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内部营销、员工满意、服务质量与顾客满意关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定内部营销、员工满意、服务质量和顾客满意之间的因果关系,本文在文献研究的基础上构建了内部营销—员工满意—服务质量—顾客满意关系模型,并以35家商业银行的员工和顾客为实证样本,采用因子分析、结构方程模型检验了模型的假设关系。研究发现:内部营销不能直接影响顾客满意,但可以通过员工满意和服务质量而间接影响顾客满意;员工满意不但直接影响顾客满意,并通过服务质量间接影响顾客满意;服务质量既直接影响顾客满意,也是内部营销和员工满意发挥作用的中间环节。  相似文献   

沈继伦 《中国外资》2012,(22):181-184
通过改善服务质量提升顾客满意是我国服务行业赢得国际市场竞争的必然选择。在充分的理论研究基础之上,本研究选择了在银行业同时运用SERVQUAL与Technical/Functional Quality模型,以比较这个模型预测和解释顾客满意的能力。数据分析的结果显示:在中国银行服务业的背景下,Technical/Functional Quality模型比SERVQUAL模型能更好地预测和解释顾客满意的变化。学术界与企业界应该更多地研究和运用Technical/Functional Quality模型测量和改善服务质量,以提升顾客满意度,进而提高市场竞争力。  相似文献   

随着我国现代化进程的加快,国内外金融资本纷纷涌向农村,培养并保持顾客忠诚成为金融企业在农村市场取得成功的关键。从消费者角度对我国不同地区农村金融机构的顾客进行调查,研究结果表明,农村金融服务质量和顾客满意度直接影响顾客忠诚度;农村金融服务质量的各维度可以通过顾客满意机制正向影响顾客的忠诚度。因此,努力提高农村金融服务质量,提高顾客满意度,是农村金融企业获得可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

顾客满意能给企业带来高的利润收益,因此对顾客满意度的研究一直是学术界和企业界共同关注的焦点.通过影响顾客满意度的王要因素——服务质量的分析发现,它通过影响顾客满意度,对顾客忠诚度甚至企业利润产生重要影响,并提出了企业尚待改进的方向.  相似文献   

高等教育满意度研究旨在将市场营销顾客满意度理论引入教育领域,通过高等教育参与者对高等教育产品或服务质量的评价来分析影响高等教育满意的因素.本研究采用问卷调查法以及回归分析法等多种方法,通过建立不同主体对高等教育的评价指标体系,在此基础上构建高等教育满意度五维度模型,并以江西高校为例进行实证分析.研究结果显示个人发展、师资力量、学生职业品格、专业技能、其他个人素质以及学习风气等因素显著影响了高等教育满意度,为高校改进教学、服务质量提供了参考意见.  相似文献   

提高国有商业银行服务质量的具体对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在服务领域银行业较为关注顾客的重要性,并把顾客服务当作该行业的核心竞争力标准来强调追求顾客最高价值的顾客满意经营。服务质量是确保顾客不流失,提供顾客之所需的关键所在。在中国关于银行服务质量的理论研究尚未进行全面而富有深度的开展。如今,中国的大部分银行把注意力集中在银行业的外在因素上,其结果银行在位置确立,  相似文献   

对某上市银行长沙市支行顾客满意度的调查数据进行因子分析,建立以顾客满意度为因变量、公共因子为自变量的回归分析方程,且方程和回归系数分别通过显著性水平为0.01的F检验和t检验。研究表明,对该银行顾客满意的影响,服务质量居首位,银行环境、产品、追踪服务居中间位,价格居末位。据此,提出了具有针对性的对策建议。  相似文献   

商业银行做好个人理财服务的关键是让目标顾客感受到高水准的服务质量,使顾客感到满意,从而获得顾客的忠诚而长期维持顾客,实现企业的长期竞争优势。本文主要从理财服务质量入手,分析影响理财服务质量的关键因素,并对如何提供高质量的服务提供建议。  相似文献   

研究结果表明,银行业关系营销的开展能提高顾客的忠诚度,提高企业的服务质量和关系质量.同时,服务质量的提高对关系质量的提高有正向的影响作用.从关系营销对服务质量的回归分析得知,不论是财务性连结、社交性连结还是结构性连结,对于服务质量皆有正向影响,显示银行关系营销策略对于金融业务的发展有重要影响.银行业想要和顾客建立长期的交易关系,三种关系营销结合类型对于关系质量中的满意、信任和承诺有显著的正向影响.  相似文献   

以QFD思想为指导,从顾客满意角度出发,将顾客的质量需求与顾客满意度相关联,考虑产品质量和服务质量两个方面的顾客需求。构建软件外包质量屋,从而发现软件外包需要关注的质量需求、技术需求以及服务需求,为提升软件外包的产品质量和服务质量提供具体可操作的参考。在顾客需求重要度评判上采用网络分析法ANP,克服各指标间的相关性,提高评价准确性。  相似文献   

Many financial services firms are offering the Internet as a self-service technology (SST), for online stock trading, in an effort to increase effciency and give customers greater access. It is important to understand how this technology will influence customer satisfaction. This paper reports results of exploratory research to identify sources of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the service encounter in Thai stockbrokerage firms. Results show that customers and service providers determine sources of customer dis/satisfaction differently, depending on whether the service encounter is technology-based or interpersonal. Different customer profiles give rise to segmentation in response to the use of Internet technology in this industry.  相似文献   

This study examines the link between customer motivational orientation and customer satisfaction in the Chinese context. The customer motivational orientation–satisfaction model was tested on 349 Chinese bank customers in Macao, China. Results of structural equation modelling indicated that task-oriented and interaction-oriented customers were not equally responsive to the financial services provided. Specifically, task motivational orientation was directly and indirectly related to customer satisfaction through customer perceived service quality, whereas interaction motivational orientation only linked to customer satisfaction through customer perceived service quality as a mediator. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The intense competition among firms in the new global environment has made it inevitable for firms to seek ways to create and maintain quality relationship with customers, and Malaysia banks are no exception. However, little is understood from empirical viewpoint about the antecedents of relationship quality specifically, the actual influence of overall customer satisfaction and its indicators. Based on data collected from 220 customers of 15 retail banks in Malaysia and analysed using the structural equation modelling technique, findings are that overall customer satisfaction is a key determinant of relationship quality. The indicators of customer satisfaction include trust, commitment, communication, service quality, service satisfaction and conflict handling. These results are not confounded by any service differential among the participating banks. Important theoretical and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

银行个人理财服务顾客满意度影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提高顾客满意度是个人理财服务快速发展的关键。本文从顾客角度探讨了我国银行个人理财服务销售人员的特征、品牌资产、关系品质、感知风险与顾客满意的关系,从而寻求提高顾客满意度的关键因素。通过建立假设模型、开发测量量表及对中国7家银行的数据统计分析,本文发现:销售人员特征对我国银行的个人理财服务顾客满意度总影响效果最大,其次为感知风险,再次为品牌资产;关系品质对顾客没有直接影响,但会通过感知风险间接影响顾客满意度。理财经理的素质和能力及品牌的塑造是我国银行个人理财服务发展的关键。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with examining how contact management influences customer loyalty in the retail banking industry. The concept of contact management is explored and developed with reference to the literature on retention, service quality and loyalty. Customer experiences with contacting their bank and their intentions were obtained by means of an online survey, in which consumers were asked about their points of contact with their banks and their intentions to continue their custom and make recommendations. The findings of the survey suggest that contact management plays a significant role in customers' stated intentions. The study concludes that banks and building societies need to manage customer contacts to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction levels and so that loyalty is strengthened.  相似文献   

Online banking in India: An approach to establish CRM   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Technology is fast altering the business servicescape. Its role in improving customer service levels is being used strategically and increasingly by service organizations. The service attributes and quality can be enhanced by deployment of technology. The Internet has facilitated convenience in customer interactions and transactions with the banks. Online banking is currently emerging as a new approach in India for providing improved accessibility and expediency to customers. Most banks have their own websites for improving the customer interface and offering online services. The article studies the applicability of online banking in India and its role in fostering relationships with customers and giving them more value. The research was conducted on customers familiar with online banking in India, and their perceptions about online banking were studied. The findings reveal that customers are using the services but are skeptical about the financial transactions and service quality dimensions.  相似文献   

As very few studies have investigated banking services from fairness perspective and none of the studies have attempted to measure service fairness in Indian retail banking services context, the paper seeks to investigate service fairness in Indian retail banking services context. It attempts to validate the existing four-dimensional service fairness scale and investigates its applicability in the retail banking industry. The conceptual model depicting the relationship between service fairness, service quality and customer satisfaction was tested using SEM. The results established reliability and validity of the scale and the impact of service fairness on service quality and customer satisfaction. The impact of individual fairness dimensions on these two customer evaluation variables is also studied. The paper discusses important implications of the findings and presents valuable insights for the practitioners as well as academia.  相似文献   

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