.投资者本身如果不具备全过程造价控制能力,很容易导致投资超预期目标.建设项目的复杂性、不确定性和动态性、工程计价的多次性的特点,决定了投资者要想实现工程投资不超过预期值,客观上须有一个控制主体对整个项目投资进行系统性、综合性和全局性的跟踪管理,保证项目投资各阶段的可追溯性及可控性.全过程造价管理咨询可以运用工程造价的知识和技术为投资者提供数据支持,协助投资者进行投资决策,缩小项目投资偏差,对建设工程进行全面的投资控制.本文结合实际,从造价咨询公司的角度探讨在决策、设计、发承包、实施、竣工结算五个阶段如何做好全过程造价管理咨询工作.  相似文献   

设计阶段是建设项目造价控制的关键,是决定建设项目造价的重要一步,只有合理的设计,才能从项目建设的源头上控制造价,达到提高投资效益和社会效益的目的.  相似文献   

吕丹 《首席财务官》2008,(12):65-67
预算管理是当事人共同参与制定规则,无论是收入指标还是费用指标、项目数量指标或项目效果指标都是公司利益和小团体利益的均衡,从这一点来看,预算更具灵活性和激励性。  相似文献   

鉴于政府引导下设立的农业产业投资基金具有准公共产品性质,现有的以投资收益最大化为目的的项目选择模型不适合于农业产业投资基金的投资项目选择评价。为此,同时考虑农业企业的经济效益和社会效益,建立了一个基于DEA的成本效率模型的投资项目选择模型,并通过算法改进有效地降低了其对决策单元数量的要求。投资项目选择模型在项目评价过程中将农业项目的经济效益和社会效益相结合,在备选项目较少的情况下同样能有效地选择出综合效益最高的项目。  相似文献   

目前,通过开展高校工程项目效益审计,有效提高了工程项目投资主体的日趋多元化的审计监督效果。不仅体现在控制、降低工程建设成本,完善工程建设管理,而且促进真实反映工程造价、维护高校本身的合法权益,同时对廉政建设、监督等起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to construct an analytical cash flow-based project model to facilitate project appraisal of both private investors and public sector. With the help of the model that focuses on ecosystem and its stakeholders, it is simpler to identify potential conflicts usually encountered in public–private partnership (PPP) projects. The model construct is based on classical cash flow accounting and cost–benefit analysis. In the model, the flows of cash (private investors) and the flows of costs and benefits (public investors) are integrated in a single framework. The model shows that within the ecosystem the investors' (public vs. private) social, economic and financial targets are not necessarily coinciding. Prospecting of common ground and win–win situations becomes a crucial success factor for any PPP project. The paper discusses the policy and investment strategy implications for successful PPPs.  相似文献   

The domestic benefits of tropical forests: a critical review.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This review focuses on forests in the humid tropics and on two of their potentially most important benefits. These include hydrological benefits, such as erosion control and regulation of stream flows, and non-timber forest products, such as rubber, rattan, fruits, and nuts. The first benefit is motivational. Host countries capture only a small proportion of the global benefits, which stem from biodiversity conservation. Demonstration of palpable local benefits could help to build support for biodiversity-oriented projects. The second benefit is the magnitude of domestic benefits that could influence project financing. Sufficiently large net domestic benefits could justify financing of a project on narrow economic grounds, with biodiversity conservation as a by-product. Overall, it is noted that the quantifiable benefits of forest preservation in providing hydrological services and non-timber forest products are highly variable. These classes of domestic benefits may in general be smaller than popularly supposed. In view of this, the need for financing conservation from the Global Environmental Facility or other global sources is emphasized rather than placing the burden on domestic resources.  相似文献   

We compare upfront and staged financing to see when and how one financing policy prevails over the other. In our model, there are two moral hazard problems that interact with each other. First, the entrepreneur may pursue his own private benefit out of the raised fund in the initial period. Second, the entrepreneur may shirk on project evaluation at the refinancing stage if the project is stage-financed. When the entrepreneur's effort for project evaluation is verifiable, the project may be stage-financed even if the cost of evaluating effort exceeds the value of information (over-evaluation). When such effort is unverifiable, the project may be financed upfront even if the value of information exceeds the cost of evaluating effort (under-evaluation).  相似文献   

论项目管理对投资效益的支持作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
投资活动具有独特的运行规律,政府和企业在管理模式上现存的缺陷不利于投资效益的实现,有必要在实际 工作中引入项目管理的模式,项目管理以效益为直接目标,以项目为核心,以竞争为手段,以协调为基础,以法律为保障,辅以现代化的项目管理方法和技术,为投资效益的实现铺垫了良好的基础,具有坚实的支撑作用。  相似文献   

We develop a cost–benefit tradeoff that provides new insights into the frequency with which firms should be required to report the results of their operations to the capital market. The benefit to increasing the frequency of financial reporting is that it causes market prices to better deter investments in negative net present value projects. The cost of increased frequency is that it increases the probability of inducing managerial short‐termism. We analyze the tradeoff between these costs and benefits and develop conditions under which greater reporting frequency is desirable and conditions under which it is not.  相似文献   

Option Value to Waiting Created by a Control Problem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We study a principal-agent model in which there is an option to defer a capital project approval decision. A control (incentive) problem makes the option to wait valuable when it would not have been valuable otherwise. Deferring the project approval decision has both a cost and a benefit. The cost of waiting is that the agent's uncertainty regarding future project cost realizations cannot be exploited. However, by delaying the first project's approval decision, the principal can condition its approval on the agent's cost report of the second project. Such conditioning can be valuable in the provision of incentives because of a diversification effect.  相似文献   

The wealth redistributive effects of retroactive termination insurance together with the difficulty of determining insurance premiums suggest that an alternative response, such as improved disclosure of worker benefits in the event of plan wind-up, may be preferred if the government remains concerned about the security of benefits in underfunded plans. Members of money purchase plans may well be less subject to investment risk than members of defined benefit plans, contrary to the claim of many. In Canada, defined benefit plans appear to have been transformed into defined benefit/money purchase hybrids, and this has several important implications.  相似文献   

Corporate “mitigation” efforts to limit greenhouse gases alone will not be sufficient to protect companies against future environmental impacts. For most companies intent on preserving their operating efficiency and value, “adaptation”—the process of changing behavior in response to actual or expected climate change impacts—is emerging as a critical partner to mitigation efforts aimed at reducing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The recent growth in the expected costs associated with the risk of climate change emphasizes the importance of developing new technology and redesigning infrastructure and other assets that will enable companies to respond to such change without excessive reductions in profitability. The nature and extent of adaptation in each situation will depend on the costs involved relative to the benefits of adopting different adaptation strategies to achieve a target level of resilience. Companies that choose to adapt and do so effectively are expected to benefit from an improvement in their net risk‐return profile. Consistent with this expectation, the authors found that a sample of companies from the European energy sector that adapted to the 2005 EU climate change mandate by diversifying their fuel sources (mainly away from coal) experienced reductions in both risk and return while non‐adapting firms experienced roughly the same returns, but at the cost of higher risk. The benefit of adapting is thus seen as showing up not in higher returns per se, but in higher risk‐adjusted returns.  相似文献   

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