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国泰君安一项研究报告显示,上证央企50ETF指数的成份股全部包含在沪深300指数成份股之列,投资者可以利用上证央企ETF进行股指期货的期现套利操作,其实证研究也表明有较好的抽样效果和跟  相似文献   

我国2015年正式推出上证50ETF期权,在4年多的发展中,市场成交量逐步提升,投资者数量增加。本文以上证50ETF期权上市前后一年期间上证50指数的日收盘价数据为研究对象,运用GARCH模型得出在上证50ETF期权上市后降低了现货市场的波动性。基于上证50ETF期权上市给现货市场带来的积极影响,本文从政府、金融机构和投资者三方面提出建议,以期来发展我国期权市场。  相似文献   

对上证50交易型开放式指数证券投资基金的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹平  张文娟 《上海金融》2008,75(4):60-64
本文在借鉴国内外相关文献的基础上,对上证50交易型开放式指数证券投资基金(上证50ETF)的市场表现进行了实证研究。研究结果表明,上证50ETF在我国运行以来的市场表现是相对稳定的,其收益基本实现了对上证50指数的复制;但两收益率之间也存在跟踪误差,上证50ETF的管理费和股利分配是造成这种跟踪误差的重要原因。其次,对上证50ETF折、溢价水平的定量分析则表明上证50ETF较成功的套利机制保证了其二级市场价格的有效性,并且该价格的变动与上证50ETF的折溢价水平密切相关;但套利和折、溢价水平并不能有力地解释上证50ETF二级市场的交易量。三者虽然密切联系,但后者显然还与其他很多因素有关。  相似文献   

股指期货和期权作为证券市场投资者规避系统性风险的工具由来已久。我国自2010年首次推出沪深300股指期货以后一直没有新的金融衍生品种出现,直到2015年初才陆续推出了新的交易品种:50ETF期权、上证50股指期货和中证500股指期货。这些衍生品种带动了交易市场的流动性和波动性,也对我国资本市场产生巨大的影响。这既是金融市场开放的必经之路,也体现了各项制度基础得到了不断的发展和完善。因此深入研究股指期货和期权市场对我国股票市场波动性的影响,不但具有重大的理论意义而且对于金融监管也有重要的现实意义。在当前的市场实际条件下,本研究将以50ETF期权、上证50股指期货和50ETF的高频交易数据为研究对象,采用事件研究法和定量实证研究法(GARCH、TARCH模型),分析它们的价格波动相关性,提出具有可行性的建议。本文分别建立了GARCH和TARCH模型,采用2012年7月6日到2015年7月6日一分钟级50ETF高频交易数据,分析50ETF市场在50ETF和上证50股指期货推出前后价格波动性的变化情况。根据描述性统计分析得出样本数据的对数收益率序列具有尖峰右偏的特征,有明显的波动性集聚特点。根据GARCH(1,1)模型发现:在50ETF期权推出后到上证50股指期货推出前这段时间段内,发现50ETF市场对新信息的吸收速度加快,而旧信息对这个市场的波动性影响减弱了;在上证50股指期货推出后市场的波动性对新信息的反应程度大致恢复到期权推出之前甚至还略小于之前的水平,但是旧信息对波动性的影响略微的升高。根据TARCH(1,1)模型实证结果发现:50ETF市场存在着不对称效应,在期权推出后这种不对称效应发生了逆转,但是在股指期货引入后不对称效应变小了。综上所述,期权的推出使得50ETF的波动性降低,市场中信息传递的速度减慢,然而期货的推出使得其波动性增加,市场中信息传递的速度略微加快。  相似文献   

张峥  尚琼  程祎 《金融研究》2012,(1):167-179
本文应用中国股市2007年至2011年的数据,研究了上证50ETF市场价格和基金净值的相关关系,以及折溢价水平及其影响因素。基于ETF的申购赎回和交易机制,在成分股涨跌停板和停牌期间,由于ETF二级市场价格具有价格发现功能,ETF市场价格可能较大偏离(形式上的)ETF净值,造成ETF的异常折溢价,而此类异常折溢价并不是真正的套利机会。另外,上证50ETF的市场价格与基金净值存在显著同步变动的关系;在涨跌停板和停牌期间之外,上证50ETF的折溢价水平低于套利所需的交易成本。本文研究表明,上证50ETF具有较高的定价效率。  相似文献   

本文借鉴国内外研究成果,对2017年10月10日至2019年2月26日华夏上证50ETF市场表现进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,华夏上证50ETF较好地复制了其标的指数,误差来源于自身及标的指数的波动性,主要表现为复制误差。其次,对市场套利行为的研究发现前一日的较高折溢价水平并不会引起当期二级市场价格收益率的大幅变化。文章将前一期折溢价水平对当期交易量的影响分析作为稳健性检验,发现折溢价水平并不会对当期交易量造成主要影响,从而得出近年来市场套利行为不活跃的结论。  相似文献   

经过长时间的筹备和仿真摸拟,我国第一只期权——上证50ETF期权于2015年2月9号正式推出。作为我国首个场内期权产品,上证50ETF期权的推出标志着我国迈入了期权新时代,对证券市场的风险控制具有重要意义。ETF期权的推出给我国金融市场带来了积极的意义,同时我们也应当思考期权的推出是否会对现货市场的波动性产生影响,会产生多大的影响?本文运用ARCH模型、GARCH模型以及TARCH模型对上证50ETF期权推出对现货市场波动性影响进行实证研究分析,得出的结论是上证50ETF期权推出后股票市场降低。这为我国继续创新金融产品提供了现实意义。  相似文献   

本文在对国内外相关文献综述的基础上,对调整指数成份股的价格效应进行分析。在剔除了一系列特殊停牌的样本后,对国内上证180指数调整成份股事件对股票价格的影响进行实证研究,发现近年来成份股被调出后,其价格反转趋势愈加明显。  相似文献   

本文基于上证50ETF2005~2016年的日收盘价,利用GARCH(1,1)模型分析了上证50ETF波动率。研究表明,上证50ETF波动率不仅受前期波动率的影响,还和基金净值波动率、平均交易量波动率存在显著的正向关关系。  相似文献   

本文在分析ETF基金特点的基础上,提出了5种不同的ETF基金套利交易模式,并认为在二级市场上,通过融资融券建立ETF-ETF套利组合是适合普通投资者的套利模式.本文以上证50ETF、上证180ETF为例,在分析其标的指数收益率内在联系的基础上,提出了建立上证50ETF、上证180ETF套利组合的方法,使用国泰安数据库相关数据进行了模拟分析,得出该套利组合获得正利润的结论.最后,论文指出了在二级市场建立ETF-ETF基金套利交易的模式存在基差风险的三个原因  相似文献   

Option prices tend to be correlated to past stock market returns due to market imperfections. We unprecedentedly examine this issue on the SSE 50 ETF option in the Chinese derivatives market. To measure the price pressure in the options market, we construct an implied volatility spread based on pairs of the SSE 50 ETF option with identical expiration dates and strike prices. By regressing the implied volatility spread on past stock returns, we find that past stock returns exert a strong influence on the pricing of index options. Specifically, we find that SSE 50 ETF calls are significantly overvalued relative to SSE 50 ETF puts after stock price increases and the reverse is also true after the stock price decreases. Moreover, we validate the momentum effects in the underlying stock market to be responsible for the price pressure. These findings are both economically and statistically significant and have important implications.  相似文献   

We suggest that price interaction among stocks is an important determinant of idiosyncratic volatility. We demonstrate that as more (less) stocks are listed in the markets, price interaction among stocks increases (decreases), and hence stocks, on average, become more (less) volatile. Our results show that price interaction has a significant positive effect of idiosyncratic volatility. The results of various robustness checks indicate that the effect of price interaction is still significant to the presence of liquidity, newly listed firms, cash flow variables, business cycle variables, and market volatility. Once the price interaction effect is taken into account, no trend remains in idiosyncratic volatility. We conclude that there is no trend, but a reflection of the positive effect of price interaction on idiosyncratic volatility.  相似文献   

The optimal portfolio as well as the utility from trading stocks and derivatives depends on the risk factors and on their market prices of risk. We analyze this dependence for a CRRA investor in models with stochastic volatility, jumps in the stock price, and jumps in volatility. We find that the compartment of the total variance into diffusion risk and jump risk has a small impact on the utility in an incomplete market only. In contrast, the decomposition of the equity risk premium into a diffusion component and a jump risk component and the compartment of the latter into its various elements has a huge impact on the utility in a complete market. The more extreme the market prices of risk, i.e. the more they deviate from their equilibrium values, the larger the utility of the investor. Additionally, we show that the structure of the optimal exposures to jump risk crucially depends on which elements of jump risk are priced.  相似文献   

This study examines the Chinese implied volatility index (iVIX) to determine whether jump information from the index is useful for volatility forecasting of the Shanghai Stock Exchange 50ETF. Specifically, we consider the jump sizes and intensities of the 50ETF and iVIX as well as cojumps. The findings show that both the jump size and intensity of the 50ETF can improve the forecasting accuracy of the 50ETF volatility. Moreover, we find that the jump size and intensity of the iVIX provide no significant predictive ability in any forecasting horizon. The cojump intensity of the 50ETF and iVIX is a powerful predictor for volatility forecasting of the 50ETF in all forecasting horizons, and the cojump size is helpful for forecasting in short forecasting horizon. In addition, for a one-day forecasting horizon, the iVIX jump size in the cojump is more predictive of future volatility than that of the 50ETF when simultaneous jumps occur. Our empirical results are robust and consistent. This work provides new insights into predicting asset volatility with greater accuracy.  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of the introduction of the French Tobin tax on the turnover and measures of the liquidity and volatility of the affected stocks with nonparametric tests on individual stocks, difference-in-difference tests and other robustness checks controlling for simultaneous month-of-the-year and size effects. Our findings indicate that the tax produces a significant reduction in turnover and volatility (measured in terms of stock price volatility and the high–low price range) and inconclusive effects on liquidity when the latter is evaluated under the two dimensions of the estimated bid–ask spread and the Amihud (2002) price impact ratio.  相似文献   

This paper examines the correlations between two types of a market index's volatility and three trading motives of the index's exchange traded funds (ETFs). We find that ETF trading driven by belief dispersion is highly correlated with both the variance in efficient price innovations (VEPI) and the index's total volatility. Privately informed ETF trading is closely connected to the VEPI but not the total volatility, while liquidity ETF trading explains the total volatility but has little power in explaining the VEPI. Moreover, the leading ETF dominates smaller ETFs in explaining both types of volatility and often has more explanatory power than control variables.  相似文献   

This paper examines the changes in spreads, price volatility, and trading activity surrounding option listing for a sample of 144 OTC stocks. For this sample, both price volatility and volume increase, but the evidence on spreads is mixed. The increase in price volatility is attributed primarily to an increase in residual return variances. Furthermore, price volatility increases even after controlling for volume, insider trading, and spreads. Although these variables do not fully explain the causes for the increase in price volatility after option listing, the results suggest that liquidity trading or volume has a stronger effect on price volatility than insider trading. This study also finds that both the number of trades and institutional holdings show substantial increases, which are supportive of the notion that listing of options on OTC stocks attracts more attention.  相似文献   

The present study examines the impact of first‐time introduction of warrants by third party issuers on the trading behaviour of a sample of underlying stocks listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. We investigate the price, liquidity and volatility impact of underlying stocks after warrant issuance and find considerable differences to those found for option listings. Significant negative abnormal returns on both the announcement and listing date of derivative warrants are reported, followed by a negative price drift. Relative trading volume and price volatility of underlying stocks are found to be significantly higher post‐warrant listing. Interestingly, we find that warrant holders are unable to realize gains for the majority of trading days when they are alive, consistent with the view that banks trade profitability from their issue.  相似文献   

This paper uses the nonlinear autoregressive distributed lag (NARDL) model to analyze the different performances of Bitcoin and gold under the impacts of three different uncertainties, namely global economic policy uncertainty (GEPU), US stock market volatility index (VIX) and the CBOE crude oil ETF volatility index (OVX). The results indicate that faced with shocks of different uncertainties, Bitcoin is unable to serve as a safe-haven, while gold can hedge against uncertainties to varying degrees. Moreover, the three types of uncertainties have asymmetric impacts on the prices of Bitcoin and gold respectively. The decrease of uncertainties has a greater impact on Bitcoin price than the increase, while the increase of uncertainties has a greater impact on gold price than the decrease. It suggests that investors are cautious and optimistic about Bitcoin, and gold remains unanimously recognized as the traditional safe-haven.  相似文献   

Using the Bank of Japan (BoJ) ETF purchasing program as an exogenous shock to stock demand, we find that stocks with a higher BoJ demand experience higher positive abnormal returns on BoJ ETF purchase dates, which only partially revert in the long term. Our findings support the hypothesis that stocks have a downward-sloping demand curve, implying that uninformed traders can cause a permanent shift in price.  相似文献   

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