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当今日重庆记者来到邱少云烈士纪念馆时,见到了很多小朋友的身影. 作为铜梁人,逯娟对此情形早已习惯.带孩子到邱少云烈士纪念馆缅怀英烈一直是铜梁人的传统,她自己从小就喜欢到邱少云烈士纪念馆.  相似文献   
7月1日上午9点,刘旭第三次路过解放碑渝都大厦的户外大屏. 大屏幕上正在直播庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大会,周边的屏幕上滚动播放着庆祝标语:"热烈庆祝中国共产党成立100周年""中国共产党根基在人民血脉在人民"…… "中国人民也绝不允许任何外来势力欺负、压迫、奴役我们,谁妄想这样干,必将在14亿多中国人民用血肉筑成的钢铁长城面前碰得头破血流!"当习近平总书记的话音传来,在解放碑广场收看直播的市民不约而同鼓起掌来.  相似文献   
渝北一家名为"豆留手工烘焙"的面包店,是重航空姐胡雅然的秘密花园,她一有空就会到这里享受烘焙的乐趣."看着面团在手里慢慢发酵,团成一个个可爱的模样,最终做成一件高颜值的蛋糕,非常治愈." 炎炎夏日,胡雅然分享了一款她最喜欢的消夏甜品——芒果戚风千层蛋糕的做法. 芒果戚风千层蛋糕,是芒果、戚风蛋糕和千层皮的反复叠加."芒果易得,千层皮不难,难的是做出蓬松柔软、细腻香甜的口感." 以6寸戚风蛋糕为例,需要准备的食材有鸡蛋3个、玉米油35克、纯牛奶40克、低筋面粉50克、细砂糖55克、玉米淀粉5克."一定要用玉米油,否则烘焙出的蛋糕会有奇怪的'油味'."胡雅然说.  相似文献   
This paper constructs a duopoly model considering corporate social responsibility (CSR) and market's sensitivity to CSR (e) and analyzes the equilibrium results, the condition of CSR implementation and the optimal CSR level (β* ) of Model CC (two enterprises implement CSR) and Model CN (only one enterprise implements CSR). The results show that β* is affected by competitors and e. e, marginal cost (c) and cost difference affect the equilibrium results and the comparative results. Reducing c and improving e can promote social welfare. Consumer surplus under Model CC is highest. CSR has a negative effect on social welfare under certain conditions.  相似文献   
专利作为技术和知识的重要载体,是研究技术演进和产业发展的重要信息源。目前缺乏针对专利集群网络中关键节点与关键路径中节点的比较分析和技术知识挖掘。构建基于关键节点和关键路径的专利集群网络演进模型,从两个层面综合分析技术演进特征。检索德温特数据库(Derwent Innovation Index)得到碳化硅肖特基势垒二极管(SiC-SBD)相关专利作为实证数据,时间跨度为1986-2017年。结果表明,SiC-SBD专利集群网络经历了萌芽期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期,其中,萌芽期专利主要涉及基础技术,成长期为器件结构,以完善器件结构、改进二极管性能为主要研究方向。近年来SiC-SBD专利年增长率下降,技术发展速度放缓,专利价值更多体现在其商业价值上。SiC-SBD专利集群网络关键节点与关键路径中节点重合度较高,核心专利识别可通过多视角分析得到。通过关键节点与关键路径分析专利集群网络演进过程,有助于更全面呈现技术演进过程,为决策者识别核心专利、预测技术发展提供参考。  相似文献   
入职重庆航空前,王秋丹是一名兼职模特,她爱拍照也特别会拍照.在她的微信朋友圈里,她有时化身邻家女孩在树荫下喝茶看书,有时变身异域少女载歌载舞……不管什么造型,照片里的她看起来总是美美的,特别上镜. 如何拍出这样美美的"大片"?王秋丹说除了选好环境、打扮漂亮之外,肢体语言也很重要,这里有一些小技巧.  相似文献   
高维微 《今日重庆》2021,(10):74-77
作为渝中区的主要菜市场之一,石灰市菜市场因为规模较大、菜价便宜,一向受到周边居民和上班族的青睐.而去年10月改造完成后,它还额外地在网上受到关注,甚至被称为"治愈场所",连最近一期真人秀《象牙山爱逗团》也走进了石灰市菜市场.  相似文献   

As the engine of China’s economy, small enterprises have been the central to the country’s economic development. However, given the characteristics of the small enterprises loan (i.e., short borrowing period, large volume, small amount and incomplete information), it is extremely challenging for financial institutions to assess their creditworthiness. Thus, it seriously delays and restricts the financing access for small enterprises. In an attempt to relieve the financing difficulty of small enterprises, this article makes use of 687 small wholesale and retail enterprises in a regional commercial bank in China, to establish a credit rating indicator system composed of 17 indicators by using both partial correlation analysis and probit regression. It then utilizes TOPSIS together with fuzzy C-means to score the credit ratings of our sample of small enterprises. With the dual test of default discrimination and ROC curve, the prediction accuracy of the established indicator system has reached 80.10% and 0.917, respectively, indicating the robustness and validity of our credit rating system.  相似文献   
高维微 《今日重庆》2020,(4):102-104
2017年,工信部公布了第一批绿色制造示范名单,重庆市7家单位入选,重庆建峰化工股份有限公司名列其中。早在2008年,建峰化工就从建设综合污水处理站开始走上绿色发展之路。随着绿色工厂打造的持续推进,绿色生产带来的环境效益、经济效益已经逐步显现。2020年,建峰化工将继续投入资金开展绿色低碳节能改造,力争实现污染物零排放。  相似文献   

The aviation e-service system is an important part of support for business communication in regions covered by Belt and Road initiative. In exploring the role of airline companies in this system, we examine the structure of the network, which consists of airlines interconnections based on small data of individual attributes of aviation companies in aviation e-services, and study these interconnections across different groups using block modeling. The heuristic solution of airline companies in development of international communication and cooperation is further discussed. Among our policy implications for global managers, we suggest the enhancement of cross-regional cooperation among airlines.  相似文献   
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