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风险投资中激励机制与代理成本分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在风险投资机制中存在着双层委托代理关系,投资者设计激励制度时,必须将风险企业家的努力引入产出函数,建立相应的整合激励模型,分析影响风险投资家和风险企业家激励强度的若干因素,包括风险企业自身的股份份额、代理人的成本函数、外部不确定性和风险企业家的保留效用等,而为了使激励机制更有效,必须尽可能地减少机制运行的代理成本,影响该成本的因素主要包括风险投资家的利润分享份额,风险企业家的利润贡献率、风险态度等,从而根据这些影响因素,设计激励机制这一制度安排来保证两个委托人(投资者和风险投资家)的效用最大化.  相似文献   

从实际出发构造了一类委托代理模型,研究委托人和代理人的风险偏好对激励合同的影响。研究表明:委托人在制定激励合同时应考虑自己及代理人的风险偏好,这样才能达到有效激励的目的。  相似文献   

国有企业委托代理风险的特殊性及其防范   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
委托代理关系是内生于国有企业的,国有企业委托代理关系的特征决定了国有企业中不仅存在着代理人风险,而且还存在着一种特殊的风险——委托人风险。防范国有企业委托代理风险问题的核心在于两个方面:一是深化产权制度改革,培育出真正有行为能力、有监督积极性的合格委托人;二是建立合理的激励约束机制和经营者选拔机制,使真正有能力的企业家成为国有企业的经营者。  相似文献   

本文以现行金融体系为背景,从激励相容的视角构建了政府与金融机构的委托代理模型.结果显示:(1)财政的最优分担比例由政府和金融机构的风险规避系数以及税率决定的;(2)最优的风险程度取决于政府和金融机构的风险规避系数、单位方差、风险对收益的影响度以及金融机构的资本金.为控制金融风险,应采取建立存款保险制度、按最优分担比例分担金融危机、提升政府和金融机构的风险规避系数以及增加金融机构的资本金等措施.  相似文献   

风险投资是一个融资和投资相结合的过程,风险投资家从投资者那里筹集资金,再分散投入到各风险企业中去,形成投资者和风险投资家、风险投资家和风险企业家的双重委托代理关系。委托人的利益要靠代理人去实现,投资者一般不参与风险资本的投资、运作、管理和决策,而风险投资家虽然参与了风险资本的管理,但也不可能像风险企业家那样参与企业的日常经营管理,这就给了代理人向委托人隐瞒信息的机会。当代理人和委托人的利益不一致时,代理人就可能利用这种不对称信息做出对委托人不利的行为选择,道德风险由此产生。在风险投资家与风险企业家之间的委托代理关系中,道德风险主要表现为风险企业家在获得投资后隐瞒企业实际信息、消极怠工、投资次优化和在职消费等四个方面。  相似文献   

本文将代理人的风险性行为引入到传统的委托-代理模型中,分析了考虑代理人风险性行为时委托人和代理人的收益最大化选择.分析结果表明:在委托人无法精确地观测代理人的行为、全面地了解代理人的思想状况时,建立健全风险性行为的评价和约束机制,并对代理人风险性行为的评价和约束进行量化,对于激励代理人、实现委托人自身期望收益最大化具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

本文通过在代建服务取费基本模型中引入政府投资人与代建人之间的风险分担因素,对模型中激励费用部分的激励费率和相应的取费基数进行了分析,并就不同风险分担组合条件下的代建服务取费模型进行了描述。研究结果表明,代建服务取费模型中的激励费率和相应的取费基数都与风险分担有着直接或间接的关系,而风险分担取决于双方的风险态度,从客观上要求政府委托人对代建人的风险态度做出准确的判断。该结论将为构建合理的代建服务取费机制提供参考依据。  相似文献   

2003年8月以来债券由于央行上调准备金比率、加息等多种因素导致大幅下挫,开发具有规避风险的金融工具显得尤为必要.一种创新型的国债投资信托品种--国债集合资金信托通过集合管理国债和资金,满足委托人的不同风险偏好的投资要求,达到有效规避风险的目的.本文对此创新品种的含义、原理、资产管理和适用性进行了介绍.  相似文献   

基于联盟成员风险偏好组合的技术外包激励机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晏鹰  宋妍 《技术经济》2009,28(5):21-25
本文假定在技术外包过程中联盟成员具有风险中性、风险规避等不同的风险偏好,在此基础上区分了技术外包方与技术提供方的4类风险偏好组合,建立了委托-代理模型,考察了联盟成员的不同风险态度对技术提供方的提成比例、努力水平及技术外包方收益结果的影响,并给出了在联盟成员不同风险偏好组合下的最优激励合同。  相似文献   

本文依托问卷调查获取的数据资料发现,根据农民对待风险的态度可以把他们划分为风险规避、风险中性和风险取向3组,而且风险规避组的比例最高,包括文化程度等在内的社会人口学特征对农民的风险态度产生了影响.论文还分析了农民的风险降低策略,并就感知风险和绿色蔬菜的种植意愿、种植行为间的关系进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship is known to be important for innovation and economic growth, but relatively little attention has been paid to entrepreneurs in developing countries. We examined an important aspect of entrepreneurship: risk‐taking. We analysed the Indonesian Family Life Survey and compared risk preferences between entrepreneurs and non‐entrepreneurs. We found that risk tolerant workers were more likely to be entrepreneurs than risk averse workers by about 5 percentage points, or about 20 percent of the proportion of entrepreneurs in the labour force. The results imply that not all entrepreneurs in Indonesia are pushed into the sector; some actively take risks and seek innovations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the link between the emigration of entrepreneurs and the emergence of economic development traps, which has not received much attention in the existing literature. We develop a theoretical model, where the economy is divided into a traditional and a modern sector. Entrepreneurs establish firms in the modern sector to produce varieties of differentiated goods. Positive spillover effects exist in the modern sector. We show that the emigration of entrepreneurs can cause economic development traps, where the productivity of the modern sector remains low, and more importantly, the economy is stuck in the traditional structure. In the typical case, the development traps exhibit strong history dependence. Under certain conditions, regardless of the initial endowment of entrepreneurs, economic development traps are unavoidable. By examining the effect of government policy intervention to correct the market failure arising from spillover effects, our study also provides a theoretical foundation for government policies used by some developed countries to attract foreign entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

I consider an environment in which contract enforcement is a decision variable for the principal. I construct a model in which entrepreneurs cannot commit to repaying investors for the capital advanced, but investors can force repayment by spending resources. The principal uses enforcement to reduce the resources available to the agent after a default, thus providing incentives for the agent to stay in the relationship. She also ensures contract compliance by backloading the payments to the agent: expected utility rises over time, preventing a default. I consider an application of the framework developed in the paper to the area of firm dynamics. I show that enforcement and backloading are always used jointly. Firm size (measured by capital) grows with time and each firm converges to the efficient size. A second application is to the field of economic development. Costlier enforcement leads to the choice of sub-optimal technology; secondly, it leads to inefficient dispersion of capital across establishments.  相似文献   

中国加入WTO后,产业结构调整为女性企业家的成功提供了更多的机会,但在经济全球化的背景下,金融危机也不可避免地影响着我国经济发展和企业运行,使女企业家的企业遇到了前所未有的考验.本文从我国女企业家生存发展现状入手,分析新经济形式下女性发展的机遇和可能遇到的障碍,提出女企业家应注意解决的几个问题,并指出广大女企业家要刻苦学习市场经济知识、企业管理知识、现代科技知识、WTO知识、法律知识,使自己真正具有现代企业家的战略眼光、改革意识和创新思维能力,同时,更要抓好本企业全体成员的集体学习和群体智力的开发,努力建设学习型企业,实现企业的更好更快发展,并展望了女性企业家的发展前景.  相似文献   

阶层地位感知是影响民营企业家经营决策的重要因素,然而当前仍缺乏对其阶层地位感知形成机制的解释。从市场化转型历史背景出发,本文认为民营企业家阶层地位感知受其创业时特定历史情境的影响,并会通过世代效应长期共享、强化这一认知模式。基于五次中国私营企业抽样调查数据,具体考察1992年前后两个不同时期创业的民营企业家群体地位感知差异来检验世代效应。结果表明:与市场经济体制确立之前(1992年前)创业的民营企业家群体相比,市场经济体制确立之后(1992年后)创业的民营企业家群体地位感知相对较高。同时,进一步异质性检验发现,对于无体制内经历和经济力量较强的民营企业家群体,市场化转型对其阶层地位感知的提升作用更强。通过聚焦于中国市场化转型的历史变迁进程,本文为深化民营企业家阶层地位感知的认识提供了宏观历史视角解释。  相似文献   

创业是经济增长的强力催化剂,也伴随着巨大风险与挑战,失败难以避免,失败后的再创业行为同样极具研究价值。以往对创业失败的研究大多将失败视为既定事实,分析失败的原因、影响、应对措施等,往往忽略创业者在失败发生过程中的遭遇对其后续创业活动的影响。基于此,从时间维度上将创业失败划分为失败实际发生前的失败预感和失败实际发生后的失败成本,结合创业者自我效能感,构建串联中介模型。结果表明,失败预感能够促进再创业风险决策,而失败成本会抑制再创业风险决策;失败成本、自我效能感分别在失败预感与再创业风险决策间起中介作用;失败成本和自我效能感共同在失败预感与再创业风险决策间的串联中介作用不显著。研究有利于丰富再创业风险决策理论应用范畴,也可为正面临失败困境或已经进行再创业活动的创业者提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact of the rise of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and social entrepreneurs on economic development, with a special focus on how they have been used in Africa. The paper describes the decline of the state and the rise of NGOs as a force in economic development under neoliberalism. We then turn to two of the major problems with the roll-back of the state in Africa: the inherent weaknesses of nonstate actors in the development process, and the significant cost that is incurred by undermining the role of state. The paper concludes by suggesting the necessity of reinserting the state as the major vehicle for economic development, albeit in productive partnership with NGOs and social entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

家族企业家胜任力一直是促进家族企业成长和推动经济发展的重要变量。现有文献从概化视角出发,探究企业家胜任力内容结构,呈现出动态研究不足和应用效果欠佳的双重缺陷。基于企业生命周期角度,通过文献述评和实证分析,构建能够表征家族企业家胜任力静态和动态内容特征的结构体系。结果发现,在家族企业不同发展阶段,由能量流胜任力、物质流胜任力、信息流胜任力和个性胜任力4个维度表征下的家族企业家胜任力结构体系,其公因子权重和所包括内容均存在差异,能较好地揭示家族企业家动态胜任力演化逻辑,使得家族企业家间胜任力横向和纵向比较成为可能,从而提升应用实践性。  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship, structural change, and economic growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability to adjust to structural change is vital to economic development, and entries can be active participants in this process. While the importance of factor reallocations for growth is widely discussed, the role of entrepreneurs in managing these reallocations is currently not well understood. This paper analyzes the role of entry activity for adjustments of the sectoral structure and its relevance for regional economic development. The historical framework is the accelerated economic transformation that occurred in industrialized countries during the mid 1970s, resulting in an increasing need to adjust. Based on German data from 1975 to 2002, evidence is presented that sectoral reallocations are an important means for transforming entrepreneurial activity into growth.  相似文献   

The literature on entrepreneurship has developed a huge body of fruitful research to explain why women do not engage in business as often as men. However, relatively little is known about the role that different business models may play in driving women's entrepreneurial activity, which is examined in this study. In this paper we develop a model to empirically test the relationship between women's motivations to become entrepreneurs and their willingness to embark on business through cooperatives, a particular organizational model. We find that the fit between women's needs and expectations and the guiding principles of cooperatives is decisive for the materialization of female entrepreneurship. Furthermore, we explore the role that institutions can play in fostering this link. In doing so, we extend the literature on women's entrepreneurship by highlighting key factors to better channel the development of this potential resource for economic development. Our confirmatory model highlights the role of cooperatives as a type of organization particularly suited to the interests and needs of women entrepreneurs. Thus, the promotion of this business model can be useful to improve the number of women entrepreneurs and, in turn, enhance economic development.  相似文献   

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