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在全面实施创新驱动发展战略的时代背景下,揭示中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率稳定性,测度相关因素的影响强度与方向,对揭示中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新规律,制定其发展策略具有重要指导意义。聚焦中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率稳定性及影响因素,采用DEA-Malmquist指数方法和Tobit回归模型进行实证研究,结果表明,中国高端装备制造业自主技术创新效率存在一定波动性,且各细分行业技术创新效率内部稳定性较差,产业自主技术创新效率整体稳定性不高;自主技术创新投入因素和环境影响因素对产业自主技术创新效率的影响具有较高的异质性,其中创新资金投入和人力资源投入对自主技术创新综合效率、纯技术效率及规模效率具有正向影响,而新产品开发投入和企业规模对自主技术创新综合效率、纯技术效率和规模效率的影响具有异质性,政策因素与市场因素分别具有显著和非显著负向影响,外源性创新因素具有显著正向影响,且影响强度较大。在此基础上,提出调整政府对高端装备制造业创新支持模式、加强外源性创新与智力引进等策略建议。  相似文献   
激烈的市场竞争使人们意识到,企业既需要维持创新发展优势而抢占主流市场,又需要创造新的企业发展优势而赢取未来主流市场。着眼于这一关键任务,实现主流与新流创新演进成为企业持续发展的重点。因此,基于生物进化理论、企业进化理论和企业DNA理论,提出主流与新流创新演进经过了生成、变异、选择、协同阶段。深入研究主流与新流创新的生成、变异、选择、协同机理,并与企业创新发展实践相结合,为企业未来主流创新提供具体路径指导。  相似文献   
Like many emerging economies, the productive structure of the Paraguayan economy is not complex. It relies extensively on low value-added activities in the primary sector such as agriculture and cattle ranching. These activities have a lower return in terms of economic and social benefits than other potential productive activities and do not contribute to increasing capability accumulation. In this paper we present a tool to support the identification of strategic sectors and products which if taken advantage of, could leverage development through the accumulation of productive capabilities. Our guiding question is: Which productive sectors should be promoted to foster economic development in Paraguay through a transition towards a more complex economy? To answer this question, we use concepts from the Economic Complexity theory to identify new products and cluster them based on the Product Space methodology for the determination of potential products and combine it with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for multicriteria analysis considering multiple criteria. In doing so, our proposed methodology contributes to both the Economic Complexity and the AHP literature. Through this combination, we tackle the multiplicity of juxtaposed criteria, which should be considered at the prioritization stage in the crafting of economic restructuring measures according to the country's capabilities. Our evaluation showed that the combination of the approaches is useful, and for Paraguay's case, it helped identify sectors, which, if promoted by policymakers, could help boost economic development through complexity and capability accumulation.  相似文献   
互联网环境下协同创新中的知识增值运行机制发生重大改变。从知识流视角出发,整合资源基础观与知识基础观,在完善软创新资源概念的基础上,通过对4个案例的深入探索,分析软创新资源各维度对协同创新知识增值的影响。结果表明,互联网的群智性、泛在性等特点可以孕育出软创新资源,进而影响协同创新中的知识增值。其中,软创新资源包括开放型信息资源、协同型关系资源、创新型文化资源以及技术型能力资源4个维度,并分别作用于知识获取、知识转移、知识创造和应用,从而实现知识增值。最后,针对如何最大程度地发挥互联网在促进知识增值方面的作用,提出相关建议。  相似文献   
产业升级是高质量发展的主要目标及核心推力。通过分阶段观测广东改革开放40年产业转型升级进程发现,广东产业转型升级的演化轨迹是一条迈向高质量发展的产业跃升之路,贯穿其中的主线是持续性产业升级。生产要素供给、市场需求、技术创新、政府干预及制度安排等四大动因相互影响、相互作用,形成动态更迭比较优势、推动产业持续升级的耦合动力机制。在国际产业分工的背景下,适应不同的阶段特征及红利条件,通过比较优势的动态化调整,广东产业发展模式由低成本要素驱动、投资驱动向创新驱动转变。站在新时代的历史起点上,广东应以全面创新驱动作为产业转型升级的动力,加快数字经济与实体经济深度融合,抢占全球价值链高端,迈向一个更高质量的发展阶段。  相似文献   
增长理论是经济学的重要部分,关系到每一个人的福利和一个国家的地位。文章运用广义价值论研究经济增长问题,以分工为切入点,把分工产生的新增利益和该利益的公平分配统一起来,论述了递增性假设之外另一条增长的可能路径。主要结论如下:(1)基于比较优势的分工交换可以持续地产生比较利益即超过自给自足收益的净收益,这一收益不依赖于技术的递增或递减变化,具有普遍持久稳定性;(2)由分工交换产生的净收益构成原始积累的重要来源,既促进了生产规模和分工范围的扩大,又支持了研发和技术进步;(3)劳动生产力任何提高的效应都通过分工交换产生的比较利益加以放大,在一个分工交换系统中,行为主体提高比较优势产品和比较劣势产品的生产力分别具有正的和负的外部性;(4)基于广义价值论的内生经济增长体现了效率与公平的统一,一个好的制度是能够保证在交易中各方的比较利益率相等,掠夺性制度不仅直接损害经济增长,也不具备长期可持续性。  相似文献   
The travel, tourism and hospitality industries have been the worst affected of the world's major economic sectors during the COVID19 pandemic, which has had a devastating effect on both destinations and organisations. Drawing from a sample (N = 385) of adult permanent residents of Athens, Greece, the study examines the impact of COVID19 upon holiday intention. The chaordic systems are evaluated through the use of fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis, whilst the study also used Necessary Condition Analysis for the calculation of the size effects of the examined conditions. The findings reveal two sufficient complex configurations leading to holiday intention: (i) holiday risks, and (ii) impact of COVID19. Based on the results, the article also offers a set of managerial implications. The contribution of the study is to both theoretical and methodological tourism domains.  相似文献   
This paper estimates a three-frequency dynamic factor model for nowcasting the Canadian provincial gross domestic product (GDP). The Canadian provincial GDP at market prices is released by Statistics Canada annually with a significant lag (11 months). This necessitates a mixed-frequency approach that can process timely monthly data, the quarterly national accounts, and the annual target variable. The model is estimated on a wide set of provincial, national and international data. In a pseudo real-time exercise, we find that the model outperforms simple benchmarks and is competitive with more sophisticated mixed-frequency approaches (MIDAS models). We also find that variables from the Labour Force Survey are important predictors of real activity. This paper expands previous work that has documented the importance of foreign variables for nowcasting Canadian GDP. This paper finds that including national and foreign predictors is useful for Ontario, while worsening the nowcast performance for smaller provinces.  相似文献   
基于中国本土化理论——复合基础观,以浙江大华技术股份有限公司(以下简称大华)为例,结合后发企业追赶需要考虑的重要情境即机会窗口,分析后发企业在追赶过程中,如何合理、灵活地采取复合式战略回应机会窗口,并利用机会窗口带来的发展机遇,实现从初始追赶到超越追赶再到行业前沿的追赶历程。研究发现,同一行业内不同机会窗口之间环环相扣、相互影响,某一机会窗口的出现也会触发其它机会窗口出现,进而引致整个行业机会窗口涌现;基于复合基础观视角,后发企业追赶路径的演变过程为:最初以技术模仿式创新为导向实现边缘赶超,继而以市场把握和扩张为导向实现商业模式创新,然后以全面协同创新为导向实现系统竞争力提升;后发企业通过实施复合式战略回应机会窗口的开启,能够帮助其更好地把握住发展机遇,实现追赶;与追赶路径演变相关联,随着企业内部资源与能力的积累,战略回应机制也相应地呈现为“被动回应—主动回应—引领拓展”的演变过程。  相似文献   
Poverty, despite being a multifaceted concept, is commonly measured in either absolute or relative monetary terms. However, it can also be measured subjectively, as people form perceptions on their relative income, welfare and life satisfaction. This is the first study that uses the National Income Dynamics Study data to analyse poverty across various objective and subjective methods. The paper finds that while respondents' poverty status varies across methods, blacks remain the racial group most likely to be defined as poor by at least one method. The multivariate analysis reveals that the impact of some explanatory variables, such as experience of negative events, frequency of crime victimisation, health status and importance of religious activities, is mixed across methods.  相似文献   
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