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本文通过实证研究提出并论证了一种宏观压力测试方法,该方法可用于银行业监管和系统性风险的防范.首先采用有序多分类Logistic模型测算行业原始违约概率,再运用MFD违约概率模型将宏观冲击因子引入以求得渗入宏观经济因子的违约概率,然后采用CreditRisk+模型分别测算不同宏观压力情景下与信用风险对应的经济资本变化,经...  相似文献   

本书是国家自然科学基金项目《我国商业银行违约模型与经济资本配置研究》课题组的金融学前沿研究成果,在2012年国家自然科学基金委员会管理科学部组织的项目绩效评估会上,彭建刚教授主持的这一研究项目被评为优秀。《商业银行经济资本管理研究》一书依托现代金融学前沿理论和数学模型方法,以《巴塞尔资本协议II》和《巴塞尔资本协议III》为背景,独创性地提出并构建了适合我国商业银行的违约概率测算方法;对CreditRisk+模型的频带划分方法作了创新性的设计,采用此方法,各商业银行总行和分支机构可进行贷款组合非预期损失的在线实时计量,  相似文献   

内部评级法框架下商业银行信用风险的资本测算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
依据信贷资产分类贷款迁徙率矩阵,获取商业银行信贷业务各级形态贷款的违约概率;依据商业银行信贷审批的管理原则、资产清收的执行原则以及商业银行在清收时不可能通过诉讼获利的司法特征,建立抵押品池综合违约损失率的计算模型。基于以上模型,采用巴塞尔新资本协议IRB法计算出的信用风险在一般情况下低于依据银监会资本充足率管理办法计算出的信用风险。  相似文献   

本文是基于数据挖掘中的分类预测方法构建商业银行信用卡违约预测模型,借鉴分类预测方法中的判别分析法和logistic回归方法,构建能够预测商业银行信用卡违约模型.通过对商业银行信用卡数据进行分析,判别分析法和logistic回归法构建出的预测模型都具有一定的准确性,能很好地预测商业银行信用卡是否违约.  相似文献   

新巴塞尔资本协议的出台鼓励银行采用内部评级法评估所面临的信用风险,采用内部评级法,可以使银行资本和所承担风险的联系更加紧密、更加直接,可以大幅度提高资本对风险的敏感性。内部评级法计算资本充足率需要四个变量,违约概率是其中之一,同时只要采用内部评级法,不管应用高级法还是初级法,违约概率都需要由银行自己估算,国内某些商业银行已开始着手违约概率的计量。本文主要对违约概率的定义、作用及在现实中的应用作一些简要的介绍。  相似文献   

针对县域农村商业银行信用风险管理粗放的现状,本文通过对巴塞尔协议Ⅲ中内部评级法的研究,在充分考虑县域农村商业银行实际情况基础上,建立基于CreditMetrics的信用风险度量模型,计算出组合贷款和单笔贷款违约概率、违约损失率,从而建立符合该行实际的信用管理体系。  相似文献   

尹波 《金融与经济》2003,(11):14-16
当前我国金融体系的信用评级,无论是商业银行内部评级还是外部评级等,都程度不同的采用了AAA、AA、A、B、C这样离散的信用评级方法,本文从理论上讨论了违约率(广义)的定义、意义、分类标准和测算的方法,巴塞尔新协议中标准法,内部评级初级法,内部评级高级法的异同及对我国信用评级(广义违约率)管理建设的启示,指出我国商业银行的信用风险管理应采用内部评级高级法的框架,对于信用等级的评定应采用连续变量来代替传统的A、B、C等离散型的分类方法。  相似文献   

德国公司违约概率预测及其对我国信用风险管理的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内部信用评级是新巴塞尔资本协议的核心,而违约概率的预测又是内部评级的基础。本文利用具有出色分类功能的非线性支持向量分类(SVC)方法来预测德国公司的违约概率,识别其信用风险。结果显示,SVC模型的预测能力优于基准的logit模型;而且非线性SVC模型能够捕捉线性logit模型所不能识别的影响信用风险的重要变量。本文虽然分析的是德国公司数据,但是同样对我国商业银行和公司构建全面风险管理体系有着直接的指导意义。  相似文献   

违约风险模型对违约定义的敏感性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据贷款信用风险四级分类和五级分类定义三种违约,运用商业银行的贷款企业会计数据分析了Logistic违约风险模型对违约定义的敏感性。实证研究表明,在三种违约定义下,违约模型的结构相似,但模型选择的变量和变量的显著水平存在差异,违约模型对违约定义具有敏感性。  相似文献   

(一)充分运用农行既有的信用等级评定和客户分类成果,分析客户的违约概率,以违约概率确定农行的信贷策略 1.初步积累起客户违约概率。 客户信用等级和客户分类的实质就是对客户违约概率的评价。中国人民银行和农行已进行了多年的客户信用等级评定工作,从2003年农行又开始了客户的分类工作,针对客户的信用状况、资金实力、行业地位、发展前景等分别确定不同类型的客户。同时关注客户在其他行的信用等级评定和履约状况,在综合某类客户或某一客户信用状况、  相似文献   

个人住房抵押贷款违约风险跃迁概率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴塞尔新资本协议提出针对个人住房抵押贷款可采用内部评级高级法评估其风险,在满足某些最低条件和披露要求的前提下,商业银行可根据自己对个人住房抵押贷款违约概率、违约损失率、违约风险暴露和期限等要素的估计值确定相应的资本要求。本文提出将风险跃迁概率引入到对个人住房抵押贷款提前还款-违约概率的定量估计中。借助逻辑斯特模型,本文将这一概念实际运用到对个人住房抵押贷款微观数据的分析当中,得到的实证研究结论包括借款人历史还款状态可以作为表征其未来还款状态的重要指标,贷龄与借款人还款状态的跃迁概率显著相关等。  相似文献   

Using a measure of default likelihood based on an option pricing method, we provide evidence that Fed policy actions affect the financial distress of commercial banks. When the Fed increases (decreases) interest rates, the measure of default likelihood increases (decreases). We show that when the Fed uses a tight money policy, the increase in default likelihood is more pronounced for banks that have less capital, have greater financial leverage, are smaller, have fewer growth opportunities, and have lower asset quality. Additionally, the effects on bank default likelihood are more pronounced when the Fed's policy signals less concern about economic growth, as indicated by its bias toward further tightening, and when there is a market expectation of higher short‐term market rates in the future.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of credit and liquidity risks as well as the moderating role of managerial ability on the likelihood of European commercial bank default during the period 2006 to 2017. We employ data envelopment analysis and a tobit model to measure banks' efficiency, the z-score to measure the likelihood of their default, and perform endogeneity and model specification robustness tests. Our results reveal that both risks significantly affect the likelihood of bank default and that the high skill of managers does not attenuate this effect. Rather, in the case of credit risk, managerial ability extenuates this effect. Managerial overconfidence and narcissism may explain the latter result. Another plausible explanation is that highly skilled managers who are likely to be rewarded with performance-based compensation schemes may be incentivized to hide bad news for an extended period of time. Such a scenario would increase the likelihood of bank default.  相似文献   

We study whether tax considerations are an important determinant of commercial mortgage default. We also study whether large lenders are better informed, or better at interpreting information for lending purposes, and hence have lower foreclosure rates; whether lenders have more information on larger borrowers than smaller borrowers, and hence have lower foreclosure rates on larger loans; and whether commercial mortgage defaults are related to debt service coverage and loan-to-values, both initial and contemporaneous. The paper’s main findings are fourfold. First, holding all else equal, there is evidence that tax considerations influence investors’ decisions about when to “put” assets to lenders. The results are consistent with the argument of Constantinides (J Financ Econ 13:65–89, 1984). Second, the evidence suggests that large lenders are especially knowledgeable about commercial mortgage borrowers and commercial property markets, in that they have lower foreclosure rates than smaller lenders. Third, on the question of whether lenders have more information on larger borrowers than smaller borrowers, we find that larger loans have, on average, lower default rates than smaller loans. Fourth, the findings suggest that lower default rates are associated with higher debt service coverage ratios, both initial and contemporaneous.  相似文献   

This study recognizes that commercial mortgage default is not a one-step process and examines a previously under explored aspect in the whole default process, that is the stage between the initial delinquency and default. We distinguish the servicers’ behavior from the borrowers’ behavior. A multinomial logit model is applied to analyze the servicers’ choice of workout options and a proportional hazard model is applied to analyze the borrower’s default decision-making process under time-varying conditions. We find that cash flow condition is the most significant factor in the servicers’ decision making process. We also find that borrowers make default decisions based upon both the equity position in the mortgage and the cash flow condition in the space market. Key real estate space market variables, such as market-level vacancy rates, also provide useful information in explaining commercial mortgage defaults. We find that special service seems to be successful in reducing the probability that a troubled loan will default. Finally, sensitivity analysis shows nontrivial economic significance of the impact of explanatory variables, real estate market variables in particular have the most significant impact on the pricing of special-serviced loans.  相似文献   

聚合信用风险模型在我国商业银行应用的方法论探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据《巴塞尔新资本协议》的要求并结合我国的现实情况,本文对聚合信用风险模型在商业银行的应用进行了系统的研究,旨在提供一种计量贷款组合非预期损失的有效方法。本文指出了国外聚合信用风险模型频带划分方法的缺陷,对频带的划分做了创新性的设计,提出了具有可操作性的确定违约概率和违约损失率等参数的方法。同时采用某国有控股商业银行一地级市分行公司贷款数据对文中提出的计量非预期损失方法的科学性进行了论证,指出这一方法应用于我国商业银行可提高经济资本管理的效率。  相似文献   

本文以违约概率为小微企业风险的测度标准,建立了基于财务与非财务因素的小微企业风险计量模型。计量结果表明:除流动比率等少数指标外,大部分财务指标对判断小微企业违约概率不具有显著性;非财务因素中,反映小微企业资金状况的存贷比率指标具有较高的显著性,这说明现阶段部分商业银行在小微企业审查审批和贷后管理过程中将小微企业资金结算情况作为风险评价的重要依据,具有一定的科学性和准确性;小微企业的下游客户集中程度对判断小微企业违约概率也有较大的显著性,这说明小微企业的销售渠道是评价小微企业风险程度的重要要素。  相似文献   

本文针对银行业房地产贷款压力测试难以有效开展的实务性问题,提出并详细说明了采用期权理论来计量在不同假设情境下的违约概率变化量,以实现房地产贷款信用风险压力测试的方法,以及利用该方法实现自下而上地对房地产贷款信用风险进行定量压力测试的方案。最后,本文以一个案例来辅助说明上述方法的具体应用,以及对该方法的评价。  相似文献   

We employ Merton's probability of default as a continuous ex‐ante measure of the likelihood of firm failure and dynamic panel generalised method of moments to better characterise the relationship between corporate governance and the chance of default. In doing so, we overcome limitations of discrete proxies widely used in previous studies and more completely account for endogeneity issues permeating this area of research. While initial testing designed to facilitate comparison with previous studies suggests a significant relationship between the probability of default and executive pay, board structure and ownership structure, once endogeneity concerns are accounted for, no such relationship remains.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationship between credit risks of banks and the corporate governance structures of these banks from the perspective of creditors. The cumulative default probabilities are estimated for a sample of US commercial and savings banks to measure their risk taking behavior. The results show that one year and five year cumulative default probabilities are time‐varying, with a significant jump observed in the year prior to the financial crisis of 2008–09. Generally speaking, corporate governance structures have a greater impact on US commercial banks than on savings institutions. We provide evidence that, after controlling for firm specific characteristics, commercial banks with larger boards and older CFOs are associated with significantly lower credit risk levels. Lower ownership by institutional investors and more independent boards also have lower credit risk levels, although these effects are somewhat less significant. For all the banks in our sample, large board size, older CFO, and less busy directors are associated with lower credit risk levels. When we restrict the sample to consider the joint effects of the governance variables, the results on board size and busy directors are maintained.  相似文献   

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