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本文运用2004年9月至2010年12月中国玉米期货市场和现货市场交易数据,借助OLS、B-VAR、ECM和B-GARCH等计量模型对中国玉米期货市场套期保值的比率进行了测度,并利用套期保值的绩效衡量指标对中国玉米期货市场套期保值的绩效进行了实证研究.研究结果表明:中国玉米期货价格和现货价格之间存在着长期均衡关系;套期保值的期限越长,绩效越明显,说明中国玉米期货市场初步发挥了规避玉米现货价格波动风险的功能.对同一套期保值期限来说,运用不同的套期保值策略,套期保值的绩效差别较大,因此,套期保值者要根据自身现货经营情况选择适当的策略来进行套期保值操作,以最大限度地规避现货生产和经营风险.  相似文献   

本文对现货和黄金期货价格之间的均衡关系进行了协整检验分析,使用GARCH模型对黄金期货的最优套期保值比率进行了估算,以验证中国黄金期货套期保值绩效。结果表明,中国当前的现货和黄金期货之间存在着长期的均衡关系,市场的套期保值功能已得到了基本的发挥。文章最后依据实证结果提出了进一步改进的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文对现货和黄金期货价格之间的均衡关系进行了协整检验分析,使用GARCH模型对黄金期货的最优套期保值比率进行了估算,以验证中国黄金期货套期保值绩效.结果表明,中国当前的现货和黄金期货之间存在着长期的均衡关系,市场的套期保值功能已得到了基本的发挥,文章最后依据实证结果提出了进一步改进的政策建议.  相似文献   

本文利用沪深300股指期货上市以来的数据,以沪深300指数作为套期保值的现货资产,得到基于马尔科夫状态转移模型的最优套期保值比率,并与静态套期保值比率和考虑到现一期货长期协整关系的BEKK—GARCH模型得到的动态套期保值率进行比较,利用风险最小化原则和效用最大化原则进行套期保值绩效分析。实证结果表明.基于Markov状态转移模型的套期保值率具有最好的套期保值绩效.从而可以为投资者有效规避市场的系统性风险提供帮助。  相似文献   

中国期货市场套期保值绩效实证研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了研究中国期货市场的套期保值绩效,本文利用确定套期保值比率的OLS、B-VAR、ECHM和EC—GARCH四个模型和套期保值绩效的衡量指标,对中国期货的小麦、大豆、铜和铝的套期保值比率和绩效进行了实证研究,使用1998~2004年中国期货与现货价格的周数据来进行单位根和协整检验等计量分析。研究显示,金属期货品种的套期保值比率和绩效比农产品期货品种的套期保值比率和绩效都要高。考虑了协整关系的ECHM和EC—GARCH模型的套期保值比率和绩效比没有考虑协整关系的OLS和B—VAR模型高,样本区间外的套期保值绩效优于样本区间内的绩效。本文认为采用ECMH和EC—GARCH模型进行套朔保值是最佳的策略。  相似文献   

本文基于风险最小化套期保值模型对静态套期保值策略下的套期保值比率及套期保值绩效理论,分析我国股指期货的交易数据,从而选取适合我国股指期货市场的套期保值模型。  相似文献   

尹斌 《时代金融》2015,(5):327-328
本文基于风险最小化套期保值模型对静态套期保值策略下的套期保值比率及套期保值绩效理论,分析我国股指期货的交易数据,从而选取适合我国股指期货市场的套期保值模型。  相似文献   

本文以目前期货市场上的郑棉期货和棉花现货为研究对象,运用各种估计模型估计出棉花期、现货之间不同周期数据的实际最优套期保值比率,并基于风险最小化的原则对各模型的套期保值绩效进行评估和分析.实证发现,简单套期保值不能达到最优效果,棉花期、现货之间的最优套期保值比率随着数据周期性变化而变化,并且发现样本内的套期保值效果均比样本外数据好,误差修正模型的套期保值绩效最佳.  相似文献   

运用协整检验、Granger因果检验、向最误差修正模型、Garhade-silber模型、误差修正模型等对2007年6月11日到2008年9月18日上海期货交易所锌期货合约的价格发现功能和套期保值功能进行研究,结果表明:锌期货与现货价格存在双向引导关系,锌期货市场在价格发现功能中处于主导地位,锌期货价格发现功能良好.锌期货样本内和样本外套期保值绩效分别为0.50074044和0.43854111,样本内套期保值绩效优于样本外套期保值绩效.我国锌期货市场具有一定的套期保值功能,但套期保值功能并未得到充分发挥,2008年6月到2008年9月锌期货市场投机氛围严重.  相似文献   

随着我国利率市场化改革进程的不断深入,如何规避国债现货的利率风险成为当前急需解决的问题,通过国债期货上市后的高频数据对国债期货的核心功能进行实证检验将解决这个问题:首先,通过ADF检验、协整检验和格兰杰因果检验,验证了国债期货对国债现货具有价格发现功能;然后,通过VAR模型和ADL模型验证了国债期货对国债现货的套期保值功能;最后,基于核心功能研究提出了最优套期保值率,用于实现对国债现货最优的风险转移,这将对现实中套期保值交易具有指导性意义。  相似文献   

We characterize the exchange of financial claims from risky swaps. These transfers are among three groups: shareholders, debtholders, and the swap counterparty. From this analysis we derive equilibrium swap rates and relate them to debt market spreads. We then show that equilibrium swaps in perfect markets transfer wealth from shareholders to debtholders. In a simplified case, we obtain closed-form solutions for the value of the default risk in the swap. For interest-rate swaps, we obtain numerical solutions for the equilibrium swap rate, including default risk. We compare these with equilibrium debt market default risk spreads.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of management preferences on optimal futures hedging strategy and associated performance. Applying an expected utility hedging objective, the optimal futures hedge ratio is determined for a range of preferences on risk aversion, hedging horizon and expected returns. Empirical results reveal substantial hedge ratio variation across distinct management preferences and are supportive of the hedging policies of real firms. Hedging performance is further shown to be strongly dependent on underlying preferences. In particular, hedgers with high risk aversion and short horizon reduce hedge portfolio risk but achieve inferior utility in comparison to those with low aversion.  相似文献   

7月份金融运行的主要特点是:各层次货币供应量平稳增长;贷款增速有所回升;居民、企业资金总体正常,储蓄存款增速继续快速回升;银行间市场人民币交易活跃,市场利率回落;人民币对美元小幅升值。  相似文献   

2008年7月,银行间外汇、货币、债券、利率和汇率衍生品市场整体运行平稳,货币市场利率有所回落、成交量有所下降,买断式回购交易活跃;现券交易和利率互换成交大幅上升,外汇掉期交易小幅增长;美元中间价探底回稳,人民币升值速度显著减缓。  相似文献   

该文分别从货币市场、债券市场、存贷款市场、资金拆人和拆出格局变化以及利率互换市场五个方面分析了各个市场对Shibor报价的影响,认为Shibor利率在不同的市场上的表现并非一致,其基准性有待进一步完善;同时这种情况也是我国利率体系二元化的具体体现,具有一定的合理性。文章认为应提高Shibor中长端的拆借交易量,增强其交易的真实性;扩大Shibor基准的资产量和交易量,从而提高Shibor的基准性,进而进一步完善Shibor利率体系。  相似文献   

This paper compares the effect on firm value of different foreign currency (FC) financial hedging strategies identified by type of exposure (short‐ or long‐term) and type of instrument (forwards, options, swaps and foreign currency debt). We find that hedging instruments depend on the type of exposure. Short‐term instruments such as FC forwards and/or options are used to hedge short‐term exposure generated from export activity while FC debt and FC swaps into foreign currency (but not into domestic currency) are used to hedge long‐term exposure arising from assets located in foreign locations. Our results relating to the value effects of foreign currency hedging indicate that foreign currency derivatives use increases firm value but there is no hedging premium associated with foreign currency debt hedging, except when combined with foreign currency derivatives. Taken individually, FC swaps generate more value than short‐term derivatives.  相似文献   

We examine the optimal hedging of derivatives written on realised variance, focussing principally on variance swaps (VS) (but, en route, also considering skewness swaps), when the underlying stock price has discontinuous sample paths, i.e. jumps. In general, with jumps in the underlying, the market is incomplete and perfect hedging is not possible. We derive easily implementable formulae which give optimal (or nearly optimal) hedges for VS under very general dynamics for the underlying stock which allow for multiple jump processes and stochastic volatility. We illustrate how, for parameters which are realistic for options on the S&P 500 and Nikkei-225 stock indices, our methodology gives significantly better hedges than the standard log-contract replication approach of Neuberger and Dupire which assumes continuous sample paths. Our analysis seeks to emphasise practical implications for financial institutions trading variance derivatives.  相似文献   

2008年8月,银行间外汇、货币、债券、利率和汇率衍生品市场整体运行平稳,货币市场利率与上月持平、成交量有所上升,长期资金交易增幅较大;现券交易小幅上涨,债券远期成交量显著增加,人民币外汇掉期和外汇远期交易小幅增长;美元中间价先升后贬,人民币升值趋势明显放缓。  相似文献   

Hedging Long-Term Forwards with Short-Term Futures: A Two-Regime Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper we investigate Metallgesellschafts problem of hedging long-term forwards with short-term futures. Very different hedging strategies have been proposed in the literature. We attribute these differences to the underlying valuation approaches for oil futures and empirically compare five model-based hedging strategies. In particular, we consider a strategy which results from a two-regime pricing model. This continuous-time equilibrium model reflects the observation that prices of oil futures exhibit a very different behavior for low and high oil prices. Our empirical study shows that time diversification is the dominant effect for an effective hedging of long-term oil forwards with short-term futures. JEL classification G13, G30  相似文献   

This paper suggests perfect hedging strategies of contingent claims under stochastic volatility and random jumps of the underlying asset price. This is done by enlarging the market with appropriate swaps whose pay-offs depend on higher order sample moments of the asset price process. Using European options and variance swaps, as well as barrier options written on the S&P 500 index, the paper provides clear cut evidence that hedging strategies employing variance and higher order moment swaps considerably improves upon the performance of traditional delta hedging strategies. Inclusion of the third-order moment swap improves upon the performance of variance swap-based strategies to hedge against random jumps. This result is more profound for short-term out-of-the money put options.  相似文献   

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