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传统经济学基于人的理性选择行为构建了理论大厦。然而,行为经济学证实了大量的非理性选择行为的存在。启动效应作为人类选择行为一个重要的现象,心理学界首先给予关注,与实验经济学和市场学进一步融合后,研究成果深化了对个体选择行为和公共政策信息感知及行为的认知。本文通过梳理国内外的相关文献,从产品线索、情境因素、消费者自身因素三个方面对消费者启动效应的影响因素进行了系统的评介,旨在促进消费者启动效应的应用和研究。  相似文献   

金融市场化与个体非理性选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何大安 《经济学家》2005,80(3):101-106
金融市场化引发了投资选择行为的不确定性。个体在金融市场化进程中的非理性选择行为是由政策、信息和环境等不确定性导致的。本文简要分析了新古典经济学和行为经济学有关理性选择和非理性选择的基本思想,通过对金融市场中的个体非理性选择一般模型的分析.重点探讨了金融市场化进程中的个体非理性选择受政策因素影响的复合函数模型,力图在理论层次上概要说明金融市场化进程中的个体非理性选择的成因过程及其机理。  相似文献   

行为经济学表明,在不确定条件下人们的选择会系统偏离理性。文章提出在行为经济学框架下,个体在追求效用最大化行为的同时,必须考虑他人的选择。行为经济学重视对人的非理性行为的研究,打破了传统经济学的界限。行为经济学将心理学研究视角与经济学结合起来,修正了传统经济学基本假设和研究方法的一些不足。行为经济学的发展对传统经济学不仅仅提出了挑战,更重要的贡献是对传统经济学进行了补充和拓展。  相似文献   

选择的两难:基于心理学视角的消费者选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消费者选择具有复杂性,该文从心理学角度,把消费者的行为分为“主观的自我”和“客观的自我”两部分。在此基础上,通过案例研究和理论分析,特别是引入了“心理价值函数”,对消费者选择的许多“非理性”做出了合理解释,并说明在消费者选择的理论研究中不能仅仅基于经济学所给出的假设。  相似文献   

会计舞弊由来已久,传统经济学以完全理性为出发点,对会计舞弊的成因进行分析,却忽视了心理因素对行为人的影响。本文应用行为经济学,从舞弊决策的理性与非理性的界定入手,以行为人有限理性为基础阐明了前景理论模型在研究舞弊决策这一问题上的适用性,揭示会计舞弊产生的内在机理,为会计舞弊研究提供了一个崭新的视角,具有重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

企业中的人性假设   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
林志扬 《经济管理》2002,(20):22-27
本文对经济学理论和管理学理论关于人性假设的理论进行比较分析,认为两门科学因为研究的目的不同,因此对人的本性就有不同的假设。论文比较分析了管理学中不同的假设的异同点,提出了西蒙等人提出“有限理性人”认识是“客观有限理性”、而人由于情感与心理方面的原因而表现出来的非理性行为是“主观有限理性”的观点,在此分析的基础上,认为应在企业中形成这样一种机制:它能激发每个企业成员的工作积极性-识别和满足企业成员的各种不同需要,使个人的目标能得到实现;又能约束和规范每个成员的行为-使个人的行为在满足个人目标实现的同时,有利于企业整体目标的实现。  相似文献   

政府产业管制中的非理性倾向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何圣东 《经济学家》2007,2(3):81-86
关于政府产业管制的行为属性的分析和研究,学术界通常是从理性的角度看待问题的.其实,从有些方面来观察政府的产业管制行为,政府管制行为中经常蕴涵着非理性的倾向.本文拟在对政府非理性行为及其属性作出解说的基础上,分析政府非理性行为倾向的形成机理,并在一定程度上联系政府产业管制的现实选择来说明这种非理性行为倾向对政策制定所产生的影响,从而对政府管制自然垄断产业提出一些可供探讨的观点.认识政府行为的非理性倾向,无疑对于理解政策的行为底蕴有着重要意义.  相似文献   

从选择到契约:作为治理结构的企业理论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
威廉姆森主张从选择砚角转向契约视角,对企业组织理论进行研究。他针对理性体系中的宏观组织理论,提出了从组织理论到契约经济学的五个内容:(1)在更现实的条件下对人类行为者进行描述;(2)对所有重要的行为规范保持警觉;(3)治理的替代模式具有分立的结构方式;(4)多数属于微观分析法的行为分析;(5)合作适应性的重要性。最后,威廉姆森认为,采用契约视角来分析企业组织,就很自然地要求对企业进行重新的定义,作者认为,企业不是作为选择理论传统所说的一种生产功能出现的,而是作为一种治理结构出现的。  相似文献   

本文引入风险度量的经济学理性概念:一种风险度量方法为经济学理性的是指,这种方法对风险的度量结果与经济学中理性人对风险的排序结果相一致,采用这种方法度量风险的决策者,其决策结果也是经济学理性的。本文从风险状态下的决策理论出发,论证了在银行监管问题上,经济学理性的风险度量方法需要满足的条件。结合银行资本充足率监管的演进趋势,比较了几种重要的风险度量方法,并提出了一种经济学理性的、符合银行监管需要的风险度量方法。  相似文献   

传统经济理论假定个体服从理性判断,遵循选择逻辑,并据此演绎出个体行为选择分析的两种方法.但无论是基于偏好法的效用理论还是反其道而行的显示偏好理论,本质上均无法解释清楚现实中的个体选择何以是丰富多彩的.本文引入偏好分层理论,构建“偏好-行为”分析框架,认为个体偏好可以分为内核层、基本层、表象层和行为层四个层次,该分层的偏好体系决定了个体的知识结构,而特定的知识结构将对个体行为进行损益分析,促使个体做出策略选择并付诸行动.这一理论重新解释微观行动主体在不同场景下的行为选择问题,能够较好地解释现实经济活动中个体的目标驱动行为和规则遵循行为,从而避免新古典经济学效用分析法和显示偏好法在解释个体行为上的局限.  相似文献   

现实的丰富多变和人性的复杂使得并非一切行为都是理性的,即使在一个行动内或决策中,理性与非理性的标准也是模糊的,没有纯粹的理性,也没有单一的非理性。本文基于理性和非理性选择在中国市场化进程中的角色演绎,肃清了传统上对理性和非理性存在的认识误区。进一步提出在理性主导下进行非理性选择,在非理性中纳入理性思考;借助于由意愿和能力两个变量构造的支付矩阵,分析了理性与非理性在市场中耦合的可行性。最后探讨了为这种可行性提供有效保障的耦合点即激励与约束相容的制度建设,保障对理性、非理性中积极因素的引导、奖励,对消极因素的约束、惩罚,使人们在理性与非理性相结合的内在激励与约束下所做出的决策与他们对市场的预期一致,与该制度期望达到的目标相符。  相似文献   

传统经济学中的消费者选择理论中的效用函数只考虑了商品数量对效用的影响,而在品牌时代,随着可供选择的多样化,消费者在选择数量之前必然首先对品牌做出选择。因此可分两步来构建消费者选择理论:第一步是研究品牌与选择行为,消费者依据约束条件下选择成本最小化原则进行品牌选择;第二步是数量与选择行为,消费者依据约束条件下的效用最大化原则进行数量选择。将这两方面结合起来,可以重新构建品牌时代较为完整的消费者选择理论。  相似文献   

Modern economics understands utility from the concept of decision utility inferred from individual choice making. It explains agents' decisions or choices in turn by the paradigm of utility maximizing. From our perspective, however, this is a fatal mistake because economic agents do not always choose what they really want in order to maintain their "self-value." In fact, subjects are never neutral. When agents are not able to obtain something they want, they downplay its desirability in order to get psychological satisfaction. But when they are forced to accept what they do not want, they try to rationalize that they really did want it, again in order to save face. Although such "irrational" behavior may decrease economic utility, it gives agents psychological satisfaction and subjective comfort, thus increasing their immaterial utility. In this sense, agents remain rational when conducting such behaviors, even though they run directly contrary to neoclassical rationality concepts.  相似文献   

In repeated choice modelling studies, it is often the case that individuals always select the status quo option. Although this pattern may reflect considered choices, they may also be the result of alternative decisions about whether to participate in the choice process at all. Alternative methods of dealing with this behaviour, each with associated implications for estimates of economic values, are presented. In particular we consider the alternative strategies of excluding such individuals from the data, using hurdle models to explicitly model this group, and propose the use of latent class models to endogenously allow for different preference structures. An advantage of the latent class approach is that the form of the non-participation need not be defined in advance. These approaches are considered using UK choice experiment data on food choices where the attributes include genetic modification of food. The latent class approach reveals the presence of two forms of non-participation in the data. This paper draws work commissioned by UK Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA). The views presented in this paper are those of the authors alone and should not be regarded as those of DEFRA or of individuals within DEFRA.  相似文献   

The market stall, or valuation workshop, has recently been proposed as a way of addressing some of the limitations of conventional stated preference analysis. In this paper, we attempt to combine a participatory technique similar to the “citizens' jury” with choice modelling, a stated preference technique increasingly being applied in environmental economics. Our focus is on how changes in the context of decision-making (between choices made in isolation and those made in a group setting, and between choices made on individual well being versus collective criteria) produce differences in estimated welfare measures. The empirical context used is that of water quality improvements under the Water Framework Directive, the most significant reform in water legislation in the European Union for many years. We find that the choice experiment format can be successfully implemented in a valuation workshop and that moving from individual to collective choice produces, in this instance, a rather interesting change in both values and preferences which depends on the respondent's interests.  相似文献   

The Wason card selection and the Tversky &; Kahneman frame anomaly are examined in the context of a probabilistic, constructivist biological model of decision-making. Rational choice requires that decision-makers understand the meaning of the choices they confront. In fact, the determination of meaning and the process of rational choice represent two sides the same coin. Further, perception, cognition and action are ill-posed problems. To solve these problems ‘missing data’ must be supplied by the brain. This data is acquired by both ontogenetic and phylogenetic processes. These evolutionary processes facilitate the determination of meaning and as a product of that process also facilitate the construction of rationality. Two interrelated brain systems involved in this construction process are examined: an emotional system that rapidly and non-consciously assigns reward expectancy values to objects in the environment and a sensory-motor system that participates in the discovery of more general information that facilitates environment/body interactions. Jointly, these systems help a naïve agent to find ‘meaning in an unlabeled world’ and to predict the outcomes of future interactions with that world by supplying ‘background’ information, i.e., by supplying the missing data necessary for rational choice. This ‘background’ represents the imprint of the statistical structure of the world on the brain and, as such, embodies the individual’s Bayesian priors. Lack of sufficient background capacities can result in systematic judgment errors and seemingly irrational decisions. Complex culture is a key aspect of the environment that facilitates the construction of rationality, in part, by becoming internalized as background. Culture facilitates the creation of complex social constructs that contribute to cultural evolution, reduce uncertainty, and increase rationality; however, cultural evolution can get ahead of itself—potentially leading to background failure and errors in judgment and choice. Finally, it is not simply complexity or lack of hands-on experience that lead to error: an additional component that might be called semantic opacity is necessary.  相似文献   

产权理论分析与财务管理目标的现实选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邵勤 《经济与管理》2004,18(8):86-87
财务管理目标的选择基于企业理论的选择,现代企业理论中有两个主要的学术派别,即新古典产权学派和利益相关者学派。新古典产权学派影响下的财务管理目标过分强调出资者的利益,无法解释企业分享制日趋发展的现实,也无法适应以人为本管理思想的需要;利益相关者学派影响下的财务管理目标在可操作性方面存在难以逾越的缺陷。财务管理目标的现实选择应是股东主导下的利益相关者财富最大化。  相似文献   

Research on voting, particularly on legislative behavior, tends to focus on the choices of those casting ballots. Yet, intuitively, abstentions and vote choice should be jointly determined. As such, the relevance of participation depends upon both the extent to which it can be explained by the costs and the benefits of voting and on the nature of the interactions between participation and preferences. To this end, we provide a framework for explaining roll call behavior that simultaneously considers legislators' decisions about whether and how to vote. Application to roll call voting in the 104th Congress finds that abstention and voting choices are integrated; our approach generates sensible and substantively important results which yield important insights into legislative behavior and public policy.  相似文献   

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