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利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)2014年和2016年的数据,构造两期面板数据模型,考察住房资产价值变化对居民家庭消费变化的影响。结果表明,住房资产价值的减少会促进居民家庭的消费,即具有明显的挤出效应,不存在财富效应。进一步考察发现:就购房目的差异来看,有购房目的的家庭的住房资产挤出效应明显强于没有购房目的的家庭;就有无自有住房来看,有自有住房的家庭的住房资产挤出效应明显强于无自有住房的家庭,而没有住房且有购房目的的家庭会产生更大的挤出效应;就政策差异而言,房地产政策宽松时期的住房挤出效应略微强于房地产政策紧缩时期,而政策宽松时期有购房目的会产生更大的挤出效应。  相似文献   

陈思翀  陈英楠 《金融研究》2019,464(2):136-153
基于资产定价的视角,本文通过将标准的动态戈登增长模型和传统的住房使用成本模型相结合,建立了一个关于住房市场租金收益率的动态住房使用成本模型。该模型将租金收益率分解为购房的预期资金成本、预期购房相对于租房的风险溢价和预期未来租金增长率三个部分的现值之和。进一步,本文将该模型应用于京沪广深四大城市的季度数据,并使用方差分解方法来考察国内住房市场动态波动的影响因素及其相对重要性。本文结果表明,资金成本变动在四大城市的住房市场波动中为最重要的影响因素,而租金在住房市场波动中虽然存在着一定的影响作用,但并不如资金成本显著。此外,本文还发现,不能直接观测得到的购房相对于租房的风险溢价也是影响国内住房市场的一个不可忽视的重要因素。值得注意的是,近年四大城市居民租房面临的风险相对于购房正日益上升。  相似文献   

住房金融是指为住房生产和消费而进行的资金筹集、融通、借贷和结算等一系列信用活动的总称,是银行及其它金融机构为发展住房生产和消费而开展的信用活动和提供的金融服务。其主要内容是筹集住房资金、发放住房贷款及资产与负债之间的风险管理。可分为住房生产融资和住房消费融资两类,所谓住房生产融资是银行及其它金融机构为住房开发机构提供资金和相关的信用服务。住房消费融资则是银行及其它金融机构为住房消费者提供资金和相关的信用服务,即一般所谓的个人购房抵押贷款。市场经济国家主要偏重于住房消费金融,甚至把个人购房抵押贷款等同于住房金融。  相似文献   

住房抵押贷款证券化,就是指将一系列用途、期限、质量相近,并能产生大规模稳定现金流的住房抵押贷款进行组合和包装后,作为标的资产发行证券的融资行为,其最主要的特点是将原先不易为投资者接受,缺乏流动性但能够产生可预见现金流入的资产,转换成可以在市场上流通、容易为投资者接受的证券,作为信贷资产证券化最初的形式,住房抵押贷款证券化起源于60年代的美车,并且很好地解决了当时由于通货膨胀加剧、利率攀升而带来的金融机构长期固定收益无法弥补短期高额负债成本以及资金缺口加大的困境,美国著名经济学家莫迪格利亚尼指出:“资产证券化真正的意义并不在于发行证券本身,而在于这种新的金融工具彻底改变了传统的金融中介方式,在借款人与贷款人之间,架起了更有效的融资渠道。”因此在美国,这种新型的融资方式又被称之为结构性融资。  相似文献   

为了验证对住房投资是否存在过度投资,通过对我国2001年第一季度至2011年第四季度的住房投资、非住房投资和总产出的协整检验、Granger因果检验和误差修正模型的估计,和两部门模型的建立、经验数据的模拟,其结果表明:(1)从长期协整关系看,中国经济增长受住房投资增长影响强烈,并且住房投资对非住房投资存在明显的"挤出效应";(2)房地产部门资本边际收益率平均约为其他部门资本边际收益率的20%,房地产过度投资明显。回顾宏观经济的运行,认为住房投资推动通货膨胀增长的机制仍然存在,建议提高房地产保有成本,从而降低房地产需求,结合金融市场改革,国内经济结构调整才能实现。  相似文献   

住房逆抵押贷款的构成要素和特征分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
住房逆抵押贷款在美国、加拿大等国家是一个成熟的金融产品,但我国目前还未引入。该产品主要用于将老年人已有的住房资产提前变现消费,以缓解社会保障的压力。从借款人、贷款人、房屋条件、房屋所有权、房屋使用权、贷款费用、优先受偿权、无追索权保护、抵押权的赎回等14个方面,对住房逆抵押贷款的构成要素进行了剖析,概括了基本特征,以期对我国有所启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

重点分析了央行新政对购房贷款需求和住房公积金贷款的影响,并提出针对性的对策。  相似文献   

从资金供给的角度分析了房价持续攀升的原因,主要有以下四点:(一)M2/GDP持续走高是房价上涨的货币基础;(二)低利率的住房抵押贷款环境刺激了住房的各种需求;(三)不规范的房地产信贷增强了投机者的购房能力;(四)人民币升值引发外资的购房需求。在此基础上,提出保持房地产相关政策的前后一致性,规范住房消费信贷,监控和限制外资流入等政策建议。  相似文献   

住房制度改革深化以来,我国住房市场需求呈现快速上涨趋势,由于短期内供给缺乏弹性,因此住房价格走势与市场需求密切相关。本文分析了这一阶段中国住房消费市场和资产市场的内部需求特点,指出了不同需求群体行为特点对住房市场所造成的影响,针对住房市场需求实际,提出了当前进行需求调控的相关建议。  相似文献   

房产具有投资和必需品的双重属性,家庭无论是出于投资需要还是出于生活需要而配置房产,都会占用家庭大量资产与负债,这无疑会对金融市场参与产生挤出效应。〖CS0,0,0,255〗基于2018年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)的相关数据,本文利用工具变量法,实证检验了家庭持有住房对金融市场参与的影响。实证结果表明,家庭持有住房显著降低家庭金融市场参与,异质性检验显示该效应在非农业户口家庭以及购房成本较低的居民家庭中更为显著。同时,中介效应检验表明,家庭持有住房会通过减少家庭的金融负债降低金融市场参与。因此,政府应更加关注居民住房问题,缓解居民住房贷款压力,从而促进金融市场繁荣,增强经济活力。  相似文献   

During the 1980s, strong demographic demand for housing created a bulging need for mortgage credit. The mortgage market has creatively accommodated this need through extensive securitization of residential mortgages. This process greatly facilitated the financing of housing demand. During this decade, however, the scheme of funding long-term mortgages with short-term deposits bankrupted savings institutions. A gigantic federal bailout for thrifts was finally required. In the 1990s, the weakening demographics and the resulting reduction in the demand for mortgage credit afford the federal government opportunities to reformulate its housing policies in terms of limiting federal insurance on consumer deposits, phasing out income tax deductibility of mortgage interest, and ensuring capital adequacy at federally sponsored credit agencies.  相似文献   

We have constructed a simple two-sector model of the demand for housing and corporate capital. Economic growth and an increase in the inflation rate were then simulated with a number of model variants. The model and simulation experiments illustrate both the tax bias in favor of housing and the manner in which the increase in inflation between 1965 and 1978 magnified it. The existence of capital-market constraints offsets the bias against corporate capital, but it introduces a sharp, inefficient reallocation of housing from less wealthy, constrained households to wealthy households who do not have gains on mortgages and are not financially constrained.  相似文献   

An increase in the anticipated rate of inflation causes distortions in the housing market due to a nonindexed tax system. Since nominal rather than real interest payments are tax deductible, an increase in inflation decreases the aftertax cost of capital for homeowners, which in turn increases the demand for housing and increases its real price. This tax gain is shown to be larger for rental housing than for owner-occupied housing. In a competitive market, this implies that although the real price of housing increases with a rise in anticipated inflation, real rental rates fall.  相似文献   

房地产金融调控政策效应评价:佛山实证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国家通过采取金融、财税、产业等政策措施组合对房地产市场进行调控,对于维护房地产市场平稳运行,促进经济健康发展起到了积极作用。但是,当前我国房地产供求矛盾突出、房价上涨过快等深层次问题并未得到有效解决。本文以佛山为案例的研究表明:宏观经济因素、前期的房价上涨情况、个人住房消费贷款、人民币汇率升值是导致房屋需求增加的最主要因素。为此,要提高房地产金融调控的有效性,应进一步完善房地产金融调控机制,实行需求调节与供给调节相结合的金融调控新方式;加强跨境资金流动管理,合理引导外资流向和流量。  相似文献   

The mortgage default decision is part of a complex household credit management problem. We examine how factors affecting mortgage default spill over to other credit markets. As home equity turns negative, homeowners default on mortgages and home equity lines of credit at higher rates, whereas they prioritize repaying credit cards and auto loans. Larger unused credit card limits intensify the preservation of credit cards over housing debt. Although mortgage nonrecourse statutes increase default on all types of housing debt, they reduce credit card defaults. Foreclosure delays increase default rates for housing and nonhousing debts. Our analysis highlights the interconnectedness of debt repayment decisions.  相似文献   

This article investigates the impact of ARM initial rate (teaser) discounts on mortgage choice and housing demand. Because discounted ARM loans may reduce expected user costs, theoretical models predict a positive impact on housing expenditures. To test the hypothesis, a simultaneous model of housing expenditures conditioned upon mortgage instrument choice is estimated using a national sample of transactions for the 1986 to 1988 period. The results indicate that overall housing demand would have been reduced by approximately 13 percent during the period in the absence of ARM loans.  相似文献   

本文扩展Dong et al.(2019)通过企业家对住房地产和实体经济投资进行资产组合决策,把房价、投资、消费和产出等重要经济指标纳入主流新凯恩斯框架,考虑银行能否区分贷款是投入实体经济还是房地产业两种情形,分析了房产税引入住房市场前后对宏观经济的影响效应。研究结果表明:开征房产税对房地产开发投资、房价和新住房生产具有明显的抑制作用,对实体经济投资则具有正挤入效应增加和负抵押效应减少的双重效应。从短期看,当银行无法区分企业贷款是投入实体经济还是房地产业时,因前期的负抵押效应大于正挤入效应,总实物资本减少,产出下降;当可清晰区分二者时,负抵押效应变为小于正挤入效应,总实物资本增加,产出上升。鉴于推出房产税对宏观经济影响较为复杂,应充分权衡利弊,采取必要辅助措施趋利避害。  相似文献   

本文扩展Dong et al.(2019)通过企业家对住房地产和实体经济投资进行资产组合决策,把房价、投资、消费和产出等重要经济指标纳入主流新凯恩斯框架,考虑银行能否区分贷款是投入实体经济还是房地产业两种情形,分析了房产税引入住房市场前后对宏观经济的影响效应。研究结果表明:开征房产税对房地产开发投资、房价和新住房生产具有明显的抑制作用,对实体经济投资则具有正挤入效应增加和负抵押效应减少的双重效应。从短期看,当银行无法区分企业贷款是投入实体经济还是房地产业时,因前期的负抵押效应大于正挤入效应,总实物资本减少,产出下降;当可清晰区分二者时,负抵押效应变为小于正挤入效应,总实物资本增加,产出上升。鉴于推出房产税对宏观经济影响较为复杂,应充分权衡利弊,采取必要辅助措施趋利避害。  相似文献   

The study analyzes the influence of macroeconomic news announcements on (a) interest rates for commercial mortgages, residential mortgages, 10-year Treasury notes, and Baa-rated corporate bonds; and (b) corresponding mortgage spreads. It is both interesting and highly relevant from a policy and portfolio management standpoint to examine the implications of the influence of macroeconomic news announcements on mortgage markets. Some important results are reported. First, consistent with the notion of market integration, mortgage rates are found to be co-integrated with other capital market instruments. Second, of the 22 types of periodic macroeconomic news releases considered, 13 of them have a significant influence on at least one of the interest rates, and notably changes in hourly earnings and housing starts significantly influence all debt-security yields. More generally, macroeconomic news that conveys higher inflation and/or economic growth has a positive influence on mortgage and other interest rates. Finally, this study finds several announcements including durable goods orders, new home sales, personal consumption, non-farm payroll, trade balance and Treasury budget to have a significant influence on mortgage spreads.  相似文献   

Current Wealth,Housing Purchase,and Private Housing Loan Demand in Japan   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Japanese households accumulate wealth for down payments at a high rate. Therefore, current wealth plays an important role in home acquisition as well as public loans whose direct mortgage lending is a strong support for home purchasers. We estimate the wealth effect on private mortgage debt as well as housing consumption by applying a model where mortgage-debt demand is derived from house-purchase decisions and is determined jointly with housing consumption. We use a simultaneous equation Tobit estimation method. Wealth effects on private mortgage debt, likelihood of borrowing, and housing consumption are not elastic. On the other hand, a change in housing consumption affects the likelihood of borrowing elastically much more than the private mortgage amount of borrowers. Housing and private mortgage markets fluctuate very closely with the number of participants in the mortgage market. Therefore, the number of housing starts is linked strongly to the private mortgage market.  相似文献   

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