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危机管理是通过事前预警、事中决策和事后反思三个环节来减少或避免危机所产生不良影响的一种新型管理体系.面对“瘦肉精”事件,双汇事前“没有察觉”、事中“紧急应对”、事后“立体防御”的行为与措施,为食品企业危机管理提供了一定的启示.对于食品企业来说,食品安全大于天,只有在危机发生前建立预警机制、完善食品追溯体系、构建媒体良缘,危机过程中按原则妥善处理、及时启动应急方案,危机过后认真总结评估、完善危机管理机制、机智化“危”为“机”,才能避免危机的产生或者使危机带来的不良影响和损失降至最低.  相似文献   

马俊丽 《时代金融》2013,(23):134+136
近几年来,食品安全问题频发,人民的财产安全和生命健康受到严重威胁,也使一些知名企业精心塑造几十年的声誉和形象毁于一旦,甚至走向衰亡。本文以"双汇瘦肉精事件"为例,研究了食品生产企业如何增强社会责任意识,从思想上重视食品危机的发生;如何建立完善的危机预警系统,把危机扼杀在萌芽状态;危机事件发生时应如何妥善与合作商、消费者、政府和媒体进行沟通,避免危机进一步恶化;危机事件过后应如何更好的恢复企业信誉和生产。希望本文能对食品生产企业有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

近年来,食品企业屡屡出现危机事件,特别是食品安全问题,对企业发展产生巨大影响,甚至影响市场对食品企业的信心。在这一过程当中,合理的将危机管理思想及其策略运用于营销领域,在产品、渠道管理和促销活动方面加以调整和强化,就有可能化解危机。  相似文献   

危机管理是一种非常态管理;危机传播,是在极大时间压力下对不确定状态作出的无章可循的传播。本文深入分析了媒体在重大突发事件中的作用,对媒体报道的必要性做了细致阐述,穿插引用了汶川地震和SARS等公共危机中成功与不成功媒体报道的例子,针对媒体报道的情况提出了自己的建议。  相似文献   

在信息技术高速发达的今天,媒体对危机的传播具有很强的加速、放大、扭曲效应。在危机事件中,媒体的配合往往起着关键性作用。如能处理好与媒体的关系,充分利用媒体,就能与消费者建立良好的关系,反之后果难以预料  相似文献   

随着通讯技术不断发展,大众传播转变为"所有人对所有人的传播"。新的媒体尤其是微博的使用,形成了一种新兴的信息传播渠道,已成为当下政府企业等社会组织和个人进行危机公关的重要平台。文章试通过对归真堂"活熊取胆"公关危机事件的分析,探讨微博时代危机公关应当注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

随着通讯技术不断发展,大众传播转变为“所有人对所有人的传播”.新的媒体尤其是微博的使用,形成了一种新兴的信息传播渠道,已成为当下政府企业等社会组织和个人进行危机公关的重要平台.文章试通过对归真堂“活熊取胆”公关危机事件的分析,探讨微博时代危机公关应当注意的一些问题  相似文献   

赵明鸣 《中国外资》2014,(2):124-124
随着微博等互联网大众传媒工具的日益普及,信息传播的速度和广度在不断扩大,同时公众对获取信息的需求也在不断提高。这些因素直接加大了企业在危机管理中的难度。在新媒体时代企业在应对危机事件中不仅要对事件本身进行有效处理,还要做到正面传播,以达到合理化解危机。本文通过葛兰素史克商业贿赂案件为例,就如何利用危机管理三维度理论来化解危机事件做出详细的分析和论述。  相似文献   

食品安全问题深受国人关注,源于其损失事件的特点。食品安全责任险作为产品责任险的一种,是转移食品安全风险的途径之一。我国政府希望通过设立食品安全强制责任险来保障受害人的合法权益,减少食品生产销售企业损失,引导食品行业健康发展,协助政府处理危机。从国外经验来看,仅有高度风险和特定职业两个领域适用强制责任险,食品安全不属于这两种领域。现阶段推广食品安全强制责任险应该首先在有注册登记准入制度的食品生产销售企业展开,并通过相应的制度安排提高投保率,控制经营风险。  相似文献   

在经历了"瘦肉精"、"红心鸭蛋"、"苏丹红"等食品安全事件后,"三鹿"奶粉事件再次暴露出我国食品行业的监管漏洞——很多人把行政主管误认为市场监管。比如连奶农都知晓的三聚氰胺添加这种行业潜规则,此前却一直游离于卫生、质检、工商、食品等众多管理部门的视野之外,这不能不引起我们反思。  相似文献   

Social media is a particular communication platform which has witnessed an exponential growth in use and influence in recent years, democratising the communication process, and offering risk communicators a way of putting into practice those principles which are advocated to be at the core of risk management and communication. However, little is known about stakeholders’ willingness to embrace this new form of communication in a food crisis. The current study presented an exploratory investigation of the opinions of Irish stakeholders on the position of risk communication in a crisis, with a particular focus on understanding what application social media may have. In-depth one-to-one interviews were carried out with key stakeholders holding frontline positions in managing and communicating about risk in the food sector in Ireland. The stakeholders identified risk communication as a central activity in a food safety crisis, driven by an obligation to protect both consumer health and the reputation of the Irish food sector. Stakeholders relied primarily on risk communication to disseminate information in a crisis so to educate and inform the public on a risk and to prevent confusion and alarmism; most did not explicitly value two-way risk communication in a crisis. The ability to effectively manage future crises may depend on stakeholders’ willingness to adapt to the changing communication landscape, namely – their willingness to adopt social media and use it effectively. The findings indicate that the stakeholders interviewed are appreciative of the need to engage with social media in times of a food safety crisis. However, most valued social media as a one-way channel to help spread a message and there was little reference to the interactive nature of this medium. Implications for integrating social media into crisis risk communication strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The uncertainty inherent in crises can create a narrative space that is often filled by multiple interpretations about both what is happening and what steps should be taken to resolve the crisis. As more information becomes known, these competing crisis narratives gradually merge into a dominant narrative about the crisis, lessons learned from it, and recommendations for the future. This case study examines the swine industry’s response to the Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) outbreak. The virus spread rapidly throughout the industry and, in a matter of months, had killed approximately 10% of the U.S. swine population. This analysis examines the crisis communication that ensued during that time. More specifically, 13 specialists representing the National Pork Board, American Association of Swine Veterinarians, veterinarians highly active in treating PEDv, university extension agents, and academic researchers were interviewed for this study. A narrative analysis of the interview content revealed that communication efforts made by swine industry leaders successfully shifted the PEDv story from that of competing narratives to a dominant narrative that helped resolve the crisis efficiently. This success is attributed, in part, to effective use of all available industry resources for both conducting research and sharing information rapidly through pre-established communication networks and widely read resources. Results of this narrative analysis reveal a key recommendation that maybe generalizable to similar crisis events. That is, an effective crisis narrative should focus not only on what protective actions to take, but also on a clear explanation regarding the nature of the crisis. Moreover, such explanations must be translated intelligibly to diverse non-scientific publics and provide a compelling rationale for why the recommended actions are vital.  相似文献   

This study investigated which information sources Italian consumers use most frequently when they have a question about food safety in order to obtain useful insights to inform food risk communication. In 2011, a national survey was conducted targeting Italian people responsible for purchasing and preparing food for their households. Respondents’ choices of information sources on food safety were correlated with their socio-demographic and behavioural characteristics, their levels of objective knowledge, their levels of trust towards some authorities and their levels of self-perception regarding risk exposure. Our data analysis identified those information channels that are most likely to reach Italians actively seeking information. Mass media (radio/television/newspapers) were the most frequently used information source, followed by the Internet. Age, educational qualification, employment status, geographical area, family status and objective knowledge were the variables that influenced the choice for information sources used by the Italian population. The frequency of buying food products, the frequency of eating put and the frequency of cooking also showed a dependency relation. The profiles of those who actively seek information were also outlined. Among these, the Mass media users’ and the Internet users’ profiles were further analysed. Results show that Italian consumers do actively seek information about food safety, revealing that food safety continues to be a concern for the Italian consumers. Their interest in this topic represents an opportunity for public health authorities to address an audience of receptive consumers. Such information will be valuable in the design of targeted communication campaigns to increase consumers’ knowledge and awareness of food safety issues and will help authorities to choose the most effective channels through which to deliver key messages.  相似文献   


The 2014 West African Ebola outbreak was the first to be actively covered by the US media because of cases treated on US soil. Despite little chance of widespread contagion, US media termed Ebola ‘apocalyptic.’ The objective of this study was to understand how information about Ebola provided to the public through US newspapers was presented to assess how risk communication principles were or were not used. We conducted a systematic content analysis using a purposive sample of 75 news articles published in five US newspapers between 1 August and 31 October 2014. The articles were analyzed using the Dudo et al. framework, based on the extended parallel process model, and assessed for self-efficacy information, personal risk conceptualization (risk magnitude and risk comparison information), and content framing. We found that while coverage was mostly factual, it inconsistently presented quality risk-related information, and rarely used contextual information that would help readers accurately assess risk. Few articles also provided usable, actionable directives, a tenet of good crisis communication that enhances self-efficacy and lowers risk perception. Results inform how news coverage can affect public risk perception of a new, ‘exotic’ pathogen, and how in the case of Ebola US newspapers may have contributed to the inflated risk perception observed in the US population, and may support better, more comprehensive media response during likely future outbreaks.  相似文献   

本文采用2007-2010年间国际活跃银行的信用评级数据、宏观行业指数和经营指标等组成面板数据,通过实证检验发现,信用评级及其变动具有显著的融资成本效应和声誉效应,且在危机期间以声誉效应为主;评级机构并没有充分报告银行业的顺周期特征,加剧了金融危机的破坏性;银行业存在网络效应,行业排名提高会降低银行融资成本,且有助于存款增速;金融危机爆发之后,金融市场风险厌恶程度或者市场恐慌指数是影响融资成本的重要因素之一,投资者对负面信息更加敏感。  相似文献   

Governments and health agencies worldwide are planning for a potential influenza pandemic. Their plans acknowledge the importance of public communication during an outbreak and include related guidelines and strategies. Emerging infectious disease (EID) communication is a new addition to the literature, drawing on health promotion communication, crisis communication and environmental/technological risk communication. This paper adds to the literature, exploring the notion of ‘effective communication during health crises' by reporting on interviews with 22 public health officials, scientists and communications professionals responsible for communicating with the public. When analyzed in the context of the risk communication literature, the interviews reveal several considerations for health risk communicators. First, given the important role that mass media will play in an EID outbreak, there is an urgent need for public health to build partnerships with journalists based on an understanding of the two parties' unique societal roles. Second, seemingly practical communications considerations – such as how certain to be about information before sharing it and whether to engage in two‐way communication with the public – have ethical dimensions that deserve attention. Third, there are unique challenges associated with communicating uncertainty, which would benefit from an exploration of the role of trust in health crisis communication.  相似文献   

Filling a gap in the existing literature on disclosure practices by insurance companies, this research provides new empirical evidence on the nature and determinants of disclosure practices in the European insurance industry over the 2005–2010 period. The main results show that insurers are more inclined to invest in the quantity of risk information rather than in the disclosure quality of the entire annual report, as risk information is addressed to high-level financially educated people and requires fewer resources than are needed for an investment in quality. Further, the analysis also shows that insurer level characteristics, in terms of size and technical provisions, as well as country level variables, significantly affect the amount of risk information disclosed. In the years affected by the financial crisis, the level of risk disclosure quantity increases as insurers use disclosure as a tool to reassure stakeholders on their independence from the global financial crisis.  相似文献   

This study pursues the following aims: to examine how news stories use frames, emotions, and uncertainty to present environmental risk information; to identify which aspects of risk issues they highlight; and to analyze how these stories’ representations of risk and uncertainty might differ according to the sources they use. Content analysis of 641 news stories in South Korea over the last decade yields three findings: (1) reassurance was the most frequently used news frame, while uncertainty and emotion were used less often than expected; (2) news stories using government/industry/experts as sources vs. activists/lay people highlighted different news frames and risk information; and (3) the two most frequently used uncertainty presentation formats were single point estimate and verbal estimate. This study contributes to existing literature on the roles of media in environmental risk communication in two ways. First, it examines the specific formats journalists use to present uncertainty about risks. Second, it integrates news frames with the emotional characteristics of risk communication and with differences in risk information characteristics according to source. Implications are discussed regarding how a better understanding of news representations of risk could inform and enhance cooperation between experts and journalists, and lead to more effective environmental risk communication. Finally, this content analysis provides a stepping stone for future research that could further investigate and test how publics respond to risk messages that have varying permutations of emotional content and risk presentation formats.  相似文献   

We analyze the transmission of the 2007 to 2009 financial crisis to 415 country‐industry equity portfolios. We use a factor model to predict crisis returns, defining unexplained increases in factor loadings and residual correlations as indicative of contagion. While we find evidence of contagion from the United States and the global financial sector, the effects are small. By contrast, there has been substantial contagion from domestic markets to individual domestic portfolios, with its severity inversely related to the quality of countries’ economic fundamentals. This confirms the “wake‐up call” hypothesis, with markets focusing more on country‐specific characteristics during the crisis.  相似文献   

According to the framework outlined in Peng and Xiong ( 2006 ), attention‐constrained investors tend to process more market‐ and sector‐level information. We empirically test this theory. We find that firms with higher media coverage have lower contemporaneous stock return synchronicity. Such an effect is robust to analyses within size deciles, inclusion of firm fixed effects, estimation using a matched sample, and a two‐stage least squares approach. The effect becomes less pronounced during the financial crisis period when both the quantity and quality of firm‐specific information decrease. Further, the attention from media coverage has a spillover effect on the firm's industry peers without media coverage. Finally, investors of firms with higher media coverage are more efficient in incorporating future firm performance into current stock prices. Collectively, our findings support the theory in Peng and Xiong ( 2006 ) that investors increase their acquisition of firm‐specific information when a firm captures their attention.  相似文献   

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