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文章以1997年1月~2017年12月的沪深A股为研究对象,从流动性风险角度检验价值溢价的风险来源,对价值股和成长股的流动性风险与收益进行对比研究,分析中国股票市场中流动性因子对价值因子的解释能力。研究发现:价值股的市场流动性风险大于成长股,价值溢价的成因是价值股承担了更高的市场流动性风险,从风险补偿角度解释了价值溢价;同时发现在中国股票市场中投资因子与盈利因子并不能解释价值因子,而流动性因子可以解释。  相似文献   

本文以利率期限结构信息为解释变量,对中期国债的风险溢价建立预测模型.回归结果显示,利率期限结构的斜率因子和曲度因子对中期国债的月度风险溢价具有显著的预测能力.利用该预测模型建立的模拟债券组合,与市场指数及债券型基金相比,取得了较好的业绩表现.  相似文献   

从2014年4月"超日债"违约起,债券信用风险问题频繁。本文以2014年12月至2016年12月间在交易所交易不含权公司债券为研究样本,风险信用风险因素、流动性风险因素及宏观风险因素等因素对公司债信用利差的影响。分析发现,信用风险因素、宏观因素对公司债信用利差的影响显著,而流动性风险因素影响不显著。  相似文献   

交易所国债期限风险溢价的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文考察了上海证券交易所国债期限风险溢价的时间变化特征及决定因素。实证结果显示,债券剩余期限越长,平均风险溢价越高;通过对不同期限债券组合的风险溢价序列建立回归模型,发现长短期利差及风险溢价的前期值对中长期债券期限风险溢价的时变性具有明显的解释能力。  相似文献   

本文使用换手率、交易天数和交易量对公司债券的流动性进行测量,并运用多元回归模型进行实证分析。结果表明:影响中国公司债券流动性的主要因素是发行量、剩余到期时间和息票率,其中,发行量、剩余到期时间与流动性之间是负相关关系,息票率对流动性有正的影响效应。债券的信用评级对流动性没有影响。在行业因素当中,金融业的显著性最强,而材料行业没有影响,工业行业的影响非常小。债券复杂性的影响不显著。为更好地发展公司债券,应该对债券评级进行制度上的规范,完善现有的评级方法,增强评级机构的独立性,增大发行规模,促进债券品种的多元化。  相似文献   

企业债的信用价差和预期违约损失之间的巨大差异,正在引起人们对“信用价差之谜”的日益关注。对“信用价差之谜”的代表性解释之一为信用价差分解理论,该理论的最新研究已经触及到了税收、风险溢价和流动性溢价等方面;代表性解释之二为信用风险分散困境理论,包括系统风险的不可分散性和可分散风险的难以分散性。此外,对“信用价差之谜”的探讨已经从发达债券市场过渡到新兴债券市场,并仍有待于进一步的研究。  相似文献   

袁象  余思勤 《南方金融》2007,(12):50-52
本文通过计量分析发现评级机构给予的信用级别与商业银行债券的风险溢价显著相关,且当债券级别越高时,风险溢价越低;当商业银行债券以浮动利率发行时,债券的风险溢价能显著降低。同时,由于存款准备金率的变动影响了债券市场上的资金供需情况,当银行存款准备金率上升时,债券发行方商业银行需要向投资者支付更高的风险溢价。  相似文献   

以2014年1月至12月间信用评级发生调动的27个样本公司债券为研究对象,运用事件研究法对这些评级变化所产生的公告效应进行研究。结果表明:在我们研究的事件窗口中,信用评级变化的公司债券会产生显著的负的公告效应,在公告发布之后的累积异常收益率为负。多元回归分析表明:公司债券的累积异常收益率与债券剩余期限和无风险利率显著正相关,与股票市场指数、债券流动性和公司净资产收益率负相关。  相似文献   

发行公司债券是企业筹集长期资金的重要方式.公司债券能否顺利发行与债券的发行价格有很大关系,发行价格主要取决于债券票面利率和市场利率的关系.一般的《财务管理》教材通常是直接给出结论,即:当债券票面利率等于市场利率时平价发行;当票面利率低于市场利率时折价发行;当票面利率高于市场利率时溢价发行.至于产生这三种发行价格的原因,大都没有作出详尽的解释.本文从债券内在价值的定义出发,探讨债券平价、溢价和折价发行的根源,以加深学生对债券发行价格知识点的理解.  相似文献   

作为一种新型金融工具,巨灾风险债券自发行以来所附带的风险收益就远高于同等级传统债券的收益.尽管均值方差分析方法已证明"溢价之谜"确实存在,但从传统理论角度出发的研究并不能充分解释巨灾风险债券高溢价的成因.本文尝试用行为金融理论分析以获得较合理的解释补充.通过探讨投资者的心理、行为因素在巨灾风险债券溢价之谜中所起的重要作用,得出结论:风险厌恶、固定教育成本、模糊厌恶和羊群效应等行为导致了溢价之谜的出现.这些影响因素的发现不仅是对国际巨灾风险债券市场中的高溢价现象进行解释的重要依据,同时也为我国科学发行巨灾风险债券提供了思路.  相似文献   

A time-varying common risk factor affecting corporate yield spreads is modelled by extending a panel data model. The panel data model accommodates a common factor, which is associated with time-varying individual effects. The factor multiplied by a bond-specific unobservable is identified as a systematic risk premium. In disentangling the systematic risk premium, both credit and liquidity risks are evaluated; the credit risk is assessed by bond rating, and the liquidity risk is indirectly measured by discrepancy in quoted yields by brokerage firms. Parameters are estimated by the generalized method of moments procedure. The model is tested on the corporate bond market in Japan. Empirical results show that the time-varying common risk factor is successfully estimated together with credit and liquidity risks.  相似文献   

We represent credit spreads across ratings as a function of common unobservable factors of the Vasicek form. Using a state-space approach we estimate the factors, their process parameters, and the exposure of each observed credit spread series to each factor. We find that most of the systematic variation across credit spreads is captured by three factors. The factors are closely related to the implied volatility index (VIX), the long bond rate, and S&P500 returns, supporting the predictions of structural models of default at an aggregate level. By making no prior assumption about the determinants of yield spread dynamics, our study provides an original and independent test of theory. The results also contribute to the current debate about the role of liquidity in corporate yield spreads. While recent empirical literature shows that the level and time-variation in corporate yield spreads is driven primarily by a systematic liquidity risk factor, we find that the three most important drivers of yield spread levels relate to macroeconomic variables. This suggests that if credit spread levels do contain a large liquidity premium, the time variation of this premium is likely driven by the same factors as default risk.  相似文献   

在完全有效市场条件下,信用风险是反映信用类债券特征的最基本信息,也是决定价差的关键因素。本文通过对中国信用类债券中短期融资券的价差分解发现,虽然信用风险显著影响短期融资券定价,但市场风险才是影响其价差的最主要因素。此外,市场流动性不足降低了市场运行效率,导致流动性溢价总体为负。上述研究结果表明我国短期融资券市场化的定价机制虽已初步形成,但市场效率总体仍然偏低。  相似文献   

We investigate the cross-sectional determinants of corporate bond returns and find that downside risk is the strongest predictor of future bond returns. We also introduce common risk factors based on the prevalent risk characteristics of corporate bonds—downside risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk—and find that these novel bond factors have economically and statistically significant risk premiums that cannot be explained by long-established stock and bond market factors. We show that the newly proposed risk factors outperform all other models considered in the literature in explaining the returns of the industry- and size/maturity-sorted portfolios of corporate bonds.  相似文献   

Long-term reversals in corporate bonds are economically and statistically significant in a comprehensive sample spanning the period 1977 to 2017. Such reversals are stronger for bonds with high credit risk and more binding regulatory, capital, and funding liquidity constraints. Bond long-term reversal is not a manifestation of the equity counterpart and is mainly driven by long-term losers. A long-term reversal factor carries a sizable premium and is not explained by long-established equity and bond market factors. Thus, past returns capture investors’ ex-ante risk assessment and the degree of institutional constraints they face, so losing bonds command higher expected returns.  相似文献   

Using a database of Euro-denominated government bonds covering the period from January 2000 to December 2010, this paper provides an empirical analysis of the determinants of government credit spreads in the Euro-area. The analysis is divided into two sub-periods delimited by the global financial crisis that started in August 2007. We find evidence of a clear shift in the behavior of market participants from a convergence-trade expectation, based on market related factors, before August 2007, to one mainly driven by macroeconomic country-specific variables and an international common risk factor. There is no evidence of a significant role for the liquidity risk before or during the financial crisis period. Overall, our results give support to the Merton-type structural credit risk models and confirm that there are considerable similarities between the factors explaining the dynamics of the credit risk spreads and the factors driving the prices on the government bond markets.  相似文献   

Corporate bond default risk: A 150-year perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We study corporate bond default rates using an extensive new data set spanning the 1866-2008 period. We find that the corporate bond market has repeatedly suffered clustered default events much worse than those experienced during the Great Depression. For example, during the railroad crisis of 1873-1875, total defaults amounted to 36% of the par value of the entire corporate bond market. Using a regime-switching model, we examine the extent to which default rates can be forecast by financial and macroeconomic variables. We find that stock returns, stock return volatility, and changes in GDP are strong predictors of default rates. Surprisingly, however, credit spreads are not. Over the long term, credit spreads are roughly twice as large as default losses, resulting in an average credit risk premium of about 80 basis points. We also find that credit spreads do not adjust in response to realized default rates.  相似文献   

We investigate whether liquidity is an important price factor in the US corporate bond market. In particular, we focus on whether liquidity effects are more pronounced in periods of financial crises, especially for bonds with high credit risk, using a unique data set covering more than 20,000 bonds, between October 2004 and December 2008. We employ a wide range of liquidity measures and find that liquidity effects account for approximately 14% of the explained market-wide corporate yield spread changes. We conclude that the economic impact of the liquidity measures is significantly larger in periods of crisis, and for speculative grade bonds.  相似文献   

Our model shows that deterioration in debt market liquidity leads to an increase in not only the liquidity premium of corporate bonds but also credit risk. The latter effect originates from firms' debt rollover. When liquidity deterioration causes a firm to suffer losses in rolling over its maturing debt, equity holders bear the losses while maturing debt holders are paid in full. This conflict leads the firm to default at a higher fundamental threshold. Our model demonstrates an intricate interaction between the liquidity premium and default premium and highlights the role of short‐term debt in exacerbating rollover risk.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of liquidity, default and personal taxes on the relative yields of Treasuries and municipals using a generalized model with liquidity risk. The municipal yield model includes liquidity as a state factor. Using a unique transaction dataset, we estimate the liquidity risk of municipals and its effect on bond yields. Empirical evidence shows that municipal bond yields are strongly affected by all three factors. The effects of default and liquidity risk on municipal yields increase with maturity and credit risk. Liquidity premium accounts for about 9–13% of municipal yields for AAA bonds, 9–15% for AA/A bonds and 8–19% for BBB bonds. A substantial portion of the maturity spread between long- and short-maturity municipal bonds is attributed to the liquidity premium. Ignoring the liquidity risk effect thus results in a severe underestimation of municipal bond yields. Conditional on the effects of default and liquidity risk, we obtain implicit tax rates very close to the statutory tax rates of high-income individuals and institutional investors. Furthermore, these implicit income tax rates are quite stable across bonds of different maturities. Results show that including liquidity risk in the municipal bond pricing model helps explain the muni puzzle.  相似文献   

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